Ошибка при преобразовании типа данных varchar к real

I am assigned with a task to debug an existing ASP.NET C# system. I found out that this is caused by a stored procedure, and the error message is

Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5
Error converting data type varchar to real.

No line numbers or any description of errors. Any kind of heads up is appreciated. Where should I look into, How to debug so that to find exact error. Please help.

asked Aug 4, 2016 at 11:21

saai's user avatar


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The problem is obvious — you have a string and you are treating it as a number. There are three possible reasons.

The first is an explicit conversion where the string is converted to a number. This should be easy to find. You can replace the explicit conversion with try_convert() in SQL Server 2012+.

The second is not much harder. The + operator is used both for addition and string concatenation. It often causes this type of problem. All numeric arguments need to be converted to strings. Or, change all code that does concatenation to use the CONCAT() function — the arguments are automatically converted to strings.

The third is implicit conversion for numeric operations. If you have any other operations (or function calls) that require numeric values, then SQL Server will implicitly convert the values to numbers. This can be very hard to find. Try to write code that does not rely on implicit conversions.

Note: Trying to filter out bad values using a WHERE clause (even in a subquery or CTE) does not work.

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answered Aug 4, 2016 at 11:33

Gordon Linoff's user avatar

Gordon LinoffGordon Linoff

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Found the error, sharing my answer hoping someone is facing the same problem. This is where the error was

CASE [Category].[ID]
    WHEN '1' THEN [Category].[Name]
    WHEN '2' THEN [Category].[Weight]

Here [Category].[Name] is string and [Category].[Weight] is real, trying different data types inside the same CASE clause, so to solve this all what I had to do is split this condition, like this

CASE [Category].[ID]
    WHEN '1' THEN [Category].[Name]
CASE [Category].[ID]
    WHEN '2' THEN [Category].[Weight]

Hope this helps

answered Aug 6, 2016 at 5:07

saai's user avatar


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You can simply debug your sql code as you do in Visual Studio if you have Microsoft SQL Management Studio.

enter image description here

You can start debugging, Debug -> Start Debugging or using the icon shown in the picture or even using a keyboard shortcut Alt + F5.

I would recommend to write the execute statement in a different query window, with parameters if necessary, don’t forget to add your db call and debug this window.

use yourdb
exec yoursp para1 para2

You can Step Into (F11) and Step Over (F10). The place where the debugging stops or crash is the place you have to look into. You can even put brake points when once you start debugging using keyboard shortcut F9. For more look at this video.

answered Aug 5, 2016 at 4:11

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Студворк — интернет-сервис помощи студентам

Пытаюсь обновить запись в БД.
Делаю так:

double stavka = Convert.ToDouble(textBox3.Text);
SqlCommand updateTeacher2 = new SqlCommand("Update [Преподаватели_год] Set Ставка = '" + stavka + "' where ID_преподавателя = '" + teacherID + "'", MyConnection);

И в этом случае вылетает ошибка при преобразовании типа данных varchar к real.
Если же изменяю с 1,25 на 1, то всё работает.

Что тут не так?

В БД поле «Ставка» имеет тип данных Real.




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DenKG, зачем преобразовывать строку в double чтобы подставить в запрос в виде строки? Используй параметры:

double stavka = Convert.ToDouble(textBox3.Text);
SqlCommand updateTeacher2 = new SqlCommand("Update [Преподаватели_год] Set Ставка = @Ставка where ID_преподавателя = @ID_преподавателя", MyConnection);
updateTeacher2.Parameters.AddWithValue"(@Ставка", stavka);
updateTeacher2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID_преподавателя", teacherID);


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31.12.2017, 15:01



OwenGlendower, благодарю


Добрый день!
Есть строка:

declare @point varchar (100) = '-27,452;26,491;4,299'

Делю ее по символу «;» и хочу записать в переменную типа real:

declare @index int
declare @x real
select @index = CHARINDEX(';', @point)
select @x = cast(substring(@point, 0, @index) as real);

Получаю ошибку:

Сообщение 8114, уровень 16, состояние 5, строка 41
Ошибка при преобразовании типа данных varchar к real.

При использовании convert:

select @x = convert(real, substring(@point, 0, @index));

получаю ту же ошибку

Вопрос снят. Необходимо было заменить символ «,» на символ «.»:

select @x = convert(real, replace(substring(@point, 0, @index), ',', '.'));

RRS feed

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  • Hi guys.

