Ошибка при открытии after effects cep common extensibility platform

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Adobe Employee

Adobe Employee


Dec 09, 2021
Dec 09, 2021


Adobe Employee


Dec 09, 2021
Dec 09, 2021

Hi nicolec40966807,

Sorry for the crash.

Would you mind creating a new user account (with admin rights) and trying to launch After Effects in it? If it doesn’t help, I’d suggest doing a clean install one more time. After running the cleaner tool, be sure to remove all Adobe files and folders inside Application and Library folders manually.

Let us know if it helps.




correct answers
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Adobe Employee

Adobe Employee


Dec 09, 2021
Dec 09, 2021


Adobe Employee


Dec 09, 2021
Dec 09, 2021

Hi nicolec40966807,

Sorry for the crash.

Would you mind creating a new user account (with admin rights) and trying to launch After Effects in it? If it doesn’t help, I’d suggest doing a clean install one more time. After running the cleaner tool, be sure to remove all Adobe files and folders inside Application and Library folders manually.

Let us know if it helps.




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I was experiencing the exact same issues you described. No amount of uninstall, reinstall, update, or even the CC cleaner tool was able to fix.

The solution? For me, after ensuring that AE was running with full administrator rights in Windows 10 (right click > run as administrator) it opens up just fine for me.


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I just got an error that displays and doesn’t want to go away even after I click the only OK button in the dialog box.

The error as cryptic as this is, is:

«After Effects error : unbalanced unlock. ( 7 :: 40 )

Does anybody know how to get rid of this and why did it show up in the first place?

Using Mac OSX El Capitan with the latest AECC2015 update (

First question: are you new to After Effects?

Second question: do you have any third party plug-ins like the Particular or Borris FX?

I’m assuming you are referring to this:

AE is more than capable of reproducing those effects. The effect is nothing new. Third-party plug-ins just make it easier. If all you have is the standard set of plug-ins using multiple copies of the text layer and displacement effects. Here is a tutorial from a zillion years ago that will get you started on the concept: George Polevey’s Flowing Text Tutorial : Adobe After Effects I’m pretty sure that tutorial is fourteen or fifteen years old. It’s too bad that the link to the video is gone. It looks an awful lot like your example.

You can also use turbulent displace (not available when George wrote this tutorial and you can use a bunch of different effects to generate the glows. You should become familiar with displacement, blend modes, pre-composing and timing. The tutorials should get you started. BTW, it’s easier for all of us on the forum if you use the embed tools to add sample videos and you can just drag screenshots to the reply field or use the icons at the top of the reply field to help us see what you are trying to explain.

You will not have any success using AE unless you take some time to learn the basics. Please Start here: Basic Workflow

Make sure you watch all 3 videos. It will show you how to get started.

Sounds like you are new to AE. If so please start here to learn the basics: Basic Workflow

To get the best playback results make sure that the Magnification Factor of your Composition Panel is set to 25% or 50% and the Resolution is set to Auto. Make sure you read up on how to do a ram preview. The technique is slightly different for different versions of AE.

If you have AE experience then we need to know details about your composition, the source footage, the comp size and frame rate, the other assets you are using in the project and details of your workflow. A screenshot showing the modified properties of the layers giving you problems would also help. You can just drag a full sized screen shot into the reply field on this forum to include it in your post. If the suggestions that I have given you don’t help then please include details and system info to include the build number of After Effects that you are using down to the last decimal point and the details of your system and your OS.

Hi so I really need help with my after effects because every time i try to preview a video an error pops up saying «Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback» but I don’t know how to fix that so can I have some help please so I can watch what my videos look like before I render? Thanks!

I guess it’s never too late to say ‘thank you’ 🙂 Believe it or not, I still have this thread opened in one of my FF tabs all since then — as the reminder I have to reply!! 🙂 It is now exactly 2 years from when I got the answers so it is a pretty suitable moment to finally say:

Thank you to both of you for answering me — the answers helped me to make a nice Xmas card for the year 2014. 🙂

And merry Xmas & a happy New Year!

I am trying to create a 3 part circular pattern out of 3 squares in AE.

The spacing between the bottom two shapes are working fine, but it seems like After Effects isn`t setting the distance between the 3 squares correctly, when I set the basic texture layout.

I have used the Align panel to make sure my 3 squares evenly spaced across the comp, but when I pre compose these, to bring into a new comp, to make a Polar Coordinate circle, I keep getting a gap on the top of the circle.

I`ve been trying to troubleshoot if something is glitching when AE aligns the squares, but I`m still stumped. Are there any snap settings or any other settings that could be slipping through the cracks? I`ve set my Polar Coordinate settings to 100%, so it`s not that.

I`ve checked my other settings and nothing seems to be different from yesterday (yesterday, my polar coordinate circle creation was working just fine).

hi, can someone help me: when i update adobe after effects to 2015 by the cloud it update to an older version with bugs (13.5) and not to the earlier version (13.6.1)

You are failing to calculate the space between the squares and the size of the squares correctly. When you pre-compose you get all the pixels in the comp wrapped into a circle when you apply polar coordinates. If you want the 3 lines evenly distributed you need to have the space on the far left plus the space on the far right equal the space between the squares. It’s just simple math. For example if the comp is 1920 pixels wide you have to divide 1920 by 6. That means the squares are 320 pixels wide. If you create shape layers that have the Rectangle position centered and the size set to 320 then you can simply change the anchor points of two of the layers by 640 pixels to line them up correctly. Now everything will work out. Trying to do this visually or automatically with the align tools available in AE won’t work.

and free plugins how to download it ? please

I am looking for ways to speed up my work-flow as much as I can, and was wondering if anybody knows if you can quickly group commonly used font’s together rather than searching through the entire list of fonts. I feel like it’s pretty obvious but I can’t find any solution.

I don’t know of a way to bookmark per se but you can type or start to type the name of the font in the character panel search bar and it will isolate that font in the list. I also have a default project (a few actually) I always start with that has an «assets composition». Among other things I keep several text layers in there with specific attributes (leading, tracking, font, color, drop shadow, effects, animation, ect) so I can just copy/paste them when needed.

Hey Gutter-Fish thanks man for the quick response I appreciate it! That does sound like a clever solution; I think I get what you are saying.
This would be a time saver for sure you, only downs >

Do you have a link or a video showing how you create an «asset composition»?

I already tested the update and it works.

What exactly did you do before the error came up? Looks like it’s related to the caching system similar to the «unbalanced layer checkout» errors.

Nobody can tell you anything without proper system info or other technical details like your system audio configuration, AE’s audio prefs and so on.

Nobody can tell you anything without proper system info or other technical details.

  1. I’ve tried using all 8 cores when I am strictly using AE and I noticed an increase, but I haven’t bothered to run actual benchmarks.

I know that the 64-bit versions should be able to handle at least 64GB of RAM, but I could be wrong on that. I have the MSI-970 Gaming board and just maxed it out at 32GB RAM from 16GB and I noticed a drastic increase in performance, as well as adding two new solid state hard drives (SSD’s). I originally wanted to go for 64GB but the board doesn’t support it. Also when I set it up the other day I was noticing that I only had 24GB available to use, yet I had 32GB installed. After searching around I opened up the info on the disks and saw that 8GB were being reserved for hardware, which made no sense. I reset my BIOS and it recognized all 32GB. Hope this helps if you haven’t already upgraded yet. Even if After Effects can’t use all the RAM, you could use some of it to create a RAM Disk, which is like a bajillion times faster than a solid state hard drive. only thing is when you turn the power off everything is erased. I was going to research this later.

I could not find Hyper Threading in my BIOS anywhere.. Is there any advantage to giving more CPUS RAM? For example, 6 Cores x 3GB = 18GB vs. 3 Cores x 6GB = 18GB.

Every time you make a change to your composition it has to re-render for you to preview a la «RAM Preview». Rick Gerard gave good advice, and I agree if that doesn’t work you should post your system specifications.

I am new to AE myself so I’ve been through the ringer, at some point you might want to cons >This link goes into great detail about disk set-up for Premiere, but it also applies to AE.

1. Attached is a picture showing where you can quickly change the resolution from Auto/Full and Quarter as needed. This will help speed up RAM Previews.

2. Make sure your work area is trimmed and isolated on the pieces of footage you are working on, this will help speed up previews instead of rendering the entire footage preview for areas you might not be working on.

Hope this helps! Anyone else feel free to correct me as well since I am a beginner too.

1.При открытии mov файла в программе After Effects СС получаем ошибку. Это происходит на платформе Mac OS X когда компонент DVCPROHDVideoOutput QuickTime конфликтует с программой After Effects CC (12.0). Ошибка также может возникнуть при просмотре, визуализации и экспорте видео. Встречаются следующие варианты ошибок:
— «After Effects error: file ‘file name.mov’ cannot be imported — this ‘MooV file is damaged or unsupported.’»
— «After Effects: One of the output modules could not be imported. It has been reset to use the default setting for the selected file format.»
— “Error reading frame from file ‘[file path and name].mov’. (86 :: 2)
— “[file path and name].mov”. An output module failed. The file may be damaged or corrupted. (-1610153464)
Решение проблемы: это происходит потому что, для воспроизведения и экспорта Adobe After Effects СС использует QT32 Server. И с этим процессом происходит сбой из-за плохого взаимодействия с QuickTime video out, при установленном компоненте DVCPROHDVideoOutput QuickTime component. Поэтому идем в [OS Drive]/Library/QuickTime делаем резервную копию DVCPROHDVideoOutput.component перетащив его на рабочий стол. Теперь удаляем DVCPROHDVideoOutput.component из папки Library/QuickTime перетащив его в корзину. И соответственно не забываем очистить корзину. Также как вариант, можно попробовать установить последнююю сборку кодеков Apple ProApps QuickTime Codecs 1.0.x update.
2. После запуска программы на плфтформе Mac OS X Maverics появляется сообщение: You can’t use this version of the application “Adobe After Effects CC” with this version of OS X. You have “Adobe After Effects CC” 12.0. Или: Данная версия программы “Adobe After Effects CC” не может быть использована с этой версией OS X. Вы используете “Adobe After Effects CC” 12.0.

Необходимо установить обновление Adobe After Effects CC (12.1) Update и выше, при установке обновления 12.2 и выше необходимо использовать следующую методику.
Если при попытке поставить или скачать обновление, получаем ошибку: The most likely causes for this failure are an inability to connect to the internet or being logged in as a non-administrative user. То вот следующие методы решения проблемы: удалить или переименовать, файл в следующих директориях:
Mac OS X / Library / Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdaterInventory/1.0/AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat. Или / Library / Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdater/1.0/ AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat.
Windows C:Program files(x86)common filesadobeAAMUpdaterInventory1.0AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat.
Или искать файл в этой папке: C:Program DataAdobeAAMUpdater1.0AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat.
И далее вручную ставим скачанное обновление.
2.Ошибка при загрузке программы: «After Effects warning: An unknown Adobe Player Engine error has occurred. Scripting will be disabled.«. Вариант решения проблемы: попробовать поставить последнее обновление, переустановить или если есть ошибки в работе Adobe Media Encoder, переустановить и его.

3.Ошибка при загрузке программы: «After Effects can’t continue: The Common Extensibility Platform (CEP) suite couldn’t be loaded. You may need to reinstall.«. / After Effects продолжение невозможно: Не удалось загрузить пакет CEP (Common Extensibility Platform). Возможно, требуется переустановка.
Как исправить? Попробовать запустить приложение от имени администратора. Нажимаем на AfterFX.exe правую кнопку мыши и выбираем: Запуск от имени администратора.

4.Ошибка при проигрывании таймлайна композиции: After Effects error: Cached Preview needs 2 or more frames to playback / After-Effects Fehler: Wiedergabe einer Cache-Vorschau benotigt mindestens 2 Frames. Данная ошибка связана с недостатком памяти.

