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Partition Magic
- Top 5 Quick Fixes for the Feedback Required Instagram Error
By Amy | Follow |
Last Updated December 22, 2022
You may encounter the feedback required Instagram error while using Instagram. Though it might be a temporary error, it is still confusing. Well, MiniTool would share some troubleshooting methods with you in this post.
Feedback Required Instagram: Error Messages, Reasons, and Impacts
The feedback required Instagram error usually comes with the error message “feedback_required”, “Sorry, we couldn’t complete your request. Please try again in a moment”, or “Server error feedback required”. The error happens because your Instagram account has been flagged as a robot or the server is overloaded. It also prompts if you perform actions too fast and don’t use a proxy on AYS.
After the feedback required Instagram error occurs, Instagram will temporarily block your IP address. Furthermore, you will receive temporary restrictions from using Instagram features like posting, following, unfollowing, etc. The feedback required Instagram login error will disappear between 30 minutes and 24 hours.
However, if it is not the first time you receive the message, you need to wait for more time. Then you need to take some actions to solve the issue.
Solution 1: Clear Data Cache
Clearing the cache data is a good way to solve issues with apps. Here’s how to do that on your Android device.
Step 1: Open the Settings menu on your phone.
Step 2: Tap Apps > Manage Apps.
Step 3: Find and tap Instagram to open its information.
Step 4: Click Clear Data and then choose Clear Cache. After clearing the data, check if the Instagram feedback required error is solved
If you want to clear data cache on an iOS device, you need to make use of the Offload App feature as the device doesn’t have an option to clear the data. The Offload App clears all the cached data and reinstalls the app. Here are the steps for using it.
Step 1: Open Settings and then click General.
Step 2: Tap iPhone Storage and then choose Instagram.
Step 3: Click on the Offload app option and then click on it to confirm.
Step 4: Click the Reinstall app option. After the app is installed again, log into your account to see if the feedback_required Instagram error still persists.
Solution 2: Switch Network Type
As said before, your IP address will be blocked temporarily. Then you can switch your network type to change the IP address. If the currently connected network is Wi-Fi, switch to the cellular network. If the current network is cellular, switch to Wi-Fi instead.
You can change the IP address of your device by using a VPN. To get rid of the feedback required Instagram login error, try using another device to log into the account.
Solution 3: Check the Status of the Instagram Server
You can check if the Instagram server is down using websites like DownDetector and IstheServiceDown. Here, we use DownDetector.
Step 1: Navigate to the https://downdetector.hk/ website.
Step 2: Scroll down the web page to find and click Instagram.
Step 3: Then you can view the Instagram outages in the last 24 hours. If the server is down, wait for some time.
Solution 4: Decrease Activity
The Server Error Feedback Required error would prompt if you have exceeded the same action in a short period. Hence, you should decrease your activity for a while to get the error solved.
Solution 5: Uninstall and Reinstall Instagram
Uninstall Instagram if the feedback_required Instagram error still persists after trying the above solutions. Actually, this operation solves most issues with an app.
Step 1: Uninstall Instagram from your device.
Step 2: Restart your device and then go to Play Store or App Store.
Step 3: Search Instagram in the search box and press Enter.
Step 4: Install the app on your device and log into the account.
About The Author
Position: Columnist
Having writing articles about computer tech for a long time, I am rather experienced especially on the aspect of computer optimization, PC enhancement, as well as tech terms explanation. The habit of looking through tech forums makes me a great computer issues collector. And then, many articles related to these issues are released, which benefit plenty of users. Professional, effective, and innovative are always the pursuit of an editing worker.
Приложение, насчитывающее более миллиарда пользователей по всему миру, время от времени дает сбои, что, конечно же, очень расстраивает многих. От не загружающихся сторис до невозможности войти в систему — существует целый ряд ошибок, которые часто возникают в Instagram.
Многие пользователи обращались в Twitter, чтобы сообщить, что их приложение не работает из-за ошибки Feedback required». Эта странная ошибка затрагивает как пользователей iPhone, так и пользователей Android по всему миру.
Давайте выясним, что происходит, и рассмотрим некоторые возможные исправления.
Тысячи пользователей Instagram в США, Европе и многих других регионах сообщают об ошибках в популярном приложении для обмена фотографиями. При попытке войти в систему многие получают сообщение «feedback_required».
