Ошибка запуска 20006 7 days to die

My initial thought is to make sure the client and EAC are excluded from Antivirus.

Also, I’ve seen issues with EAC and some overlays like MSI Afterburner or Overwolf.

I also found this interesting solution regarding the same error for Rust…

Originally posted by Scycthe: I just found a solution that worked for me. I went to services, looked and right clicked on EasyAntiCheat, chose properties and changed the startup type to ‘automatically’. I didn’t need to start the service beacuse it only starts if a program is using it. After that, Rust opened without a problem for me.

I also found this tidbit on the Steam forum….

If you receive this error none of the above will fix it for you. Here is the Fix:

You are probably running on a 64-bit OS or Windows Server 2012 R2 or higher. EasyAntiCheat installs a Windows Service, you’ll notice when looking at the service it is pointing to C:WindowsSystem32 for EasyAntiCheat.exe. However the installer detects 64-bit and installs it into C:WindowsSysWOW64 instead. Go into C:WindowsSysWOW64 and copy EasyAntiCheat.exe out of there and into C:WindowsSystem32 directory, and try again. This will fix this issue for you.

In games like Fortnite, Far Cry 5, For Honor, Rust, Scum, and anything else that runs Easy Anti-Cheat, it’s possible to get an Error Code 20006 … StartService failed: 1058 (or alternatively a 1072 error). These errors are extremely annoying and both result in you not being able to play the game you want to.

That is… Not without doing what we’re about to walk you through.

The full error will likely read as “Error Code: 20006 (Cannot create service (StartService failed: 1058)).” Or at the very least something similar to that – the 1058 tells us that EAC has been disabled and needs to be re-enabled. Another possibility is a 1072 error which indicates that EAC has been “flagged for deletion”.

The error you get will dictate the steps you need to follow. Luckily, neither problem is insanely difficult to fix and should only take a few minutes (maybe 10-15) at most.

On this page, you’ll find 3 possible routes to take:

  • If your error was a 1058, start at Option A and if that doesn’t work then Option B definitely will.
  • If your error was a 1072, skip both A and B and jump right to Option C. Once you’re done with C, go back and do Option B.

Note: This will not work if you’ve been banned for cheating. It’s a fix for those who are running into the aforementioned errors with EAC itself.

error code 20006

A.) Fixing Error Code 20006 (Error 1058)

As I mentioned previously, a 1058 error generally tells us that the program has been disabled. Often, you can quickly figure this out by opening Services, right-clicking the program and opening  “Properties”. In the Properties window under “Startup type” you’ll either see “Disabled”, “Automatic”, “Automatic (delayed)”, or “Manual”. For EAC’s sake, we want it to be either “Automatic” or “Automatic (delayed)” if you’re worried about it impacting your startup times.

But, we’ll come back around to that with a proper set of steps further down.

First, make sure that Easy Anti-Cheat is not being blocked or disabled by your anti-virus/firewall. To do that, open your firewall, find the permissions section, find EAC, then make sure it’s not blocked.

Note: If you want to be extra-vigilant, you can set up an exclusion for EAC’s root folder (it should be “C:Program Files (x86)EasyAntiCheat”). To go the extra mile you could also set up exclusions for the EAC folders that any EAC-enabled game will have in its root folder.

Not blocked? Okay, let’s keep going.

The next step is reinstalling/repairing Easy Anti-Cheat. It might be that the current install is corrupted for the one game you want and a quick repair will fix the problem. Wouldn’t that be nice?

You can choose to repair/reinstall EAC from 1 of 2 locations. Either from EasyAntiCheat folder found within your game’s install folder; or from the EasyAntiCheat folder in Program Files (likely C:Program Files (x86)EasyAntiCheat). Once you’ve located the folder all you have to do is run the EAC install executable and choose “Repair” in the new window that pops up.

Here’s a good walkthrough on how you can reinstall or repair Easy Anti-Cheat:

In the video, he uses Fortnite as an example, but the same method will work with any of the 70+ games that run EAC.

Hopefully, that works and gets you gaming. If it doesn’t, you might want to try temporarily turning off your antivirus and trying the reinstall again, or reboot your PC; or try both.

If you’re met with yet another error upon trying to reinstall or repair then we have more work to do! On to the next set of steps!

B.) Reinstalling/repairing didn’t work

If none of the above worked, chances are EAC has been disabled by something else. Why or what? I haven’t quite figured that part out yet. But, the simple solution is to turn it back on. However, doing that isn’t easy (or possible) unless you know where to find the right settings.

To turn EAC back on:

  1. Open “Services” – Open the Start menu and type “Services” on Windows 10
  2. Find “EasyAntiCheat” within Services then right-click it and select “Properties”
  3. In the Properties window, find “Startup type” and change it from “Disabled” to “Automatic” (or Automatic (delayed) if you’re worried about bootup performance)
  4. Click “Apply” and close both the Properties and Services windows.
  5. Launch your game

Following those steps should hopefully get you back to gaming within no time. However, if it happened once it will likely happen again the next time you restart your PC. Keep that in mind.e

C.) Fixing Error 1072: Marked for deletion

If you ran into a problem around Step 3 while trying to turn EAC back on and you received an error that said EAC has been “scheduled for deletion”, then you’re going to have to follow one more set of steps…

Alternatively, if you noticed the 1072 error right away, you should start from this point as the previous steps will not work without first doing this.

Luckily, it’s easy to do and should only take a couple of minutes at most.

error 1072 fix

Our next set of steps involves either removing or editing a “DeleteFlag” that you’ll find within the EAC registry folder.