Несколько вариантов решения проблемы:
— Чистим память командой: Edit > Purge > All Memory & Cache.
— Перезагружаем программу Adobe After Effects CC 2017.
— Включаем Enable Disk Cache, если данная опция включена, то чистим ее содердимое нажав на кнопки: Empty Disk Cache и Clean Database & Cache, в настройках программы: Edit > Preferences > Media & Disk Cache.
— Снижаем качество предварительного просмотра в окне композиции с Full на Quarter.
— Проверяем наличие свободной памяти в Диспетчере задач. Т.е. память может быть занята какими-то процессами, или наоборот, для превью используется только часть свободной памяти, выделенной для Adobe After Effects CC 2017.
— Снимаем галку перед пунктом Reduce Cache Size when system is low on memory (this will shorten cached preview) в настройках Edit > Preferences > Memory.
— Также стоит обратить внимание на размер файла подкачки и чтобы достаточно памяти было выделено для операционной системы: RAM reserved for other applications.

— Проверяем, чтобы рабочая область (Work Area) не находилась в следующем положении:

5.Ошибка: After Effects warning: Unspecified drawing error. Решение: сбрасываем рабочее пространство до дефолтного (делаем его по-умолчанию).

Хотя бы одну, а как правило больше, из этих ошибок совершают все, кто использует After Effects. Данное видео сделает выполнение работы над ошибками гораздо проще!

У каждого редактора видео есть свой собственный подход к рабочему процессу, тот, который они выработали самостоятельно, и который подходит проектам, над которыми они обычно трудятся. Тем не менее, у каждого редактора, будь то начинающий новичок или ветеран с тридцатилетним стажем, есть немало немало возможностей для профессионального роста, развития и устранения некоторых вредных привычек, которые они неизбежно приобрели за время работы. В этом видео Josh Noel из PremiumBeat не только рассматривает более десяти ошибок, которые делают как начинающие, так и опытные редакторы, но и показывает, как заранее их избежать. Смотрите видео ниже:

Безусловно, правило «работаетне трогай» имеет право на жизнь, но советы, о которых Josh Noel говорит в видео, могут на самом деле сделать ваш рабочий процесс намного более эффективным, точным и профессиональным.

Вот список ошибок и способы их избежать, перечисленные в видео:

Выравнивание текста вручную: Выравнивание текста можно выполнить с помощью инструментов в окне выравнивание.

Использование меню transform для анимации текста: инструменты в меню Transform великолепны,но вы можете сделать гораздо больше с помощью вкладки Animate.

Забывать использовать feather для масок

Использование слоев в качестве shapes: фактически использование слоя shapes вместо solid слоя позволит вам получить доступ к большему количеству инструментов и элементов управления.

Не использовать «easy ease»: обычные линейные ключевые кадры определенно имеют свое применение,но использование ключевых кадров «easy ease» — это легко и быстро, чтобы придать вашим анимациям естественное движение.

Использование stroke effect: какой лучший путь создать эффект stroke? Использовать Stroke effect, не так ли? По мнению Josh Noel, лучше создать фигурный слой и выбрать «обрезать контуры». Таким образом, вы получите больше полезных элементов управления.

Не использовать области при цветокоррекции: как правило, не рекомендуется полагаться на монитор, для точной оценки цвета в композиции. Изучайте и используйте scopes для этого.

Использование плагинов в качестве костылей: плагины могут сделать ваш рабочий процесс немного быстрее и проще, но After Effects достаточно мощный, чтобы сделать все, что вам нужно. Не позволяйте плагинам быть костылями, без которых вы не можете обойтись.

Неорганизованный timeline: нет ничего хуже, не так ли? Но как содержать свою временную шкалу организованной, когда у вас есть примерно 50 слоев для одной анимации? Использовать pre-comps.

Не использовать размытие движения: Добавление легкого размытия движения к анимации-отличный способ сделать их более естественными и профессиональными.

Рубрики: Видео, Софт, Уроки | Комментариев нет »

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Работа над ошибками

Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

Необходимо установить обновление Adobe After Effects CC (12.1) Update и выше, при установке обновления 12.2 и выше необходимо использовать следующую методику.
Если при попытке поставить или скачать обновление, получаем ошибку: The most likely causes for this failure are an inability to connect to the internet or being logged in as a non-administrative user. То вот следующие методы решения проблемы: удалить или переименовать, файл в следующих директориях:
Mac OS X / Library / Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdaterInventory/1.0/AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat. Или / Library / Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdater/1.0/ AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat.
Windows C:Program files(x86)common filesadobeAAMUpdaterInventory1.0AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat.
Или искать файл в этой папке: C:Program DataAdobeAAMUpdater1.0AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat.
И далее вручную ставим скачанное обновление.
3. Ошибка при загрузке программы: «After Effects warning: An unknown Adobe Player Engine error has occurred. Scripting will be disabled.«. Вариант решения проблемы: попробовать поставить последнее обновление, переустановить или если есть ошибки в работе Adobe Media Encoder, переустановить и его.

Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

4. Ошибка при загрузке программы: «After Effects can’t continue: The Common Extensibility Platform (CEP) suite couldn’t be loaded. You may need to reinstall.«. / After Effects продолжение невозможно: Не удалось загрузить пакет CEP (Common Extensibility Platform). Возможно, требуется переустановка.
Как исправить? Попробовать запустить приложение от имени администратора. Нажимаем на AfterFX.exe правую кнопку мыши и выбираем: Запуск от имени администратора.

Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

5. Ошибка при проигрывании таймлайна композиции: After Effects error: Cached Preview needs 2 or more frames to playback / After-Effects Fehler: Wiedergabe einer Cache-Vorschau benotigt mindestens 2 Frames. Данная ошибка связана с недостатком памяти.

Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

Несколько вариантов решения проблемы:
— Чистим память командой: Edit > Purge > All Memory & Cache.
— Перезагружаем программу Adobe After Effects CC 2017.
— Включаем Enable Disk Cache, если данная опция включена, то чистим ее содердимое нажав на кнопки: Empty Disk Cache и Clean Database & Cache, в настройках программы: Edit > Preferences > Media & Disk Cache.
— Снижаем качество предварительного просмотра в окне композиции с Full на Quarter.
— Проверяем наличие свободной памяти в Диспетчере задач. Т.е. память может быть занята какими-то процессами, или наоборот, для превью используется только часть свободной памяти, выделенной для Adobe After Effects CC 2017.
— Снимаем галку перед пунктом Reduce Cache Size when system is low on memory (this will shorten cached preview) в настройках Edit > Preferences > Memory.
— Также стоит обратить внимание на размер файла подкачки и чтобы достаточно памяти было выделено для операционной системы: RAM reserved for other applications.

Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

— Проверяем, чтобы рабочая область (Work Area) не находилась в следующем положении:

Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

6. Ошибка: After Effects warning: Unspecified drawing error. Решение: сбрасываем рабочее пространство до дефолтного (делаем его по-умолчанию).


How to Fix the ‘Cached Preview’ Error in After Effects

Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

Let’s fix the dreaded ‘Cached Preview’ error in After Effects.

If you’re reading this article then chances are you probably have just recently received the dreaded ‘Cached Preview Needs 2 or More Frames to Playback’ error in After Effects. This error usually leaves me feeling like this. but that doesn’t mean you can’t do something about it. In this article we’re going to talk about how to fix this common error. If you follow all of the steps below there’s a good chance that you’ll fix this error in only a matter of seconds. If you just want to fix the error you can follow the steps below, but first we thought it’d be helpful to talk about why you get this error in the first place.

What’s the ‘Cached Preview’ Problem?

After Effects previews compositions by creating temporary video files that are stored on your machine. These files are known as ‘cached’ preview files and they come in two flavors: Disk Cache and RAM Cache files.

Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

RAM cache files are the preview video files that After Effects plays when you hit the spacebar. The bright green bar at the top of the timeline indicates the portion of your composition that is playing off of your RAM. Most of the time when you get the ‘Cached Preview Needs 2 or More Frames to Playback’ error it is because there is not enough room on your RAM (memory) to load these temporary video files. Because After Effects utilizes RAM to playback preview files it’s advised that you have at least 8GB or RAM if not more in order to ensure that you have enough memory to playback large compositions.

Disk cache files are temporary video files that are typically rendered in the background while you’re working in After Effects. After Effects does not directly preview video from the disk cache. Instead video files from your disk cache are loaded into your RAM cache when you’re ready to preview. You can tell if a frame is rendered in the disk cache by looking for the dark blue bar at the top of the After Effects timeline. Disk cache files can be stored anywhere you want. You can even control how big your disk cache can get under the preferences menu.

How to Fix the ‘Cached Preview’ Error

Here’s a step-by-step guide for fixing the ‘Cached Preview Needs 2 or More Frames to Playback’ error in After Effects.


Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

The first thing you should do is purge your RAM. This will erase any temporary cache files currently stored in your memory. To do this navigate to Edit>Purge>All Memory. This will reset your RAM cache from scratch.


Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

You can also try emptying your disk cache. The fastest way to do this is to navigate to Edit>Purge>All Memory and Disk Cache. This will (obviously) purge both your RAM and Disk Cache.


Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

After Effects allows you to set how much RAM is available for other applications. This is especially important if you have multiple applications open at the same time. If you use After Effects a lot I recommend giving After Effects as much RAM as you can. Navigate to After Effects>Preferences>Memory… From the popup menu change the value of ‘RAM reserved for other applications’ to a low number.


Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

If you have a lot of applications open on your machine you may need to close them out so After Effects isn’t competing for memory. I have a nasty habit of leaving Premiere Pro open when I’m working on After Effects projects. Go ahead and close out any unnecessary applications. This includes Spotify and iTunes. Just listen to music on your phone if you can’t stand the silence.


Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

The fastest way to reduce the size of the file being written to your RAM is to reduce the preview quality on your machine. To change this hit the menu at the bottom of the composition panel. By default it should be set to ‘Auto’. If you have a complicated project that won’t render go ahead and reduce this to half, third, or quarter. There’s also some handy keyboard shortcuts for doing this:


Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

You also might be running into an issue where your disk cache is simply not large enough to effectively render in the background. To troubleshoot this go to After Effects>Preferences>Media & Disk Cache. Once the popup window appears increase the size of your disk cache. I like to keep mine above 50GB, which should be more than enough for most projects.


Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

Some people have found success by navigating to After Effects>Preferences>Memory… and deselecting the ‘Reduce cache size when system is low on memory’ button.


Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

One common problem that people have when it comes to rendering in After Effects is placing their project files and their disk cache on the same drive. This can bog down your machine as After Effects will read and write files simultaneously to the same drive. Instead it is recommended that you separate your disk cache and project files across two separate drives. I typically have my project files on an external SSD and my disk cache on my local storage.

To change your disk cache location navigate to After Effects > Preferences > Media and Disk Cache and select ‘Choose Folder’ under Disk Cache.


Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

While it may seem obvious sometimes this error can be often be solved by simply closing out After Effects and opening it back up. In my experience this will fix the problem for a few preview renders, but the error will likely pop-up again.


Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

If you’ve made it this far and are still seeing that dreaded error it’s not the end of the world, but we will need to start getting creative. Try cleaning the database and cache by navigating to After Effects > Preferences > Media and Disk Cache. Once you’re there, hit ‘Clean Database & Cache’.


Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

Sometimes this annoying error can be fixed by setting your work area to the exact length that it needs to be. You can very quickly change your previewable work area by using the B and N keys to set the start and end of your work area.


Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

You’ve likely accidentally set your region of interest once or twice when working in After Effects, but this little-used tool can actually be very helpful when you’re trying to preview a small portion of your video frame in After Effects. In short, After Effects will render a smaller portion of the video instead of the entire frame. You can activate the ‘Region of Interest’ tool by navigating to the small region of interest button at the bottom of the composition panel.


Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

Not all After Effects are created equal. Some effects like the Lens Blur effect are simply much more intense on your machine than say a Fast Box Blur effect. Before you give up on your project try changing out any effects that may be unnecessary for your scene.


Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

Ask yourself if you’ve organized your project in an efficient and practical way. A project with hundreds of pre-comps and unnecessarily large asset files could possibly benefit from some better organization. It may be tempting to want to just hop into a big project and start animating, but this is actually a fast way to get lost in a disorganized project. Spend some time on the front-end to plan out your project and you might not end up with the ‘Cached Preview’ error.


Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

While this is certainly not what After Effects was designed to do one solution that could work would be to render out your project in the Render Queue instead of previewing the project in After Effects. For example, if you’re working on a huge Element 3D sequence it might make sense to work in the wireframe preview mode until you’re ready to export. In a way this method of animating is very similar to a 3D pipeline, we’ve just been spoiled by After Effects’ quick previews inside of the composition.


Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

It’s time to take a look at your computer. We all know that After Effects is an incredibly intense program to operate. If you’ve optimized your project and are still receiving an error it might be time to consider upgrading your hardware. The first place to look would be your RAM (because that’s where RAM cache is stored), but honestly if any part of your system is lacking it can bring the whole animation process to a screeching halt. Go check out Adobe’s recommended system specs to get an idea for the type of machine you should be running. Sure a system upgrade can cost some money, but if you’re working in After Effects every day it is definitely worth it.

So that is every way that we were able to find that could potentially fix the ‘Cached Preview Needs 2 or More Frames to Playback’ error in After Effects. If you want to learn more about After Effects check out the rest of the site here on School of Motion. Hopefully this error hasn’t completely ruined your day, but look on the bright side. a bad day in After Effects is better than a good day at a ‘normal’ job.

Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делатьCached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

Free Anticipation After Effects Project File


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Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

Agne Jurkenaite

‘cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback’

ive no clue what im suppose to do. please if you suggest something, explain it to me very clearly in case i dont understand. this is urgent client work and i dont wanna be waiting for responses too long.

Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

Max Haller

If it’s only a problem with that one comp try to figure out whats different between that comp and the ones that are working. It sounds like you tried everything that would rule out problems with the cache. I’m confused why the rendered file would be incompatible too.

Try deleting a layer or effects and previewing and if that works then at least you’ve isolated the problem. Try opening the comp in a new project or in a new comp too

Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

Jeff Kay

If you are rasterizing the AI files it might be worthwhile to instead export those as raster rather than using the AI files directly. Also, how much are those files scaled?

If it doesn’t affect the final product, try converting the AI file to a shape layer (shape layers can only hold paths/fills/stroke and no gradients).

There is a possibility that the AI files themselves are not very well optimized and contain far more information than is necessary and directly trimming down superfluous information in the AI files themselves could improve performance. I guess also try turning off individual AI files and see if it will preview with about half of the AI files active, or if there is one particular AI file that is causing the difficulties.

Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

Agne Jurkenaite

thank you both! its fortunate the designs are super simple so everything was convertable to shape layers. i believe the true problem was the puppet tool. strange. was there a particular reason why? is my computer not strong enough to handle puppet tool? curious to know

Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

Jeff Kay

I have noticed a whole lot of rather odd issues with AI files in AE. As a result I end up either moving the vector information out of the AI file (into something that can hold paths like a shape layer), or I end up opening it in Illustrator to export a PNG (sized such that I don’t have to scale it much, if at all); depends on whether I need the image or I need the vector information.

As to what’s causing it, I have no clue. Here are a list of things I’ve seen that have caused issue with AI files in AE.
-Scaling the file up too much
-Scaling the file down too much
-Gradients in the file
-Unoptimized file (any mess of too many superfluous paths, too many points in paths, extra layers that are not visible, incomplete paths, needless nesting of groups)
-AI files with links inside of them
-Fills that overlap
-Precomping anything with AI files
-Multiple artboards
-You are close to a deadline

Try the puppet tool with raster images, shape layers, and video. The puppet tool is more resource intensive than most simple effects, but it hasn’t seemed to be a resource hog the way 3D lighting, particle generators, or any of the other big resource intensive effects.

Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

Agne Jurkenaite

reading that list, i definitely ticked off several. all these ai files were done by someone else and looking at them they could use some organising. thanks a bunch!

Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

Tarun Jatav

I am facing the same issue. I have an AI character and used puppet tool when I choose the continuous vector to option it give the problem otherwise it is working fine for my case. But I want to use a continuous vector if anyone can provide a solution plz help.


How can we improve After Effects?

I’m currently in 2018 cc and I just hit space once and it doesn’t preview anything. Then I save and when i open the after effects the box is my composition doesn’t show anything. This is really annoying because I tried everything, purge the cache and all.

10 комментариев

you have to increase the preview bar size right to play the frames which should be more than 2

In the case of the illustrator file with a puppet tool, change the puppet engine to legacy seems to solve the issue.

@Atanas Atanasov still doesn’t work. I don’t have a big project, just a few layers with parenting and some duik scripts. I just hit space «once» and the error box pops up.
This is a problem that happens to many people for not particular reason and Adobe must fix this. This happens since 5 Version and it’s 2018 they haven’t fix it yet.

@gab Did you tried 1/4 resolution and then wait? Usually heavier projects cause that. If the project you open is not heavy, the problem and the solution may be other.

Followed what Atanas said and it still doesn’t work. Very frustrating.

It’s too easy to solve! Happens to me on almost any template I open. Just wait. If your PC parameters are lower than others you may have lower loading preview speed. What I experienced was that:

The bar, showing the progress of loading frames, was blank. I waited around 15 min or less and it came.

When you have nothing in the preview window, that most often will mean that your preview hasn’t loaded yet. Yeah, you may not want to wait. But no other options except if Adobe fix that.


Тема: Adobe After Effects, помогите, подскажите.

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Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

Adobe After Effects, помогите, подскажите.

Я хочу повторить этот класс, то, что это путь, пожалуйста

[Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут просматривать ссылки. ]

Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

Re: Пожалуйста, помогите

Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

Re: Пожалуйста, помогите

Я хочу, чтобы дублировать всю композицию 5

Re: Пожалуйста, помогите

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz,RAM 12 Gb, NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT 512 MB, 4 HDD 1000Gb, 4 HDD 2000Gb, Windows 7. Adobe CC 2018, DgFotoArt, ProShow Producer 6, Juicer 3 и много чего ещё.

Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

Re: Пожалуйста, помогите

[Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут просматривать ссылки. ]

Re: Пожалуйста, помогите

Это папка рендер.
Там этой композиции быть не может.
Могу только предположить. Возможно папка Image.
Поищите эту композицию в других папках.
Или на крайний случай скажите что за проект вы редактируете.

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz,RAM 12 Gb, NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT 512 MB, 4 HDD 1000Gb, 4 HDD 2000Gb, Windows 7. Adobe CC 2018, DgFotoArt, ProShow Producer 6, Juicer 3 и много чего ещё.

Cached preview needs 2 or more frames to playback что делать

Re: Пожалуйста, помогите

[Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут просматривать ссылки. ]

Re: Пожалуйста, помогите

Увы у меня этого проекта нет.
Сделайте развёрнутый скрин окна проект, чтобы было видно все папки.

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz,RAM 12 Gb, NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT 512 MB, 4 HDD 1000Gb, 4 HDD 2000Gb, Windows 7. Adobe CC 2018, DgFotoArt, ProShow Producer 6, Juicer 3 и много чего ещё.

Re: Пожалуйста, помогите

Hanno, [Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут просматривать ссылки. ]
[Только зарегистрированные и активированные пользователи могут просматривать ссылки. ]

Re: Пожалуйста, помогите

Юрий вы не правы.
При копировании композиции на таймлайн мы получим «зеркало» копируемого.
Т.е. при вставке контента в одну композицию, он автоматом вставится в копию.
Что бы этого не случилось дублировать надо именно в окне проекта, как я показывал ранее.

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz,RAM 12 Gb, NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT 512 MB, 4 HDD 1000Gb, 4 HDD 2000Gb, Windows 7. Adobe CC 2018, DgFotoArt, ProShow Producer 6, Juicer 3 и много чего ещё.



  1. Unspecified drawing error [After Effects / Premiere Pro]
  2. How can I fix the Unspecified drawing error on After Effects?
  3. 1. Update After Effects
  4. After Effects
  5. 2. Update plugins
  6. 3. Remove plugin directories
  7. 4. Restore your Mac from Time Machine
  8. Как исправить неопределенную ошибку рисования в After Effects
  9. Очистить кеш RAM (памяти)
  10. Очистите кеш жесткого диска
  11. Переименуйте папку After Effects
  12. Измените ОЗУ, зарезервированное для других приложений
  13. Отключить или ограничить возможность работы с несколькими процессорами
  14. Разрешить доступ к Dynamic Link Manager через брандмауэр
  15. FIX After Effects «Неопределенная ошибка рисования»
  16. Содержание
  17. Метод 1: запуск After Effects от имени администратора
  18. Метод 2: переименование папки After Effects
  19. Метод 3: переход на стандартное рабочее пространство
  20. Метод 4: закрытие панели аудио в After Effects
  21. after effects warning unspecified drawing error
  22. Интересная информация по всем вопросам видеопроизводства.
  23. Adobe After Affects выдает ошибку — after effects warning: Error parsing properties list. Что делать
  24. 3 Answers
  25. [FIX] Неопределенная ошибка рисования в After Effects
  26. Метод 1: запуск After Effects от имени администратора
  27. Метод 2: переименование папки After Effects
  28. Метод 3: переход на стандартное рабочее пространство
  29. Метод 4: закрытие панели аудио в After Effects

Unspecified drawing error [After Effects / Premiere Pro]


adobe after effects unspecified drawing

Intego’s Mac Premium Bundle X9 has been downloaded by readers this month.

After Effects is an amazing application for video editing, but some users reported Unspecified drawing error in After Effects on their Mac.

This issue can be problematic, and it will prevent the application from running, but in this article, we have a couple of solutions that will surely help you fix this error.

How can I fix the Unspecified drawing error on After Effects?

1. Update After Effects

adobe after effects 2020 free 2

Unspecified drawing error was reported on Macs running Big Sur, and according to Adobe personnel, you might be able to fix this problem simply by updating After Effects to the latest version.

The Big Sur update modified or removed many components of the OS, and this is why many users are getting this error. However, you can download the latest version from the link below and use it to fix the error.

adobe after effects cta 1

After Effects

Adobe After Effects is world’s best video post-production software, and it’s number one choice for video making professionals.

2. Update plugins

update after effects plugins

Many users reported that updating their plugins helped fix the Unspecified drawing error in After Effects, so we encourage you to try that.

3. Remove plugin directories

remove plugin directories

This is a simple workaround, but it will work if you’re getting Warning: Unspecified drawing error on Big Sur.

4. Restore your Mac from Time Machine

A couple of users reported that this method helped them fix Unspecified drawing Adobe After Effects error on Mac, so feel free to try it if other solutions didn’t work for you.

Adobe After Effects Unspecified drawing error usually occurs after the Big Sur update on Mac, so be sure to keep the software and plug-ins up to date to fix this error.


Обновление: Перестаньте получать сообщения об ошибках и замедляйте работу своей системы с помощью нашего инструмента оптимизации. Получите это сейчас на эту ссылку

Некоторые пользователи After Effects сталкивались с ошибкой «Неопределенная ошибка рисования» просто до сбоя программы. Другие затронутые пользователи сообщают, что эта ошибка является для них только предупреждением, поскольку они могут продолжить использование After Effects после закрытия командной строки.

