Ошибка термофиксатора xerox 3260

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проблема с принтером Xerox Phaser 3140

Принтер Xerox Phaser 3140

Ошибка термофиксатора. Ошибка №02-000. Что делать? Горит красная лампочка, принтер не печатает. Пишет, что нужно включить и выключить его, но это не помогает.

Люди с такой же проблемой (6)

При загрузке принтер гудит, не печатает, выдает сообщение красным» Ошибка термофиксатора, №02-000. Выключите и включите принтер» Ничего не помогает  loco313  1 июля 2013 

Что делать? выдает ошибку №02-000  ДашаЯловая  21 февраля 2012 

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Такой вопросик по принтеру Xerox Phaser 3140.
Выдает ошибку. «Ошибка лазера. ошибка № 04-002» и на самом принтере
горит …

Ошибка Е5 и не печатает принтер. В общем, простоял у меня принтер где то месяц с заправленными картриджами (перед тем, как поставил, я им пропечатывал …

Принтер не печатает. Выдается сообщение «Ошибка службы 5200». При этом индикатор у кнопки включения мигает то зеленым, то желтым цветом. При …

Ошибка Е 7. «Абсорбер чернил полон». Принтер не печатает вообще, Как устранить?

Появляется сообщение ошибка 5100. Принтер совсем не печатает и не делает никакой операции

Модератор: vetal

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Сообщение GreatALF » Вт июл 23, 2013 5:29 pm

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑

kvg писал(а):Какое сопротивление термодатчика в килоомах? (должно быть около 200-400 кОм)


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Сообщение RA0APP » Ср июл 24, 2013 12:24 pm

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Сообщение dviz » Ср июл 24, 2013 4:43 pm

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑

GreatALF писал(а):Тестер повесил на БП к контактам которые идут на печку — 0.

То есть вот эти контакты звонятся накоротко?

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Сообщение RA0APP » Ср июл 24, 2013 4:55 pm

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Сообщение GreatALF » Чт июл 25, 2013 10:05 am

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑

dviz писал(а):

GreatALF писал(а):Тестер повесил на БП к контактам которые идут на печку — 0.

То есть вот эти контакты звонятся накоротко?

Нет не звонятся коротоко. вообще тишина.

Добавлено спустя 7 минут 15 секунд:

RA0APP писал(а):Платы БП у обоих девайсов абсолютно одинаковые, нужно проверить ещё R18 он стоит в той же цепи управления симистором, а также полезно проверить реле RL1 и цепь управления реле и оптрон PC2, и сам симистор.

А как правильно релюху проверить? оптрон на блоке питания находится?

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Сообщение RA0APP » Чт июл 25, 2013 11:05 am

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The most common error codes.

08-100 Description: Paper Feed Fault — Tray 1 The lead edge was not detected by the Paper Feed Sensor.
10-100 Description: Fuser Temperature (Open) Fault The temperature of the Fuser is outside of the normal operating range of 383°F ± 5°F (195°C ± 5°C.)
01-100 Description: Front Cover Open Fault The front cover is open or the cover open switch is defective.
08-500 Description: Paper Jam in Exit Area Fault The machine has detected a paper jam in the Exit Area.
10-200, 10-300 Description: Fuser Under/ Over Temperature Fault The temperature of the Fuser is outside of the normal operating range of 383°F ± 5°F (195°C ± 5°C.)
08-100 Description: Paper Feed Fault — Tray 1 The lead edge was not detected by the Paper Feed Sensor.
10-100 Description: Fuser Temperature (Open) Fault The temperature of the Fuser is outside of the normal operating range of 383°F ± 5°F (195°C ± 5°C.)
01-100 Description: Front Cover Open Fault The front cover is open or the cover open switch is defective.
08-500 Description: Paper Jam in Exit Area Fault The machine has detected a paper jam in the Exit Area.
10-200, 10-300 Description: Fuser Under/ Over Temperature Fault The temperature of the Fuser is outside of the normal operating range of 383°F ± 5°F (195°C ± 5°C.)

Xerox Phaser 6110 — «недостаточный прогрев термофиксато

Помогите, пожалуйста, решить проблему.

Дело было так. Принтер после включения какое-то время прогревался, потом включалось — ну скажем так (профессиональной лексикой не владею) — прокручивание механизма, потом он готов к печати. Вот это «прокручивание механизма» со временем продолжалось все больше, а в один неприятный день он просто замолчал и выдал сервисное сообщение «недостаточный прогрев термофиксатора».

Снял крышку.

Питание на печку 220 при включении подается, проверил тестером, приклеив скотчем датчик закрытия крышки.

Вытащил и аккуратно разобрал печку. Тефлоновый вал не проворачивается (!) — в него вплавился датчик температуры, и в некоторых местах еще пару следов перегрева в районе какой-то «таблетки», которая стоит последовательно в цепи питания нагревательного элемента. Удалось отделить тефлоновый вал от датчика, но есть небольшое повреждение покрытия.

Питание через эту «таблетку» не идет и в нынешнем состоянии на нагревательный элемент не подается.

Сам нагревательный элемент — лампа на 850 ватт — вроде нормально, тестером прозванивается.

Посоветуйте что-нибудь, пожалуйста. Кроме «купить печку» — цена печки больше не только цены этого принтера, но и следующей модели в этом ряду Xerox Phaser 6125N. Так что уж если покупать печку, то только в сборе с новым принтером. )))

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Зарегистрирован: 00:11 — 09.08.10
Откуда: Москва
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Непрочитанное сообщение Олег Ал » 07:22 — 09.08.10

стукнуть таблетку об пол для восстановления работоспособоности

и обязательно проверить управление печуркой

Олег Ал
Сообщения: 2238
Зарегистрирован: 19:43 — 18.12.06
Откуда: Ульяновск
Баллы репутации: 1
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Непрочитанное сообщение Itinerant » 12:12 — 09.08.10

Таблетку об деревяшку стукнул. Работоспособность восстановилась. Спасибо!

Вытащил датчик, который контактирует с тефлоновым барабаном. При нагревании об лампочку накаливания сопротивление падает, охлаждается — опять растет. Вроде работает.

Что еще сделать?

Просто включить боюсь, что-то ведь вызвало ситуацию, когда тефлоновый вал перегрелся и залип. Или включить?

Сообщения: 13
Зарегистрирован: 00:11 — 09.08.10
Откуда: Москва
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Непрочитанное сообщение Олег Ал » 18:58 — 09.08.10

проверить легко

надо наблюдать за печкой

если при включении аппарата с открытой дверцой ,лампа в печке загорится, то управление гавкнуло

если не загорится, то на 99% все в норме

значит просто был банальный перегрев из-за налипшего тонера на датчике

Олег Ал
Сообщения: 2238
Зарегистрирован: 19:43 — 18.12.06
Откуда: Ульяновск
Баллы репутации: 1
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Непрочитанное сообщение Itinerant » 21:25 — 09.08.10

Проверил. К сожалению, лампа горит.

Заменить блок управления? Как?

Сообщения: 13
Зарегистрирован: 00:11 — 09.08.10
Откуда: Москва
Баллы репутации: 0

Непрочитанное сообщение Олег Ал » 21:46 — 09.08.10

какую дверцу то открывали?

и что в начале спеклось?

может все таки тефлон с резиновым валом?

Олег Ал
Сообщения: 2238
Зарегистрирован: 19:43 — 18.12.06
Откуда: Ульяновск
Баллы репутации: 1
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Непрочитанное сообщение Itinerant » 22:12 — 09.08.10

Открывал переднюю дверцу. Где картриджи. При открытой передней дверце лампа горит. И при закрытой, но без верхней крышки — хотя может так и должно быть, но что-то я сомневаюсь. (Без верхней крышки появляется сервисное сообщение о замятии бумаги на выходе.)

Спеклось вначале именно датчик температуры с тефлоновым валом, а также был параллельный валу след от небольшого валика, который на проволочной пружинке как бы вслед температурному датчику. И пару горизонтальных следов на уровне таблетки. Но там, где температурный датчик, тефлон немного поврежден и прилип к датчику. В других местах только следы, целостность поверхности не нарушена.

Тефлоновый вал с резиновым не спекся, это точно. Разделились без проблем, резиновый даже у меня по неосторожности чуть не выпал.

Сообщения: 13
Зарегистрирован: 00:11 — 09.08.10
Откуда: Москва
Баллы репутации: 0

Непрочитанное сообщение Олег Ал » 08:22 — 10.08.10

возможно на этой модели нагрев печки не блокируется при открытой дверце (что навряд ли)

можно рискнуть, и понаблюдать подольше за лампой, горит ли она постоянно

по факту должна сначала гореть,потом тухнуть или мерцать

если горит постоянно ,то скорее всего пробит симистр , отследить можно по силовым проводам

Олег Ал
Сообщения: 2238
Зарегистрирован: 19:43 — 18.12.06
Откуда: Ульяновск
Баллы репутации: 1
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Непрочитанное сообщение Itinerant » 15:18 — 10.08.10

Да помнится при открытой крышке всегда возникало соответствующее системное сообщение и принтер молчал… Хотя на лампу я тогда не смотрел, но думаю, что косвенно это означает блокировку нагрева. Так что рисковать что-то побаиваюсь, лучше бы сначала проверить все, что можно.

Олег Ал писал(а):если горит постоянно ,то скорее всего пробит симистр , отследить можно по силовым проводам

Вот тут конечно меня ждала засада ))) По проводам отследил, а что делать — не знаю )))

Выглядит блок, куда приводят провода от печки, вот так.


Никаких внешне горелых деталей нет, все чисто.

Ну, и уж раз дело дошло до фото, вот как выглядит печка внутри.




А это термодатчик. Немного не в фокусе, вытащен из посадочного места. Видно налипший тефлон.


Сообщения: 13
Зарегистрирован: 00:11 — 09.08.10
Откуда: Москва
Баллы репутации: 0

Непрочитанное сообщение Itinerant » 18:06 — 10.08.10

В общем, попробовал включить, наблюдая за печкой.

Системное сообщение «Перегрев термофиксатора». Вытащил печку — термопредохранитель опять выбило, треснул его об деревяшку — все ок.

Тефлоновый вал на этот раз дополнительных повреждений не получил.

Олег Ал писал(а):скорее всего пробит симистр

Теперь осталось его найти и заменить? Подскажите как, пожалуйста.

Сообщения: 13
Зарегистрирован: 00:11 — 09.08.10
Откуда: Москва
Баллы репутации: 0

Непрочитанное сообщение Олег Ал » 18:38 — 10.08.10

ищите по дорожкам от печных контактов.

симистр похож на транзистор в корпусе ТО-220.

Q51 проверяйте

Олег Ал
Сообщения: 2238
Зарегистрирован: 19:43 — 18.12.06
Откуда: Ульяновск
Баллы репутации: 1
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Непрочитанное сообщение Itinerant » 19:51 — 10.08.10

Q51 нашел, такой небольшой квадратный на трех ножках, центральная вынесена вперед. Он?

Теперь выпаять его? И тестером? Боковые ножки прозвонить? И что должно быть — он нормально разомкнутый?

Вот уже на таком уровне мне нужно каждый шаг выспрашивать… у меня знания из школьной физики, хотя и было 5 ))) Так что спасибо за долготерпение!

