Ошибки atlas copco xahs 186 панель управления

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LED (green)


LED (green)


LED (red)


LED (red)


LED (red)


LED (red)


LED (red)


LED (red)

Fuel ON


Charge indication

Compressor outlet temperature

Engine oil temperature

Engine oil pressure

Low coolant

Not in use

— 32 —




Circuit breaker button


Working pressure guage


Loading valve


Control module


Start/Stop button


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Ошибки винтового компрессора

НЕИСПРАВНОСТЬ: Срабатывает прерыватель цепи защиты от перегрузки

Причина: 1. Низкое напряжение в сети.

Способ устранения: Проверьте напряжение в сети, нажмите кнопку сброса и перезапустите компрессор.

Причина: 2. Перегревается двигатель.

Способ устранения: Проверьте теплоотвод от двигателя и установку реле. Если тепло отводится нормально, нажмите кнопку «Reset» и перезапустите компрессор. Если компрессор не перезапускается сразу, подождите несколько минут и повторите попытку.

НЕИСПРАВНОСТЬ: Термостат отключает компрессор в результате перегрева.

Причина: 1. Очень высокая температура окружающей среды.

Способ устранения: Обеспечьте более качественную вентиляцию, нажмите сброс и сделайте перезапуск.

Причина: 2. Засорен охладитель масла.

Способ устранения: Очистите охладитель растворителем.

Причина: 3. Низкий уровень масла.

Способ устранения: Долейте масло.

Причина: 4. Неисправен термо-расширительный клапан.

Способ устранения: Замените термо-расширительный клапан.

НЕИСПРАВНОСТЬ: Высокий расход масла.

Причина: 1. Неисправна системы слива.

Способ устранения: Проверьте трубопроводы слива масла и обратный клапан.

Причина: 2. Чрезмерный уровень масла.

Способ устранения: Проверьте уровень масла, и при необходимости слейте лишнее.

Причина: 3. Неисправен фильтр маслосепаратора.

Способ устранения: Замените фильтр маслосепаратора.

Причина: 4. Не герметичность уплотнений и/или ниппелей фильтра маслосепаратора.

Способ устранения: Замените уплотнитель.

НЕИСПРАВНОСТЬ: Утечки масла из всасывающего фильтра.

Причина: Не закрыт регулятор всасывания.

Способ устранения: Проверьте регулятор и электромагнитный клапан.

НЕИСПРАВНОСТЬ: Открывается предохранительный клапан.

Причина: 1. Чрезмерно высокое давление.

Способ устранения: Проверьте настройки манометра. Проверьте регулятор всасывания и электромагнитный клапан.

Причина: 2. Регулятор всасывания не закрывается в конце рабочего цикла.

Способ устранения: Проверьте перепад давления между магистральным трубопроводом и резервуаром масляного сепаратора, при необходимости замените фильтр маслосепаратора.

Причина: 3. Засорение фильтра маслосепаратора

Способ устранения: Проверьте перепад давления между магистралью сжатого воздуха и резервуаром маслосепаратора, при необходимости замените фильтр маслосепаратора.

НЕИСПРАВНОСТЬ: Низкая производительность компрессора.

Причина: Загрязнение воздушного фильтра.

Способ устранения: Очистите/замените фильтр.

НЕИСПРАВНОСТЬ: Компрессор не выдает сжатый воздух.

Причина: 1. Закрыт регулятор, не открывается по причине загрязнения.

Способ устранения: Снять всасывающий фильтр и открыть регулятор вручную. При необходимости снять его и очистить.

Причина: 2. Закрыт регулятор, не открывается по причине отсутствия команды на открывание.

Способ устранения: Убедитесь, что реле давления подает питание на электромагнитный клапан, закрывающий данный патрубок.

НЕИСПРАВНОСТЬ: Давление вырабатываемого воздуха значительно превышает установленное максимальное (8, 10 или 13 бар)

Причина: 1. Открыт регулятор, не закрывается по причине загрязнения.

Способ устранения: Снимите и очистите регулятор.

Причина: 2. Открыт регулятор, не закрывается по причине отсутствия команды на закрывание.

Способ устранения: Убедитесь, что электромагнитный клапан, открывающий данный патрубок, отключен.

Причина: 3. Неисправен манометр.

Способ устранения: Проверьте работу и установки реле давления.

НЕИСПРАВНОСТЬ: Компрессор не перезапускается

Причина: Ненадлежащее закрывание контрольного клапана.

Способ устранения: Снимите и очистите клапан. При необходимости замените его компоненты.

НЕИСПРАВНОСТЬ: Компрессор не всегда включается

Причина: 1. Недостаточное напряжение в сети.

Способ устранения: Проверьте напряжение в сети.

Причина: 2. Слишком низкая температура воздуха.

Способ устранения: Нагрейте воздух в помещении или компрессор.

НЕИСПРАВНОСТЬ: Попадание масла в пульт управления

Причина: 1. Утечка масла из трубопровода.

Способ устранения: Затянуть соединительные муфты. Заменить поврежденные части трубопроводы.

Причина: 2. Утечка масла через передний фланец компрессора.

Способ устранения: Замените уплотнительное кольцо компрессора.


В ходе производственного процесса нередко бывает так, что компрессор функционирует, но выявляются симптомы технических проблем: например, недостаточно либо долго набирается давление, возникают шумы, время от времени сигнализирует панель управления. Как раз в подобных случаях устройство нужно проверить целиком и полностью – для выявления причины, по которой техника начала давать сбой, и исключения аварии, ведущим к остановкам производственного цикла организации.