To remove the DeleteFlag:

  1. Open Regedit – Open the Start menu and type “Regedit” on Windows 10
  2. Navigate to “ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesEasyAntiCheat” (if you copy and paste that into regedit, it should bring you to the right spot)
  3. Right click “DeleteFlag” and select “Modify, then change the Value data from “1” to “0”
  4. Restart your PC
  5. Attempt to turn EAC back on again (previous set of steps)
  6. If EAC turns on without a hitch, boot your game!

remove delete flag

With any luck, now you should be able to turn EAC back on and boot your game(s) without an issue. If you’ve tried before restarting your PC and it doesn’t work, try a quick reboot before you panic too much.

Games that run Easy Anti-Cheat

There are a ton of games that run EAC, the last time this guide was updated (September 2nd, 2018) there was a total of 77. If one of your EAC protected games is giving you the 20006 error, then anything else in your library running EAC will as well.

So, if you’re curious how many of your games are EAC protected, here’s the full list of games that currently utilize it. More are added all the time so I’ll try to keep this list as relevant and up to date as possible.

  • 7 Days to Die
  • Absolver
  • Ar:piel
  • Audition TH
  • Battalion 1944
  • Block N Load
  • Cabal Online
  • Combat Arms
  • Combat Arms: Line of Sight
  • Crossout
  • Cuisine Royale
  • Darkfall: Rise of Agon
  • Darwin Project
  • Days of War
  • Dead by Daylight
  • Death Field: The Battle Royale of Disaster
  • Dirty Bomb
  • Dragon Ball Fighter Z
  • Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
  • Dragonica: Lavalon Awakens
  • Dying Light: Bad Blood
  • Empyrion
  • Far Cry 5
  • Fear the Wolves
  • For Honor
  • Fortnite Battle Royale
  • Fractured Lands
  • Friday the 13th
  • Gigantic
  • Hide & Hold Out
  • Hunt: Showdown
  • Hurtworld
  • Infestation: Survivor Stories
  • Infestation: World
  • Insurgency: Sandstorm
  • Intershelter
  • iRacing
  • Ironsight
  • Lifeless
  • Luna
  • Magicka: Wizard Wars
  • Memories of Mars
  • Miscreated
  • Naruto To Boruto: Shinobi Striker
  • Next Day
  • Offensive Combat: Redux!
  • Onward VR
  • Paladins
  • Post Scriptum
  • Ragnarok
  • Realm Royale
  • Reign of Kings
  • Rend
  • RF Online
  • Rising Storm 2: Vietnam
  • Robocraft
  • Robocraft Royale
  • Rockshot
  • Rust
  • SCUM
  • Sky Noon
  • Smite
  • Squad
  • Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet
  • Tales Runner TH
  • The Culling
  • Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands
  • Total War: Arena
  • War of the Roses
  • War of the Vikings
  • War Rock
  • Warface
  • Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade
  • Warhammer: Vermintide 2
  • Watch Dogs 2
  • Worlds Adrift
  • Yulgang TH


I hope this was able to help you fix Easy Anti-Cheat’s Error Code 20006. Whether you’re playing Fortnite, Squad, or For Honor, this is a seriously annoying problem to run into and can be even more painful to solve… Without the proper help, that is!

If none of the steps listed above worked for you, get in touch with EAC’s support directly and they will be able to help you further.

If you have your own potential fix that you feel could help people out, feel free to post it in the comments!

EsyAntiCheat при запуске с любой игрой появляется ошибка Error 20006 [StarService failed]

EsyAntiCheat при запуске абсолютно любой игры, выдается ошибка Error 20006, и нигде нет никакой информации по этому поводу, переустановка античита не помогла. В технической поддержке не отвечают, иногда если отключить интернет в момент загрузки античита то можно пропустить его запуск, что дает понять всю надежность сего творения.

17347 просмотров

больше 5 лет назад

EAC проблемы во всех играх.

2 ответа



Здравствуйте, здесь я думаю ситуация вполне исправима, так как все таки эта обычная ошибка которая происходит внутри этого продуманного античита.
Сейчас я вам скину несколько рекомендаций (чисто из личного опыта), после чего вы должны сказать что пробовали из этого сделать, хорошо? А там дальше я вам уже дам некоторые инструкции которые будут зависеть от вашего ответа.

1.Установили ли вы обновления Windows? (да-да, может прозвучать глупо, но это нужно сделать, поверьте мне).
2.Проверка целостности файлов, в играх в которых появляется ошибка, к примеру Paladins , что-то исправила?
3.Пробовали ли вы копировать файлы EAC в директорию sysWOW64, с полной заменой и перезаписью старых?
4.Есть вероятность что в этом виноват антивирус, полностью отключите его до следующей загрузки системы.
5.Можно так же попытаться провести чистку системы и реестра при помощи CCleaner — думаю это будет весьма актуально в вашем случае.

Если что, отвечайте просто в комментарии под моим ответом, буду ждать вашего обратного сообщения.

Ответ дан

больше 5 лет назад


Здравствуйте, здесь можно легко убедится, проблемы с самим античитом, либо он конфликтует с вашим программным обеспечением (софтом) который установлен на компьютере.
Для того чтобы это узнать, попробуйте просто добавить нового пользователя Windows и выдать ему полные привилегии администратора как у вас. Зайдите через него и вы увидите перед собой дефолтную тему и никаких запущенных в ДП дополнительных приложений или программ,

все только корневое и системное.