How to Fix After Effects Unspecified Drawing Error

На самом деле, есть несколько причин, которые могут вызвать именно эту ошибку в After Effects.

Очистить кеш RAM (памяти)

Первое, что нужно сделать, это очистить оперативную память. Это удалит все временные файлы кеша, которые в настоящее время хранятся в вашем хранилище. Для этого перейдите в Edit> Delete> All Storage. Это сбросит ваш кеш RAM с нуля.

Очистите кеш жесткого диска

Rename the After Effects folder

Оказывается, этот код ошибки также может появляться в тех случаях, когда ваша папка After Effects (в документах) действительно имеет некоторые повреждения. Если этот сценарий применим, вы можете решить проблему, переименовав папку After Effects в «Этот компьютер»> «Документы»> «Adobe».

Переименование папки After Effects с расширением «.old» по существу заставляет вашу операционную систему игнорировать эту папку и создавать новую папку с нуля при следующем запуске программы. Это позволит удалить большинство неопределенных ошибок рисования из поврежденного файла в папке After Effects.

Вот краткое руководство по переименованию папки After Effects:


Измените ОЗУ, зарезервированное для других приложений

After Effects позволяет контролировать объем оперативной памяти, доступной для других приложений. Это особенно важно, когда одновременно открываются несколько приложений. Если вы часто используете After Effects, я рекомендую выделить как можно больше оперативной памяти. Перейдите в After Effects> Параметры> Память… В контекстном меню измените объем оперативной памяти, зарезервированной для других приложений, на меньший.

Отключить или ограничить возможность работы с несколькими процессорами

Disable or Limit Multiprocessing After Effects Windows

Вы можете получить доступ к параметрам мультипроцессора, выбрав «Настройки»> «Хранилище и многопроцессорность».

Там можно попробовать уменьшить количество доступных ядер процессора. Если это не поможет, возможно, вам придется полностью отключить многопроцессорность. Ваше время рендеринга пострадает, но, по крайней мере, вы можете экспортировать то, что вам нужно. Не стесняйтесь пробовать это с другими ошибками, поскольку многопроцессор в прошлом вызывал много проблем.

Разрешить доступ к Dynamic Link Manager через брандмауэр

Allow Dynamic Link Manager Access Through Your Firewall

Перейдите в папку C: Users AppData Roaming Adobe и щелкните ее правой кнопкой мыши, чтобы открыть меню «Свойства». Выберите вкладку «Безопасность» и разрешите текущему пользователю «Полный доступ» к папке. Нажмите «ОК» и поехали!

Мы не можем гарантировать, что эти решения будут работать во всех случаях, но мы надеемся, что они сэкономят вам время позже. С какими наиболее болезненными ошибками After Effects вы столкнулись? Дайте нам знать в комментариях ниже!

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CCNA, веб-разработчик, ПК для устранения неполадок

Я компьютерный энтузиаст и практикующий ИТ-специалист. У меня за плечами многолетний опыт работы в области компьютерного программирования, устранения неисправностей и ремонта оборудования. Я специализируюсь на веб-разработке и дизайне баз данных. У меня также есть сертификат CCNA для проектирования сетей и устранения неполадок.


FIX After Effects «Неопределенная ошибка рисования»

Некоторые пользователи After Effect сталкивались с проблемой «Неуказанная ошибка чертежа‘Прямо перед тем, как программа выйдет из строя. Другие затронутые пользователи сообщают, что эта ошибка сл

fix after effects unspecified draw


Некоторые пользователи After Effects сталкивались с проблемой «Неуказанная ошибка чертежа‘Прямо перед тем, как программа выйдет из строя. Другие затронутые пользователи сообщают, что эта ошибка служит для них только предупреждением, поскольку они могут продолжить использование After Effects после закрытия приглашения.

fix after effects unspecified draw

Оказывается, есть несколько разных причин, которые могут вызвать именно эту ошибку в After Effects. Вот список потенциальных виновников:

Метод 1: запуск After Effects от имени администратора

Если вы используете более старую версию Windows (чем Windows 10), возможно, у вас просто проблема с разрешением. Несколько затронутых пользователей, которые видели «Неуказанная ошибка чертежа«В Windows 7 и Windows 8 сообщили, что им удалось решить эту проблему, заставив основной исполняемый файл After Effects запускаться с правами администратора.

Если вы не знаете, как это сделать, следуйте инструкциям ниже, чтобы открыть After Effects с правами администратора и принудительно открывать исполняемый файл с правами администратора каждый раз:

В случае того же Неуказанный рисунокошибкавсе еще появляется, перейдите к следующему потенциальному исправлению ниже.

Метод 2: переименование папки After Effects

Как оказалось, этот код ошибки также может возникать в тех случаях, когда вы на самом деле имеете дело с каким-либо повреждением внутри папки After Effects (расположенной в Документах). Если этот сценарий применим, вы сможете решить проблему, переименовав папку After Effects, расположенную внутри «Этот компьютер»> «Документы»> «Adobe».

Переименовав папку After Effects с ‘.old‘Расширение, вы, по сути, заставляете свою ОС игнорировать эту папку и создавать новую с нуля при следующем запуске программы. Это приведет к удалению большинства Неуказанная ошибка чертежа экземпляры, происходящие из поврежденного файла, находящегося в папке After Effects.

Вот краткое руководство по переименованию папки After Effects:

Если та же проблема все еще возникает, перейдите к следующему потенциальному исправлению ниже.

Метод 3: переход на стандартное рабочее пространство

Многие затронутые пользователи подтвердили, что им удалось решить эту проблему, вернувшись к рабочей области по умолчанию. Как оказалось, часто это происходит только в тех случаях, когда пользователь использует настраиваемое рабочее пространство.

Это далеко не идеально, если вы привыкли к определенному рабочему пространству, которое вы настроили самостоятельно, но это поможет быстро исправить, если у вас нет времени на правильное устранение неполадок.

Если вы считаете, что этот сценарий применим, следуйте приведенным ниже инструкциям, чтобы вернуться в стандартную рабочую область:

Если вы все еще сталкиваетесь с Неуказанная ошибка чертежадаже после возврата к рабочей области по умолчанию, перейдите к следующему потенциальному исправлению ниже.

Метод 4: закрытие панели аудио в After Effects

Некоторые затронутые пользователи, которые также сталкивались с этой проблемой, сообщили, что «Неуказанная ошибка чертежа‘Ушел для них после того, как они закрыли панель аудио во время работы в After Effects. Конечно, это не идеально, поскольку вы не сможете редактировать звук в After Effects, но это может предотвратить частые сбои, вызванные этой ошибкой.

Если вы хотите опробовать это быстрое решение, просто закройте панель «Аудио» и продолжите редактирование видео, чтобы увидеть, решена ли проблема.


after effects warning unspecified drawing error

1.При открытии mov файла в программе After Effects СС получаем ошибку. Это происходит на платформе Mac OS X когда компонент DVCPROHDVideoOutput QuickTime конфликтует с программой After Effects CC (12.0). Ошибка также может возникнуть при просмотре, визуализации и экспорте видео. Встречаются следующие варианты ошибок:
— «After Effects error: file ‘file name.mov’ cannot be imported — this ‘MooV file is damaged or unsupported.’»
— «After Effects: One of the output modules could not be imported. It has been reset to use the default setting for the selected file format.»
— “Error reading frame from file ‘[file path and name].mov’. (86 :: 2)
— “[file path and name].mov”. An output module failed. The file may be damaged or corrupted. (-1610153464)
Решение проблемы: это происходит потому что, для воспроизведения и экспорта Adobe After Effects СС использует QT32 Server. И с этим процессом происходит сбой из-за плохого взаимодействия с QuickTime video out, при установленном компоненте DVCPROHDVideoOutput QuickTime component. Поэтому идем в [OS Drive]/Library/QuickTime делаем резервную копию DVCPROHDVideoOutput.component перетащив его на рабочий стол. Теперь удаляем DVCPROHDVideoOutput.component из папки Library/QuickTime перетащив его в корзину. И соответственно не забываем очистить корзину. Также как вариант, можно попробовать установить последнююю сборку кодеков Apple ProApps QuickTime Codecs 1.0.x update.
2. После запуска программы на плфтформе Mac OS X Maverics появляется сообщение: You can’t use this version of the application “Adobe After Effects CC” with this version of OS X. You have “Adobe After Effects CC” 12.0. Или: Данная версия программы “Adobe After Effects CC” не может быть использована с этой версией OS X. Вы используете “Adobe After Effects CC” 12.0.


Необходимо установить обновление Adobe After Effects CC (12.1) Update и выше, при установке обновления 12.2 и выше необходимо использовать следующую методику.
Если при попытке поставить или скачать обновление, получаем ошибку: The most likely causes for this failure are an inability to connect to the internet or being logged in as a non-administrative user. То вот следующие методы решения проблемы: удалить или переименовать, файл в следующих директориях:
Mac OS X / Library / Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdaterInventory/1.0/AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat. Или / Library / Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdater/1.0/ AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat.
Windows C:Program files(x86)common filesadobeAAMUpdaterInventory1.0AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat.
Или искать файл в этой папке: C:Program DataAdobeAAMUpdater1.0AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat.
И далее вручную ставим скачанное обновление.
2.Ошибка при загрузке программы: «After Effects warning: An unknown Adobe Player Engine error has occurred. Scripting will be disabled.«. Вариант решения проблемы: попробовать поставить последнее обновление, переустановить или если есть ошибки в работе Adobe Media Encoder, переустановить и его.

scripting disabled

3.Ошибка при загрузке программы: «After Effects can’t continue: The Common Extensibility Platform (CEP) suite couldn’t be loaded. You may need to reinstall.«. / After Effects продолжение невозможно: Не удалось загрузить пакет CEP (Common Extensibility Platform). Возможно, требуется переустановка.
Как исправить? Попробовать запустить приложение от имени администратора. Нажимаем на AfterFX.exe правую кнопку мыши и выбираем: Запуск от имени администратора.


cep error

4.Ошибка при проигрывании таймлайна композиции: After Effects error: Cached Preview needs 2 or more frames to playback / After-Effects Fehler: Wiedergabe einer Cache-Vorschau benotigt mindestens 2 Frames. Данная ошибка связана с недостатком памяти.

2 or more frames to playback

Несколько вариантов решения проблемы:
— Чистим память командой: Edit > Purge > All Memory & Cache.
— Перезагружаем программу Adobe After Effects CC 2017.
— Включаем Enable Disk Cache, если данная опция включена, то чистим ее содердимое нажав на кнопки: Empty Disk Cache и Clean Database & Cache, в настройках программы: Edit > Preferences > Media & Disk Cache.
— Снижаем качество предварительного просмотра в окне композиции с Full на Quarter.
— Проверяем наличие свободной памяти в Диспетчере задач. Т.е. память может быть занята какими-то процессами, или наоборот, для превью используется только часть свободной памяти, выделенной для Adobe After Effects CC 2017.
— Снимаем галку перед пунктом Reduce Cache Size when system is low on memory (this will shorten cached preview) в настройках Edit > Preferences > Memory.
— Также стоит обратить внимание на размер файла подкачки и чтобы достаточно памяти было выделено для операционной системы: RAM reserved for other applications.

ram reserved

— Проверяем, чтобы рабочая область (Work Area) не находилась в следующем положении:

work area

5.Ошибка: After Effects warning: Unspecified drawing error. Решение: сбрасываем рабочее пространство до дефолтного (делаем его по-умолчанию).

Интересная информация по всем вопросам видеопроизводства.