Сообщения: 13
Зарегистрирован: 00:11 — 09.08.10
Откуда: Москва
Баллы репутации: 0

Непрочитанное сообщение Олег Ал » 21:43 — 10.08.10

кз между любыми ногами не должно быть

проверять выпаяным

Олег Ал
Сообщения: 2238
Зарегистрирован: 19:43 — 18.12.06
Откуда: Ульяновск
Баллы репутации: 1
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Непрочитанное сообщение Itinerant » 00:37 — 11.08.10

Понял, спасибо.

Беру короткий тайм-аут — ищу паяльник )))

Сообщения: 13
Зарегистрирован: 00:11 — 09.08.10
Откуда: Москва
Баллы репутации: 0

Непрочитанное сообщение Itinerant » 14:54 — 11.08.10

Результаты таковы:

если смотреть на симистр спереди, то сопротивление между левой и средней ножками 20 ом, между средней и правой, а также между левой и правой по 80 ом. Если я правильно понял показания тестера — переключатель стоял в положении Х10, стрелка отклонялась до 2 и 8 соответственно. В положениях Х100 и Х1К разницы в отклонении стрелки заметно не было.

Ехать покупать симистр?

И вот кстати еще 2 вопроса:

Тефлоновый вал печки в собранном состоянии проворачивается с некоторым усилием. Это нормально?

Тефлоновый вал менять или пусть пока так? Он же там немного поврежден прилипшим термодатчиком…

Сообщения: 13
Зарегистрирован: 00:11 — 09.08.10
Откуда: Москва
Баллы репутации: 0

Непрочитанное сообщение Олег Ал » 17:44 — 11.08.10

Itinerant писал(а):Тефлоновый вал печки в собранном состоянии проворачивается с некоторым усилием. Это нормально?


купи, сравнишь показания с рабочим

и желательно оптопару поменять,стоит копейки

Олег Ал
Сообщения: 2238
Зарегистрирован: 19:43 — 18.12.06
Откуда: Ульяновск
Баллы репутации: 1
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Непрочитанное сообщение Itinerant » 19:15 — 11.08.10

Можно поподробнее про оптопару? хоть в двух словах где она расположена, на что похожа?

Последний раз редактировалось Itinerant 21:19 — 11.08.10, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

Сообщения: 13
Зарегистрирован: 00:11 — 09.08.10
Откуда: Москва
Баллы репутации: 0

Непрочитанное сообщение Олег Ал » 21:19 — 11.08.10

оптопара PC51

симистр любой от 600В , от 10А

Последний раз редактировалось Олег Ал 21:35 — 11.08.10, всего редактировалось 1 раз.

Олег Ал
Сообщения: 2238
Зарегистрирован: 19:43 — 18.12.06
Откуда: Ульяновск
Баллы репутации: 1
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Непрочитанное сообщение Itinerant » 21:21 — 11.08.10

Олег Ал писал(а):орптопара PC51


Олег Ал писал(а):симистр любой от 600В , от 10А

А управляющий ток какой? у родного от 50МА

Сообщения: 13
Зарегистрирован: 00:11 — 09.08.10
Откуда: Москва
Баллы репутации: 0

Непрочитанное сообщение Олег Ал » 21:40 — 11.08.10


Олег Ал
Сообщения: 2238
Зарегистрирован: 19:43 — 18.12.06
Откуда: Ульяновск
Баллы репутации: 1
  • ICQ

Непрочитанное сообщение Itinerant » 21:18 — 12.08.10

Купил 2 симистра, один в запас. Нашел почти такой же — родной BTA16 800BW, я же купил BTB16 800BW.

Впаял. Включил. Вспышка, выбило пробки. Треснула и обгорела деталька TNR11, внешне выглядит как небольшой желтый диск.

Ну мои предположения, что ножки у родного и нового симистров расположены по-разному. В родном по 80 ом между левой и правой и средней и правой (между левой и средней пробито, наверное), а в новом по 80 ом между крайними и между средней и ЛЕВОЙ, а средняя и правая разомкнуты.

Узнать бы, что это за TNR11 и заменить. Еще что-нибудь не могло сгореть?

Ну и симистр надо перепаять, как я понимаю. Там в принципе длинны ножек хватит, чтобы их развести и в другие дырки запаять. Левую с правой поменять местами или как? Если там управляющий ток постоянный, то еще + — учесть надо…

Сообщения: 13
Зарегистрирован: 00:11 — 09.08.10
Откуда: Москва
Баллы репутации: 0

Непрочитанное сообщение Олег Ал » 21:39 — 12.08.10

по даташитам BTA=BTB, все там одинаково

http://www.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-p … BTA16.html

TNR11-это варистор, но боюсь этим дело только не закончится

возможен вылет Q12,r22, и самой шимки

ищите где накосячили, или лучше отдайте электронщику

познаний все таки маловато у вас

Олег Ал
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Зарегистрирован: 19:43 — 18.12.06
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Непрочитанное сообщение Itinerant » 22:20 — 12.08.10

Да познаний у меня не то что маловато, а просто нет, только надежда на здравый смысл. )))

Но накосячить-то было негде — выпаял и точно туда же впаял. А перевернуть его никак — там винтик к радиатору прикручивается, так что другой стороной не поставишь.

Другое дело, посмотрел я даташит повнимательнее — так там ножка G — управляющий сигнал, как я понимаю — СПРАВА, как в родном, а «силовые A1 и А2 — левая и средняя. А то, что я купил — так там правая и средняя разомкнуты, т.е. видимо именно они А1 иА2. Факт, хотя и странный… Вот тут и косяк.

Честно говоря, мне уже хочется довести дело до конца самому.

Q12 нашел. Это не симистр же, тогда что? Проверить-то как?

R22 тоже нашел. Это сопротивление? Внешне нормально, но чего там — выпаяю, проверю, если надо куплю и заменю.

А вот шимка — что это? какой там номер на схеме?

Сообщения: 13
Зарегистрирован: 00:11 — 09.08.10
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проблема с принтером Xerox Phaser 3140

Принтер Xerox Phaser 3140

Ошибка термофиксатора. Ошибка №02-000. Что делать? Горит красная лампочка, принтер не печатает. Пишет, что нужно включить и выключить его, но это не помогает.

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При загрузке принтер гудит, не печатает, выдает сообщение красным» Ошибка термофиксатора, №02-000. Выключите и включите принтер» Ничего не помогает  loco313  1 июля 2013 

Что делать? выдает ошибку №02-000  ДашаЯловая  21 февраля 2012 

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Такой вопросик по принтеру Xerox Phaser 3140.
Выдает ошибку. «Ошибка лазера. ошибка № 04-002» и на самом принтере
горит …

Ошибка Е5 и не печатает принтер. В общем, простоял у меня принтер где то месяц с заправленными картриджами (перед тем, как поставил, я им пропечатывал …

Принтер не печатает. Выдается сообщение «Ошибка службы 5200». При этом индикатор у кнопки включения мигает то зеленым, то желтым цветом. При …

Ошибка Е 7. «Абсорбер чернил полон». Принтер не печатает вообще, Как устранить?

Появляется сообщение ошибка 5100. Принтер совсем не печатает и не делает никакой операции

Модератор: vetal

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Сообщение GreatALF » Вт июл 23, 2013 5:29 pm

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kvg писал(а):Какое сопротивление термодатчика в килоомах? (должно быть около 200-400 кОм)


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Сообщение RA0APP » Ср июл 24, 2013 12:24 pm

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Сообщение dviz » Ср июл 24, 2013 4:43 pm

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GreatALF писал(а):Тестер повесил на БП к контактам которые идут на печку — 0.

То есть вот эти контакты звонятся накоротко?

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Сообщение RA0APP » Ср июл 24, 2013 4:55 pm

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Сообщение GreatALF » Чт июл 25, 2013 10:05 am

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑

dviz писал(а):

GreatALF писал(а):Тестер повесил на БП к контактам которые идут на печку — 0.

То есть вот эти контакты звонятся накоротко?

Нет не звонятся коротоко. вообще тишина.

Добавлено спустя 7 минут 15 секунд:

RA0APP писал(а):Платы БП у обоих девайсов абсолютно одинаковые, нужно проверить ещё R18 он стоит в той же цепи управления симистором, а также полезно проверить реле RL1 и цепь управления реле и оптрон PC2, и сам симистор.

А как правильно релюху проверить? оптрон на блоке питания находится?

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Сообщение RA0APP » Чт июл 25, 2013 11:05 am

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Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260

Service Manual

702P02830 June 2014

Initial Issue

Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual

Service Documentation

Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual


June 2014

Prepared by:

Content Development and Language Services — North America

800 Phillips Road — Building 218-01A

Webster, New York 14580-9791

ISO9001 and ISO27001 Certified

©2014 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Xerox®, Xerox and Design®, and Xerox® are trademarks of Xerox Corporation in the US and/or other countries.

Printed in the United States of America.

***Xerox Private Data***

All service documentation is supplied to Xerox external customers for informational purposes only. Xerox service documentation is intended for use by certified, product-trained service personnel only. Xerox does not warrant or represent that it will notify or provide to such customer any future change to this documentation. Customer performed service of equipment, or modules, components, or parts of such equipment may affect whether Xerox is responsible to fix machine defects under the warranty offered by Xerox with respect to such equipment. You should consult the applicable warranty for its terms regarding customer or third-party provided service.

While Xerox has tried to make the documentation accurate, Xerox will have no liability arising out of any inaccuracies or omissions.


This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions documentation, may cause interference to radio communications. It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing device pursuant to subpart J of part 15 of FCC rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference when operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference in which case the user, at his own expense, will be required to correct the interference.

DANGER: Cet équipement génère, utilise et peut émettre des fréquences radio, et, s’il n’est pas installé et utilisé selon les recommandations du manuel d’instructions, peut causer des interférences aux communications radio. Il a été testé et jugé conforme aux limites des systèmes de catégorie A, conformément à la partie 15 de l’alinéa J des règlements FCC, établis pour protéger contre de telles interférences pendant le fonctionnement en milieu commercial. Dans une zone résidentielle, il peut causer des interférences; dans ce cas, l’utilisateur devra corriger le problème à ses propres frais.

June 2014

Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260


June 2014


Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260


About This Documentation………………………………………………………………………………….


How to Use this Manual ……………………………………………………………………………………..


Service Safety Summary…………………………………………………………………………………….


Reference Symbology………………………………………………………………………………………..


Voltage Specifications………………………………………………………………………………………..


Health and Safety Incident Reporting …………………………………………………………………..


Regulatory Specifications……………………………………………………………………………………


Translation of Warnings ……………………………………………………………………………………..


Tag Usage………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Phaser® 3052/3260 Overview …………………………………………………………………………….


June 2014


Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual



June 2014


Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual

About This Documentation


The Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual is part of the multinational documentation for the Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Printer. It is structured in standard Xerox service documentation format. This manual is the primary document used for diagnosing, repairing, maintaining, and troubleshooting these systems. The Service Manual is the controlling publication for a service call. Information about using this document is found in the Introduction section. To ensure understanding of this product, complete the Xerox Service Training Program for this particular printer.


The Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Printer Service Manual is organized and defined within the following sections:

Section 1 Service Call Procedures

This section contains procedures that determine what actions are to be taken during a service call on the machine and in what sequence they are to be completed. This is the entry level for all service calls.