Вообщем запустите Steam и попробуйте войти в любую игру где у вас это происходит — если ситуация не изменится тогда уже проблемы в анти чите, и я думаю пофиксить это будет не сложно.

Ответ дан

больше 5 лет назад


Помогаю найти игру, исправить ошибки, вылеты, фризы, лаги и проседания FPS.

Fortnite может не запускаться из-за ошибки 20006. Существует несколько способов решения проблемы, но обо всем по порядку.


  • Описание ошибки
  • Причина проблемы
  • Способы решения ошибки 20006
    • Восстановление EAC
    • Проверка целостности игровых файлов
    • Переустановка драйвера EAC

Описание ошибки

При старте Фортнайт появляется экран загрузки, но поверх него отображается ошибка с кодом 20006: “Не удается создать службу (StartService failed: 2)” или “Cannot create service (StartService failed: 2)”. После чего игра не запускается.

Ошибка 20006 в игре Fortnite

Причина проблемы

Всему виной EasyAntiCheat (EAC) – система борьбы с читерами, которая почему-то не запускается. Fortnite не будет работать без античита и поэтому выдает ошибку. Неполадке часто предшествует обновление игрового клиента.

Все действия направлены на исправление неизвестной проблемы с античитом. Обязательно в начале проверьте, что и игра, и клиент “Epic Games” отключены.

Восстановление EAC

Действуйте следующим образом:

  • Откройте папку, где установлена игра. Если вы изменяли настройки по умолчанию, то это “C:Program FilesEpic GamesFortniteFortniteGame”.
  • Далее перейдите в директорию с EAC. Она находится во внутренней папке: “BinariesWin64EasyAntiCheat”. Если у вас 32-битная ОС, то вместо Win64 будет директория Win32.
  • В конечной папке отыщите файл “EasyAntiCheat_Setup.exe” и запустите его от имени администратора. Правый клик мышкой по иконке => выбор соответствующего пункта из контекстного меню.
  • Откроется приложение. По центру убедитесь, чтобы в строчке указана игра “Fortnite”. Далее клик на “Repair Service” – эта кнопка находится чуть ниже. По истечении пары секунд появится оповещение “Installed Successfully”.
  • Закрывайте окна и пробуйте запустить игру

Проверка целостности игровых файлов

Для этого выполняйте следующие действия:

  • Запуск “Epic Games Store” от имени администратора. Для этого – правый клик мышкой на иконке и выбор соответствующей строчки в выпадающем списке.
  • В окне клиента перейдите на раздел с Фортнайт. С правой стороны от “Запустить” клик на иконку шестеренки.
  • В новом окне клик на “Проверить”. Начнется анализ игровых файлов, что обычно длится до 10-15 минут.
  • По окончании пробуйте запускать “Fortnite”.

Переустановка драйвера EAC

Последовательно делайте следующее:

  1. Убедитесь, что в ОС включено отображение скрытых файлов. В Windows 10 это делается так: в любой папке выбираете вверху вкладку “Вид”, в ней раздел “Параметры”. Появится новое окно, в нем переходите на вкладку “Вид”, а чуть ниже в окне ищите строчку “Скрывать защищенные …” и снимаете с нее отметку. Еще чуть ниже ставите галочку в строке “Показывать скрытые … “. После – клик внизу на “ОК” и “Применить”.
  2. Откройте директорию “C:WindowsSystem32″. Отыщите в ней файл “EasyAntiCheat.sys”. Его можно удалить, переместить, переименовать. Главное, чтобы в этой папке не было файла с таким названием.
  3. Запустите Fortnite. Клиент “увидит”, что недостает важных файлов и самостоятельно догрузит их.

Для каждого способа в конце рекомендуется выйти из своего игрового профиля и снова зайти в него. Также для надежности стоит перезагрузить ПК.

Fortnite — это игра-стрелялка в стиле королевской битвы, главная цель которой — выжить. Это определенно одна из самых популярных игр, но многие люди до сих пор жалуются, что не могут нормально играть.

Код ошибки Fortnite 20006

При запуске игры появляется код ошибки Fortnite 20006. Это ошибка запуска, а исполняемый файл игры даже не запускается. Следующее сообщение выглядит примерно так: «Не удалось запустить игру. Код ошибки: 20006 (Невозможно создать службу (ошибка StartService: 193)) ». Проблема обычно связана с инструментом EasyAntiCheat, который использует игра. Следуйте приведенным ниже методам, чтобы решить проблему!

Что вызывает код ошибки Fortnite 20006?

Код ошибки Fortnite 20006 почти всегда возникает либо из-за отсутствия службы EasyAntiCheat на вашем компьютере, либо из-за того, что служба не работает, устарела или просто не отвечает при запуске игры. Epic Games не хочет, чтобы вы заходили в игру, если вас заранее не проверили на читерство и взлом.

Кроме того, некоторые из ваших файлов игры могли быть повреждены или отсутствовать, и это можно легко исправить, проверив игру из средства запуска Fortnite. Поврежденные файлы могут запутать игру и заставить думать, что у вас читерство, хотя на самом деле это не так.

Восстановите службу EasyAntiCheat

Это сервис Anti-Cheat, используемый игрой для распознавания читеров и хакеров. Он активно сканирует вашу установку на предмет всего, что может дать вам несправедливое преимущество перед вашими оппонентами. Однако иногда эта служба выходит из строя, и вам может потребоваться отремонтировать ее самостоятельно, чтобы избавиться от кода ошибки Fortnite 20006.