Странная ошибка не дает пользователям войти в систему, что означает полную невозможность получить доступ к своей учетной записи. Затем у многих пользователей появляется всплывающее окно с надписью «извините, вы не смогли войти в систему».
Почему возникает ошибка «Feedback required» ?
Похоже, что Instagram не устранил глобальный сбой, но это явно ошибка в приложении. Она обычно появляется, когда Instagram не работает и возникают проблемы с сервером.
Сообщение об ошибке может показываться при всех видах взаимодействия в Instagram, от входа в систему до попытки просмотра постов.
С вашим телефоном или WiFi все в порядке, просто серверы Instagram не работают, что вызывает досадный сбой в вашем аккаунте. Ошибки очень распространены на сайтах социальных сетей, таких как Facebook, Instagram и Twitter, которые часто имеют перебои в работе из-за огромного количества пользователей.
Это действительно раздражает, но, к сожалению, вы мало что можете сделать. Как и со всеми сбоями в Интернете, нет быстрого решения, чтобы ваше приложение снова заработало. Команда технических специалистов Instagram, скорее всего, уже знает о проблеме и работает над исправлением приложения. Таким образом, оно должно снова заработать через несколько часов.
Однако, если вы не можете набраться терпения, попробуйте применить приведенные ниже советы, чтобы попытаться исправить работу вашего приложения.
Пять возможных исправлений ошибки «Feedback required»
- Закройте приложение и откройте его снова .
Во-первых, попробуйте полностью закрыть приложение. На iPhone можно сделать это, проведя пальцем вверх по главной странице.
- Выйдите из приложения.
Некоторые пользователи сообщают, что выход из приложения и повторный вход в него исправили работу их Instagram.
- Удалите приложение.
Вы также можете попробовать удалить приложение, а затем повторно загрузить его из App Store.
- Убедитесь, что вы используете самую последнюю версию.
Зайдите в свой App Store и проверьте, нет ли доступных обновлений Instagram.
- Выключите телефон.
Это самый старый трюк, но иногда все, что вам нужно сделать — выключить и снова включить телефон.
- Переключитесь с Wi-Fi на мобильные данные.
Проблема обычно не связана с вашим телефоном, и тем не менее, переключение с WiFi на 4G или 5G иногда помогает устранить ошибку.
Ошибка «Feedback required» как правило, возникает только в мобильном приложении, поэтому если ничего из перечисленного не помогает, вы можете просто пользоваться своим аккаунтом через браузер компьютера, пока приложение не будет исправлено.
- Partition Wizard
- Partition Magic
- Top 5 Quick Fixes for the Feedback Required Instagram Error
By Amy | Follow |
Last Updated December 22, 2022
You may encounter the feedback required Instagram error while using Instagram. Though it might be a temporary error, it is still confusing. Well, MiniTool would share some troubleshooting methods with you in this post.
Feedback Required Instagram: Error Messages, Reasons, and Impacts
The feedback required Instagram error usually comes with the error message “feedback_required”, “Sorry, we couldn’t complete your request. Please try again in a moment”, or “Server error feedback required”. The error happens because your Instagram account has been flagged as a robot or the server is overloaded. It also prompts if you perform actions too fast and don’t use a proxy on AYS.
After the feedback required Instagram error occurs, Instagram will temporarily block your IP address. Furthermore, you will receive temporary restrictions from using Instagram features like posting, following, unfollowing, etc. The feedback required Instagram login error will disappear between 30 minutes and 24 hours.
However, if it is not the first time you receive the message, you need to wait for more time. Then you need to take some actions to solve the issue.
Solution 1: Clear Data Cache
Clearing the cache data is a good way to solve issues with apps. Here’s how to do that on your Android device.
Step 1: Open the Settings menu on your phone.
Step 2: Tap Apps > Manage Apps.
Step 3: Find and tap Instagram to open its information.
Step 4: Click Clear Data and then choose Clear Cache. After clearing the data, check if the Instagram feedback required error is solved
If you want to clear data cache on an iOS device, you need to make use of the Offload App feature as the device doesn’t have an option to clear the data. The Offload App clears all the cached data and reinstalls the app. Here are the steps for using it.
