Ошибка при запуске матлаб 8

This issue generally indicates that the license file is served from the Network License Manager and that there is a problem with the license.dat file on the machine running the Network License Manager. The cause of this error may be due to one of the following:

  • The Host ID for which the license.dat file was generated is not the Host ID of the machine hosting the Network License Manager.
  • Missing, corrupt, or incorrect characters in the license.dat file itself.
  • The system time and date are not set properly. Check to make sure that the date and time are set correctly on the machine before proceeding below.

It is also possible for this error to occur if a network license is attempting to be used in place of an Individual or Designated Computer license. If you are trying to activate MATLAB for a network license, you need either a license.dat or network.lic from the person who maintains the Network License Manager. If a Network License Manager has not already been setup, then it needs to be in order to use the license. Read more information from the link below about the differences between license files types:

What are the differences between the license.lic, license.dat, network.lic, and license_info.xml license files?

The first step is to locate the license file (license.dat) for the Network License Manager. The license.dat file on the server machine is located in:

Where are the license files for MATLAB located?

(where $MATLAB is the MATLAB installation directory)

Please check for the following:

1) Make sure that the Host ID specified in the license file matches the Host ID on the «SERVER» line of the license file. The SERVER and DAEMON lines are added automatically when installing the Network License Manager with the MathWorks Product Installer. They can be added manually if you did not use the MathWorks Product Installer to install the Network License Manager.

Additionally, if the Host ID is not proceeded by «ID=», it must match the Host ID of the machine hosting the Network License Manager. For more information on obtaining your Host ID, see the related solution listed below.

The Host ID of the license file will be in a comment line in the license file. For example:

# BEGIN——cut here——CUT HERE——BEGIN

# MATLAB license passcode file.

# LicenseNo: 123456 HostID: 001122334455

In this example, the Host ID is the MAC address 001122334455. This same MAC address should be in the SERVER line of the license file. For example:

SERVER my-license-host 001122334455 27000

If the wrong Host ID is used in the SERVER line, or if the license file was generated for a different Host ID, this error will occur. Individual licenses use a Host ID that is ID= and the license number. If you have an individual license, this should be the Host ID in the SERVER line. For example:

SERVER my-license-host ID=123465 27000

NOTE: Changing the Host ID listed in the commented section of the license file will not resolve the error. If your Host ID is incorrect, you will need to obtain a new license file generated for the correct Host ID.

2) This error may be the result of having extra carriage returns in your license file. In order to avoid this, ensure that the following strings all begin on a left justified line: #, SERVER, DAEMON, or INCREMENT. Sometimes an INCREMENT line can get wrapped on the end of the preceding INCREMENT line causing it to be omitted.

3) If you are located in Turkey, or the default language of your computer is Turkish, please refer to the article below:

Why do I see license manager error -8 when launching MATLAB on Linux when my locale is set to Turkey?

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This issue generally indicates that the license file is served from a network license manager and that there is a problem with the license.dat file on the machine running the license manager. The cause of this error may be due to one of the following:

  • The Host ID for which the license.dat file was generated is not the Host ID of the license server machine
  • Missing, corrupt, or incorrect characters in the license.dat file itself
  • The system time and date are not set properly. Check to make sure that the date and time are set correctly on the machine before proceeding below.

It is also possible for this error to occur if a network license is attempting to be used in place of an Individual or Designated Computer license. If you are trying to activate MATLAB for a network license, you need either a license.dat or network.lic from the person who maintains the Network License Manager. Read more information from the link below about the differences between license files types:

What are the differences between the license.lic, license.dat, network.lic, and license_info.xml license files?

This issue may also occur if you are using MATLAB R2007b or below with a standalone license file generated for R2008a or higher.In this case, generating a license file for the correct release of MATLAB will resolve this issue.

If the time and date are set correctly, and you are not using R2007b or below with a standalone license file for R2008a or higher, see the steps below for troubleshooting the license file:

The first step is to locate the license file (license.dat) for the license manager. The license.dat file on the server machine is located in:

Where are the license files for MATLAB located?

(where $MATLAB is the MATLAB installation directory)

Please check for the following:

1) Make sure that the Host ID specified in the license file matches the Host ID on the «SERVER» line of the license file. Also if the Host ID is not proceeded by «ID=», it must match the Host ID of the license server. For more information on obtaining your Host ID, see the related solution listed below.