  1. Вы можете найти основной исполняемый файл игры, нажав кнопку меню «Пуск» или кнопку поиска рядом с ним и набрав Fortnite. В любом случае щелкните исполняемый файл правой кнопкой мыши и выберите в появившемся контекстном меню опцию «Открыть файл».
  2. Папка по умолчанию для установки — C >> Program Files >> Epic Games >> Fortnite, но это также зависит от архитектуры вашего компьютера. Вы также можете выполнить поиск Fortnite, щелкнув меню «Пуск» или кнопку поиска, щелкнув правой кнопкой мыши первую запись и выбрав «Открыть расположение файла».

Навигация по папкам Fortnite

  1. В любом случае, как только вы окажетесь внутри папки Fortnite, перейдите в FortniteGame >> Двоичные файлы >> Win64 (или Win32 в зависимости от вашей ОС) >> EasyAntiCheat. Внутри вы должны увидеть файл EasyAntiCheat_Setup.exe. Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши файл « EasyAntiCheat_setup.exe » в папке и выберите пункт «Запуск от имени администратора» в появившемся контекстном меню.
  2. Подтвердите все запросы UAC о том, что файл хочет внести изменения в ваш компьютер, и дождитесь открытия его окна.

Ремонт EasyAntiCheat

  1. Убедитесь, что Fortnite выбран в списке игр, и нажмите кнопку « Ремонт» ниже. Вскоре после этого должно появиться сообщение «Установлено успешно», поэтому попробуйте перезапустить игру и проверить, появляется ли по-прежнему код ошибки Fornite 20006!

Решение 2. Проверьте установку игры

Игра недоступна в Steam, и у вас нет доступа к полезной функции под названием «Проверка целостности файлов игры». К счастью, Epic Games решили включить эту функцию в свой клиент Fortnite, который обычно выполняет ту же работу. Он просто сканирует вашу установку игры на предмет отсутствия или повреждения игровых файлов и повторно загружает их, чтобы исправить вашу игру. Обязательно попробуйте это ниже!

  1. Вы должны открыть основной исполняемый файл игры, нажав кнопку меню «Пуск» или кнопку поиска рядом с ним и набрав Fortnite. В любом случае щелкните исполняемый файл правой кнопкой мыши и выберите опцию «Открыть» в появившемся контекстном меню.
  2. Папка по умолчанию для установки — C >> Program Files >> Epic Games >> Fortnite, но это также зависит от архитектуры вашего компьютера. Вы также можете выполнить поиск Fortnite, щелкнув меню «Пуск» или кнопку поиска и щелкнув первую запись.
  3. Щелкните значок шестеренки рядом с текстом запуска в окне запуска Fortnite, в котором должно открыться новое меню. Нажмите «Подтвердить» в меню и дождитесь, пока программа запуска завершит проверку файлов игры.Fortnite Launcher - проверить
  4. Процесс займет около 10 минут. Проверьте, не были ли повторно загружены какие-либо файлы, и перезапустите Fortnite, чтобы увидеть, появляется ли код ошибки Fortnite 20006.

Решение 3. Переименуйте драйвер EasyAntiCheat

Переименование или удаление файла EasyAntiCheat.sys в папке System32 на вашем компьютере может быть правильным решением, поскольку игра загрузится повторно, как только вы откроете ее снова. Если его драйвер поврежден, даже ремонт или переустановка инструмента могут работать некорректно. Этот метод прост в применении и может уберечь вас от дальнейших проблем.

  1. Перейдите в это место на вашем компьютере C >> Windows >> System32 , перейдя к нему после запуска проводника Windows. Сначала щелкните «Этот компьютер» или «Мой компьютер» на левой панели, чтобы найти и открыть локальный диск C.
  2. Если вы не можете просмотреть папку Windows, вам может потребоваться включить параметр, который позволяет вам видеть скрытые файлы и папки. Щелкните вкладку « Просмотр » в верхнем меню проводника и установите флажок « Скрытые элементы » в разделе меню «Показать / скрыть». Проводник покажет скрытые файлы и запомнит эти настройки, пока вы не измените их снова.

Скрытые элементы на локальном диске (C :)

  1. Найдите файл EasyAntiCheat.sys в папке System32, щелкните его правой кнопкой мыши и выберите « Переименовать» . Измените его имя на что-нибудь вроде EasyAntiCheat.old.sys и нажмите клавишу Enter, чтобы подтвердить свои изменения. Перезапустите Fortnite и проверьте, по-прежнему ли вы видите ошибку 20006 при запуске!
  • by
    Matthew Paxton
  • Last Updated: April 7, 2022

7 days to die banner on steam

“Fatal error in GC” on 7 Days to Die can be caused by several reasons. They range from unexpected interactions between programs and drivers to physical faults in the hardware. 

These errors can impede your adventure, ruin your fun moment, and can be very frustrating. To help you solve this problem, our pro gamers will provide you with these 5 quick and easy fixes.

How to Fix 7D2D Fatal Error in GC: 5 Methods

Fix #1: Change Page File Size

In most cases, the 7 Days to Die fatal error in GC happens because your game does not have access to enough usable memory. This causes the game to lag and eventually crash. In some situations, you might not be able to relaunch the game after the crash.

Clear your PC cache memory to circumvent the situation. If this does not work, you may need to change your Page File Size. 

windows system properties advanced

Here is how to go about it:

  1. Press the Windows Key
  2. Type systempropertiesadvanced
  3. Once the result appears, right-click, and click Run as Administrator
  4. If you do this right, you will see the Advanced properties page.
  5. Click on Settings to open the Performance tab
  6. On the Performance tab, click Advanced
  7. Click on Change
  8. Check the “Automatically managing paging file size for all drives” box
  9. Select Custom size and fill in a Value to change the page file size. Advisably, you should set this value to 20GB.