Step 1: Open Settings and then click General.
Step 2: Tap iPhone Storage and then choose Instagram.
Step 3: Click on the Offload app option and then click on it to confirm.
Step 4: Click the Reinstall app option. After the app is installed again, log into your account to see if the feedback_required Instagram error still persists.
Solution 2: Switch Network Type
As said before, your IP address will be blocked temporarily. Then you can switch your network type to change the IP address. If the currently connected network is Wi-Fi, switch to the cellular network. If the current network is cellular, switch to Wi-Fi instead.
You can change the IP address of your device by using a VPN. To get rid of the feedback required Instagram login error, try using another device to log into the account.
Solution 3: Check the Status of the Instagram Server
You can check if the Instagram server is down using websites like DownDetector and IstheServiceDown. Here, we use DownDetector.
Step 1: Navigate to the https://downdetector.hk/ website.
Step 2: Scroll down the web page to find and click Instagram.
Step 3: Then you can view the Instagram outages in the last 24 hours. If the server is down, wait for some time.
Solution 4: Decrease Activity
The Server Error Feedback Required error would prompt if you have exceeded the same action in a short period. Hence, you should decrease your activity for a while to get the error solved.
Solution 5: Uninstall and Reinstall Instagram
Uninstall Instagram if the feedback_required Instagram error still persists after trying the above solutions. Actually, this operation solves most issues with an app.
Step 1: Uninstall Instagram from your device.
Step 2: Restart your device and then go to Play Store or App Store.
Step 3: Search Instagram in the search box and press Enter.
Step 4: Install the app on your device and log into the account.
About The Author
Position: Columnist
Having writing articles about computer tech for a long time, I am rather experienced especially on the aspect of computer optimization, PC enhancement, as well as tech terms explanation. The habit of looking through tech forums makes me a great computer issues collector. And then, many articles related to these issues are released, which benefit plenty of users. Professional, effective, and innovative are always the pursuit of an editing worker.
На чтение 2 мин Просмотров 14.4к. Опубликовано 07.08.2022
Смартфоны пользуются сейчас большой популярностью, так что они есть почти у каждого человека. Первые мобильные телефоны шли по направлению уменьшения размера. Как только был достигнут минимальный размер, то им начали добавлять функциональности. Произошел обратный маневр и гаджеты стали увеличиваться в размерах, потому что так можно было добавить больше всего в небольшой корпус.
Тем не менее, большие телефоны стоят дешевле, чем такие же по характеристикам, но в маленьком формате. Главное теперь – это функциональность. Она определяется тем, что телефон умеет прямо из коробки, а что на него можно установить.
Вот только большинство приложений имеют разных разработчиков, так что ошибки и накладки неизбежны.
Instagram — американская социальная сеть для обмена фотографиями и видео, основанная Кевином Систромом и Майком Кригером. В апреле 2012 года компания Facebook Inc. (ныне Meta) приобрела сервис примерно за 1 миллиард долларов США наличными и акциями.
Сеть прославилась тем, что там было очень удобно выставлять фотографии, редактировать их, а также расставлять метки и тэги. Благодаря этому стало достаточно просто найти что-то интересное для вас или показать свою фотографию в тематических подборках.
Из-за удобства и новизны, эта социальная сеть росла очень быстро после своего появления, там начали появляться фотографы, магазины и мастера ручной работы.
Ошибка Feedback Required в Инстаграм на Айфоне бывает нескольких видов. Первый из них feedback_required сообщение об ошибке, в то время, как второй Server error feedback required.
В любом случае вы будете временно ограничены в использовании одной или нескольких функций Instagram. Это включает в себя вход в систему, отметку лайков, публикацию и многое другое.
Короче говоря, вы получаете Feedback Required ошибку в Instagram, потому что вы, скорее всего, слишком много раз выполняли одно и то же действие.
В общем, программа посчитала вас роботом, потому что вы много раз сделали какое-то однотипное действие. Например, пролайкали от начала до самого конца всю ленту.
Хотя, это должна быть действительно длинная лента, чтобы сработали ограничители. Могло быть и несколько одинаковых действий при разных заходах.
Способов решения несколько: перезайдите через другую сеть, подождите несколько суток, удалите инстаграм и переустановите его не раньше, чем через сутки.