Adobe After Affects выдает ошибку — after effects warning: Error parsing properties list. Что делать

Здравствуйте уважаемые коллеги. Совсем недавно, один из читателей моей рассылки, обратился ко мне с такой проблемой: «…При запуске программы Adobe After Affects, появляется окно со следующей надписью: after effects warning: Error parsing properties list, после чего программа просто напросто вылетает. Переустановка программы не помогла. Чистка реестра тоже. Переустанавливать все заново нет времени. Есть ли какое либо решение. ».
Путешествуя по бескрайним просторам всемирной паутины, я нашел следующее решение проблемы. При запуске программы, нажимаем и удерживаем комбинацию клавиш Alt + Shift +Ctrl. Волне возможно, что программа «задаст» вопросы, вроде, действительно ли Вы хотите сбросить личные настройки и еще что-то. В обоих случаях соглашаемся. Дальше загрузка пойдет, как обычно, а программа откроется с дефолтовым интерфейсом. После указанной процедуры, программа будет запускаться как раньше.

С уважением, Алексей.

Хотите получить еще больше бесплатной информации? Подпишитесь прямо сейчас на рассылку «Видеосъемка и монтаж — 1000 профессиональных секретов»:

After Effects warning: Unable to read project color settings. Color settings reset to factory defaults.

After Effects warning: Reading past end of file

3 Answers

default user profile pic 128sq

Create a new project. Save it. Close After Effects. Restart After Effects, and open your newly saved project. Does it work? If it doesn’t, there’s a problem with you After Effects installation. You’ll want to uninstall it and reinstall it.

If it does work, then try importing your damaged project into your new project. This *may* fix some of your issue.

If that doesn’t work, you may have to simply (ok, it’s not that simple) re-create your project.

I’ve encountered this error before, and believe it to be a bug in AE CS5. I have not tried with AE CS5.5 or AE CS6. However, it’s quite annoying.

In my situation, I run a script on an AEP file, and everything comes out as expected. When I start an AE gui session, and open the AEP file that I operated on, it gives me the exact error you specify. «Strange situation» has got to be the worst echo a programmer could ever write. There is nothing specific about the error except «reading past end of file». Now why would a program ever do that?

38367678115 3d6511 128sq

I’ve had this issue come up over & over again and I’ve yet to find a solution online, but in my current sleep-deprived state I’ve stumbled on a solution, or rather a «work around» this particular error:

You’ll need to move ALL of the assets that the project references to a another location on your hard drive (I have all my assets on an external drive that I just disconnected.) Then open the project. It should load your project including all of the comps and folders in the Project panel. Of course the «missing assets» alert will appear, but the project should load without the «reading past end of file» error crap. Then you simply have to move you assets back and/or relink one of them, which should auto-relink all of them. Then I recommend saving the project as a copy to be safe.

Even if you have to relink many assets one by one this is still much better than having to re-create the entire project from scratch.

Hope this works for you as it did me. Spread the word!


[FIX] Неопределенная ошибка рисования в After Effects

Некоторые пользователи After Effects сталкивались с «Неопределенной ошибкой рисования» прямо перед сбоем программы. Другие затронутые пользователи сообщают, что эта ошибка служит для них только предупреждением, поскольку они могут продолжить использование After Effects после закрытия приглашения.

unspecified drawing error

Оказывается, есть несколько разных причин, которые могут вызвать эту конкретную ошибку в After Effects. Вот список потенциальных виновников:

Метод 1: запуск After Effects от имени администратора

Если вы используете более старую версию Windows (чем Windows 10), возможно, у вас просто проблема с разрешением. Несколько затронутых пользователей, которые видели «Неопределенную ошибку рисования» в Windows 7 и Windows 8, сообщили, что им удалось решить эту проблему, заставив основной исполняемый файл After Effects запускаться с правами администратора.

Если вы не знаете, как это сделать, следуйте приведенным ниже инструкциям, чтобы открыть After Effects с правами администратора и принудительно открывать исполняемый файл с доступом администратора каждый раз:

Если та же неопределенная ошибка рисования все еще появляется, перейдите к следующему потенциальному исправлению ниже.

Метод 2: переименование папки After Effects

Как оказалось, этот код ошибки также может возникать в тех случаях, когда вы на самом деле имеете дело с каким-то повреждением внутри папки After Effects (расположенной в Документах). Если этот сценарий применим, вы сможете решить проблему, переименовав папку After Effects, расположенную внутри «Этот компьютер»> «Документы»> «Adobe».

Переименовывая папку After Effects с расширением «.old», вы по сути вынуждаете свою ОС игнорировать эту папку и создавать новую с нуля при следующем запуске программы. Это приведет к удалению большинства экземпляров неопределенных ошибок рисования, происходящих из поврежденного файла, расположенного в папке After Effects.

Вот краткое руководство по переименованию папки After Effects:

Если та же проблема все еще возникает, перейдите к следующему потенциальному исправлению ниже.

Метод 3: переход на стандартное рабочее пространство

Многие затронутые пользователи подтвердили, что им удалось решить эту проблему, вернувшись к рабочей области по умолчанию. Как оказалось, часто это происходит только в тех случаях, когда пользователь использует настраиваемое рабочее пространство.

Это далеко не идеально, если вы привыкли к определенному рабочему пространству, которое вы настроили самостоятельно, но это поможет быстро исправить, если у вас нет времени на правильное устранение неполадок.

Если вы считаете, что этот сценарий применим, следуйте приведенным ниже инструкциям, чтобы вернуться в стандартную рабочую область:

Если вы все еще сталкиваетесь с неопределенной ошибкой рисования даже после возврата к рабочей области по умолчанию, перейдите к следующему потенциальному исправлению ниже.

Метод 4: закрытие панели аудио в After Effects

Некоторые затронутые пользователи, которые также сталкивались с этой проблемой, сообщили, что «Неопределенная ошибка рисования» исчезла для них после того, как они закрыли панель аудио во время работы в After Effects. Конечно, это не идеально, поскольку вы не сможете редактировать звук в After Effects, но это может предотвратить частые сбои, вызванные этой ошибкой.

Если вы хотите опробовать это быстрое решение, просто закройте панель «Аудио» и продолжите редактирование видео, чтобы увидеть, решена ли проблема.


Работа над ошибками

20. При загрузке Adobe After Effects CC 2020 появляется окно System Compatibility Report (Отчёт о совместимости системы). Где сообщается что, драйвера видеокарт старые и не поддерживаются, и предлагается их обновить.

Если у вас старая видеокарта, для которой драйвера не обновляются, до рекомендуемой версии, то можно отключить это окно.
В обновлении программы Adobe After Effects CC 2020 (17.0.1), была добавлена новая команда Показать проблемы с совместимостью с системой при запуске (Show system compatibility issues at startup) в закладке Общие (General).
Идём в Edit > Preferences > General и снимаем галку перед пунктом: Show system compatibility issues at startup.

Если у вас базовая версия Adobe After Effects CC 2020, то окно System Compatibility Report отключается через Console.

21. Ошибка при рендере в версии программы Adobe After Effects 2022: After Effects error: After Effects has encountered a failure (code: 19969) related to GPU-enabled effects on this frame. This is likely because your GPU is out of memory.

Якобы у графического процессора просто недостаточно памяти для GPU ускорения


Работа над ошибками

11. При открытии mov файла в программе After Effects СС получаем ошибку. Это происходит на платформе Mac OS X когда компонент DVCPROHDVideoOutput QuickTime конфликтует с программой After Effects CC (12.0). Ошибка также может возникнуть при просмотре, визуализации и экспорте видео. Встречаются следующие варианты ошибок:
— «After Effects error: file ‘file name.mov’ cannot be imported — this ‘Mov file is damaged or unsupported.’»
— «After Effects: One of the output modules could not be imported. It has been reset to use the default setting for the selected file format.»
— “Error reading frame from file ‘[file path and name].mov’. (86 :: 2)
— “[file path and name].mov”. An output module failed. The file may be damaged or corrupted. (-1610153464)
Решение проблемы: это происходит потому что, для воспроизведения и экспорта Adobe After Effects СС использует QT32 Server. И с этим процессом происходит сбой из-за плохого взаимодействия с QuickTime video out, при установленном компоненте DVCPROHDVideoOutput QuickTime component. Поэтому идем в [OS Drive]/Library/QuickTime делаем резервную копию DVCPROHDVideoOutput.component перетащив его на рабочий стол. Теперь удаляем DVCPROHDVideoOutput.component из папки Library/QuickTime перетащив его в корзину. И соответственно не забываем очистить корзину. Также как вариант, можно попробовать установить последнююю сборку кодеков Apple ProApps QuickTime Codecs 1.0.x update.
*При открытии проекта в версии программы Adobe After Effects CC 2020 появляются следующие сообщения об ошибках:
«After Effects error: The source compression type is not supported. (86 :: 1)»
Нажимаем на кнопку ОК и появится ещё одно сообщение:
«After Effects error: file ‘file name.mov’ cannot be imported — this ‘.mov’ file is damaged or unsupported.»
Проблема в том, что версия программы Adobe After Effects CC 2020 не поддерживает связанное с проектом видео в контейнере MOV. Т.е. не поддерживается кодек которым пожато видео в контейнере MOV.
12. После запуска программы на плфтформе Mac OS X Maverics появляется сообщение: You can’t use this version of the application “Adobe After Effects CC” with this version of OS X. You have “Adobe After Effects CC” 12.0. Или: Данная версия программы “Adobe After Effects CC” не может быть использована с этой версией OS X. Вы используете “Adobe After Effects CC” 12.0.

Необходимо установить обновление Adobe After Effects CC (12.1) Update и выше, при установке обновления 12.2 и выше необходимо использовать следующую методику.
Если при попытке поставить или скачать обновление, получаем ошибку: The most likely causes for this failure are an inability to connect to the internet or being logged in as a non-administrative user. То вот следующие методы решения проблемы: удалить или переименовать, файл в следующих директориях:
Mac OS X / Library / Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdaterInventory/1.0/AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat. Или / Library / Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdater/1.0/ AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat.
Windows C:Program files(x86)common filesadobeAAMUpdaterInventory1.0AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat.
Или искать файл в этой папке: C:Program DataAdobeAAMUpdater1.0AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat.
И далее вручную ставим скачанное обновление.
13. Ошибка при загрузке программы: «After Effects warning: An unknown Adobe Player Engine error has occurred. Scripting will be disabled.«. Вариант решения проблемы: попробовать поставить последнее обновление, переустановить или если есть ошибки в работе Adobe Media Encoder, переустановить и его.

14. Ошибка при загрузке программы: «After Effects can’t continue: The Common Extensibility Platform (CEP) suite couldn’t be loaded. You may need to reinstall.«. / After Effects продолжение невозможно: Не удалось загрузить пакет CEP (Common Extensibility Platform). Возможно, требуется переустановка.
Как исправить? Попробовать запустить приложение от имени администратора. Нажимаем на AfterFX.exe правую кнопку мыши и выбираем: Запуск от имени администратора.

15. Ошибка при проигрывании таймлайна композиции: After Effects error: Cached Preview needs 2 or more frames to playback / After-Effects Fehler: Wiedergabe einer Cache-Vorschau benotigt mindestens 2 Frames. Данная ошибка связана с недостатком памяти.

Несколько вариантов решения проблемы:
— Чистим память командой: Edit > Purge > All Memory & Cache.
— Перезагружаем программу Adobe After Effects CC 2017.
— Включаем Enable Disk Cache, если данная опция включена, то чистим ее содердимое нажав на кнопки: Empty Disk Cache и Clean Database & Cache, в настройках программы: Edit > Preferences > Media & Disk Cache.
— Снижаем качество предварительного просмотра в окне композиции с Full на Quarter.
— Проверяем наличие свободной памяти в Диспетчере задач. Т.е. память может быть занята какими-то процессами, или наоборот, для превью используется только часть свободной памяти, выделенной для Adobe After Effects CC 2017.
— Снимаем галку перед пунктом Reduce Cache Size when system is low on memory (this will shorten cached preview) в настройках Edit > Preferences > Memory.
— Также стоит обратить внимание на размер файла подкачки и чтобы достаточно памяти было выделено для операционной системы: RAM reserved for other applications.