Fix #2: Try Removing Mods

If you do not install the suitable Mod on your 7 Days to Die game or use it with the right launcher, it will most likely run into this error. The reason is that mods can encumber your PC memory, thus affecting the overall gameplay of your 7D2D game.

removing mods in 7 Days To Die through steam

To remove mods from your PC, you can use the Steam launcher to validate all game files on your PC. Also, you can download the mod launcher to remove or add a mod without having to redownload the game.

Fix #3: Switch Renderer

Another way to solve the 7 Days to Die Fatal Error in GC is to switch the renderer. You can change the renderer from the game launcher. 

By preset, the renderer is always DirectX 11, which does not work well with the 7D2D game. As pro gamers, we advise you to switch the renderer to GLCore. This should stop your game from running into frequent crashes.

Fix #4: Check Anti-Virus Settings

They design some anti-virus tools specifically to interfere with games. This can stop your 7 Days to Die game from running correctly, thus running into a fatal error. You can solve this problem by simply checking your anti-virus settings. 

windows gaming mode setting

Look for the Gaming mode feature, and enable it. Alternatively, you can add your 7 Days to Die game directory to the anti-virus exclusion list.

Fix #5: Deactivate VSync

VSync, although very useful, can cause your game to run into a fatal error if the monitor can’t synchronize with the game. This lowers your frame rate, thus causing the game to lag and crash.

To deactivate VSync:

  1. Open your Windows Start Menu
  2. Navigate through to NVIDIA Control Panel
  3. Select Manage 3d Settings, then Vsync (Vertical Sync)
  4. Click on Disable to deactivate.


The tips we have listed in this guide are guaranteed to fix the 72D2 “fatal error in GC” with no hassle. As a bonus tip, always ensure that your drivers are updated [1] and close all background processes before launching your game.

Matthew Paxton

Mathew has nursed a love of video games since childhood. Now, as an adult, he enjoys playing challenging games as much as he enjoys relating with other gamers. Matthew created Hypernia to give gamers like himself accurate and reliable information about games, servers, communication protocols, and much more.

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  • Top 4 Methods to Fix 7 Days to Die Crashing

Top 4 Methods to Fix 7 Days to Die Crashing [Partition Manager]

By Amanda | Follow |
Last Updated May 28, 2020

Are you experiencing 7 Days to Die crashing issue? Are you seeking some effective solutions to this issue? If your answers are yes, this post should be helpful for you. Here, MiniTool Software will show you 4 methods to fix 7 Days to Die crashing.

7 Days to Die is a survival horror game and is popular among players for its realistic characters and scenes. Recently, some players report that 7 Days to Die crashes on startup. If you encountered 7 Days to Die crashing on your computer unfortunately, it’s very likely that there are certain graphics issues. Of course, there might be other factors.

This problem should be rather frustrating for players. The good news is that some effective solutions have been reported by some players. Eager to get rid of 7 Days to Die crashing issue? Just keep on your reading to get the detailed steps.

Method 1: Force the Use of DirectX 10

In gaming, DirectX is necessary and it works to ensure that the audio and video hardware sync well with the gameplay. It has been reported that 7 Days to Die will crash down if you use other versions of DirectX than DirectX 10. So, if your 7 Days to Die keeps crashing, you can try forcing the use of DirectX 10 in Steam.

Step 1: Open your Steam client.

Step 2: Go to LIBRARY, right-click your 7 Days to Die from the list and choose Properties.

Step 3: Under GENERAL tab, click the SET LAUNCH OPTIONS.

set launch options

Step 4: In the pop-up dialog, input -force-feature-level–10–0 in the editable box and click OK to apply the changes.

After that, you can restart the game and check if it runs properly again.

Method 2: Verify the Integrity of Game Files

If a game gets crashing, perhaps the related game files are corrupted or missing due to misoperation or being regarded as a threat by your antivirus. In this case, you might need to verify the integrity of the game files in Steam. To do that, you should:

Step 1: Open Steam and go to LIBRARY.

Step 2: Right-click the game 7 Days to Die and choose Properties.

Step 3: Switch to LOCAL FILES tab and click VERIFY INTEGRITY OF GAME FILES button.

verify integrity of game files

Then, Steam will start validating the files related to 7 Days to Die. You should wait until the process is completed. Hopefully, this can remove the issue successfully. If 7 Days to Die keeps crashing still, you can try the next method.

Method 3: Disable Motion Blur

Motion Blur is a graphics setting that makes the game smoother and more cinematic. But it has been proven that Motion Blur can lead to certain graphics issues and result in 7 Days to Die crashing. So, if you can start the game but it crashes when you are playing it, you can try disabling this setting. Here’s how to do it.

Step 1: Launch 7 Days to Die.

Step 2: In the home screen of the game, click Options and click Video to open Video settings.

Step 3: Locate Motion Blur option and choose Off from the drop-down list.

Step 4: Click Apply and OK to save the changes.

Method 4: Use the Steam of 32-bit

If all the methods above fail to fix 7 Days to Die crashing issue, you can try using the 32-bit version of both Steam and the game. To achieve this, you need SteamCMD which works like Command Prompt. Just follow the instruction below to complete the operation.

Step 1: Download SteamCMD ZIP file and extract it to a newly-created folder.

Step 2: Press Windows + R, input cmd and click OK to open Command Prompt.