Written by: Hrishikesh Pardeshi, Founder at Flexiple, buildd & Remote Tools.
Last updated: Jan 19, 2023
The Feedback required error on Instagram is one of the most common errors Instagram users face & the reasons are plenty.
If you’re an avid user of Instagram & if you’ve faced this issue in the past, or if you want to fix it when you face one in the future, this post is for you.
TL;DR & Summary
Your data on Instagram is valuable for several phishers. These bad guys use bots to scrape that information from Instagram. To avoid that, Instagram by design lays some restrictions on users who show unusual activities.
Even though it’s not a bot who’s trying to use the profile, Instagram will still lay the restrictions and will not you to confirm your humanity. In most cases, your IP address would be temporarily blocked. This can be fixed by switching to mobile data.
We have compiled 8 ways to fix the feedback_required error message:
- Switch wifi network
- Reinstall Instagram
- Access Instagram on a web browser
- Check the server status
- Clear the cache (offload on iPhone)
- Reduce your activity on Instagram
- Check for warning emails from Instagram
- Update the app
Related: Explore top 10 stalker apps for Instagram
Table of Contents
- What is the feedback_required error message?
- How to fix feedback_required on Instagram?
- Frequently Asked Questions
What is the feedback_required error message?
The error isn’t something to worry about. This is a safety measure for your Instagram profile & to reduce the load on the servers. The Instagram system thinks that you’re a bot & want to confirm the same.
How to fix feedback_required on Instagram?
We have compiled multiple ways to fix the feedback required error message:
#1 Switch Wifi network
If your internet connection is poor, you might face server error feedback. Try to switch to mobile data to access the Instagram app. If there’s any issue with the wifi, this should fix your connection with Instagram’s servers.
#2 Reinstall Instagram after 48 hours
Uninstall Instagram to clear any caching issues that you might have with the app. Uninstalling won’t delete your Instagram account, it will simply refresh the connection of your device with the Instagram server.
Warning: Uninstalling Instagram will delete all your drafts.
If Instagram feedback required error is actually caused because of any caching issues, this should solve it. We recommend installing after 48 hours to avoid any login errors. Since this is a temporary error, your connection with the Instagram server should refresh after this.
#3 Try to access Instagram on a web browser
Instagram is a mobile-first social media app. The experience would be slow, but trying to access Instagram on a mobile web browser should do the job. The server error «feedback required» should be fixed on a mobile web browser.
To check if things are working on the web browser, check if the home feed is loading. If you see «Instagram couldn’t refresh feed», then there’s something wrong for sure.
#4 Check Instagram’s server status
Use Downdetector to check any issues reported by Instagram users.
#5 Clear cache data
Clearing cache is available only on android devices. If you own an iPhone, offload the app to clear the temporary error that might have been. «Offload App» works on any apple device. «Offload app» and «clear cache» is fundamentally the same action.
On Android, long press on the Instagram app, tap App info, then tap on Clear data to clear the Instagram cache.
#6 Decrease your activity on Instagram
If you’re an avid user of Instagram, you may need to reduce the amount of time you spend on the platform. Overspending your time on Instagram may trigger frustrating errors like «Instagram feedback required». Give yourself a break and explore the real world for a change.
When too many people spend too much of their time on Instagram, it increases the load on Instagram’s servers. This will impact everyone on the platform irrespective of how much time they spend. To reduce the load on their servers, Instagram imposes such errors.
If you have an Android device, you can check the time you spend on each app under Digital Wellbeing settings. «Go to Settings» & look for «Digital Wellbeing & parental controls». Then tap «Dashboards» to see your history of usage.
on iPhone & iPad, go to «Settings», look for «Screen time» & configure the time you spend on apps.
#7 Check for emails from Instagram
If you’ve breached Instagram’s community guidelines, you’d receive emails from Instagram which you can check within the Instagram app.
Go to your Instagram profile, tap on your profile picture, then tap the burger menu in the top right corner. Tap Settings & the Emails from Instagram.
You can view the emails from Instagram on your desktop as well.
#8 Update Instagram
Check if you have the latest Instagram version. If you don’t regularly update the apps you’ve installed, turn on the auto updates.