— Проверяем, чтобы рабочая область (Work Area) не находилась в следующем положении:

16. Ошибка: After Effects warning: Unspecified drawing error. Решение: сбрасываем рабочее пространство до дефолтного (делаем его по-умолчанию).


Expression errors

When an expression fails to evaluate, expression errors appear in a warning banner at the bottom of the Composition and Layer panels. After Effects does not disable the expression but continues to evaluate it. The warning banner is displayed as long as the expression fails to evaluate; that is, until the expression is either fixed or manually disabled.

The expression error UI

Here’s an example of what the expression error warning banner looks like:

A. Left or Right arrow buttons B. The Reveal Expression C. The Expand/Collapse Warning

  • The Left or Right arrow buttons display the previous or next expression error when multiple expressions fail to evaluate.
  • The Reveal Expression (magnifying glass) button exposes the property with the failing expression in the Timeline panel. If the expression is in a different composition, that composition opens.
  • The Expand/Collapse Warning (up/down arrows) button shows or hides the error text.

The expression error text is one line only, and is clipped to the width of the Composition panel.

To see the full expression error text

Click next to the expression. The complete error appears in a dialog box.

To hide the warning banner

Choose After Effects > Preferences > Scripting & Expressions (macOS) or Edit > Preferences > General (Windows) and disable Show Warning Banner When Project Contains Expressions Errors .

When this option is disabled, the warning banner remains hidden even when new expression errors occur.

Re-enable this option to view expression errors.

Reveal expression errors

If an expression cannot be processed, After Effects displays a message explaining the error and automatically disables the expression. A yellow warning icon appears next to the expression. Click the warning icon to view the error message again.

To show expressions that have errors, select one or more layers. Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (macOS) a selected layer in the Timeline panel. Choose Reveal Expression Errors from the context menu.

Some expressions rely on the names of layers or properties in your project. If you change the name of a layer or property that is involved in an expression, After Effects attempts to update the expression to use the new name. However, in some complex cases, After Effects is unable to automatically update the expression. In this case, the expression may produce an error message and you must update the expression yourself.

The expression may not work if you are running After Effects in a different language, or if you changed the names of the items (such as layers, effects, or other property groups). To enable the expression, modify the expression to use the new names or the strings that match the language in which you are running After Effects.

The examples in this document were created for the default state of After Effects running in English. Some examples in this document will not work without such modification.

Errors caused by precomposing layers

Precomposing multiple layers can cause expressions that refer to a property of one of the layers to produce an error. You have to update these expressions to refer to the layer within the new composition. This is especially a concern with expressions that use thisComp instead of referring to a composition by its name. (See About precomposing and nesting.)

The arguments for some effects in After Effects have changed from the arguments in previous versions. If you have existing expressions that use argument index references instead of argument names, update the expressions to use argument names.


Known issues in After Effects

This document provides information on the list of known issues in After Effects.

To view the list of issues fixed from this document, see Fixed issues in After Effects.

To view known issues with After Effects in macOS Ventura, see After Effects and macOS Ventura.

December 2022 Release (Version 23.1)

Export issue for H.264 with After Effects 23.1

Issue: An issue affecting H.264 exports on Windows with After Effects 23.1.

The issue impacts H.264 exports to folders with names that use double-byte characters, such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, or extended ASCII characters, like accents and umlauts.

Affected users will see this message: «After Effects warning: Failed to write XMP metadata.»

Workaround: We’ll let you know when a fix is available. But if you’re experiencing this issue, use one of these options:

  • Choose an export destination folder that uses only single-byte ASCII English characters (no accents, umlauts, etc.)
  • Export to a different format, such as Apple ProRes.
  • For H.264 exports only: Disable hardware accelerated encoding by going to the Render Queue > Output Module Settings > Main Options tab > Format Options > Video tab > Performance > Software Encoding .


Issue : After Effects 23.0 and 23.1 unexpectedly quit on Windows devices when you use the backspace keys to delete typed Chinese or other languages utilizing IME in a Text layer and try entering new characters.

Workaround : Complete text editing that includes Chinese or other IME-generated characters before bringing them into After Effects, or you can use After Effects 22.x.

October 2022 Release (Version 23.0)

Unable to use Cinema 4D when installed as an Add-on from the Creative Cloud desktop app.

You may get one of the following errors:

  • «Cinema 4D must be installed in order to use the Cinema 4D renderer» while creating a new Cinema 4D file.
  • «This version of AE requires an installation of Cinema 4D R25 (25.015 or later)» while adding a Cineware effect.
  • «After Effects error: Cinema 4D: Render Failed» while previewing compositions with Cineware effect.

Workaround: If you get any of these errors, do the following:

Uninstall After Effects and existing Cinema 4D components.

Reboot the system and reinstall After Effects 23.0.

Check Cinema 4D in the installed apps. If you do not find it, Cinema 4D may still be getting installed.

To check Cinema 4D installation status, go to Creative Cloud desktop app > All apps > After Effects > Add-Ons .

Open Cinema 4D separately after the installation once.

Now, you can launch Cinema 4D from After Effects as usual and perform all related actions.

Unable to select Video Rendering and Effects options on Windows devices with Intel GPU and NVIDIA Graphic cards

Issue: You are unable to select from the Use options from the Video Rendering and Effects dropdown because it is greyed out. Or, if you open any project that uses OpenCL or CUDA, you get an error message — «Mercury Playback Engine is not available.»

Workaround: When OpenCL™ and OpenGL® Compatibility Pack is installed, it adds another implementation of OpenCL to the machine, along with one by Microsoft, and NVIDIA is by default chosen as an OpenCL device.

If OpenCL™ and OpenGL® Compatibility Pack is installed, we recommend you remove the compatibility pack. Go to Settings > Apps > Apps & features > OpenCL™ and OpenGL® Compatibility Pack > Uninstall .

The compatibility pack is a backup implementation designed for ARM devices, thus, should not impact other installed applications.

May 2022 (Version 22.4) release

Issue: BorisFX Mocha cannot apply tracking data to layers with Separated Dimensions.
Workaround: Disable Separated Dimensions on the Position property of the target layer before applying tracking data from BorisFX Mocha.

  • Issue: Application Menus may not be enabled when starting After Effects on macOS 12.
    Workaround: In this state, select the After Effects icon in the Dock to restore the After Effects menus.
  • Issue: After Effects 22.3 and 22.4 crash on startup when running on macOS versions 10.15.0 through 10.15.3.
    Workaround: Upgrade macOS to 10.15.4 or above, or use After Effects 22.5 Beta, build 29 or above. For After Effects 22.5×29 and above, Transmit of DV video content over Firewire is unsupported on macOS 10.15.0 through 10.15.3.
  • Issue: After Effects 22.3 and above may crash when run natively on Apple silicon hardware with Mercury Transmit enabled and Blackmagic Desktop Video version 12.1 (or earlier) installed.
    Workaround: Install Blackmagic Desktop Video version 12.3 or above. Version 12.1 and earlier are unsupported with Apple silicon hardware.
  • Issue: After Effects throws an error message stating that the project is corrupt as the project has multiple cameras. It occurs when you open an .aep project created in version 22.2.1 in After
    Effects versions 22.3 or 22.4.
    Workaround: Open the project in After Effects version 22.2.1.

April 2022 (Version 22.3) release

  • Issue: When you quit After Effects, changes you make to a workspace are automatically saved into the workspace instead of being remembered as a temporary state.

Workaround: Use Reset . to Saved Layout before each quit to ensure the saved state retains.

  • Issue: In After Effects on M1 Pro, M1 Max, and M1 Ultra systems, the following error can occur when rendering to ProRes 4444 and ProRes 4444XQ codec variants with Alpha channel.

Workaround: In the Output preferences dialog (Preferences > Output):

  1. Uncheck the option Enable ProRes hardware accelerated encoding, if available . It is checked by default.
  2. Retry render.

February 2022 (Version 22.2) release

  • Issue: The Exposure control at the bottom of the Composition , Layer , and Footage viewer panels do not automatically enable or disable when the value changes from or to zero.

Workaround: No known workaround yet.

December 2021 (Version 22.1.1) release

  • Issue: After Effects throws three different errors when you render PNG sequence with the sRGB IEC61966-2.1 color profile.

Workaround: Try any of the following to make the render work:

  • Change the Color Management in the Output Module settings from Embed Profile to Preserve RGB.
  • Create an empty project and import the project with the error and render the same PNG.

  • Issue : On macOS Monterey, After Effects menu bar and mouse right-click don’t work. When you click again, it displays for a moment but disappears when you move the mouse to click a drop-down.

Workaround : Click the After Effects icon in the Dock for the menus to work.

  • Issue: Encounter stability problems while using After Effects 2022.1.1 MOGRTs with Cinema 4D R25,

Workaround: Use the following steps to resolve the issue:

  1. Close any instance of After Effects, Cinema 4D R25, Premiere Pro or Adobe Media Encoder.
    1. Locate the Cinema 4D R25 config.cineware_dll.txt file which can be found in the following locations. Make a backup copy of the file in case you need to restore the previous configuration.
    2. win: C:Program FilesMaxon Cinema 4D R25resource
    3. mac: /Applications/Maxon Cinema 4D R25resource
  2. Under an administrator account, replace the existing config.cineware_dll.txt with the following one:

4. Restart After Effects and Cinema 4D to work.

October 2021 (Version 22.0) release

  • Issue: After Effects and Adobe Media Encoder dynamic link issue — Multi-Frame rendering, aerendercore is not terminated if it is invoked via dynamic link.

Workaround: Set Enable Multi-Frame Rendering to off.

  • Issue: After Effects 22.0 crashed during launch due to third party AE Juice plugin on macOS 12.x.

Workaround: Try any of the following workarounds:

a. Remove the AE Juice plug-in Install the newer version of the AE Juice plugin. Some of the plug-ins (not all) are stored in HD/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/Plugins/7.0/MediaCore . Move all the files and folders to the desktop (except dummy.txt).

b. Install the newer version of the plug-in to work with After Effects 22.0 using the following links:

  • Issue: On Windows, Adobe Media Encoder 2022 and Adobe Premiere Pro 2022 may hang when rendering a Cinema 4D-based After Effects 2022 composition, or a composition containing the Cineware effect using Dynamic Link.

Workaround: Export the composition from the After Effects Render Queue using the new High Quality or High Quality with Alpha output module presets and import the resulting footage file into Media Encoder or Premiere Pro.

  • Issue: Cineware Live Link fails to respond with Cinema 4D.

Workaround: Live Link is not currently enabled with After Effects 2022. We hope to restore this functionality in a future update.

  • Issue: Precomps that contain 3D layers and have both their Collapse Transform switch and their 3D Layer switch set to ON may have inaccurate Render Time values displayed for their layer.

Workaround: Open the precomp’s timeline and note the Frame Render Time to get a more accurate measurement.

July 2021 (Version 18.4) release

  • Issue: When you paste text from another application into After Effects text layer, The Paste command in the Edit menu is unavailable, and n othing is pasted.

Workaround: No known workaround yet.

May 2021 (Version 18.2) release

  • Issue: Preview glitches or crashes can occur when using After Effects 18.2 or Premiere Pro 15.2 on systems with Nvidia drivers if you have enabled Image Sharpening or Antialiasing — FXAA in Nvidia Control Panels.

Resolution: For more information and a resolution to this issue, see Preview glitch or crash after resizing Preview panels .