Step 3: Input the following commands and press Enter after each to access SteamCMD:

  • cd Path (Path should be replaced by the folder path of SteamCMD)
  • steamcmd

Step 4: Type the following commands and press Enter after each. This will log into your Steam account to force use of the 32-bit Steam and download the 32-bit version of the game.

  • login username password (username and password here should be replaced by your actual Steam credentials.)
  • @sSteamCmdForcePlatformBitness 32
  • force_install_dir ./7dtd/
  • app_update 251570

Once it’s done, you can launch the 32-bit version 7 Days to Die from the 7dtd subfolder in the SteamCMD folder and check if you can play the game without any problems.

About The Author


Position: Columnist

Amanda has been working as English editor for the MiniTool team since she was graduated from university. She enjoys sharing effective solutions and her own experience to help readers fix various issues with computers, dedicated to make their tech life easier and more enjoyable.

She has published many articles, covering fields of data recovery, partition management, disk backup, and etc. In order to provide more useful tips and information, she is still committed to expand her technical knowledge.

If you’re a fan of 7 Days to Die, you may have been excited to hear that the game’s latest update includes support for Easy Anti-Cheat. 

However, some players are encountering errors when they launch the game with Easy Anti-Cheat enabled. In this post, we’ll show you how to quickly fix Error 20006 so that you can get back to playing 7 Days to Die as soon as possible.

How to Quickly Fix the Easy Anti-Cheat Launch Error 20006

First enter “Properties.” In this window under “Startup type,” you have the options “Disabled,” “Automatic,” “Automatic (delayed),” or “Manual.” 

For your sake, it is best to select “Automatic” or “Automatic (delayed),” if you believe this will have a significant impact on your start times.

7 Days to Die EAC Not Working

It may be evident that this is a relatively basic solution to a problem that may not repeat or reappear. That is why we will explain the steps to take for a final and successful solution that will not bring you further troubles in the future. 

To begin, make sure that no application is blocking or deactivating the EAC, such as an antivirus or firewall. To do this, open your firewall and navigate to the permissions area. 

Once there, check the Easy Anti-Cheat and ensure it is not blocked. If you want to stay alert for any changes in EAC, you can add an exclusion for the root folder of this (this folder should be “C: Program Files (x86) EasyAntiCheat ”). 

And if you want to make an extra effort, you can configure exclusions for the EAC folders for any game that has it in its root folder.

7 Days to Die EAC Not Working

When this step is finished, the EAC will not be unlocked, and you may proceed to the next step. The next step is to reinstall or repair Easy Anti-Cheat. 

Clearly, this fast repair might fix the problem if the installation you have is damaged for a certain game. You can pick between two locations to repair or reinstall EAC. One of these locations is the Easy Anti-Cheat folder, which may be found in your game’s installation folder.

The other option would be the EasyAntiCheat folder in Program Files [1] (which is probably C: Program Files (x86) EasyAntiCheat). When you find that folder, click the EAC installer and select the option “Repair” and the problem should be resolved. 

If this step does not work, we recommend temporarily stopping the antivirus and restarting the PC. However, it is best to try both.

repair eac

If you have tried all of the above fixes yet the issue still arises when attempting to reinstall or repair, don’t panic. There are still more solutions available to you. 

Because none of the previous methods worked, it is likely that something else has disabled EAC. The remedy is simple and clear: reactivate it. However, this is not as easy as it appears. 

You must locate the settings and follow the procedures correctly. To reactivate EAC, follow these steps:

  • To begin, go to «Services.» Simply enter the Start menu and search for «services» in the search bar in Windows 10.
  • When you’re within Services, look for «EasyAntiCheat,» then right-click and select «Properties.»


  • Once in the Properties window, look for «Startup type» and change it from «Disabled» to «Automatic» or «Automatic (delayed)» if you believe it will influence startup performance as mentioned above.
  • Finally, click «Apply» and close any windows that have opened throughout the procedure. Following that, you can launch your game.

After you complete these steps, the game should function normally. However, if the problem occurs once, it is possible that it may reappear the next time you restart your computer. 

You might have missed a step, so make sure to closely follow everything that’s listed above. 

My initial thought is to make sure the client and EAC are excluded from Antivirus.

Also, I’ve seen issues with EAC and some overlays like MSI Afterburner or Overwolf.

I also found this interesting solution regarding the same error for Rust…

Originally posted by Scycthe: I just found a solution that worked for me. I went to services, looked and right clicked on EasyAntiCheat, chose properties and changed the startup type to ‘automatically’. I didn’t need to start the service beacuse it only starts if a program is using it. After that, Rust opened without a problem for me.

I also found this tidbit on the Steam forum….

If you receive this error none of the above will fix it for you. Here is the Fix:

You are probably running on a 64-bit OS or Windows Server 2012 R2 or higher. EasyAntiCheat installs a Windows Service, you’ll notice when looking at the service it is pointing to C:WindowsSystem32 for EasyAntiCheat.exe. However the installer detects 64-bit and installs it into C:WindowsSysWOW64 instead. Go into C:WindowsSysWOW64 and copy EasyAntiCheat.exe out of there and into C:WindowsSystem32 directory, and try again. This will fix this issue for you.

7 days to die error code 20006
7 days to die error code 20006

Are you receiving the 7 Days to Die error code 20006? If so, you’re not alone. This error can be quite frustrating, but there is hope!

In this article, we will go over what this error code means and provide you with some troubleshooting tips that can help you resolve it.

So, if you’ve been looking for a way to fix the 7 Days to Die error code 20006, you’ve come to the right place! Read on to find out more.