Not using the latest version might be causing frustrating errors while using the app. Instagram always works to improve the experience and not updating will result in having a faulty app on your smartphone.
Consider auto-updating apps on your iPhone or Android.
On iPhone/iPad:
Go to «Settings», search for App Store & turn on the «App Updates» toggle
On Android devices:
Open the Google Play store, and tap on your profile in the top right corner. Then tap on «Settings», then «Network preferences» & opt for auto updates as per your preference.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is it showing feedback required on Instagram?
It’s an error code that shows up when Instagram suspects that it’s a bot that’s using your account. It means that Instagram gas temporarily blocked your access to the platform to prevent spam.
It’s a safety measure laid out by Instagram to reduce the load on their servers whenever required. You will see the feedback required error when there’s any unusual activity or when you’ve overused the platform.
What do you need to fix the feedback required?
Try to uninstall Instagram & install it after 48 hours. If you face a login error after you install it, try to access Instagram on a mobile web browser.
How do I fix the feedback required on Instagram?
This is a security measure laid out by Instagram to reduce the load on their servers. Try to access Instagram from a web browser or clear the cache to remove the temporary files.
Why is Instagram saying feedback is required when I try to log in?
It’s a temporary block laid by Instagram to prevent spam on the platform. Wait for a short period of time & give a fresh start to the app by clearing the cache or reinstalling Instagram. Many users find this helpful. If you’ve visited only to view posts, you can use Instagram on a web mobile browser.
How do you fix Instagram feedback on iPhones?
When you try to log in multiple times on Instagram, you might face this issue. Try to refresh your internet connection & use a cellular network to access Instagram. Your wi-fi IP address might have been temporarily blocked.
‘Attention! Feedback Required!’ How much this error message creeps you out during your Instagram binging? Well, I’ve got a range of ways to fix this error. Read through this article to know insightful information about ‘Feedback Required on Instagram‘ error and how to fix it in 5 easy ways.
Though Instagram can never be considered enough with its bundle of reels, stories, and posts; the uninvited bugs is real trouble in the smooth scrolling. Be it the ‘Challenge Required’ error or the ‘Feedback Required’ error, every error is a problem.
Head on through this article and see how to fix Feedback Required on Instagram in 5 easy ways. You can get away with this error easily so go ahead and resolve the issue now.
Explained Feedback Required on Instagram
The sudden “Feedback required” pop-up is a real mess for Instagram users today. But what does it mean?
To answer that, this “Feedback Required” is an error message that flashes on your screen when the users conduct some actions multiple times. This error message pauses certain actions of users temporarily and disables the IP address.
It generally flashes when you perform some of the actions excessively. When it occurs, the users are limited to some of the deeds like they cannot like each other’s posts on Instagram, share stories, or scroll through the feed.
The reasons for this ‘Feedback Required’ error are:
- Bug or a glitch within the app.
- Account you are interacting with might have blocked you.
- Performing actions continuously and haphazardly.
- Spammy posts are posted onto the account.
Also, read Instagram Comments Not Loading | 4 Reasons and 6 Fixes
How To Fix Feedback Required on Instagram | 5 Methods
Further are the ways to fix Feedback Required on Instagram. Go on and see what are the ways you can avoid such a temporary pause to your operations:
1. Switch to a Stable Network
The first thing you need to try to fix ‘Feedback Required’ on Instagram is to switch to a stable network. If you are using a WIFI, switch to a mobile network or the other way round to change the IP address and further access Instagram.
2. Give the Error Some Time to Recover
As the Feedback Required error shows up, allow the error to recover itself and unblock the IP address organically. Generally, the app takes 24 to 48 hours to recover the issues and enable the Instagram features.
Also, read New Buzz: Instagram to Test New Repost Feature For the Main Feed
3. Access Your Data
Another way to fix ‘Feedback Required’ on Instagram is by heading to the Instagram settings and further clicking on the access data option to fix the issue and unblocking the IP address.
4. Change IP Address With A VPN
The whole grind behind fixing the ‘Feedback Required’ on Instagram is by changing the IP address. Download a VPN from the play store and further switch to another country to update your IP address.
5. Reinstall Instagram
The last method that would definitely fix your ‘Feedback Required’ on Instagram error is by uninstalling Instagram and reinstalling it all over again. Relogin to your account and see whether this fixes your error.