Section 2 Status Indicator RAPs

This section contains the diagnostic aids for troubleshooting the Fault Code and non-Fault Code related faults (with the exception of image quality problems).

Section 3 Image Quality Repair Analysis Procedures

This section contains the diagnostic aids for troubleshooting any image quality problems, as well as image quality specifications and image defect samples.

Section 4 Repairs and Adjustments

This section contains the Adjustment and Repair procedures.

Repairs include procedures for removal and replacement of parts which have the following special conditions:

When there is a personnel or machine safety issue.

When removal or replacement cannot be determined from the exploded view of the Parts List.

When there is a cleaning or a lubricating activity associated with the procedure.

When the part requires an adjustment after replacement.

When a special tool is required for removal or replacement.

Use the repair procedures for the correct order of removal and replacement, for warnings, cautions, and notes.

Adjustments include procedures for adjusting the parts that must be within specification for the correct operation of the system.

Use the adjustment procedures for the correct sequence of operation for specifications, warnings, cautions and notes.

Section 5 Parts List

This section consists of a series of illustrations and an associated parts listing. Any part that is spared or any part that must be removed to access a spared part is illustrated. Common hardware is shown as a letter callout.

Section 6 General Procedures and Information

This section contains general information, change tag information, and general procedures.

Section 7 Wiring Data

This section contains Block Schematic Diagrams (BSDs), Plug/Jack locations, Voltage Specifications, and I/O Module locations and information.

Component Names

Names of parts that appear in the procedures may not be exactly the same as the names that appear on the part or listed in the Parts List. For example: a part called the Registration Assembly may appear on the Parts List as Assembly, REGI.

June 2014


About This Documentation

Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual


How to Use this Manual

Always start with Service Call Procedures, Section 1. Perform Initial Actions and verify the problem, then follow the directions given.

How to Differentiate Between Machine Variants

The machine configuration will be identified in this manual by the configuration identifiers 3052NI, 3260DI, 3260DNI and 3260DN.

The Phaser® 3052/3260 is Blue Angel certified with software configuration for up to 29 ppm capability. Refer to the User Guide, Parts List and Procedures for information specific to printer configuration.

When a procedure, parts list description or other reference is unique amongst different configurations of the machine, the appropriate configuration designator is indicated. Any artwork is also specific.

NOTE: This manual services all configurations of the machine. Ignore references to options not installed on the machine.

Warnings, Cautions and Notes


A warning is used whenever an operating or maintenance procedure, practice, condition or statement, if not strictly observed, could result in personal injury.

A translated version of all warnings is in Translation of Warnings.


A caution is used whenever an operation or maintenance procedure, practice, condition or statement, if not strictly observed, could result in damage to the equipment.

NOTE: A note is used where it is essential to highlight a procedure, practice, condition or state-



June 2014


Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual

Service Safety Summary

General Guidelines

For qualified service personnel only: Refer also to Electrical Safety.

Avoid servicing alone: Do not perform internal service or adjustment of this product unless another person capable of rendering first aid or resuscitation is present.

Use care when servicing with power applied: Dangerous voltages may exist at several points in this product. To avoid personal injury, do not touch exposed connections and components while power is on. Disconnect power before removing the power supply shield or replacing components.

Do not wear jewelry: Remove jewelry prior to servicing. Rings, necklaces and other metallic objects could come into contact with dangerous voltages and currents.

Electrical Safety

Use the Power Cord supplied with the printer.

Plug the Power Cord directly into a properly grounded electrical outlet.

Do not use a ground adapter plug to connect the printer to an electrical outlet that does not have a ground connection terminal.

Do not use an extension cord or power strip.

Do not place the system in an area where people might step on the power cord.

Do not place objects on the power cord.

Do not block the ventilation openings. These openings are provided to prevent overheating of the printer.

Do not drop paper clips or staples into the printer.

Warning Labels

Read and obey all posted warning labels. Throughout the printer, warning labels are displayed on potentially dangerous components. As you service the printer, check to make certain that all warning labels remain in place.

Safety Interlocks

Make sure all covers are in place and all interlock switches are functioning correctly after you have completed a printer service call. If you bypass an interlock switch during a service call, use extreme caution when working on or around the printer.

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Field Service Kit

The purpose of the ESD Protection Program is to preserve the inherent reliability and quality of electronic components that are handled by the Field Service Personnel. This program has been implemented as a direct result of advances in microcircuitry technology, as well as a new acknowledgment of the magnitude of the ESD problem in the electronics industry today.

This program will reduce Field Service costs that are charged to PWB failures. Ninety percent of all PWB failures that are ESD related do not occur immediately. Using the ESD Field Service Kit will eliminate these delayed failures and intermittent problems caused by ESD. This will improve product reliability and reduce callbacks.

The ESD Field Service Kit should be used whenever Printed Wiring Boards or ESD sensitive components are being handled. This includes activities like replacing or re-seating of circuit boards or connectors. The kit should also be used in order to prevent additional damage when circuit boards are returned for repair.

The instructions for using the ESD Field Service Kit can be found in GP 7 in the General Procedures section of the Service Documentation.

Operational Safety

The printer and supplies were designed and tested to meet strict safety requirements. These include safety agency examination, approval, and compliance with established environmental standards.

Pay attention to these safety guidelines to ensure the continued, safe operation of the printer.

Use the supplies specifically designed for your system. The use of unsuitable materials may cause poor performance and a possible safety hazard.

Follow all warnings and instructions marked on, or supplied with, the system, options and supplies.

Product Safety Certification

This product is certified by various NRTLs/NCBs to the safety standards listed below: UL60950-1/CSA22.2, No. 60950-1 (USA/Canada)

IEC60950-1 (CB Scheme)

NOTE: The Total Satisfaction Guarantee is available in the United States and Canada. Coverage may vary outside these areas; please contact your local representative for details.

Maintenance Safety

Do not attempt any maintenance procedure that is not specifically described in the documentation supplied with the printer.

Do not use aerosol cleaners. The use of supplies that are not approved may cause poor performance and could create a hazardous condition.

Do not burn any consumables or routine maintenance items. For information on Xerox supplies recycling programs, go to www.xerox.com/gwa.

June 2014


Service Safety Summary

Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual


Xerox Phaser 3052, Phaser 3260 Service Manual

Reference Symbology

Safety Symbols and Terminology

The following are examples of the terminology and symbols that are used in this documentation for an Electrostatic Device Caution, Laser Warning, and general Warnings, Cautions, or Notes.



Improper operation may result in injury to a person.


Improper operation may result in machine damage.


Indicates that Laser safety precautions must be used.

Hot Surface

Indicates that a surface can be hot. Use caution when reaching in the machine to avoid touching the hot surface.

Electrical Current

Danger label indicates where electrical currents travel when the machine is closed and operating. Use caution when reaching in the machine.

Certain components in this product are susceptible to damage from Electrostatic Discharge. Observe all ESD procedures to avoid component damage.

The following reference symbols are used throughout the Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual.


This symbol indicates a reference point into a circuit diagram from a RAP.


This symbol is used to refer to notes that are found on the same page of a circuit diagram. A note is used whenever it is necessary to highlight an operating or maintenance procedure, a practice, condition, or statement.

Hints or other information that may assist the user.

3.Parts List

This symbol, refers to the Parts List exploded view page where the part can be found.


This symbol refers to an adjustment procedure in the Repair/Adjustments section.


June 2014


Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual

5.Test Point, Test Hole, Test Stake

This symbol is used to indicate that a test point, test hole, or test stake is available for accessing the signal line. The prefix indicates whether the access is a test point (TP), test hole (TH), or test stake (TS).

6.Commoning Point

This symbol is used to refer to a location in the machine wiring where more than two wires a connected together at a single point.


This symbol points to the location to install, gain access to, or to release a component.

Voltage Specifications

AC and DC Voltages

Measurements of DC voltage must be made with reference to the specified DC Common, unless some other point is referenced in a diagnostic procedure. All measurements of AC voltage should be made with respect to the adjacent return or ACN wire (Table 1).

Table 1 Voltage Measurement and Specifications



110 to120 VAC 60Hz

100 to 132 VAC

Neutral to Ground VAC

0 VAC (+/- 5VAC)

+5 VDC

+5.05 VDC TO +5.25 VDC

+12 VDC

+11.4 VDC TO +12.6 VDC

-12 VDC

-11.4 VDC TO -12.6 VDC

+24 VDC

+22.8VDC TO +25.2 VDC

+36 VDC

+34.2 VDC TO +37.8 VDC

Logic Voltage Levels

Measurements of logic levels must be made with reference to the specified DC Common,

unless some other point is referenced in a diagnostic procedure (Table 2)

Table 2 Logic Levels



+5 VDC

H= +3.00 TO +5.25 VDC, L=

0.0 TO 0.8 VDC

+24 VDC

H= +23.37 TO +27.06 VDC,

L= 0.0 TO 0.8 VDC

DC Voltage Measurements in RAPs

The RAPs have been designed so that when it is required to use the DMM to measure a DC

voltage, the first test point listed is the location for the red (+) meter lead and the second test

point is the location for the black meter lead. For example, the following statement may be

found in a RAP:

There is +5 VDC from TP7 to TP68.

In this example, the red meter lead would be placed on TP7 and the black meter lead on TP68.

Another example of a statement found in a RAP might be:

There is -15 VDC from TP21 to TP33.

In this example, the red meter lead would be placed on TP21 and the black meter lead would

be placed on TP33.

If a second test point is not given, it is assumed that the black meter lead may be attached to

the copier frame.

June 2014


Voltage Specifications

Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual


Health and Safety Incident Reporting

I. Summary

This section defines requirements for notification of health and safety incidents involving Xerox products (equipment and materials) at customer locations.

II. Scope

Xerox Corporation and subsidiaries worldwide.

III. Objective

To enable prompt resolution of health and safety incidents involving Xerox products and to ensure Xerox regulatory compliance.

IV. Definitions


An event or condition occurring in a customer account that has resulted in injury, illness or property damage. Examples of incidents include machine fires, smoke generation, physical injury to an operator or service representative. Alleged events and product conditions are included in this definition.

V. Requirements

Initial Report:

1.Xerox organizations shall establish a process for individuals to report product incidents to Xerox Environment Health & Safety within 24 hours of becoming aware of the event.

2.The information to be provided at the time of reporting is contained in Appendix A (Health and Safety Incident Report involving a Xerox product).

3.The initial notification may be made by any of the following methods:

For incidents in North America and Developing Markets West (Brazil, Mexico, Latin American North and Latin American South):

Phone* Xerox EH&S at: 1-800-828-6571.

Electronic mail Xerox EH&S at: USA.XEROX.EHS@xerox.com.

Fax Xerox EH&S at: 1-585-216-8817 [intelnet 8*219-68817].

For incidents in Europe and Developing Markets East (Middle East, Africa, India, China and Hong Kong):

Phone* Xerox EH&S at: +44 (0) 1707 353434 [intelnet 8*668 3434]

Electronic mail Xerox EH&S at: EH&S-Europe@xerox.com

Fax Xerox EH&S at: +44 (0) 1707 353914 [intelnet 8*668 3914]

*Initial notification made by phone must be followed within 24 hours by a completed incident report and sent to the indicated electronic mail address or fax number.

NOTE: If sending a fax, please also send the original via internal mail.