  1. Check Your Internet Connection

One of the most common causes of the 7 Days to Die error code 20006 is an unstable internet connection. If you’re experiencing this error, the first step is to check that your internet connection is stable.

If you’re on a Wi-Fi connection, try changing to a wired connection, as this can often resolve this issue. Additionally, if you’re using a router, make sure it’s properly configured and that your firewall settings aren’t interfering with the game.

You can also try restarting your router and modem. This may resolve any issues caused by changes in your local network or Internet service provider. If your problem persists, contact your Internet service provider to confirm that your connection is stable.

  1. Update Your Graphics Drivers

Are you getting the 7 Days to Die Error Code 20006? This error code is typically related to graphics driver issues, so the first step in troubleshooting this issue is to make sure your graphics drivers are up to date.

Doing this is relatively simple and should be done regularly regardless of whether or not you’re getting this error.

First, you’ll need to figure out which graphics card you have. If you’re using a laptop, the graphics card is usually built into the motherboard, so you’ll need to look up your laptop model online to find out which graphics card it has. For desktop PCs, you can usually find the graphics card name by looking at the back of your computer.

Once you know which graphics card you have, you can search for the latest drivers on the manufacturer’s website.

Most companies will list their drivers on the product page, but you can also try searching for [your graphics card] driver on Google if necessary.

Download and install the latest drivers and then restart your computer to see if that fixes the 7 Days to Die Error Code 20006.

If updating your graphics drivers doesn’t fix the error, it’s likely that there is a more serious issue with your system. It may be worth taking your computer to a professional repair shop or consulting a tech-savvy friend for assistance.

  1. Verify Your Game Files

If you’re having trouble with 7 Days to Die error code 20006, the first thing you should do is verify your game files. This will ensure that the game is running on the latest version, and all files are in the correct format.

To do this, launch your Steam client and open the library tab. Right-click on 7 Days to Die and select Properties. Then select the Local Files tab and click Verify Integrity of Game Files.

Steam will then run a process to check if all the game files are present and up to date. If there are any missing or out of date files, Steam will automatically update them. After the process is finished, restart your game and check if the error code 20006 is still occurring.

  1. Reinstall The Game

If you are experiencing error code 20006 in 7 Days to Die, the first step you should take is to reinstall the game. Reinstalling the game will reset all your game files and hopefully resolve any issues that could be causing the error.

To reinstall 7 Days to Die, you’ll need to open up the Steam client. In the top left corner, click on ‘Library’ and then locate 7 Days to Die in your list of games.

Once you have located it, right-click on the game title and select ‘Uninstall’. This will uninstall the game and delete all related game files from your computer.

Once the uninstallation process is complete, click on ‘Store’ in the top menu and search for 7 Days to Die.

Click on ‘Install’ and the game will begin downloading. Once the download is complete, you will be able to launch the game and start playing.

Hopefully, this will resolve any issues with the error code 20006. If the issue persists, you may need to contact Steam Support for further help.

In games like Fortnite, Far Cry 5, For Honor, Rust, Scum, and anything else that runs Easy Anti-Cheat, it’s possible to get an Error Code 20006 … StartService failed: 1058 (or alternatively a 1072 error). These errors are extremely annoying and both result in you not being able to play the game you want to.

That is… Not without doing what we’re about to walk you through.

The full error will likely read as “Error Code: 20006 (Cannot create service (StartService failed: 1058)).” Or at the very least something similar to that – the 1058 tells us that EAC has been disabled and needs to be re-enabled. Another possibility is a 1072 error which indicates that EAC has been “flagged for deletion”.

The error you get will dictate the steps you need to follow. Luckily, neither problem is insanely difficult to fix and should only take a few minutes (maybe 10-15) at most.

On this page, you’ll find 3 possible routes to take:

  • If your error was a 1058, start at Option A and if that doesn’t work then Option B definitely will.
  • If your error was a 1072, skip both A and B and jump right to Option C. Once you’re done with C, go back and do Option B.

Note: This will not work if you’ve been banned for cheating. It’s a fix for those who are running into the aforementioned errors with EAC itself.

error code 20006

A.) Fixing Error Code 20006 (Error 1058)

As I mentioned previously, a 1058 error generally tells us that the program has been disabled. Often, you can quickly figure this out by opening Services, right-clicking the program and opening  “Properties”. In the Properties window under “Startup type” you’ll either see “Disabled”, “Automatic”, “Automatic (delayed)”, or “Manual”. For EAC’s sake, we want it to be either “Automatic” or “Automatic (delayed)” if you’re worried about it impacting your startup times.

But, we’ll come back around to that with a proper set of steps further down.

First, make sure that Easy Anti-Cheat is not being blocked or disabled by your anti-virus/firewall. To do that, open your firewall, find the permissions section, find EAC, then make sure it’s not blocked.

Note: If you want to be extra-vigilant, you can set up an exclusion for EAC’s root folder (it should be “C:Program Files (x86)EasyAntiCheat”). To go the extra mile you could also set up exclusions for the EAC folders that any EAC-enabled game will have in its root folder.

Not blocked? Okay, let’s keep going.

The next step is reinstalling/repairing Easy Anti-Cheat. It might be that the current install is corrupted for the one game you want and a quick repair will fix the problem. Wouldn’t that be nice?

You can choose to repair/reinstall EAC from 1 of 2 locations. Either from EasyAntiCheat folder found within your game’s install folder; or from the EasyAntiCheat folder in Program Files (likely C:Program Files (x86)EasyAntiCheat). Once you’ve located the folder all you have to do is run the EAC install executable and choose “Repair” in the new window that pops up.