The Host ID of the license file will be in a comment line in the license file. For example:

# BEGIN——cut here——CUT HERE——BEGIN

# MATLAB license passcode file.

# LicenseNo: 123456 HostID: 001122334455

In this example, the Host ID is the MAC address 001122334455. This same MAC address should be in the SERVER line of the license file. For example:

SERVER my-license-host 001122334455 27000

If the wrong Host ID is used in the SERVER line, or if the license file was generated for a different Host ID, this error will occur. Individual licenses use a Host ID that is ID= and the license number. If you have an individual license, this should be the Host ID in the SERVER line. For example:

SERVER my-license-host ID=123465 27000

NOTE: Changing the Host ID listed in the commented section of the license file will not resolve the error. If your Host ID is incorrect, you will need to obtain a new license file generated for the correct Host ID.

2) This error may be the result of having extra carriage returns in your license file. In order to avoid this, ensure that the following strings all begin on a left justified line: #, SERVER, DAEMON, or INCREMENT. Sometimes an INCREMENT line can get wrapped on the end of the preceding INCREMENT line causing it to be omitted.

3) If you are located in Turkey, or the default language of your computer is Turkish, please refer to the article below:

Why do I see license manager error -8 when launching MATLAB on Linux when my locale is set to Turkey?

License Manager Error Messages

It can also be helpful to view the FLEXlm log file, lmlog.txt, in the $MATLABflexlm directory. To get more information about a FLEXlm license manager problem, see the FLEXlm End User Manual, available in PDF format in $MATLABflexlmenduser.pdf or go to the GLOBEtrotter Software, Inc. Web site, www.globetrotter.com.

    You can also go to the support page on the MathWorks Web site, www.mathworks.com, and find information about a particular license manager error by searching the solution database by error number. For example, to find information about License Manager Error -15, enter «License Manager Error -15» in the search engine.

License Manager Error -2: Invalid License File Syntax

This error message typically indicates that there is a problem in your License File. On client systems, make sure your License File ($MATLABbinwin32license.dat) has the following format.

  • SERVER host hostID port_num 

Note that there should be a carriage return immediately following the USE_SERVER line.

License Manager Error -3: Cannot Connect to a License Server

This error can occur if the SERVER line in your License File is incorrect or missing.

To remedy this error, try the following:

  • Make sure that the SERVER line in your License File matches the SERVER line in the License File on your license server. On client systems, the License File is $MATLABbinwin32license.dat; on your license server, the License File is $MATLABflexlmlicense.dat, where $MATLAB is the root MATLAB installation directory.

    You must restart the license manager after making any changes to the License File on the license server.

  • Make sure the TCP port number at the end of the SERVER line in your License File is not already being used by another application. On NT systems, run the netstat -p tcp command from C:WINNTsystem32. If the local system appears on the Foreign Address list, then the port number listed is being used. Change the port number on the SERVER line to a port that is not being used. FLEXlm has reserved ports in the range 27000 to 27009. Restart the license manager after making this change.
  • Make sure that you do not have multiple vendor daemons (mlm.exe) running. Check your FLEXlm log file ($MATLABflexlmlmlog.txt) for the error «Multiple MLM Servers Running».

License Manager Error -5: License Checkout Failed. No Such Feature Exists.

This message usually indicates that you are trying to use a product for which you are not licensed. Check your License File to see if you are licensed to use this product.

If you are licensed for this product, this error may be the result of having extra carriage returns in your License File. To avoid this, make sure that each line begins with either #, SERVER, DAEMON, or INCREMENT.

    You must restart the license manager after making any changes to the License File on the license server.

This error can also be caused by tab characters in the License File. Remove these tabs and replace with them spaces.

This error may also be the result of an incorrect system date. If your system date is set before the date that your license was made, you will get this error. See License Manager Error -10: Feature Has Expired to learn how to reset the system date.

License Manager Error -8: Invalid (Inconsistent) License Key

This error message typically indicates that your License File, $MATLABflexlmlicense.dat, has been corrupted. This can happen if the License File was edited or if an e-mail program inserted extraneous tabs or carriage returns in the INCREMENT lines.

One way to check for extraneous tabs and carriage returns is to open your License File in a text editor and view all nonprinting characters. Remove all the tab characters and all carriage returns that are not at the end of a line.

Check that the contents of your License File matches the license data sent you by The MathWorks.

License Manager Error -9: Invalid Host. License Checkout Failed.