This is it! Try out the methods and see which one comes to your rescue today.
Also, read How to Fix Instagram Share to Facebook Stopped Working [Updated]
Watch How to Fix ‘Feedback Required’ Error on Instagram
Wrapping Up
Instagram is wholesome fun and thrill all along its usage, and to stick to such a bundle of joy, you must take every possible method to fix the errors. Try out the above methods to fix Feedback Required on Instagram issue and see which one works the best for you today.
Path of EX is an open space. Come along if you have any doubts and we will get back to you asap.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the ‘Feedback Required’ Error on Instagram?
Feedback Required error is an error that puts a halt to certain actions of the user like scrolling through the feed or liking the post.
2. How to fix ‘Feedback Required’ on Instagram?
Here’s how to fix ‘Feedback Required’ on Instagram:
1. Stable Network
2. Updating VPN
3. Allow the error to fix organically
4. Enable ‘Access Data’
5. Reinstall Instagram
На чтение 2 мин Просмотров 14.5к. Опубликовано 07.08.2022
Смартфоны пользуются сейчас большой популярностью, так что они есть почти у каждого человека. Первые мобильные телефоны шли по направлению уменьшения размера. Как только был достигнут минимальный размер, то им начали добавлять функциональности. Произошел обратный маневр и гаджеты стали увеличиваться в размерах, потому что так можно было добавить больше всего в небольшой корпус.
Тем не менее, большие телефоны стоят дешевле, чем такие же по характеристикам, но в маленьком формате. Главное теперь – это функциональность. Она определяется тем, что телефон умеет прямо из коробки, а что на него можно установить.
Вот только большинство приложений имеют разных разработчиков, так что ошибки и накладки неизбежны.
Instagram — американская социальная сеть для обмена фотографиями и видео, основанная Кевином Систромом и Майком Кригером. В апреле 2012 года компания Facebook Inc. (ныне Meta) приобрела сервис примерно за 1 миллиард долларов США наличными и акциями.
Сеть прославилась тем, что там было очень удобно выставлять фотографии, редактировать их, а также расставлять метки и тэги. Благодаря этому стало достаточно просто найти что-то интересное для вас или показать свою фотографию в тематических подборках.
Из-за удобства и новизны, эта социальная сеть росла очень быстро после своего появления, там начали появляться фотографы, магазины и мастера ручной работы.
Ошибка Feedback Required в Инстаграм на Айфоне бывает нескольких видов. Первый из них feedback_required сообщение об ошибке, в то время, как второй Server error feedback required.
В любом случае вы будете временно ограничены в использовании одной или нескольких функций Instagram. Это включает в себя вход в систему, отметку лайков, публикацию и многое другое.
Короче говоря, вы получаете Feedback Required ошибку в Instagram, потому что вы, скорее всего, слишком много раз выполняли одно и то же действие.
В общем, программа посчитала вас роботом, потому что вы много раз сделали какое-то однотипное действие. Например, пролайкали от начала до самого конца всю ленту.
Хотя, это должна быть действительно длинная лента, чтобы сработали ограничители. Могло быть и несколько одинаковых действий при разных заходах.
Способов решения несколько: перезайдите через другую сеть, подождите несколько суток, удалите инстаграм и переустановите его не раньше, чем через сутки.
Are you getting a Feedback Required error on Instagram?
The error has a couple of variations.
The first one is the “feedback_required” error message while the second one is “Server error feedback required”.
Either way, you’ll be temporarily restricted from using one or more of Instagram’s features.
This includes logging in, liking posts, posting, and more.
In a nutshell, you’re receiving the “Feedback Required” error on Instagram because you’ve most likely carried out the same action too many times.
As a result, Instagram has temporarily blocked your IP address (because they think that you’re a bot).
In this guide, you’ll learn how to fix the “Feedback Required” error using 3 simple methods.
To fix Feedback Required on Instagram, you can either switch from WiFi to a cellular network (and vice-versa) or access your data on Instagram.
Alternatively, you can uninstall Instagram and reinstall it after 24 to 48 hours.
The “feedback_required” error on Instagram is a temporary error.