Here’s a good walkthrough on how you can reinstall or repair Easy Anti-Cheat:

In the video, he uses Fortnite as an example, but the same method will work with any of the 70+ games that run EAC.

Hopefully, that works and gets you gaming. If it doesn’t, you might want to try temporarily turning off your antivirus and trying the reinstall again, or reboot your PC; or try both.

If you’re met with yet another error upon trying to reinstall or repair then we have more work to do! On to the next set of steps!

B.) Reinstalling/repairing didn’t work

If none of the above worked, chances are EAC has been disabled by something else. Why or what? I haven’t quite figured that part out yet. But, the simple solution is to turn it back on. However, doing that isn’t easy (or possible) unless you know where to find the right settings.

To turn EAC back on:

  1. Open “Services” – Open the Start menu and type “Services” on Windows 10
  2. Find “EasyAntiCheat” within Services then right-click it and select “Properties”
  3. In the Properties window, find “Startup type” and change it from “Disabled” to “Automatic” (or Automatic (delayed) if you’re worried about bootup performance)
  4. Click “Apply” and close both the Properties and Services windows.
  5. Launch your game

Following those steps should hopefully get you back to gaming within no time. However, if it happened once it will likely happen again the next time you restart your PC. Keep that in mind.e

C.) Fixing Error 1072: Marked for deletion

If you ran into a problem around Step 3 while trying to turn EAC back on and you received an error that said EAC has been “scheduled for deletion”, then you’re going to have to follow one more set of steps…

Alternatively, if you noticed the 1072 error right away, you should start from this point as the previous steps will not work without first doing this.

Luckily, it’s easy to do and should only take a couple of minutes at most.

error 1072 fix

Our next set of steps involves either removing or editing a “DeleteFlag” that you’ll find within the EAC registry folder.

To remove the DeleteFlag:

  1. Open Regedit – Open the Start menu and type “Regedit” on Windows 10
  2. Navigate to “ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesEasyAntiCheat” (if you copy and paste that into regedit, it should bring you to the right spot)
  3. Right click “DeleteFlag” and select “Modify, then change the Value data from “1” to “0”
  4. Restart your PC
  5. Attempt to turn EAC back on again (previous set of steps)
  6. If EAC turns on without a hitch, boot your game!

remove delete flag

With any luck, now you should be able to turn EAC back on and boot your game(s) without an issue. If you’ve tried before restarting your PC and it doesn’t work, try a quick reboot before you panic too much.

Games that run Easy Anti-Cheat

There are a ton of games that run EAC, the last time this guide was updated (September 2nd, 2018) there was a total of 77. If one of your EAC protected games is giving you the 20006 error, then anything else in your library running EAC will as well.

So, if you’re curious how many of your games are EAC protected, here’s the full list of games that currently utilize it. More are added all the time so I’ll try to keep this list as relevant and up to date as possible.

  • 7 Days to Die
  • Absolver
  • Ar:piel
  • Audition TH
  • Battalion 1944
  • Block N Load
  • Cabal Online
  • Combat Arms
  • Combat Arms: Line of Sight
  • Crossout
  • Cuisine Royale
  • Darkfall: Rise of Agon
  • Darwin Project
  • Days of War
  • Dead by Daylight
  • Death Field: The Battle Royale of Disaster
  • Dirty Bomb
  • Dragon Ball Fighter Z
  • Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
  • Dragonica: Lavalon Awakens
  • Dying Light: Bad Blood
  • Empyrion
  • Far Cry 5
  • Fear the Wolves
  • For Honor
  • Fortnite Battle Royale
  • Fractured Lands
  • Friday the 13th
  • Gigantic
  • Hide & Hold Out
  • Hunt: Showdown
  • Hurtworld
  • Infestation: Survivor Stories
  • Infestation: World
  • Insurgency: Sandstorm
  • Intershelter
  • iRacing
  • Ironsight
  • Lifeless
  • Luna
  • Magicka: Wizard Wars
  • Memories of Mars
  • Miscreated
  • Naruto To Boruto: Shinobi Striker
  • Next Day
  • Offensive Combat: Redux!
  • Onward VR
  • Paladins
  • Post Scriptum
  • Ragnarok
  • Realm Royale
  • Reign of Kings
  • Rend
  • RF Online
  • Rising Storm 2: Vietnam
  • Robocraft
  • Robocraft Royale
  • Rockshot
  • Rust
  • SCUM
  • Sky Noon
  • Smite
  • Squad
  • Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet
  • Tales Runner TH
  • The Culling
  • Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands
  • Total War: Arena
  • War of the Roses
  • War of the Vikings
  • War Rock
  • Warface
  • Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade
  • Warhammer: Vermintide 2
  • Watch Dogs 2
  • Worlds Adrift
  • Yulgang TH


I hope this was able to help you fix Easy Anti-Cheat’s Error Code 20006. Whether you’re playing Fortnite, Squad, or For Honor, this is a seriously annoying problem to run into and can be even more painful to solve… Without the proper help, that is!

If none of the steps listed above worked for you, get in touch with EAC’s support directly and they will be able to help you further.

If you have your own potential fix that you feel could help people out, feel free to post it in the comments!

  • Ошибка запуска 1с этот хост неизвестен
  • Ошибка запуска 1с предприятия тонкий клиент не установлен
  • Ошибка запуска 10022 0xc0030004 фортнайт
  • Ошибка запуска 10011 фортнайт
  • Ошибка запуска 10011 easyanticheat