If you get this error on a system running an individually licensed MATLAB, make sure you are running MATLAB on the same system it was installed on. The MathWorks locks a license to a particular system.

You can also get this error if you replaced your hard drive or changed the partition on an existing hard drive. To remedy this situation, rerun the installer. At Step 5: Select the Products You Want to Install, click on the More Options... button on the Product List dialog box and select the Update license option. This option updates your license without requiring that you reinstall MATLAB.

You can also get this error if you try to clone a Release 13 installation from one system to another.

License Manager Error -10: Feature Has Expired

This error indicates that one or more of your license keys has expired.

Check the expiration date on each of the INCREMENT lines in your License File. If the dates in the license file have already passed, contact the Customer Service department at The MathWorks (through the Web or through e-mail at service@mathworks.com). When contacting The Mathworks, include your License Number and the Host ID of your license server.

If none of your product licenses has expired, check that your system date and time are correct:

  1. Click on the Start menu.
  2. Choose Settings.
  3. Click on Control Panel.
  4. Choose Date/Time.

License Manager Error -11: License Checkout Failed. Invalid Date Format in License File.

This error indicates that the start date or the expiration date in the License File is invalid. This can happen if the expiration dates in the License File have been changed.

You can also get this error if the space character between the number of users field and the 20 digit encryption code in the INCREMENT line is missing. Compare the INCREMENT lines in your license file with the INCREMENT lines in your original license e-mail. They must be exactly the same.

This error can also occur if the SERVER and DAEMON lines are missing from the license.dat file. The installer adds these lines to the License File as part of the installation process.

License Manager Error -12: License Checkout Failed. Invalid Return Data from License Server.

This error can be caused by your network setup. When the license manager tries to connect to the server, the DNS Server does not find it because it does not add the domain name suffix into the search.

If all of your client systems are having this problem, change the name of the server in the SERVER line to the fully qualified name:

  1. Change the SERVER line in all license.dat files on your network, which are located in $MATLABbinwin32, to have the fully qualified name of the server.
  2. Restart the license manager on the server. (See Starting and Stopping the License Manager.)

If only some of the clients in your network installation are having this problem, edit the TCP/IP Hosts file on your client systems:

  1. Open the file, C:WinNTsystem32driversetchosts
  2. Add the hostname of your license server to this file. You can find your license server information in the SERVER line of your license.dat file.
  1. For example, if your SERVER line looks like this,
    • SERVER hostname INTERNET= 27000 

    Add the following line to your TCP/IP Hosts file.

    • hostname 
  1. Save the changes to the TCP/IP Hosts file.

License Manager Error -13: No SERVER Line in License File

This indicates that there is no SERVER line in the License File. This line should be added by the installer during the installation process.

To remedy this problem, run the installer again or manually edit the License File, $MATLABflexlmlicense.dat, adding the SERVER line. See License File for information about the format and contents of the SERVER line.

License Manager Error -14: Cannot Find SERVER Hostname in Network Database

If this error occurs on a client system, check to make sure that the hostname on the SERVER line in the license.dat file on your client system matches the hostname on the SERVER line in your license.dat file on your license server. Edit the SERVER line in the client license.dat file, if necessary.

Also, make sure that the server’s hostname, included in the SERVER line, is listed in the C:WINNTsystem32driversetchosts file for Windows NT.

License Manager Error -15: Cannot Connect to License Server

This error message can have several causes but the most common cause is that the license manager isn’t running on your license server.

Verify that both the license manager daemon and the vendor daemon processes, lmgrd and mlm, are running. You can check this via the Task Manager, which can be accessed by pressing the Ctrl+Alt+Delete key sequence. Run these commands on the system on which your license manager is running.

If the license manager isn’t running, see Starting and Stopping the License Manager for information about starting it.

License Manager Error -16

This error indicates that the path to the MATLAB vendor daemon, mlm.exe, is incorrect in your License File DAEMON line. See License File for an example of a DAEMON line.

License Manager Error -18: License Checkout Failed. License Server Does Not Support This Feature.

The most common cause of this error is updating your License File without restarting your license manager. Restart your license manager and then try to start MATLAB. See Starting and Stopping the License Manager.

If you get this error on a client system, but not your license server, the License File on the client probably needs to be updated. Copy the License File from the server onto the your client system ($MATLABbinwin32).