Responsibilities for resolution:

1.Business Groups/Product Design Teams responsible for the product involved in the incident shall:

a.Manage field bulletins, customer correspondence, product recalls, safety retrofits.

b.Fund all field retrofits.

2.Field Service Operations shall:

a.Preserve the Xerox product involved and the scene of the incident inclusive of any associated equipment located in the vicinity of the incident.

b.Return any affected equipment/part(s) to the location designated by Xerox EH&S and/or the Business Division.

c.Implement all safety retrofits.

3.Xerox EH&S shall:

a.Manage and report all incident investigation activities.

b.Review and approve proposed product corrective actions and retrofits, if necessary.

c.Manage all communications and correspondence with government agencies.

d.Define actions to correct confirmed incidents.


June 2014

Health and Safety Incident Reporting


Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual

Regulatory Specifications

Xerox has tested this product to electromagnetic emission and immunity standards. These standards are designed to mitigate interference caused or received by this product in a typical office environment.

United States (FCC Regulations)

The Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a commercial installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. If it is not installed and used in accordance with these instructions, it may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of Class A equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his/her own expense. There is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.

If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment Off and On, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

Reorient or relocate the receiver.

Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.

Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.

Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for help.

Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by Xerox could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. To ensure compliance with Part 15 of the FCC rules, use shielded interface cables.

Canada (Regulations)

This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.

Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.

European Union

CE Mark

To ensure compliance with European Union regulations, use shielded interface cables.

A signed copy of the Declaration of Conformity for this product can be obtained from Xerox.

The CE mark applied to this product symbolizes Xerox’s declaration of conformity with the following applicable Directives of the European Union as of the dates indicated:

Figure 1 CE Symbol

December 12, 2006: Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC

December 15, 2004: Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2004/108/EC

This product, if used properly in accordance with the user’s instructions, is neither dangerous for the consumer nor for the environment.

June 2014


Regulatory Specifications

Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual


Translation of Warnings


Switch off the electricity to the machine. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving parts can cause injury.

DANGER : Mettez la machine hors tension. Déconnectez le cordon d’alimentation de l’alimentation du client lorsque vous réalisez des tâches qui ne nécessitent pas d’électricité. L’électricité peut être à l’origine de blessures, voire d’un accident mortel. Les pièces amovibles peuvent être à l’origine de blessures.

AVVERTENZA: Spegnere la macchina. Scollegare il cavo di alimentazione dall’alimentatore quando si eseguono attività che non richiedono elettricità. L’elettricità può causare morte o lesioni personali. Le parti in movimento possono causare lesioni personali.

VORSICHT: Schalten Sie die Stromversorgung der Maschine ab. Ziehen Sie das Stromkabel ab, wenn Sie Aufgaben ausführen, für die keine Stromversorgung benötigt wird. Stromschläge können Todesfällen oder Verletzungen verursachen. Bewegliche Teile können zu Verletzungen führen.

AVISO: Apague la electricidad de la máquina. Desconecte el cable de alimentación eléctrica de la toma de pared mientras esté realizando tareas que no necesiten corriente. La electricidad puede causar daños o la muerte. Las partes móviles pueden causar daños.


Do not work in a confined space. 1 m (39 inches) space is needed for safe working.

DANGER : Ne pas travailler dans un espace restreint. 1 mètre d’espace est nécessaire pour un dépannage en toute sécurité.

AVVERTENZA: Non lavorare in uno spazio limitato; è necessario uno spazio di almeno un metro attorno alla macchina per la sicurezza dell’operatore.

VORSICHT: Nur mit ausreichendem Bewegungsspielraum (1 m) arbeiten.

AVISO: No trabaje en un espacio reducido. Se necesita 1 metro de espacio para trabajar con seguridad.


Use safe handling procedures when removing the module. Refer to GP 16. The module is heavy.

DANGER: Conformez-vous aux procédures de manipulation de sécurité pour le retrait du module. Reportez-vous à GP 16. Le module est lourd.

AVVERTENZA: Utilizzare procedure di gestione sicure durante la rimozione del modulo. Vedere GP 16. Il modulo è pesante.

VORSICHT: Verwenden Sie sichere Vorgehensweisen zum Entfernen des Moduls. Siehe auch GP 16. Das Modul ist sehr schwer.

AVISO: Utilice los procedimientos de seguridad cuando elimine el módulo. Consulte el GP 16. El módulo es pesado.


Follow the service procedure exactly as written. Use of controls or adjustments other than those specified in this manual, may result in an exposure to invisible laser radiation. During servicing, the invisible laser radiation can cause eye damage if looked at directly.

DANGER : Les procédures de dépannage doivent être suivies à la lettre. Si les réglages ou vérifications ne sont pas effectués suivant les instructions de ce manuel, il peut y avoir un risque d’exposition dangereuse au faisceau laser. Celui-ci peut provoquer des lésions oculaires s’il est observé directement.

AVVERTENZA: Eseguire le procedure di servizio esattamente come descritto. L’utilizzo di dispositivi di controllo o di registrazione diversi da quelli riportati in questo manuale potrebbe comportare un’esposizione a radiazioni laser invisibili. Tali radiazioni possono danneggiare gli occhi se si guarda direttamente il fascio laser durante gli interventi di servizio.

VORSICHT: Die Wartungsarbeiten genau den Anweisungen entsprechend durchführen. Der Umgang mit Steueroder Bedienelementen, deren Verwendung nicht ausdrücklich in diesem Handbuch angewiesen wurde, kann dazu führen, dass unsichtbare Laserstrahlung frei gesetzt wird. Direkter Blickkontakt mit dem Laserstrahl kann bleibende Augenschäden verursachen.

AVISO: Siga los procedimientos de mantenimiento tal como están descritos. El uso de controles o ajustes no especificados en este manual puede tener como resultado la exposición a radiación láser invisible. Durante las operaciones de mantenimiento, la radiación de láser invisible puede causar daños en los ojos si se mira directamente a ella.


USA and Canada. Do not install this machine in a hallway or exit route that does not have 1.12 m (44 inches) of space additional to the normal space requirements in front of the machine. To conform with fire regulations this additional 1.12 m (44 inches) of space is needed in front of the machine in hallway and exit routes.

DANGER : États-Unis et Canada. Si cette machine est installée dans un couloir ou une voie de sortie, 1,12 m (44 pouces) d’espace supplémentaire à l’espace normal doit être disponible devant la machine conformément aux normes de sécurité d’incendie.



AVISO: Estados Unidos y Canadá. No instale esta máquina en un corredor o ruta de salida que no tenga 1.12 m (44 pulgadas) de ancho delante de la máquina, sin incluir el espacio que ocupe la máquina. Este espacio adicional de 1.12 m (44 pulgadas) delante de la máquina en corredores y rutas de salida es necesario para cumplir los requisitos de las normas sobre incendios.


June 2014

Translation of Warnings


Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual


Use only Xerox materials and components. This product is safety certified using Xerox materials and components. The use of non Xerox materials and components may invalidate the safety certificate.

DANGER : N’utilisez que des matières premières et des composants Xerox. La sécurité du produit est assurée dans le cadre de son utilisation avec des matières premières et des composants Xerox. L’utilisation de matières premières et de composants autres que ceux de Xerox risque d’invalider le certificat de sécurité.

AVVERTENZA: Utilizzare solo materiali e componenti Xerox per avvalersi della certificazione di protezione. L’utilizzo di materiali e componenti non Xerox può rendere nulla la certificazione di protezione.

VORSICHT: Verwenden Sie nur Materialien und Komponenten von Xerox. Dieses Produkt besitzt die Sicherheitszertifizierung bei Verwendung von Xerox-Materialien und -Komponenten. Die Verwendung von Materialien und Komponenten anderer Hersteller setzt möglicherweise das Sicherheitszertifikat außer Kraft.

AVISO: Utilice solo los materiales y componentes Xerox. Este producto dispone de un certificado de seguridad si se utilizan los materiales y componentes Xerox. Este certificado de seguridad no será válido si se utilizan materiales y componentes que no sean de Xerox.


Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.

DANGER : Ne pas toucher au four pendant qu’il est encore chaud.

AVVERTENZA: Non toccare il fonditore quando è caldo.

VORSICHT: Fixierbereich erst berühren, wenn dieser abgekühlt ist.

AVISO: No toque el fusor mientras está caliente.

Tag Usage


If different parts or actions exist because of a modification, the Tag number will identify the appropriate part or action.

Example 1). Tag xx: PWB. . .

Example 2) PWB (Tag xx) . . .

Tag Symbols

This symbol is used to show a particular part or area of a figure that has been modified by the Tag number within the circle.

This symbol is used to show a particular part or area of a figure that has not been modified by the Tag number within the circle.

This symbol is used to show a Tag change has modified an area of the terminal.

This symbol is used to show a Tag change has not modified an area of the terminal.

June 2014


Translation of Warnings, Tag Usage

Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual


Phaser® 3052/3260 Overview

Refer to the Phaser® 3250/3260 User Guide, Product Configuration Section 1 for detailed descriptions and illustrations of Control Panel functions, machine features and options.

Table 1 Product Configurations


Phaser 3052NI

Phaser 3260DI

Phaser 3260DNI

Phaser 3260DN

Paper Tray — 250 Sheets





Manual Feed Slot — 1 sheet





Output Tray — 150 Sheets










Google Cloud Print





Network Printing


Not Applicable



USB Device





USB Host

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Not Applicable





Not Applicable

Wi-Fi Direct™




Not Applicable


June 2014

Phaser® 3052/3260 Overview


Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual

1 Service Call Procedures

Call Flow

Service Call Overview ………………………………………………………………………………………..


Safety Precautions …………………………………………………………………………………………….


SCP 01 Introduction to Service Call Procedures ……………………………………………………


SCP 02

Initial Actions…………………………………………………………………………………………


SCP 03

Corrective Actions………………………………………………………………………………….


SCP 04

Final Actions …………………………………………………………………………………………


HFSI’s ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


June 2014

Service Call Procedures

Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual


Service Call Procedures

June 2014


Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual

Service Call Overview

This section provides an overview of actions a service technician should take when servicing a machine. Refer to the checklist below as a guide for steps to take when troubleshooting problems with the printer. Follow all precautions listed in the Safety Precautions section.

1.Identify the problem

Verify that the problem exists.

Record any error codes.

Print both customer and test prints.

Make note of any image quality problems in the test prints.

Observe if any unusual odors or noises coming from the printer.

Ensure that the AC input power is within specifications.

From the Diagnostics Mode, print an Error Information Report.

2.Inspect and clean the printer

Disconnect and inspect the power cord.

Inspect the interior of the printer. Remove any debris or contamination.

Inspect the printer for damaged wires, loose connections toner leakage or any other worn or damaged parts.

3.Find the cause of the problem.

Use troubleshooting procedures to find the root cause of the problem

Use diagnostics to check the printer and components

Use the BSDs and wiring diagrams to locate test points.

Take voltage readings as instructed in the troubleshooting procedure.

4.Correct the problem

Use the Parts List to locate part numbers.

Use the Repair Procedures to replace parts.

5.Final Actions

Test the printer to verify that the problem has been corrected and that there are no additional problems.