  • Issue: On Mac, aerender automation is failing everytime aerender is launched for the first time and it displays the Access Control dialog. Allowing control is providing access to documents and data in the app folder, and to perform actions within that app. Upon ignoring the alert or clicking Don’t Allow , aerender test fails and aerendercore remains in process (activity monitor).

Workaround: No known workaround yet.

  • Issue: JPEG images in projects from previous versions cannot be read.

Workaround: In the Project panel, select the JPG file, select File > Replace Footage > File and replace the JPG with itself. This changes the Type of the file in the Project panel from «JPEG» to «ImporterJPEG», which points to a possible failure to update from the legacy JPEG importer.

March 2021 (Version 18.0) release

  • Issue: H.264 (MP4) files import as green frames. Use the following workaround:
    • Go to Preferences > Import
    • Deselect “Enable hardware accelerated decoding” under Video Footage.
    • Then go to Preferences > Media & Disk Cache.
    • Click “Empty Disk Cache” and “Clean Database & Cache”.
    • Relaunch After Effects and import the files again.
  • Issue: Can’t disable multiple 3D views in Composition panel if 3D is disabled for all layers. No control exists that allows to change the view back to 1-up.

Workaround: Re-enable 3D for the layer, change the view, then disable 3D.

  • Issue: When Draft 3D is enabled, the camera does not render correctly in orthographic view such as Front view.

Workaround: No known workaround yet.

February 2021 (Version 17.7) release

  • Issue: Enabling “Use Legacy UI” in a ScriptUI panel will cause a crash. Opening a ScriptUI panel with this preference previously enabled or switching to a workspace containing a ScriptUI panel with this preference enabled will also cause a crash.

Workaround: Use the following steps to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Inside After Effects, reveal the preferences folder with Preferences > General > Reveal Preferences in Finder/Explorer.
  2. Close After Effects.
  3. Open «Adobe After Effects 17.7 Prefs-indep-general.txt» in a text editor.
  4. Search for “Pref_SUI_PANEL_USES_LEGACY_SKIN” in the text file.
  5. Change each entry under the “Pref_SUI_PANEL_USES_LEGACY_SKIN” section to 00 instead of 01.
  6. Save the text file.

Upon re-opening After Effects, all scripts will open with legacy mode disabled and avoid the crash.

  • Issue: Custom UI in the Effect Controls panel is not displayed, which affects some third-party plug-ins.

Workaround: Downgrade to After Effects version 17.5.

November 2020 (Version 17.5.1) release

Issue: Use Display Color Management is not enabled by default when setting Project Working Space.

Workaround: When you set up your Color Managed project, select Use Display Color Management to enable it. This sets the state for this project, which remains persistent. But you need to do this for every Color Managed project you create.

October 2020 (Version 17.5) release

  • Issue: Holding the Option (Mac) or Alt (Windows) key while you click or click and drag with the Selection, Pen, Zoom, or other tools doesn’t perform the expected action of that tool, but instead activates the Universal Camera Tool. This only occurs if there is a 3D layer in the composition. Examples of when holding the Opt/Alt key does not work as expected:
    • The Selection tool does not duplicate a shape or shape path when dragging that path.
    • The Pen tool does not activate the Convert Vertex tool when the mouse cursor is over a mask point or handle.
    • The Zoom tool does not change to zoom out.

Also, holding the Option/Alt key while dragging the current-time indicator in the Timeline panel does not prevent the Composition panel from updating while you drag, regardless of whether a 3D layer is in the composition.

Workaround: Disable the Activate option — Left/Middle/Right Mouse Click For Camera Navigation option in Preferences > 3D .

  • Issue: After Effects crashes on launch or throws a «File is not found» error message when opening images with Camera Raw 13.0. This is due to OS incompatibility of Adobe Camera Raw 13.0 with macOS 10.13.
    UPDATE: Camera RAW version 13.0.1 has been released which takes care of this issue. Please ensure that your Camera RAW is updated to 13.0.1 to solve this issue.

Workaround : If you are facing this issue, rollback to Camera Raw version 12.x, see Camera Raw 12.x installer . To learn more on Camera Raw OS compatibility, see System Requirements. For more information, see this community post.

  • Issue: (Win) aerender only works if you disable render license checks using «ae_render_only_node.txt» — usage of that file is documented here: Automated rendering and network rendering.

(Mac) aerender renders files without the «ae_render_only_node.txt» in place but ends up leaving an aerendercore process running.

Workaround: It works properly when «ae_render_only_node.txt» is used.

September 2020 (Version 17.1.4) release

Issue: After Effects v17.1.4 crashes at random.

Workaround: Roll back to the previous version 17.1.3 of After Effects using the steps in this article. We are actively working to resolve this issue.

August 2020 (Version 17.1.3) release

Issue: Removing an audio device while it is in use prevents preview playback.

June 2020 (Version 17.1.2) release

  • Issue: After Effects displaying preview artifacts on Program monitor when using Lumetri on systems using NVIDIA GPUs with newer Studio/Game Ready drivers. The issue has been reported on multiple GPUs and GTX 1080 Ti running on latest Game Ready driver 451.48.

Workaround: Upgrade to the NVIDIA studio driver v451.77.

  • Issue: After Effects displays green horizontal lines in the Composition panel with Intel drivers 8280 and 8336.

Workaround: Roll back to the older Intel drivers.

June 2020 (Version 17.1.1) release

  • Issue: Markers cannot be referenced by name in the JavaScript expressions engine.

Workaround: Switch to the Legacy ExtendScript expression engine to view the correct value.

  • Issue: There is unpredictable behavior with Adobe Stock media contained in shared Creative Cloud Libraries. Stock media that has been licensed and shared by a collaborator may not appear as licensed to fellow collaborators, it may appear as media offline, or it may not appear at all in the shared library or sequence when other collaborators open the project and the shared library.

Workaround: Try closing and opening the project, or closing and relaunching After Effects.

May 2020 (Version 17.1) release

  • Issue: The script method findMenuCommandId() no longer works in After Effects 17.0 or above running in Japanese.

Workaround : No known workaround yet.

  • Issue: When manually transforming layers, such as, position, scale, and rotation, color fringing may be seen on the edge of layer elements while the transform is in progress. Once the transform is complete, the fringing is no longer seen. This fringing does not occur during composition preview or export. This may occur when a project has both Linearize Working Space and Hardware Accelerate Composition, Layer, and Footage Panels enabled.

Workaround: Disabling either Linearize Working Space or Hardware Accelerate Composition, Layer, and Footage Panels stops the color fringing from appearing.

April 2020 (Version 17.0.6) release

  • Issue: Closing Lumetri Scopes panel while playing back a preview may cause After Effects to crash.

Workaround: Close the Scopes panel after stopping the preview.

    Issue: On macOS, changing the comp window using the tilde (

) may cause an aliased image to appear until you move your mouse over the comp.

  • Issue: The filename displayed when using the Save/Open dialog may become illegible on Mac Touch bar laptops if the Escape key is pressed.
  • Workaround: Upgrade to the latest version of macOS Catalina (version 10.15).

    • Issue: After Effects may crash on startup if Red Giant Supercomp plugin is installed.

    Workaround: Uninstall Supercomp if it is not required for the project being opened. If it is required for the project, continue to use After Effects 17.0.5.

    Red Giant will be releasing an update to Supercomp in late April 2020 that will resolve this issue.

    March 2020 (Version 17.0.5) release

    Issue: MP4 (H.264) files fail to import in After Effects version 17.0.5.


    1. Reinstall a previous version of After Effects.
    2. Transcode files to a different file format.

    For more infromation, see this community post.

    February 2020 (Version 17.0.4) release

    • Issue: On Win, Double-clicking an .aep project file which in-turn causes After Effects to launch creates three subfolders (CIDFont, CMap, and Font) in the same folder as the .aep project.

    Workaround: Open the .aep project using File > Open Project after starting After Effects, or double-click the .aep project file once After Effects is open. It is safe to delete these three subfolders once After Effects is closed.

    • Issue: Closing Lumetri Scopes panel while playing back a preview may cause After Effects to crash.

    Workaround: Close the Scopes panel after stopping the preview.

      Issue: On macOS, changing the comp window using the tilde (

    ) may cause an aliased image to appear until you move your mouse over the comp.

  • Issue: The filename displayed when using the Save/Open dialog may become illegible on Mac Touch bar laptops if the Escape key is pressed.
  • Workaround: Continue to enter the name to restore the filename being entered.

    January 2020 (Version 17.0.2) and December 2019 (Version 17.0.1) releases

    • Issue: In After Effects 17.0.2, when you create a composition from a .mov, the graphics get corrupt even during preview. This issue occurs on 16″ MacBook Pro, if you are using AMD Radeon Pro 5300M 4GB.

    Workaround: No workaround yet.

    • Issue : Motion graphic templates do not render correctly in Premiere Pro 14.0 when After Effects 17.0.2 is installed.

    Workaround: Upgrade Premiere Pro to 14.0.1. Premiere Pro 14.0.1 requires After Effects 17.0.2 (and vice versa) for motion graphic template rendering.

    • Issue: Closing Lumetri Scopes panel while playing back a preview may cause After Effects to crash.

    Workaround : Close the Scopes panel after stopping the preview.

      Issue: On macOS, changing the comp window using the tilde (

    ) may cause an aliased image to appear until you move your mouse over the comp.

  • Issue: Cinema 4D Lite may be removed or overwritten if the Cinema 4D Lite R21 trial or full installer is used.
  • Workaround: Please reinstall After Effects if this occurs.

    • Issue: The filename displayed when using the Save/Open dialog may become illegible on Mac Touch bar laptops if the Escape key is pressed.

    Workaround: Continue to enter the name to restore the filename being entered.

    November 2019 (Version 17.0) release

    • Issue: The Dropdown Menu Control is a new feature in this release of After Effects. As this control is based on a pre-existing menu type, it appears in projects opened in previous versions of After Effects. Functionality is limited in these older releases, however, so creating menus with the intent to use in earlier releases is not recommended. Also, scripting for the Dropdown Menu Control is currently not supported.
    • Issue: Colorama color picker may crash when using macOS 10.15.
    • Issue: Closing Lumetri Scopes while playing back a preview may cause After Effects to crash.

    Workaround: Close the scopes panel after stopping the preview.

      Issue: On MacOS 10.13 or 10.14, changing the comp window using the tilde (

    ) may cause an aliased image to appear until you move your mouse over the comp. This does not occur on macOS 10.15.

  • Issue: Cinema 4D Lite may be removed or overwritten if the public R21 trial or full installer is used. Please reinstall After Effects if this occurs.
  • Issue: 3D Camera Tracker target may display slower on Windows than on macOS.
  • Issue: When changing zoom level while playing back a preview, the rendered frame may appear the incorrect size for a frame or two.
  • Issue: In the Japanese version of AE, the filename displayed when using the Save Dialog may become illegible. The filename entered will be set correctly.
  • Issue:If a project is created on a Windows machine and then opened on a macOS machine as the first project ever after AE install, the layer/footage panel may not show the content correctly. Restart AE to resolve this issue.
  • Issue: After Effects projects created in 17.0 can be opened in After Effects 16.1.. However there are two issues that may occur:
    • If the 17.0 project uses the new Dropdown Menu expression effect, the Dropdown Menu settings cannot be edited.
    • Projects using master properties may not load all keyframe data for those properties.
  • April 2019 (version 16.1) release

    Issue: The Edit Original command does not launch the external application such as Photoshop, and Illustrator on macOS if the file path contains non-ASCII characters such as Japanese, Chinese, and Korean characters. Also, the Create Reference Frame button in the Content-Aware Fill panel does not automatically launch Photoshop.

    Workaround: Use any of the following workarounds:

    • Do not use non-ASCII characters in the file path or file names.
    • Manually launch Photoshop or other external application and open the file manually.