Here are some other possible solutions to this error:

  • Make sure the INCREMENT lines in your license.dat file are exactly as they appeared in the original license e-mail you received from The MathWorks.
  • Make sure the DAEMON line in your license.dat file identifies the correct license manager daemons, especially if you have multiple MATLAB installations on your system.
  • Make sure the TCP port number at the end of the SERVER line in your license.dat file is not already being used by another application. Use the command netstat to show the status of all ports that are in use.
  • On NT systems, run the netstat -p tcp command from C:WINNTsystem32. If the local system appears on the Foreign Address list, then the port number listed is being used. Change the port number on the SERVER line to a port that is not being used. FLEXlm has reserved ports in the range 27000 to 27009. Restart the license manager after making this change.
  • Make sure the Host ID or IP Address listed in the commented section in the license.dat file matches the Host ID or IP Address in the SERVER line. If you are trying to run the license manager on a different system than the one that the license was generated for, you will need to get a new License File from The MathWorks.

License Manager Error -21: License File Does Not Support This Version

If you are getting this error on your license server, make sure you have installed the version of FLEXlm included with Release 13. Release 13 License Files will not work with the older FLEXlm versions.

If you have updated an existing license.dat file with new Release 13 passcodes, you still need to install FLEXlm 8.0d from the MATLAB CD.

If you are getting this error on one of your client systems and not on the server, make sure the License File on the client is in the following format.

  • SERVER host hostname port_num 

The SERVER line in the client system License File should be the same as the SERVER line found in the License File on the license server.

Also, make sure you are using your Release 13 license and not a license from a previous release.

License Manager Error -25: License Server Does Not Support This Version of This Feature

This error indicates that you are trying to run MATLAB 6.5 with an old license. You must update your license.dat file with your new license passcodes.

If you do not have your MATLAB Release 13 license, contact Customer Service at The MathWorks.

License Manager Error -39: No License for Feature

You may encounter the following license manager error:

  • License Manager Error -39
    User/host not on INCLUDE list for feature
    Feature: MATLAB

This table lists a typical cause of this error with possible solutions.

Possible Problem Resolution
You are not listed as a user in your options file. Check your options file and make sure your username is on the INCLUDE line for the product you are trying to use.
On UNIX computers, the installer creates the options file, named $MATLABflexlmMLM.opt.

License Manager Error -83: FLEXlm Version of Client Newer Than Server

This error message usually indicates that the version of the license manager on the client system is newer than the license manager on the server system. When MATLAB starts, the license file is pointing to the wrong version of the license manager.

To correct the problem, change the path of the DAEMON line in your license.dat file. For a UNIX server, the DAEMON line for all license files should resemble this sample (the pathname of your daemon will be different).

  • DAEMON MLM $MATLAB/etc/lm_matlab

For a PC server, the DAEMON line for all license files should read

  • DAEMON MLM $MATLABflexlmmlm.exe

where $MATLAB is your MATLAB installation directory. After changing your License File, be sure to restart the license manager.

License Manager Error -84: Missing Options File

License manager cannot find your options file.

Possible resolutions:

  • Make sure the installer created an options file during the installation procedure. The full path of the options file is $MATLABflexlmMLM.opt, where $MATLAB is your MATLAB installation directory. See Setting Up Network Named User Licensing for more information.
  • Make sure that the DAEMON line in your License File includes the full pathname of your options file. Check the processed License File, $MATLABflexlmlicense.dat. If the DAEMON line wraps onto a second line, make sure there is a line continuation character () at the end of the first line.
  • Make sure you are listed as a valid user of the product you are trying to use.

License Manager Error -88: License Checkout Failed

This error indicates that your system clock has been set incorrectly. Check that your system date and time are correct. To learn how to change the system date, see License Manager Error -10: Feature Has Expired.

License Manager Error -96: Server Node is Down or Not Responding

This error can occur if you are running DHCP (to obtain a dynamically assigned IP address) on your license server. MATLAB cannot connect with the License Manager because it uses TCP/IP protocols for communication and your IP address is changing.

To fix this problem, follow this procedure.

  1. Obtain the current IP address for your server. If you are on UNIX or Linux, use the ifconfig command. On a PC running Windows, you can use the ipconfig command at a DOS prompt.
  2. Edit your hosts file and change the IP address for your server’s entry to be the correct IP address. On UNIX or Linux systems, edit the /etc/hosts file. On Windows NT and Windows 2000 systems, edit the C:Winntsystem32driversetchosts file.