Diagnostic Mode

The Xerox® Phaser® 3020 printer has built-in diagnostics to test components, display status and some NVM access. The diagnostic tests are accessed through the Embedded Diagnostic Control (EDC) tool. Refer to the Xerox® Phaser® 3020 User Guide for detailed instructions on using the Control Panel buttons and menus. Refer to Section 6 for diagnostic test menus.

Safety Precautions

Ensure that all Cautions and Warnings in the service procedures are followed.

Failure to follow the following instructions could cause an electrical shock or fire hazard.

Only use the Power Cord supplied with this product.

Do not allow the Power Cord to become twisted, bent, or damaged.

Do not allow liquids to spill on or into the machine.

Do not allow paper clips, pins or other objects to fall into the machine.

When replacing the SMPS PWB wait 5 minutes after unplugging the Power Cord before removing the PWB. This allows the PWB to discharge, preventing electrical shock.

Laser Safety

The Laser system is designed so there is never human access to the Laser radiation during normal operation, user maintenance, or service maintenance.

Do not bypass or disable any laser safety devices or attempt to service the Laser.

June 2014

Service Call Procedures

Service Call Overview,

Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual


SCP 01 Introduction to Service Call Procedures


Service Call Procedures (SCP) are the guide to performing a service call on the Xerox® Phaser® 3020.

The Operator has been trained in the use of the Customer Help Information located in the Xerox® Phaser® 3020 User Guide to help analyze the fault. The Problem Solving section directs the Operator in the following:

Faults indicated by a Status Code or UI message

Web Registration Module problem solving

Image quality defect initial actions

Image quality defect diagnosis

Image quality fault code problem solving

If the Operator is unable to resolve the problem, they initiate a service call by contacting The Xerox Support Center at: www.xerox.com/support.

For NASG, the Xerox® Phaser® 3020 Printer customer will initiate a service call by contacting The Xerox Support Center at www.xerox.com/support.

For XE, the customer will initiate a service call by contacting the Welcome Centre.

SCP 02 Initial Actions

The purpose of Initial Actions is to gather information and organize the service call. The customer is questioned, and the complaint is verified.

All anticipated service actions are classified as primary or secondary. Primary service actions are those actions that directly relate to the reason for the call.

SCP 03 Corrective Actions

Corrective Actions are the diagnostic and repair activities required to correct the problem that initiated the service call (primary actions), as well as any other problems or secondary actions identified in Initial Actions.

When performing maintenance actions, either scheduled or unscheduled, always consider the customer’s print schedule and whether they are in a highly time-sensitive print run, or in a less time-sensitive print run. The customer’s current mode of operation will determine the service actions on Unscheduled Maintenance (UM) calls. The objective of all service actions is to integrate the Xerox service process with the customer’s printing process in a manner that maximizes customer equipment up-time and productivity during periods of time-sensitive print runs.

This is one of the tenets of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE).

SCP 02 Initial Actions


The purpose of the Initial Actions is to help organize the service call. Customer input, machine observations and print samples are all used to gather information about the condition of the system. Gather a list of symptoms, error codes, or other information concerning the problem that the customer may provide. This information may help identify and correct intermittent or unusual problems.

During each service call, perform all Primary Maintenance Activities, then decide if Secondary Maintenance Activities are needed.

Primary Maintenance Activities are actions performed which relate to the customer’s complaint.

Secondary Maintenance Activities are any activities identified during the service call which are not related to the primary activity, but may lead to a future service call or otherwise negatively affect the customer’s satisfaction.

Before deciding to perform any secondary maintenance, first determine if the customer is in a time-sensitive print run. If so, perform only those actions required to ensure completion of the run, and defer all other actions— including HFSI’s that are not required to complete the print run. The objective of any service call during a time-sensitive print run is to return the system to production as soon as possible.

Before performing any secondary maintenance actions, first inform the customer of what secondary actions are indicated and the system down time required. You may want to return on another, mutually agreeable time to perform the secondary maintenance activity/actions.

Likewise, for any secondary maintenance actions deferred during a time-sensitive print run, inform the customer of what remaining secondary actions are indicated and the down time required. Coordinate with the customer’s print schedule to determine a mutuallyagreeable time frame to complete these activities.


1.Discuss the problem with the customer.

2.If the problem is IQ related, run prints to verify that the problem is present.

3.Determine if there are any bulletins, or Eureka tips relating to the Customer’s primary problem. Bulletins are on Eureka and are searchable with SearchLite.

4.When all information has been gathered, and all anticipated service actions have been classified as primary or secondary, proceed to SCP 03 Corrective Actions.

Service Call Procedures

June 2014

SCP 01, SCP 02


Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual

SCP 03 Corrective Actions


The Corrective Actions procedure will direct you to the appropriate section of the service manual to diagnose and repair the primary problem, and provides you with the information required to identify any due HFSI items.


1.Review the Customer Log Book, as well as the Service Log Book, to determine if any previously performed activities could be causing the problem.

2.Using the Customer Log Book and the Service Log Book, review the HFSI’s to identify any due HFSI’s. Clean/replace only components that are due and you think may be contributing to the problem.

System Fault Analysis

1.If the problem is a fault code, determine if the fault code is a Printer fault code or a DFE fault code.

a. If the problem is a Printer fault code:

Check for associated fault codes that have the same or nearly the same timestamp as the primary fault code

Troubleshoot fault codes with the lowest chain number first

2.If the problem is IQ related, refer to Section 3 Image Quality Entry RAP.

3.When the primary problem is resolved, proceed to Final Actions.

SCP 04 Final Actions


Final Actions verify total operation of the machine, ensures that the HSFI’s are completed, and provides a Machine Site Checklist to complete the call.


1.Print a Sample Job and verify with the operator the total operation of the machine. If any problems are identified, return to SCP 03 Corrective Actions.

2.Perform SCP Call Closeout in Diagnostics.

3.Complete the Machine Site Checklist:

Check the customer consumables.

Service tools are properly stored and secured.

Verify the access to the circuit breakers is clear.

Check that all the doors and panels are in place and interlock cheaters are removed and secured.

Verify that all mandatory retrofits have been installed. If required, set a time with the customer to install any mandatory retrofits.

June 2014

Service Call Procedures

SCP 03, SCP 04

Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual



Customer and Service HFSI’s

As with other CSE actions, these actions should be performed according to customer run requirements. Some actions may be deferred to a Xerox Initiated activity, taking into consideration any risks with deferring those actions.

To track HFSI items, a tracking sheet is provided. The tracking sheets are located in a pocket inside the front cover of the:

Printer Service Log Book (CSE) — tracking sheet Service Maintenance Intervals.

Customer Maintenance Log Book (operator) — tracking sheet Service Maintenance Intervals.

If necessary, and if the customer agrees, clean/replace any secondary HFSI’s that are due or may cause a return service call.

Be sure to continually update and review the Printer Service Log and Customer Maintenance Log for all maintenance actions, to avoid any unnecessary actions that increase customer equipment down times, service time, and costs.

Table 1 Customer/Service HFSI’s








Toner Cartridge




1,000 standard / 3,000 high

Initial toner cartridge yield is approximately 1,500

yield (approx. impressions)

Drum Cartridge (OPC)





Transfer Roller



REP 1.16


Forward Roller



REP 1.15


Retard Roller



REP 1.12


Pick-up Roller



REP 1.15





REP 1.24


Service Call Procedures

June 2014


Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual

2 Status Indicator RAPs

01-100 Front Cover Open Fault …………………………………………………………………………..


03-410 Paper Mismatch at Tray 1………………………………………………………………………..


03-450 Paper Mismatch at Manual Feed Slot………………………………………………………..


03-900 Main PWB Motor Control Chip Fault………………………………………………………….


04-500 Main Drive (BLDC) Motor Start Fault …………………………………………………………


06-100 / 200 Laser Module (LSU) Motor Fault……………………………………………………….


07-110 Paper Tray 1 Empty Fault ………………………………………………………………………..


07-130 Paper Jam in Tray 1 Fault………………………………………………………………………..


07-500 Manual Feed Slot Paper Empty Fault ………………………………………………………..


07-530 Paper Feed Fault — Manual Feed Slot………………………………………………………..


08-100 Paper Feed Fault — Tray 1………………………………………………………………………..


08-500 Paper Jam in Exit Area Fault ……………………………………………………………………


08-700 Output Tray Full Fault ……………………………………………………………………………..


08-600 Paper Jam in Duplex Area Fault ……………………………………………………………….


09-100 Toner Cartridge Near End of Life Fault………………………………………………………


09-300 Imaging Unit Near End of Life Fault…………………………………………………………..


09-350 Toner Cartridge End of Life Fault………………………………………………………………


09-400 Imaging Unit End of Life Fault…………………………………………………………………..


09-550 Toner Cartridge Undetected Fault …………………………………………………………….


09-800 Incompatible Toner Cartridge Fault …………………………………………………………..


09-900 Imaging Unit Undetected Fault …………………………………………………………………


10-100 Fuser Temperature (Open) Fault ………………………………………………………………


10-200/ 300 Fuser Under/ Over Temperature Fault………………………………………………..


17-100 IP Conflict Error Fault………………………………………………………………………………


17-310 Communication Error (Main PWB to Wireless PWB) Fault……………………………


17-700 / 710 BOOTP Error Fault …………………………………………………………………………


17-800 / 810 DHCP Error Fault……………………………………………………………………………


17-900 802.1X Network Authentication Error Fault…………………………………………………


17-910 Firmware Upgrade Fault ………………………………………………………………………….


June 2014

Status Indicator RAPs

Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual


Status Indicator RAPs

June 2014


Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual

01-100 Front Cover Open Fault

The front cover is open or the cover open switch is defective.

BSD-Reference: 1.1 AC/Low Voltage and High Voltage Power/Interlocks

Initial Actions

Ensure that the front cover is completely closed.



Do not perform repair activities with the power on or electrical power supplied to the machine. The machine could activate and cause serious personal injury when the power is on or electrical power is supplied.

DANGER: Ne pas effectuer de dépannage avec le contact principal activé ou avec l’alimentation électrique appliquée à la machine: celle-ci pourrait démarrer et causer de graves blessures.

AVVERTENZA: Non effettuare alcuna riparazione con la macchina accesa o con l’alimentazione elettrica inserita. La macchina potrebbe avviarsi all’improvviso e causare gravi ferite.

VORSICHT: Es dürfen keine Reparaturarbeiten durchgeführt werden, solange das Gerät eingeschalten oder mit der Stromquelle verbunden ist. Das Gerät kann u.U in den AktivZustand übergehen und somit erhebliche körperliche Schäden verursachen.

AVISO: No realice reparaciones con la máquina encendida o conectada a la corriente. La máquina podría activarse y ocasionar daños personales graves.

Check the Front Cover Open Switch connection to the Main PWB. The connection is good.


Check that there is no contamination present.

Check for an open or short circuit

Replace the LVPS/HVPS (REP 1.2), PL 4.1.

Check the connection between the Main PWB and the HVPS. The connection is secure.


Check that there is no contamination present.

Check for broken or defective wires or cables.

Secure the connection between the Main PWB and the HVPS.

Replace the HVPS PWB (REP 1.7), PL 4.1.

03-410 Paper Mismatch at Tray 1

The size setting for the Paper Tray does not match the paper size loaded in the tray.

BSD-Reference: 3.1A Communications

Initial Actions

Check the media size settings for the tray from the Control Panel.