It can also mean that Instagram is down (you can check this from the Down Detector website or on Twitter)
Hence, it will be automatically lifted after some time.
It usually takes 24 to 48 hours for the error message to be lifted.
If you don’t want to wait, you can try switching from WiFi to a cellular network and vice-versa.
This will change your IP address and lift the “feedback_required” error.
Another method that worked for other users is by accessing your data on Instagram.
By accessing your data and letting it load, the “feedback_required” error will be fixed.
Here are 3 methods to fix Feedback Required on Instagram:
- Method 1: Switch from WiFi to cellular network and vice-versa
- Method 2: Access your data on Instagram
- Method 3: Uninstall Instagram and reinstall it after 24 to 48 hours
Method 1: Switch from WiFi to cellular network and vice-versa

The first method is to switch from WiFi to a cellular network.
If you’re already using a cellular network, you need to switch to a WiFi network instead.
You can also try connecting to a VPN.
When you get the “feedback_required” error on Instagram, it means that your IP address is temporarily blocked.
By switching your network, your IP address will be changed.
Hence, the “feedback_required” error will be lifted.
If you’re using an iPhone, swipe up from the bottom of your screen and tap on the WiFi icon to turn on or off WiFi.
After you’ve switched your network, force-close the Instagram app and re-open it.
This time, the “feedback_required” error should be gone.
If this method doesn’t work, you can try the second or third method.
Method 2: Access your data on Instagram
The second method is to access your data on Instagram.
Many users reported that the “feedback_required” error was fixed after they accessed their data on Instagram.
To do so, navigate to your Instagram profile > Menu > Settings > Security > Access data.
This is a weird fix, but it worked for many users.
Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do this:
1. Go to your Instagram profile and tap on the menu

Firstly, open the Instagram app and log in to your account.
Once you’re on Instagram, tap on your profile picture on the bottom navigation bar.
After you’ve tapped on your profile picture, you’ll land on your Instagram profile.
Now, tap on the menu icon on the top navigation bar.
2. Tap on “Settings”

After you’ve tapped on the menu icon, the menu will open.
The menu contains multiple options.
This includes “Settings”, “Archive”, “Your activity”, and more.
Tap on “Settings” to go to your settings.
3. Tap on “Security”

After you’ve tapped on “Settings”, you’ll land on the settings page.
On the settings page, you’ll see multiple options.
This includes “Privacy”, “Security”, “Payments”, and more.
Tap on “Security” to go to your security settings.
4. Access your data and let it load

After you’ve tapped on “Security”, you’ll land on your security settings.
On your security settings, you’ll see multiple options.
This includes “Password”, “Login activity”, “Saved login information”, and more.
Under the “Data and history” header, you’ll see an “Access data” option.
Tap on “Access data” to access your Instagram data, enter your login details (if you’re prompted to), and let it load.
After it’s successfully loaded, go back to your Instagram feed.
Then, force-close the Instagram app and re-open it.
When you re-open Instagram, the “feedback_required” error should be fixed.
Method 3: Uninstall Instagram and reinstall it after 24 to 48 hours
The final method is to uninstall Instagram and reinstall it after 24 to 48 hours.
Alternatively, you can try waiting for 24 to 48 hours.
The “feedback_required” error on Instagram is a temporary error.
It was implemented to prevent automation and spam on the platform.
Hence, it will eventually be lifted after some time.
In fact, some users reported that the error was gone after a few hours.
If you want to play it safe, you can uninstall Instagram and reinstall it after 48 hours.
This should resolve most temporary blocks on Instagram.
The “feedback_required” error is frustrating because it prevents you from carrying out actions on Instagram.
This includes logging in, liking posts, posting, and more.
At times, you might receive the error by mistake even though you didn’t carry out any actions repetitively.
To prevent the error from happening in the future, you need to slow down on your actions.
For example, instead of commenting 10 times per minute, you need to comment 1 time per minute.
By carrying out actions slower, you’re less likely to get temporarily blocked by Instagram.
A bonus method you can try is to change your Instagram bio and link your Facebook account (to prove that you’re not a bot).
Further reading
How to Recover a Disabled Instagram Account
135+ Good Instagram Comments For Your Friends
240+ Funny Instagram Captions (For Friends & Selfies)