License Manager Error -97: License Checkout Failed

This error is often caused by trying to run both MATLAB 5.3 and MATLAB 6.5 on the same system with different license managers. If this is the case, run both copies of MATLAB with the same License File. See Performing Common License Management Tasks for more information.

If you are not trying to run MATLAB 5.3 but only want to run MATLAB 6.5, make sure you have installed FLEXlm version 8.0d from the Release 13 CD. MATLAB 6.5 will not run with an older version of the license manager.

   Problems During Installation   Troubleshooting an Installation That Uses Dongles 

License Manager Error Messages

It can also be helpful to view the FLEXlm log file, lmlog.txt, in the $MATLABflexlm directory. To get more information about a FLEXlm license manager problem, see the FLEXlm End User Manual, available in PDF format in $MATLABflexlmenduser.pdf or go to the GLOBEtrotter Software, Inc. Web site, www.globetrotter.com.

    You can also go to the support page on the MathWorks Web site, www.mathworks.com, and find information about a particular license manager error by searching the solution database by error number. For example, to find information about License Manager Error -15, enter «License Manager Error -15» in the search engine.

License Manager Error -2: Invalid License File Syntax

This error message typically indicates that there is a problem in your License File. On client systems, make sure your License File ($MATLABbinwin32license.dat) has the following format.

  • SERVER host hostID port_num 

Note that there should be a carriage return immediately following the USE_SERVER line.

License Manager Error -3: Cannot Connect to a License Server

This error can occur if the SERVER line in your License File is incorrect or missing.

To remedy this error, try the following:

  • Make sure that the SERVER line in your License File matches the SERVER line in the License File on your license server. On client systems, the License File is $MATLABbinwin32license.dat; on your license server, the License File is $MATLABflexlmlicense.dat, where $MATLAB is the root MATLAB installation directory.

    You must restart the license manager after making any changes to the License File on the license server.

  • Make sure the TCP port number at the end of the SERVER line in your License File is not already being used by another application. On NT systems, run the netstat -p tcp command from C:WINNTsystem32. If the local system appears on the Foreign Address list, then the port number listed is being used. Change the port number on the SERVER line to a port that is not being used. FLEXlm has reserved ports in the range 27000 to 27009. Restart the license manager after making this change.
  • Make sure that you do not have multiple vendor daemons (mlm.exe) running. Check your FLEXlm log file ($MATLABflexlmlmlog.txt) for the error «Multiple MLM Servers Running».

License Manager Error -5: License Checkout Failed. No Such Feature Exists.

This message usually indicates that you are trying to use a product for which you are not licensed. Check your License File to see if you are licensed to use this product.

If you are licensed for this product, this error may be the result of having extra carriage returns in your License File. To avoid this, make sure that each line begins with either #, SERVER, DAEMON, or INCREMENT.

    You must restart the license manager after making any changes to the License File on the license server.

This error can also be caused by tab characters in the License File. Remove these tabs and replace with them spaces.

This error may also be the result of an incorrect system date. If your system date is set before the date that your license was made, you will get this error. See License Manager Error -10: Feature Has Expired to learn how to reset the system date.

License Manager Error -8: Invalid (Inconsistent) License Key

This error message typically indicates that your License File, $MATLABflexlmlicense.dat, has been corrupted. This can happen if the License File was edited or if an e-mail program inserted extraneous tabs or carriage returns in the INCREMENT lines.

One way to check for extraneous tabs and carriage returns is to open your License File in a text editor and view all nonprinting characters. Remove all the tab characters and all carriage returns that are not at the end of a line.

Check that the contents of your License File matches the license data sent you by The MathWorks.

License Manager Error -9: Invalid Host. License Checkout Failed.

If you get this error on a system running an individually licensed MATLAB, make sure you are running MATLAB on the same system it was installed on. The MathWorks locks a license to a particular system.

You can also get this error if you replaced your hard drive or changed the partition on an existing hard drive. To remedy this situation, rerun the installer. At Step 5: Select the Products You Want to Install, click on the More Options... button on the Product List dialog box and select the Update license option. This option updates your license without requiring that you reinstall MATLAB.

You can also get this error if you try to clone a Release 13 installation from one system to another.

License Manager Error -10: Feature Has Expired

This error indicates that one or more of your license keys has expired.

Check the expiration date on each of the INCREMENT lines in your License File. If the dates in the license file have already passed, contact the Customer Service department at The MathWorks (through the Web or through e-mail at service@mathworks.com). When contacting The Mathworks, include your License Number and the Host ID of your license server.