Adjust the Paper Tray Guides to match the size of the paper that is loaded into the tray.

Place the correct size paper into the tray for the tray size setting.


1.Switch Off the power, then switch On the power.

2.If the problem continuees, replace the Main PWB (REP 1.8), PL 1.1.

June 2014

Status Indicator RAPs

01-100 , 03-410

Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual


03-450 Paper Mismatch at Manual Feed Slot

03-900 Main PWB Motor Control Chip Fault

The size setting for the Manual Feed Slot does not match the paper size loaded.

The Motor Control Chip on the Main PWB is not functioning normally.

BSD-Reference: 3.1A Communications

BSD-Reference: 3.1A, 3.1B Communications

Initial Actions

Using Easy Printer Manager, Device Settings, check the media size settings for the tray.

Adjust the Paper Tray Guides to match the size of the paper that is loaded into the tray.

Place the correct size paper into the tray for the tray size setting.


1.Switch Off the power then switch On the power.

2.If problem continues, replace the Main PWB (REP 1.8) , PL 1.1.


1.Switch Off the power, then switch On the power.

2.If problem continue, replace the Main PWB (REP 1.8), PL 1.1.

Status Indicator RAPs

June 2014

03-450 , 03-900


Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual

04-500 Main Drive (BLDC) Motor Start Fault

The Main Drive (BLDC) Motor did not start within the specified time after the ready signal was sent.

BSD-Reference: 4.1 Main Drive

Initial Actions

Switch Off the power, then switch On the power.


Enter Diagnostic (EDC) Mode. Using the arrows, scroll to [DC330 Test Routines, 100 Moto] to start the motor. The motor rotates.


Remove the Right Cover REP 1.2 and check the motor connector on the Main PWB. The connector on the Main PWB is securely connected.


Check that there is no contamination present.

Check for broken and defective wires or cables.

Securely reconnect the motor connector.

Manually rotate the Main Drive Unit. The Main Drive Motor rotates freely.


Replace the Main Drive Unit (REP 1.10), PL 4.6.

The Main PWB is defective.

Replace the Main PWB (REP 1.8), PL 1.1.

If the problem persists, replace the Main PWB, (REP 1.8), PL 1.1.

06-100 / 200 Laser Module (LSU) Motor Fault

The machine has detected that the Laser Module Drive Motor is not working correctly.

BSD-Reference: 6.1 LSU (ROS)



Do not perform repair activities with the power on or electrical power supplied to the machine. The machine could activate and cause serious personal injury when the power is on or electrical power is supplied.

DANGER: Ne pas effectuer de dépannage avec le contact principal activé ou avec l’alimentation électrique appliquée à la machine: celle-ci pourrait démarrer et causer de graves blessures.

AVVERTENZA: Non effettuare alcuna riparazione con la macchina accesa o con l’alimentazione elettrica inserita. La macchina potrebbe avviarsi all’improvviso e causare gravi ferite.

VORSICHT: Es dürfen keine Reparaturarbeiten durchgeführt werden, solange das Gerät eingeschalten oder mit der Stromquelle verbunden ist. Das Gerät kann u.U in den AktivZustand übergehen und somit erhebliche körperliche Schäden verursachen.

AVISO: No realice reparaciones con la máquina encendida o conectada a la corriente. La máquina podría activarse y ocasionar daños personales graves.


Use eye protection when performing the following procedure. Failure to wear eye protection could result in serious personal injury.

DANGER: Porter des lunettes de sécurité pendant la procédure suivante. À défaut, de graves blessures peuvent se produire.

AVVERTENZA: Indossare occhiali di protezione durante la seguente procedura. In caso contrario, si possono provocare gravi ferite.

VORSICHT: Folgende Verfahren dürfen nicht ohne Schutzbrille angewandt werden. Die Nichteinhaltung dieser Regel kann zu ernsthaften körperlichen Verletzungen führen.

AVISO: Use gafas de protección para realizar el procedimiento siguiente. No proteger los ojos puede ocasionar daños personales graves.

June 2014

Status Indicator RAPs

04-500, 06-100 / 200

Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual


Enter Diagnostic (EDC) Mode. Select: [DC330 Component Control, 110 LSU, LSU Mot1 Run] to test the LSU motor. The motor runs.


Check the Main Wire Harness and connectors on the Laser Module. The connections are secure.


Check that there are no broken or defective wires and that no contamination is present

Disconnect and securely reconnect the harness.

Check the harness for a short circuit or open circuit. The harness is OK.


Check that there are no broken or defective wires and that no contaminatin is present

Replace the Harness (REP 1.11), PL 4.1.

Replace the LSU Laser Module (REP 1.11), PL 4.1.

Go to SCP 04 Final Actions.

07-110 Paper Tray 1 Empty Fault

The Tray Empty Sensor failed to detect paper in the tray

BSD-Reference: 7.1 Paper Feed and Registration

Initial Actions

Ensure that paper is loaded in the tray. Clear any jammed sheets. Refer to Section 7: Troubleshooting in the Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 User Guide for detailed instructions on clearing paper jams.


Check the Paper Tray Empty Sensor Actuator. The actuator moves freely and is undamaged.


Replace the Paper Tray Empty Sensor Actuator (REP 1.14), PL 4.5.

Enter Diagnostic (EDC) Mode. Select [DC330 Test Routines, 102 Sensor, Tray 1 Empty] to block and clear the Tray 1 Empty Sensor. The Sensor Signal changes.


Check for 3.3 VDC at the Paper Tray Empty Sensor. Voltage is present at the Paper

Tray Empty Sensor. Y N

Check for 3.3 VDC at the Main PWB. Voltage is present at the Main PWB.


Check that all voltages are present between the HVPS PWB and the Main PWB. The voltages between the HVPS PWB and the Main PWB are present.


Replace the HVPS PWB (REP 1.7), PL 4.1.

Replace the Main PWB (REP 1.8), PL 1.1.

Replace the Paper Tray Empty Sensor PL 4.5.

Replace the Paper Tray Empty Sensor PL 4.5.

Replace the Paper Tray Empty Sensor PL 4.5.

If the problem is intermittent, check the circuit of the Tray Empty Sensor.

Status Indicator RAPs

June 2014

06-100 / 200 , 07-110


Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual

07-130 Paper Jam in Tray 1 Fault

A paper jam has occurred in Tray 1.

BSD-Reference: 7.1 Paper Feed and Registration

Initial Actions

Remove jammed paper from Tray 1 area. Refer to Section 7: Troubleshooting, in the Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 User Guide for detailed instructions on clearing paper jams.

Clear the paper path of any debris or obstructions.

Ensure the loaded paper is within machine specifications. Refer to Section 6 General Procedures for product specifications.


Remove Tray 1 and ensure that guides are set correctly. The paper is loaded correctly in the tray.


Align the paper in Tray 1 then reinsert the tray.

Check the position of the jammed sheet. The lead edge reached the Retard Roll.


Enter Diagnostic (EDC) Mode. Select: [DC330 Test Routines, 102-Sensor, Feed Sens] to block and clear the Paper Feed Sensor. The sensor is signal changes.


Check for 3.3 VDC on the Feed Sensor PWB. The voltage is present at the connector on the Feed Sensor PWB.


Check for 3.3 VDC on the Main PWB. The voltage is present on the Main


Check that all voltages are present between the HVPS PWS and the Main PWB. The voltages between the HVPS PWB and the Main PWB are present.


Replace the HVPS PWB (REP 1.7), PL 4.1.

Replace the Main PWB (REP 1.8) , PL 1.1.



Check all voltages are present between the HVPS PWB and the Main PWB.

The voltages between the HVPS PWB and the Main PWB are present


Replace the HVPS PWB (REP 1.7), PL 4.1.

Replace the Main PWB (REP 1.8), PL 1.1.

Replace the Feed Sensor PWB (REP 1.14), PL 4.4.

Replace the Feed Clutch (REP 1.13), PL 4.1.

Perform SCP Final Actions.

Remove any jammed paper. Check the following for wear or damage and replace as required:

Retard Roller, [REP 1.12], PL 4.5.

Pick up (Feed) and Forward Roll Assembly, (REP 1.15) , PL 4.5.

Replace the Feed Sensor PWB (REP 1.14), PL 4.4.

Replace the Feed Sensor PWB (REP 1.14), PL 4.4.

Replace the Feed Sensor PWB (REP 1.14), PL 4.4.

In Diagnostics, go to [101-Clutch, Tray 1 Pick up] to energize the clutch. The




Check for 24 VDC on the Paper Feed PWB. The voltage is present at the connector on the Paper Feed PWB.


June 2014

Status Indicator RAPs


Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual


07-500 Manual Feed Slot Paper Empty Fault

The Registration Sensor failed to detect paper in the Manual Feed Slot.

BSD-Reference: 7.1 Paper Feed and Registration

Initial Actions

Ensure that paper is loaded in the tray. Clear any jammed sheets. Refer to Section 7: Troubleshooting, in the Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 User Guide for detailed instructions on clearing paper jams.


Check the Registration Sensor actuator. The actuator moves freely and is undamaged.


Check that no contamination is present.

Replace the Registration Sensor Actuator (REP 1.14), PL 4.4.

Enter Diagnostics (EDC) Mode [DC330 Test Routines, 102-Sensor, Registration Sensor]. to block and clear the Registration Sensor. The sensor signal changes.


Check for 3.3 VDC on the Main PWB. The voltage is present on the Main PWB.


Replace the HVPS PWB (REP 1.7), PL 4.1.

Replace the Main PWB (REP 1.8), PL 1.1.

Replace the Feed Sensor PWB (REP 1.14), PL 4.4.

Perform SCP Final Actions.

07-530 Paper Feed Fault — Manual Feed Slot

The lead edge was not detected by the Paper Feed Sensor.

BSD-Reference: 7.1 Paper Feed and Registration

Initial Actions

Clear any jammed sheets. Refer to Section 7: Troubleshooting, in the Xerox® Phaser® 3052/ 3260 User Guide for detailed instructions on clearing paper jams.


Check the position of the jammed sheet. The lead edge reached the Retard Roll.


Enter Diagnostic (EDC) Mode. Select: [DC330 Test Routines, 102-Sensor, Feed Sens] to block and clear the Paper Feed Sensor. The sensor is OK.


Check for an open or short circuit.

Replace the Feed Sensor (REP 1.14), PL 4.4.

In Diagnostic Mode, select: [101-Clutch, Registration] to engage the drive to pick up paper from tray 1. The clutch engages.


Check for an open or short circuit.

Replace the Tray 1 Pick up (Feed) Clutch (REP 1.13), PL 4.1.

Perform SCP Final Actions.

Check the Paper Feed actuator. The actuator moves freely and is undamaged.


Replace the Paper Feed actuator, (REP 1.14), PL 4.4.

Inspect the Paper Feed Sensor for damage. The sensor is OK.


Check for an open or short circuit.

Replace the Paper Feed Sensor PWB (REP 1.14), PL 4.4.

Check the circuit of the Paper Feed PWB.

Status Indicator RAPs

June 2014

07-500 , 07-530


Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual

08-100 Paper Feed Fault — Tray 1

The lead edge was not detected by the Paper Feed Sensor.

BSD-Reference: 7.1 Paper Feed and Registration

Initial Actions

Clear any jammed sheets. Refer to Section 7: Troubleshooting, in the Xerox® Phaser® 3052/ 3260 User Guide for detailed instructions on clearing paper jams.