    I have a varchar column in my database, it contains numbers like ‘-0.0001416882,-6.446603E-05,2.401768E-05,1.114732E-05………’

    I’m trying to add a WHERE clause, so that it only show the numbers that fall between the range, for example form 0.0001 to 0.0002

    Unfortunately I got ‘Error converting data type varchar to real.’ error while running the query.

    Please advice.

All replies

  • This error cause may be two reasons
     1. -6.446603E-05 «E» is exists in the number
     2. In data there may be non numeric characters exists.

    check below select statment

    SELECT * FROM table
    WHERE ISNUMERIC(col) = 0

    update the column to remove characters to number
    update table
    set [col]=CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(‘E’, col) != 0 THEN CAST(CAST(col AS REAL) AS DECIMAL(15,5)) ELSE CAST(col AS DECIMAL(15,5)) END
    where isnumeric([col]) = 1

    REPLACE(CHAR(10), col, »)

    • Proposed as answer by

      Tuesday, June 29, 2010 8:33 AM

  • Dear sekhara,

    Thank you very much for your help.

    I tried to write the query the way you did, it works!!!!!

    select row
    from tbl_Point

      (CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(‘E’, row) != 0 THEN CAST(CAST(row AS REAL) AS DECIMAL(15,15)) ELSE CAST(row AS DECIMAL(15,15)) END >=0.000011))

    But when I used it in dynamic query with the below, I got the same error — Error converting data type varchar to real. Any idea?

    SET @strWhere =’SELECT row FROM tbl_Point WHERE ‘
    SET @strWhere = @strWhere +'((CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(»»E»»,  row ) != 0 THEN CAST(CAST( row AS REAL) AS DECIMAL(15,15)) ELSE CAST(row AS DECIMAL(15,15)) END <=’+@prmUpperLimit+’) AND

      (CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(»»E»»,  + row + ‘) != 0 THEN CAST(CAST(row AS REAL) AS DECIMAL(15,15)) ELSE CAST(row AS DECIMAL(15,15)) END >=’+@prmLowerLimit+’))’

  • Remove the four (»»E»») keep two (»E»)


    @strWhere =‘SELECT
    row FROM tbl_Point WHERE ‘


    @strWhere = @strWhere
    row AS REAL) AS DECIMAL(15,15)) ELSE CAST(row AS DECIMAL(15,15)) END <=’

    (CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(»E», + row + ) != 0 THEN CAST(CAST(row AS REAL) AS DECIMAL(15,15)) ELSE CAST(row AS DECIMAL(15,15)) END >=’


    • Proposed as answer by
      sekhara shiris chinta
      Thursday, July 8, 2010 8:18 AM

  • Remove From My Forums
  • Вопрос

  • I’m working with a pretty massive data set here.  I did a Bulk Insert and got everything loaded into a staging table.  Now, everything comes in as VARCHAR.  You don’t really have a lot of control over it during the Bulk Insert.  I just
    created a new production table:

    TABLE [dbo].[CA_Final]


    [Date] DATETIME,

    [cusip] VARCHAR(100),

    [sedol] VARCHAR(100),


    Insert Into [dbo].[CA_Final]






    From StagingTable

    Now I’m getting this error.

    Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 358
    Error converting data type varchar to real.

    I’ve done this before, and it worked fine.  That was a while back, and I forgot what I did to get it working.  Can someone point me in the right direction here?


    Knowledge is the only thing that I can give you, and still retain, and we are both better off for it.


  • Have you inspected those row/column’s?

    They must have something in them preventing them from being converted. White space? Tabs?

    • Помечено в качестве ответа

      12 сентября 2014 г. 23:01

  • Hummmm, looks like float did the trick.

    Thanks Patrick.  Thanks everyone.

    Knowledge is the only thing that I can give you, and still retain, and we are both better off for it.

    • Помечено в качестве ответа
      Lydia ZhangMicrosoft contingent staff
      10 октября 2014 г. 9:53

  • Ошибка при преобразовании типа данных varchar к int
  • Ошибка при преобразовании типа данных varchar к float sql
  • Ошибка при преобразовании типа данных varchar к bigint sql
  • Ошибка при преобразовании типа данных nvarchar к float sql
  • Ошибка при преобразовании типа данных nvarchar к datetime