If none of your product licenses has expired, check that your system date and time are correct:

  1. Click on the Start menu.
  2. Choose Settings.
  3. Click on Control Panel.
  4. Choose Date/Time.

License Manager Error -11: License Checkout Failed. Invalid Date Format in License File.

This error indicates that the start date or the expiration date in the License File is invalid. This can happen if the expiration dates in the License File have been changed.

You can also get this error if the space character between the number of users field and the 20 digit encryption code in the INCREMENT line is missing. Compare the INCREMENT lines in your license file with the INCREMENT lines in your original license e-mail. They must be exactly the same.

This error can also occur if the SERVER and DAEMON lines are missing from the license.dat file. The installer adds these lines to the License File as part of the installation process.

License Manager Error -12: License Checkout Failed. Invalid Return Data from License Server.

This error can be caused by your network setup. When the license manager tries to connect to the server, the DNS Server does not find it because it does not add the domain name suffix into the search.

If all of your client systems are having this problem, change the name of the server in the SERVER line to the fully qualified name:

  1. Change the SERVER line in all license.dat files on your network, which are located in $MATLABbinwin32, to have the fully qualified name of the server.
  2. Restart the license manager on the server. (See Starting and Stopping the License Manager.)

If only some of the clients in your network installation are having this problem, edit the TCP/IP Hosts file on your client systems:

  1. Open the file, C:WinNTsystem32driversetchosts
  2. Add the hostname of your license server to this file. You can find your license server information in the SERVER line of your license.dat file.
  1. For example, if your SERVER line looks like this,
    • SERVER hostname INTERNET= 27000 

    Add the following line to your TCP/IP Hosts file.

    • hostname 
  1. Save the changes to the TCP/IP Hosts file.

License Manager Error -13: No SERVER Line in License File

This indicates that there is no SERVER line in the License File. This line should be added by the installer during the installation process.

To remedy this problem, run the installer again or manually edit the License File, $MATLABflexlmlicense.dat, adding the SERVER line. See License File for information about the format and contents of the SERVER line.

License Manager Error -14: Cannot Find SERVER Hostname in Network Database

If this error occurs on a client system, check to make sure that the hostname on the SERVER line in the license.dat file on your client system matches the hostname on the SERVER line in your license.dat file on your license server. Edit the SERVER line in the client license.dat file, if necessary.

Also, make sure that the server’s hostname, included in the SERVER line, is listed in the C:WINNTsystem32driversetchosts file for Windows NT.

License Manager Error -15: Cannot Connect to License Server

This error message can have several causes but the most common cause is that the license manager isn’t running on your license server.

Verify that both the license manager daemon and the vendor daemon processes, lmgrd and mlm, are running. You can check this via the Task Manager, which can be accessed by pressing the Ctrl+Alt+Delete key sequence. Run these commands on the system on which your license manager is running.

If the license manager isn’t running, see Starting and Stopping the License Manager for information about starting it.

License Manager Error -16

This error indicates that the path to the MATLAB vendor daemon, mlm.exe, is incorrect in your License File DAEMON line. See License File for an example of a DAEMON line.

License Manager Error -18: License Checkout Failed. License Server Does Not Support This Feature.

The most common cause of this error is updating your License File without restarting your license manager. Restart your license manager and then try to start MATLAB. See Starting and Stopping the License Manager.

If you get this error on a client system, but not your license server, the License File on the client probably needs to be updated. Copy the License File from the server onto the your client system ($MATLABbinwin32).

Here are some other possible solutions to this error:

  • Make sure the INCREMENT lines in your license.dat file are exactly as they appeared in the original license e-mail you received from The MathWorks.
  • Make sure the DAEMON line in your license.dat file identifies the correct license manager daemons, especially if you have multiple MATLAB installations on your system.
  • Make sure the TCP port number at the end of the SERVER line in your license.dat file is not already being used by another application. Use the command netstat to show the status of all ports that are in use.
  • On NT systems, run the netstat -p tcp command from C:WINNTsystem32. If the local system appears on the Foreign Address list, then the port number listed is being used. Change the port number on the SERVER line to a port that is not being used. FLEXlm has reserved ports in the range 27000 to 27009. Restart the license manager after making this change.
  • Make sure the Host ID or IP Address listed in the commented section in the license.dat file matches the Host ID or IP Address in the SERVER line. If you are trying to run the license manager on a different system than the one that the license was generated for, you will need to get a new License File from The MathWorks.