Check the Paper Feed Sensor Actuator for damage or binding. The Actuator moves freely.


Replace the Paper Feed Sensor Actuator (REP 1.14), PL 4.4.

Check the position of the jammed sheet. The lead edge reached the Retard Roll.


Enter Diagnostic (EDC) Mode. Select: [DC330 Test Routines, 101-Clutch, Tray 1 Pick up] to engage the drive to pick up paper from tray 1 The clutch engages.


Check the circuit between the Feed clutch and the Main PWB for an open or short circuit.

Replace the Tray 1 Pick up (Feed) Clutch (REP 1.13), PL 4.1.

Check the Paper Feed Sensor Actuator. The actuator moves freely.


Replace the Paper Feed Sensor Actuator (REP 1.14), PL 4.4.

In Diagnostics Mode. Select: [102-Sensor, Feed Sens] to block and clear the Paper Feed Sensor. The signal changes.


Check that there is no contamination or damage on any connectors from the Feed Sensor PWB to the HVPS PWB. Repair as necessary.

Replace the Paper Feed Sensor PWB (REP 1.14), PL 4.4.

Perform SCP Final Actions.

If the problem is intermittent check the cables for binding.

08-500 Paper Jam in Exit Area Fault

The machine has detected a paper jam in the Exit Area.

BSD-Reference: 7.1 paper Feed and Registration, 10.2 Print Exit

Initial Actions

Open the Rear Cover and remove jammed sheets from exit area. Refer to Section 7: Troubleshooting, in the Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 User Guide for detailed instructions on clearing paper jams.

Check the Paper Guides for proper position.

Check the Duplex Gate and Spring for damage. Ensure that the gate is seated correctly and moves freely without binding.


Enter Diagnostic (EDC) Mode. Select: [DC330 Test Routines, 102-Sensor, Exit Sens] to block and clear the Exit Sensor. The Exit Sensor is OK.


Check that there is no contamination present.

Check for an open or short circuit.

Replace the Exit Sensor (REP 1.19), PL 4.1.

In Diagnostics, go to [102-Sensor, Registration] to block and clear the Registration Sensor.

The signal changes.


Check that there is no contamination present.

Check for an open or short circuit.

Replace the Feed Sensor PWB (REP 1.14), PL 4.4.

Inspect the Exit Roller and Drives for wear or damage. Replace if needed. PL 4.4.

June 2014

Status Indicator RAPs

08-100 , 08-500

Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual


08-700 Output Tray Full Fault

The Output Tray Full Sensor has detected that the Output Tray is full.

BSD-Reference: 10.2 Print Exit

Initial Actions

Remove sheets from the Output Tray. (Maximum capacity is 250 sheets/ standard paper 8.5 x 11 in./ 80g/m2.)


Enter Diagnostic (EDC) Mode. Select: [DC330 Test Routines, 101-Clutch, Out Bin Full] to block and clear the Out Bin Full Sensor. The signal changes.


Check that the sensor connector is firmly seated.

Check that there is no contamination present.

Check for an open or short circuit.

Replace the Output Tray Full Sensor, (REP 1.20), PL 4.3.

Check actuator for binding. If the problem is intermittent, replace the Out Bin Full Sensor Actuator, (REP 1.20), PL 4.3.

08-600 Paper Jam in Duplex Area Fault

The machine has detected a paper jam in the Duplex Area.

BSD-Reference: 10.2 Print Exit

Initial Actions

Remove jammed sheets from duplex area. Refer to Section 7: Troubleshooting, in the Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 User Guide for detailed instructions on clearing paper jams.

Ensure that the paper guide and machine settings are correct for the paper that is loaded in the tray.


Check the Exit Sensor Actuator. The actuator moves freely.


Replace the Exit Sensor Actuator, (REP 1.19), PL 4.1.

Enter Diagnostics (EDC) Mode. Select: [DC330 Test Routines, 102-Sensor, Exit Sens] to block and clear the Exit Sensor. The sensor is OK.


Check that the sensor connector is firmly seated

Check that there is no contamination present.

Check for an open or short circuit.

Replace the Exit Sensor (REP 1.19), PL 4.1.

Check the following parts for wear or damage and replace if needed:

Duplex Paper Guide (REP 1.18), PL 4.2

Duplex Gate PL 4.2

Duplex Gate Spring PL 4.2

Duplex Gate Mounting PL 4.2

Paper Guide on Rear Cover [PL 1.2]

Make certain that the Duplex Gate is seated correctly and moves freely without binding.PL

Status Indicator RAPs

June 2014

08-700 , 08-600


Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual

09-100 Toner Cartridge Near End of Life Fault

The Toner Cartridge life is less than 10%.

BSD-Reference: None


1.Check the remaining life of the Toner Cartridge by using one of the methods listed below:

Print a Supplies Information Report. [GP 2]

Open Easy Printer Manager, check Toner Life.

Open the CWIS application. Select; [Status, Supplies, Print Cartridge].

NOTE: The workstation and printer machine must be networked to use the CWIS application.

2.Check the remaining life of the Toner Cartridge.

3.If the Toner Cartridge has reached end of life, switch Off the power and replace the Toner Cartridge.

09-300 Imaging Unit Near End of Life Fault

The Imaging Unit life is less than 10%.

BSD-Reference: None


1.Check the remaining life of the Imaging Unit by using one of the methods listed below:

Print a Supplies Information Report. [GP 2]

Open Easy Printer Manager, select [Machine Settings, ]

Open the CWIS application. Select; [Status, Supplies, Black Imaging Unit].

NOTE: The workstation and printer machine must be networked to use the CWIS application.

2.Check the remaining life of the Imaging Unit.

3.If the Imaging Unit has reached end of life, switch Off the power and replace the Imaging Unit.

June 2014

Status Indicator RAPs

09-100 , 09-300

Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual


09-350 Toner Cartridge End of Life Fault

The Toner Cartridge has reached end of life.

BSD-Reference: None


1.Check the remaining life of the Toner Cartridge by using one of the methods listed below:

Print a Supplies Information Report. [GP 2]

Open Easy Printer Manager, check Toner Life.

Open the CWIS application. Select; [Status, Supplies, Print Cartridge].

NOTE: The workstation and printer machine must be networked to use the CWIS application.

2.Check the remaining life of the Toner Cartridge.

3.If the Toner Cartridge has reached end of life, switch Off the power and replace the Toner Cartridge.

09-400 Imaging Unit End of Life Fault

The Imaging Unit has reached end of life.

BSD-Reference: None


1.Check the remaining life of the Imaging Unit by using one of the methods listed below:

Print a Supplies Information Report. [GP 2]

Open Easy Printer Manager, select [Machine Status].

Open the CWIS application. Select; [Status, Supplies, Black Imaging Unit].

NOTE: The workstation and printer machine must be networked to use the CWIS application.

2.Check the remaining life of the Imaging Unit.

3.If the Imaging Unit has reached end of life, switch Off the power and replace the Imaging Unit.

Status Indicator RAPs

June 2014

09-350 , 09-400


Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual

09-550 Toner Cartridge Undetected Fault

The Toner Cartridge has not been installed or machine software is unable to detect the Toner Cartridge.

BSD-Reference: 9.1 Xerographics

Initial Actions

Ensure that the Toner Cartridge has been installed and the cover is fully closed and latched.


1.Switch Off the power.

2.Remove the Toner cartridge. Rotate the cartridge five to six completions to distribute the toner evenly.

3.Check the CRUM contact area for contamination and clean if necessary.

4.Reinstall the Toner Cartridge.

5.Check the connections on the HVPS for contamination. Clean as necessary.

6.If the problem continues, install a new Toner Cartridge.

09-800 Incompatible Toner Cartridge Fault

The Toner Cartridge is not compatible with the printer.

BSD-Reference: None


1.Print a Supplies Information Report, [GP 2].

2.Check the Toner Cartridge information. Replace the Toner Cartridge if is not a genuine Xerox® cartridge.

June 2014

Status Indicator RAPs

09-550 , 09-800

Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual


09-900 Imaging Unit Undetected Fault

The Imaging Unit has not been installed or machine software is unable to detect the Imaging Unit.

BSD-Reference: 9.1 Xerographics

Initial Actions

Ensure that a genuine Xerox Imaging Unit has been installed.

Switch Off the power then switch On the power.

10-100 Fuser Temperature (Open) Fault

The temperature of the Fuser is outside of the normal operating range of 383°F ± 5°F (195°C ± 5°C.)

BSD-Reference: 10.1 Fuser

Initial Actions

Switch Off the power then switch On the power.



Do not perform repair activities with the power on or electrical power supplied to the machine. The machine could activate and cause serious personal injury when the power is on or electrical power is supplied.

DANGER: Ne pas effectuer de dépannage avec le contact principal activé ou avec l’alimentation électrique appliquée à la machine: celle-ci pourrait démarrer et causer de graves blessures.

AVVERTENZA: Non effettuare alcuna riparazione con la macchina accesa o con l’alimentazione elettrica inserita. La macchina potrebbe avviarsi all’improvviso e causare gravi ferite.

VORSICHT: Es dürfen keine Reparaturarbeiten durchgeführt werden, solange das Gerät eingeschalten oder mit der Stromquelle verbunden ist. Das Gerät kann u.U in den AktivZustand übergehen und somit erhebliche körperliche Schäden verursachen.

AVISO: No realice reparaciones con la máquina encendida o conectada a la corriente. La máquina podría activarse y ocasionar daños personales graves.

1.Switch Off the power.

2.Remove the Imaging Unit.

3.Check the CRUM contact area for contamination and clean if necessary.

4.Reinstall the Imaging Unit

5.Check the contacts on the HVPS.

6.If the problem continues, install a new Imaging Unit.



Do not handle the fuser components until they have cooled. Some fuser components operate at hot temperatures and can produce serious personal injury if touched.

DANGER: Ne pas manipuler les éléments du four avant de les laisser refroidir. Certains éléments du four fonctionnent à des températures très élevées et peuvent causer de graves blessures s’ils sont touchés.

AVVERTENZA: Non maneggiare i componenti del fusore finché non sono raffreddati. Alcuni di questi componenti funzionano ad alte temperature e possono provocare gravi ferite se vengono toccati.

VORSICHT: Die Fixieranlage sollte erst gehandhabt werden, wenn diese genügend abgekühlt ist. Einige Teile der Fixieranlage erzeugen übermäßige Hitze und führen bei der Berührung zu schweren Verbrennungen.

AVISO: No manipule los componentes del fusor antes de que se enfríen. Algunos de los componentes del fusor funcionan a altas temperaturas y pueden ocasionar daños personales graves si se los toca.

Power Off the machine and check that the Fuser connection is fully seated, REP 1.17. The

Fuser connections are OK.


Check the Fuser connections for contamination and clean as required.

Firmly reconnect the Fuser Assembly. Switch the power ON,

Check for +3.3 VDC to the Thermistor on Main PWB. The voltage is present.


Check the wire harness for open or short circuits.

Replace the Main PWB (REP 1.8 ), PL 1.1.

Check the voltage to the Over Heat Thermostat. The voltage is present.


Check for AC line voltage to the LVPS PWB PL 4.1.

Check the Over Heat thermostat for contamination.

Check the wire harness from the LVPS PWB for open or short circuits.