    Known issues with Content-Aware fill

    Issue: On both Mac and Win, while generating a fill layer, CPU usage can exceed 100 percent.

    Workaround: There is no known workaround for this issue.

    Issue: When you have a team project open and you click the Generate Fill layer or Create Reference frame buttons, After Effects gives no results.

    Workaround: Convert the team project to a local project, select Edit > Team Project > Convert Team Project to Project .

    Known issues with Expression Editor

    Issue: On Windows, the kerning and letter spacing visibly changes when the expression field is activated. When you open the Preferences > Scripting & Expressions, and set expression editor width to 2, and confirm Settings with OK ,the text kerning from the inactive state to the active state is very different and causes extra jump in the text placement. Also, the tab spacing in the inactive state appears to be between 6 and 8 spaces regardless of the Tab Width settings in the preferences.

    Workaround: Set tab width between 6 and 8 to minimize jumping.

    Known issue with Rotobrush on M1-based Apple computers with macOS 11

    Issue: After Effects crashes when you use Rotobrush on an M1-based Apple computer running on macOS 11.

    Workaround: Upgrade to macOS 12 to fix this issue.

    If you run into any other issues, or you want to post, discuss, and be part of our knowledgeable community, visit the After Effects forums. To report suspected bugs or suggest modifications to existing features in an Adobe product, use the Feature request/bug report form.


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    Feb 09, 2016
    Feb 09, 2016

    I was experiencing the exact same issues you described. No amount of uninstall, reinstall, update, or even the CC cleaner tool was able to fix.

    The solution? For me, after ensuring that AE was running with full administrator rights in Windows 10 (right click > run as administrator) it opens up just fine for me.


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    After Effects Community Recap

    Getting started with After Effects

    I think CEP Meaning you have a problem with some Extention so did you install any AE or PP Extention recently?

    if so try to delete, you can find the extension directory here:


    C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesAdobeCEPextensions


    ~ /Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions

  • After that the effects cannot continue: error when access to the files instead of inside «/ users/me/Library/Preferences/Adobe/After Effects / 13.8», if it please check the file permissions and try again.

    After that the effects cannot continue: error when access to the files instead of inside «/ users/me/Library/Preferences/Adobe/After Effects / 13.8», if it please check the file permissions and try again.

    [Fixed spelling — Mod]

    Go to the folder listed in the path and change the permissions to read/write. Do you know how? It is in the info file.

  • I can not download the trial version after effects CC show me a message in the page: we are experiencing some problems, please try again later. If the problem persists, contact customer support.

    I can not download the trial version after effects CC show me a message in the page: we are experiencing some problems, please try again later. If the problem persists, contact customer support.

    [Ask in the correct forum allows… Left non-technical Forum Lounge for forum specific program… MOD]

    Maybe it’s a false error that hides the real problem… a 32-bit computer

    You MUST have a 64-bit computer and operating system… What is your computer?


    -Programs are supposed TO not view or download if they are not installed on your computer


    MINIMUM for After Effects and Premiere Pro http://helpx.adobe.com/premiere-pro/system-requirements.html

  • Whenever I open a creative cloud application adobe (such as Photoshop, Flash, AfterEffects etc.) it takes so long to open, and then after a few seconds, it freezes and I have to close the application («force quit»). What happens here? Th

    Whenever I open a creative cloud application adobe (such as Photoshop, Flash, AfterEffects etc.) it takes so long to open, and then after a few seconds, it freezes and I have to close the application («force quit»). What happens here? Thank you

    If it’s all programs of cc,

    Uninstall (properly using the uninstall programs) all cc

    clean through the use of the Adobe Creative Cloud cleaning tool to solve installation problems

    Restart your computer

    Reinstall the cc desktop application, https://creative.adobe.com/products/creative-cloud and use the app to install your programs of cc.

    If it’s only some programs of cc who are broken, reset their preferences-

    Acrobat: https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1595848?start=0&tstart=0

    Adobe media encoder: https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1713540

    Legacy: http://helpx.adobe.com/after-effects/using/preferences.html

    hearing: https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1079494

    Bridge: https://helpx.adobe.com/bridge/kb/troubleshoot-errors-freezes-bridge-windows.html

    Dreamweaver: https://helpx.adobe.com/dreamweaver/kb/restore-preferences-dreamweaver-cs6-cc.html

    Flash: http://helpx.adobe.com/flash/kb/re-create-preferences-flash-professional.html

    Illustrator: http://helpx.adobe.com/illustrator/using/setting-preferences.html

    InCopy: https://forums.adobe.com/thread/526990

    InDesign: https://forums.adobe.com/thread/526990

    Lightroom: https://helpx.adobe.com/lightroom/help/setting-preferences-lightroom.html

    Muse (mac): https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1246022?tstart=0

    Photoshop: https://forums.adobe.com/thread/375776

    Photoshop elements: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop-elements/kb/preference-file-locations-photoshop-elements .html, http://www.photokaboom.com/photography/learn/Photoshop_Elements/troubleshooting/1_delete_p references_file.htm

    elements of first: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop-elements/kb/preference-file-locations-photoshop-elements .html

    First pro: http://www.mediacollege.com/adobe/premiere/pro/troubleshooter/trash-preferences.html

  • After effects freezes when you drag pictures to the scenario

    I have not touched After Effects in about a month, and it was working fine before this. Now, I can import images, but when I try to drag in the timeline, the program freezes and unresponsive. This happens with any footage — videos in images of different formats, audio. I can always open old projects with images already in the timeline panel and change those, but I can’t drag any new images.

    I tried to uninstall and remove preferences and then won’t reinstall — no change.

    I am running After Effects on a Macbook Pro, OS X Yosemite 10.10.5, 2.5 GHz Intel Core i7 processor, 1DDR3 6 GB 1600 MHz memory, and Iris Pro 1536 MB Intel graphic processor.

    Thanks in advance.

    Tried a bunch of things, then visited account I never tried to restart the computer. Restarted and it is fine now. * facepalm *.

  • I want to download Adobe after effects CC, however, a message appears on the screen: at the moment, he had problems. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact customer support. What should I do?

    I want to download Adobe after effects CC, however, a message appears on the screen: at the moment, he had problems. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact customer support. What should I do?

    You MUST have a 64-bit computer and operating system… What is your computer?

    -Programs are supposed TO not view or download if they are not installed on your computer

    MINIMUM for After Effects and Premiere Pro http://helpx.adobe.com/premiere-pro/system-requirements.html

  • I start on the site where I bought Adobe After Effects. Then I pressed ‘Download’, but the site you get on says (translated from English): there are problems, try again later. Get in touch with the customer, if the problem keept going. «While it

    I start on the site where I bought Adobe After Effects. Then I pressed ‘Download’, but the site you get on says (translated from English): there are problems, try again later. Get in touch with the customer, if the problem keept going. «So, here am I, I really hope someone knows the answer…

    Thank you

    Are you referring to CC version After Effects?

    If so, you must download and install Adobe Creative Cloud app using whiuch, you can install after effects CC.






    Download and install Adobe Creative Cloud apps

  • After effects error: plugin ‘Element.aex’ could not be loaded (126). (48::46)

    I bought item 3D V2 today and I’ve updated since v1.6 (which worked fine). When I create a solid and you try to add the effect of the element, I get this error message.

    «After effects error: plugin ‘Element.aex’ could not be loaded (126).» (48::46) »

    I did some research and could not find anything except a guy on another forum who had the same problem. He said that the problem is a corrupt file openCL.dll and fixed it by simply replacing the file.

    I think that might be my problem I do not know how to identify and replace the file. I tried to reinstall the plugin etc with no result.

    Windows 10 Technical preview

    Intel Core i7

    NVIDIA GeForce GT650m

    8 GB ram

    «Here is a link to the other forum: AE error:»Plugin could not be loaded»» Timeclub

    I browsed the Nvidia site and found a driver windows 10 and updated my graphics card. Problem solved.

  • When you play FarmVille, my computer crashes or I get a notice that «bits have been lost» and refresh the page… usually don’t work and I have to start all over again.

    When you play FarmVille, my computer crashes or I get a notice that «bits have been lost» and refresh the page… usually don’t work and I have to start all over again.

    I think that there is a prob with this game, it does not matter if you use firefox or IE. Or another browser. It blocks something. Or causes probs.

    FB needs to fix it. There are a lot of people (in a Google search), who are having probs. One way or the other

  • I have a subscription for photography (photoshop/lightroom) after a few days of testing, but the window of my creative cloud always tells me that I have 25 days to test and he should buy photoshop. What does that mean?

    I have a subscription for photography (photoshop/lightroom) after a few days of testing, but the window of my creative cloud always tells me that I have 25 days to test and he should buy photoshop. What does that mean?

    Hi Kai,

    Please check the help below document:

    Applications creative Cloud back in test mode after an update until 2015 for CC

    However, the Adobe ID on the forums has no active members under him. Please confirm the other Adobe Id under which the subscription can be.

    Kind regards


  • Hello! I’ve got CS3 Design Standard — real records and certificate of software license. It was installed on my laptop that crashed and could not be uninstalled. I have now installed on my new MacBook Pro, but can’t get it registered with the

    Hello! I’ve got CS3 Design Standard — real records and certificate of software license. It was installed on my laptop that crashed and could not be uninstalled. I have now installed it on my new MacBook Pro, but can’t get it registered with the serial number. Is it because it has not been uninstalled on the previous laptop? What should I do now? THX!

    Maybe this can help someone else…  I had to simply properly uninstall CS3 and reinstall again after that.  I think what he sort!  I also remember having a similar problem with the Mac at work a couple of years back.  Not sure if it is the same for CS5/CS6.  Here is a link on how to properly uninstall CS3 on Windows XP, Windows Vista and Mac OS.  I’m on OS X 10.9.2 but it works beautifully.  Remove from Creative Suite 3 and CS3 products

  • Win 2003 error — try to add and remove windows components I get this error. IIS.dll Setup library could not be loaded

    When you try to add and remove windows components I get this error. IIS.dll Setup library could not be loaded, or function OcEntry could not be found. code error 0x7e is on a system win 2003

    Hi MickRl,

    The question you posted would be better suited to the TechNet community. Please visit the link below to find a community that will provide the support you want.

  • When I insert a compatible game must be installed and the alert arrives to allow another comes in and says «the file ‘Localization.xml’ could not be loaded.»

    When I insert a compatible game must be installed and the alert arrives to allow another comes in and says «the file ‘Localization.xml’ could not be loaded.»

    Hi Scarface0721,

    Welcome to Microsoft Answers Forums.

    We would like to get a better understanding of this issue, so we can better help not only you but other users with similar problems.

    (a) game in which you try to read?

    (b) have you been able to install and play the game before?

    (c) you are trying to install the game to your computer from the disk or directly trying to play from the disc?

    Method 1:
    Try to install and play the game in a different computer.

    Method 2:
    Try another disc and verify if you are able to install the game.

    Method 3:
    You can also post your request in the following forums site.


    Thanks and regards.

    Thahaseena M
    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer.
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

  • I need help to disable Adobe CS6 on a device that was stolen and I have more access to what I can reinstall on a new computer. Can you please help?

    I need help to disable Adobe CS6 on a device that was stolen and I have more access to what I can reinstall on a new computer. Can you please help?

    When you have a non-functional computer and cannot turn it off, click on the link below

    Serial number and activation support (no-Cloud) https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2041990 to adjust the number of activations

  • In my laptop network 2 and an office can I install Adobe products (that I bought) on more than one computer?

    In my laptop network 2 and an office can I install Adobe products (that I bought) on more than one computer?


    You can install and activate individual-licensed adobe programs, until, two computers at a time.

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