License Manager Error -21: License File Does Not Support This Version

If you are getting this error on your license server, make sure you have installed the version of FLEXlm included with Release 13. Release 13 License Files will not work with the older FLEXlm versions.

If you have updated an existing license.dat file with new Release 13 passcodes, you still need to install FLEXlm 8.0d from the MATLAB CD.

If you are getting this error on one of your client systems and not on the server, make sure the License File on the client is in the following format.

  • SERVER host hostname port_num 

The SERVER line in the client system License File should be the same as the SERVER line found in the License File on the license server.

Also, make sure you are using your Release 13 license and not a license from a previous release.

License Manager Error -25: License Server Does Not Support This Version of This Feature

This error indicates that you are trying to run MATLAB 6.5 with an old license. You must update your license.dat file with your new license passcodes.

If you do not have your MATLAB Release 13 license, contact Customer Service at The MathWorks.

License Manager Error -39: No License for Feature

You may encounter the following license manager error:

  • License Manager Error -39
    User/host not on INCLUDE list for feature
    Feature: MATLAB

This table lists a typical cause of this error with possible solutions.

Possible Problem Resolution
You are not listed as a user in your options file. Check your options file and make sure your username is on the INCLUDE line for the product you are trying to use.
On UNIX computers, the installer creates the options file, named $MATLABflexlmMLM.opt.

License Manager Error -83: FLEXlm Version of Client Newer Than Server

This error message usually indicates that the version of the license manager on the client system is newer than the license manager on the server system. When MATLAB starts, the license file is pointing to the wrong version of the license manager.

To correct the problem, change the path of the DAEMON line in your license.dat file. For a UNIX server, the DAEMON line for all license files should resemble this sample (the pathname of your daemon will be different).

  • DAEMON MLM $MATLAB/etc/lm_matlab

For a PC server, the DAEMON line for all license files should read

  • DAEMON MLM $MATLABflexlmmlm.exe

where $MATLAB is your MATLAB installation directory. After changing your License File, be sure to restart the license manager.

License Manager Error -84: Missing Options File

License manager cannot find your options file.

Possible resolutions:

  • Make sure the installer created an options file during the installation procedure. The full path of the options file is $MATLABflexlmMLM.opt, where $MATLAB is your MATLAB installation directory. See Setting Up Network Named User Licensing for more information.
  • Make sure that the DAEMON line in your License File includes the full pathname of your options file. Check the processed License File, $MATLABflexlmlicense.dat. If the DAEMON line wraps onto a second line, make sure there is a line continuation character () at the end of the first line.
  • Make sure you are listed as a valid user of the product you are trying to use.

License Manager Error -88: License Checkout Failed

This error indicates that your system clock has been set incorrectly. Check that your system date and time are correct. To learn how to change the system date, see License Manager Error -10: Feature Has Expired.

License Manager Error -96: Server Node is Down or Not Responding

This error can occur if you are running DHCP (to obtain a dynamically assigned IP address) on your license server. MATLAB cannot connect with the License Manager because it uses TCP/IP protocols for communication and your IP address is changing.

To fix this problem, follow this procedure.

  1. Obtain the current IP address for your server. If you are on UNIX or Linux, use the ifconfig command. On a PC running Windows, you can use the ipconfig command at a DOS prompt.
  2. Edit your hosts file and change the IP address for your server’s entry to be the correct IP address. On UNIX or Linux systems, edit the /etc/hosts file. On Windows NT and Windows 2000 systems, edit the C:Winntsystem32driversetchosts file.

License Manager Error -97: License Checkout Failed

This error is often caused by trying to run both MATLAB 5.3 and MATLAB 6.5 on the same system with different license managers. If this is the case, run both copies of MATLAB with the same License File. See Performing Common License Management Tasks for more information.

If you are not trying to run MATLAB 5.3 but only want to run MATLAB 6.5, make sure you have installed FLEXlm version 8.0d from the Release 13 CD. MATLAB 6.5 will not run with an older version of the license manager.

   Problems During Installation   Troubleshooting an Installation That Uses Dongles 

How to Solve the license manager error-8 problem in MATLAB 2018a

After confirming that all files in the crack file have been copied to the installation file of MATLAB. The MATLAB shortcut cannot be started after clicking on the desktop. Delete the shortcut of the desktop and enter matlab.com under the bin directory file of the installation file Exe file to start.

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