Replace the LVPS PWB (REP 1.6), PL 4.1.

Check the circuits and connectors for the Fuser Module.

Check the Heat Lamp for an open circuit.

Repair or replace the Fuser Assembly as required (REP 1.17), PL 5.1.

Status Indicator RAPs

June 2014

09-900 , 10-100


Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual

10-200/ 300 Fuser Under/ Over Temperature Fault

The temperature of the Fuser is outside of the normal operating range of 383°F ± 5°F (195°C ± 5°C.)

BSD-Reference: 10.1 Fuser

Initial Actions

Switch Off the power. Remove and reinstall the Fuser Assembly. Switch On the power.



Do not handle the fuser components until they have cooled. Some fuser components operate at hot temperatures and can produce serious personal injury if touched.

DANGER: Ne pas manipuler les éléments du four avant de les laisser refroidir. Certains éléments du four fonctionnent à des températures très élevées et peuvent causer de graves blessures s’ils sont touchés.

AVVERTENZA: Non maneggiare i componenti del fusore finché non sono raffreddati. Alcuni di questi componenti funzionano ad alte temperature e possono provocare gravi ferite se vengono toccati.

VORSICHT: Die Fixieranlage sollte erst gehandhabt werden, wenn diese genügend abgekühlt ist. Einige Teile der Fixieranlage erzeugen übermäßige Hitze und führen bei der Berührung zu schweren Verbrennungen.

AVISO: No manipule los componentes del fusor antes de que se enfríen. Algunos de los componentes del fusor funcionan a altas temperaturas y pueden ocasionar daños personales graves si se los toca.

Enter Diagnostic (EDC) Mode. Select: [DC330 Test Routines, 109 Fuser Heat, Temp A] to obtain a temperature reading from the Fuser. The Fuser temperature is within normal operating range.


Replace the Fuser Assembly (REP 1.17), PL 5.1.

If problem is intermittent, check the circuit of the Fuser Assembly for one of the following:

All connectors are securely connected and no contamination is present.

Short circuit or damaged wire. Repair as necessary.

17-100 IP Conflict Error Fault

The IP address conflicts with that of another system causing a machine communication error.

BSD-Reference: None


Use Xerox Easy Print Manger to obtain a new IP address.

From the menu, select: [Advanced Settings, Machine Settings, Network Settings, Assign IP address].

June 2014

Status Indicator RAPs

10-200/ 300 , 17-100

Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual


17-310 Communication Error (Main PWB to Wireless PWB) Fault

The machine software has detected a communication error between the Main PWB and the Wireless PWB.

BSD-Reference: 3.1A Communications

Initial Actions

Switch Off the power then switch On the power.

Check machine network and data configuration settings.


1.Ensure that the connectors are fully seated between the Main PWB and the Wireless PWB, REP 1.21.

2.If the problem persists, replace parts in the following order:

Flat Cable PL 4.1

Wireless PWB [REP 1.12] , PL 3.1

Main PWB [REP 1.8] , PL 1.1

17-700 / 710 BOOTP Error Fault

The machine displays the error message “DHCP, or BOOTP, causing a machine communication error.

BSD-Reference: 3.1A, 3.1B Communications


1.Switch Off the power then switch On the power.

2.Check BOOTP and network configuration.

Status Indicator RAPs

June 2014

17-310 , 17-700 / 710


Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual

17-800 / 810 DHCP Error Fault

The machine displays the error message “DHCP, or BOOTP, causing a machine communication error.

BSD-Reference: 3.1A, 3.1B Communication


1.Switch Off the power then switch On the power.

2.Check DHCP and network configuration.

17-900 802.1X Network Authentication Error Fault

The the 802.1X network authentication failed.

BSD-Reference: None


Ensure that the 802.1X EAP Type, User name, and Password, for the Machine, Authentication Switch and Authentication Server match.

June 2014

Status Indicator RAPs

17-800 / 810 , 17-900

Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual


17-910 Firmware Upgrade Fault

The firmware upgrade aborted due to an invalid file.

BSD-Reference: None

Initial Actions

1.Check the USB connection.

2.Verify that the correct firmware file is being used.


Cycle the machine power and repeat upgrade procedure GP 6.

Status Indicator RAPs

June 2014



Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual

3 Image Quality

Image Quality Overview ……………………………………………………………………………………..


IQ1 Vertical Black Line and Band RAP …………………………………………………………………


IQ2 Vertical White Line and Band RAP…………………………………………………………………


IQ3 Horizontal Black Bands RAP…………………………………………………………………………


IQ4 Spots RAP………………………………………………………………………………………………….


IQ5 Low Image Density RAP ………………………………………………………………………………


IQ6 Black or Dark Image RAP …………………………………………………………………………….


IQ7 Uneven Density RAP……………………………………………………………………………………


IQ8 Background RAP…………………………………………………………………………………………


IQ9 Residual Image (Ghosting) RAP ……………………………………………………………………


IQ10 Side 2 Staining ………………………………………………………………………………………….


IQ11 Blank Page RAP………………………………………………………………………………………..


IQ12 Partial Image Deletions RAP……………………………………………………………………….


June 2014

Image Quality

Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual


Image Quality

June 2014


Xerox® Phaser® 3052/3260 Service Manual

Image Quality Overview

Image quality defects can be attributed to printer components, consumables, media, internal software, external software applications, and environmental conditions. To successfully troubleshoot print-quality problems, eliminate as many variables as possible.

If the print-quality defect is still present after printing on approved media from an unopened ream of paper, investigate software applications and environmental conditions. Check the temperature and humidity under which the printer is operating. Compare this to the Environmental Specifications listed in Section 6.

When analyzing a imaging defect, determine if the defect is repeating or random. Check the Supplies Information Report for end of life conditions. Inspect the visible surfaces of all rollers for obvious defects. If a cursory inspection does not reveal any obvious defects, continue troubleshooting the defect.


Do not perform repair activities with the power on or electrical power supplied to the machine. Some machine components contain dangerous electrical voltages that can result in electrical shock and possible serious injury.

DANGER: Ne pas effectuer de dépannnage avec le contact principal activé ou avec l’alimentation électrique appliquée à la machine. Certains éléments de la machine comportent des tensions électriques dangereuses qui peuvent causer un choc électrique et de graves blessures.

AVVERTENZA: Non effettuare alcuna riparazione con l’alimentazione elettrica inserita. Alcuni componenti contengono corrente ad alta tensione che può provocare forti scosse e gravi ferite.

VORSICHT: Es dürfen erst Reparaturarbeiten durchgeführt werden, wenn das Gerät ausgeschaltet ist oder der Netzstecker nicht mehr mit der Stromquelle verbunden ist. Einige Komponenten des Gerätes sind stromführend und können daher zu ernsthaften Verletzungen oder Stromschlägen führen.

AVISO: No realice reparaciones con la máquina encendida o conectada a la corriente. Algunos componentes de la máquina contienen voltajes eléctricos peligrosos que pueden producir una descarga eléctrica y causar daños graves.

Defects Associated with Specific Components

To aid with diagnosis, the list below outlines image defects associated with specific components.

lLaser Scanner Unit (LSU)

Black Print

Vertical White Lines

Transfer Roller:

Uneven Density

Background contamination


Vertical white lines

Vertical black line or band

Stains on the page back



Stains on the page back or front

Poor image adhesion

Print Cartridge:

Uneven density

Background contamination

Spots, smudges, or smears


Vertical white lines

Vertical black line or band

Stains on the page front

Blank prints

Black prints

Horizontal Black lines or bands

After determining the defect type and possible source, match the defect with those listed in Table 1. Go to the RAP listed to correct the defect.

Image Defect Definitions

Table 1 lists image defect definitions and the RAP used to correct the problem.

Table 1 Image Defect Definitions



Go To

Vertical Black Line

Vertical black lines or bands occur in the printed image.


and Band

Vertical White Line

Vertical white lines or bands occur in the printed image.


and Band

Horizontal Black

Periodic dark or blurry horizontal bands in the printed





Random or periodic dark areas in the low density


areas of a print, or voids in the dark areas of a print.

Low Image Density

Printed image is light with no ghosting.


Black or Dark Image

Printed image is totally dark or black.


Uneven Density

Print density is uneven between the left and right por-


tion of the printed image.


Uniform toner contamination in most or all non-image



Residual Image

The image from a previous print appears on the current




Blank Page

The entire image area is blank.


Partial Image Dele-

Areas of the printed image are light or missing entirely



on limited areas of the paper.

June 2014

Image Quality

Image Quality Overview

Xerox® Phaser® 3020 Printer Service Manual


IQ1 Vertical Black Line and Band RAP

Thin black vertical lines or black vertical bands occur in the printed image.


Switch Off the power.

Check the Transfer Roller, PL 3.1 for wear or damage. The Transfer Roller is OK.


Replace the Transfer Roller;(REP 1.13), PL 3.1.

Switch On the power and make a test print. If problem persists, replace the Drum Cartridge. (PL-XX). Refer to the Xerox® Phaser® 3020 User Guide, Section 6 Maintenance, General Care, for detailed instructions on how to replace the Drum Cartridge.

Figure 1 Black lines and bands

IQ2 Vertical White Line and Band RAP

Thin white vertical lines or white vertical bands occur in the printed image.

Initial Actions

Clean the surface of the LSU window with a clean cotton swab and recommended cleaner (IPA).


From the Control Panel, check the life of the Print Cartridge. The Print Cartridge has reached end of life.


Switch Off the power. Replace the Print Cartridge. Refer to the Xerox® Phaser® 3020 User Guide, Section 6 Maintenance, General Care, for detailed instructions on how to replace the Print Cartridge.

Check the space between the LSU and Imaging Unit and remove any debris or blockage. The defect is gone.


Replace the Fuser Module; (REP 1.14), PL 3.2.

Switch on the power. Perform SCP 04, Final Actions.

Figure 1 White lines and bands

Image Quality

June 2014

IQ1, IQ2


Xerox® Phaser® 3020 Printer Service Manual

The most common error codes.

08-100 Description: Paper Feed Fault — Tray 1 The lead edge was not detected by the Paper Feed Sensor.
10-100 Description: Fuser Temperature (Open) Fault The temperature of the Fuser is outside of the normal operating range of 383°F ± 5°F (195°C ± 5°C.)
01-100 Description: Front Cover Open Fault The front cover is open or the cover open switch is defective.
08-500 Description: Paper Jam in Exit Area Fault The machine has detected a paper jam in the Exit Area.
10-200, 10-300 Description: Fuser Under/ Over Temperature Fault The temperature of the Fuser is outside of the normal operating range of 383°F ± 5°F (195°C ± 5°C.)
08-100 Description: Paper Feed Fault — Tray 1 The lead edge was not detected by the Paper Feed Sensor.
10-100 Description: Fuser Temperature (Open) Fault The temperature of the Fuser is outside of the normal operating range of 383°F ± 5°F (195°C ± 5°C.)
01-100 Description: Front Cover Open Fault The front cover is open or the cover open switch is defective.
08-500 Description: Paper Jam in Exit Area Fault The machine has detected a paper jam in the Exit Area.
10-200, 10-300 Description: Fuser Under/ Over Temperature Fault The temperature of the Fuser is outside of the normal operating range of 383°F ± 5°F (195°C ± 5°C.)

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