Эксплуатация винтовых компрессоров, практически всегда, осуществляется на постоянной основе. Но резерв, как правило, отсутствует. Так что ключевая цель – работа устройства без перебоев. Чтобы решить поставленную задачу, можно воспользоваться сразу двумя-тремя инструментами:

  1. Вовремя проводить техобслуживание. Разновидности услуг и требуемые расходники при конкретной наработке, как правило, зафиксированы в инструкции.
  2. Также важно регулярно проводить диагностику. Это ежедневный мониторинг, за который отвечает обслуживающий персонал: контроль рабочих характеристик, уровня масла, отражение показаний управляющей панели – включая ошибки.Также обслуживающий персонал отслеживают температуру в здании, вентиляцию (чтобы в ее работе не возникали сбои).
  3. Периодическую диагностику должны проводить сервисные инженеры. Ключевая составляющая обслуживания – гарант длительного и бесперебойного функционирования устройства.

БВА Сервис выполняет диагностику любых моделей винтовых электрических компрессоров Atlas Copco:

AQ 30, AQ 37, AQ 37 VSD, AQ 45, AQ 55, AQ 55 VSD, AQ15 VSD, AQ18 VSD, AQ22 VSD, AQ30 VSD, AQ55 VSD, G 15L, G 18, G 22, G11, G15, G7, GA 10, GA 11 VSD, GA 110, GA 13,8, GA 132, GA 14, GA 160, GA 160+, GA 250, GA 315, GA 5,3, GA 5,5, GA 7,3, GA 7,5, GA 8,3, GA 8,5, GA 9,8, GA 90+, GA11, GA11 VSD, GA11+, GA110, GA110 VSD, GA132, GA132 VSD, GA15, GA15 VSD, GA15+, GA160, GA160 VSD, GA18, GA18 VSD, GA18+, GA200, GA200 VSD, GA22, GA22 VSD, GA22+, GA250, GA250 VSD, GA26 , GA26 VSD, GA30, GA30 VSD, GA30+, GA315, GA315 VSD, GA37, GA37 VSD, GA37+, GA45 , GA45 VSD, GA45+, GA5, GA5 VSD, GA55, GA55 VSD, GA55+, GA7, GA7 VSD, GA75, GA75 VSD, GA75+, GA90 , GA90 VSD, GX11, GX2, GX3, GX4, GX5, GX7, XA57E, XA77E, XATS 900E, ZR 110, ZR 132, ZR 132 VSD, ZR 145, ZR 160, ZR 160 VSD, ZR 250, ZR 250 VSD, ZR 275, ZR 30, ZR 300 , ZR 315, ZR 315 VSD, ZR 355, ZR 37, ZR 37 VSD, ZR 400, ZR 400 VSD, ZR 425, ZR 45, ZR 450 , ZR 55, ZR 55 VSD, ZR 630 , ZR 700 VSD, ZR 75, ZR 75 VSD, ZR 750, ZR 90, ZR 90 VSD, ZR 900 VSD, ZR VSD, ZT 110, ZT 132, ZT 132 VSD, ZT 145, ZT 15, ZT 160, ZT 160 VSD, ZT 18, ZT 22, ZT 22 VSD, ZT 250, ZT 250 VSD, ZT 275, ZT 30, ZT 315 VSD, ZT 37, ZT 37 VSD, ZT 45, ZT 55 , ZT 55 VSD, ZT 75, ZT 75 VSD, ZT 90, ZT 90 VSD.

БВА Сервис выполняет диагностику любых моделей винтовых дизельных компрессоров Atlas Copco:

XAS 27 Hp, XAS 37 Kd, XAS 38 Kd, XAS 46 Dd, XAS 47 Dd, XAS 48 KD, XAS 57 Dd, XAS 58 KD, XAS 67 Dd, XAS 68 KD, XAS 77 Dd, XAS 78 KD, XAS 87 Kd, XAS 88 Kd, XAS 96, XAS 97 Dd, XAS 127 Kd COM2, XAS 137 Kd COM2, XAS 137 Kd COM3, XAS 186 Dd, XAS 746 Cd, XAHS 37 Dd, XATS 67 Dd, XAHS 107 Kd, XAHS 107 Kd COM2, XAHS 107 Kd COM3, XAHS 146 Dd, XATS 156 Dd, XAVS 166 Dd, XAHS 186 Dd, XAVS 196 Dd, XAHS 237 Dd, XAMS 287 Dd, XAHS 306, XATS 377 Cd, XAVS 307 Cd, XAHS 347 Cd, XAHS 350 CUD, XAVS 407 Cd, XAMS 407 Cd, XAHS 447 Cd, XAHS 450 CUD, XATS 487 Cd, XAMS 527 Cd, XAH 1066 Cd, XAXS 277 Cd, XRVS 336 Cd, XRHS 366 Cd, XRS 396 Cd, H 23, XRVS 476 Cd, XRVS 487 Cd, XRHS 506 Cd, XRHS 527 Cd, X 28, XRYS 527 Cd, XRYS 557 Cd, XRYS 577 Cd, XRXS 567 Cd, XRVS 577 Cd, XRVS 617 Cd, XRXS 607 Cd, XRVS 647 Cd, XRXO 667 Cd, Y 35, XRVO 727 Cd, XRV 946 Cd, U130 Kd, U175 Kd, U190 Kd.

На периодичность, с которой диагностируют состояние винтового компрессора, влияют: интенсивность эксплуатации (24, 12, 8 часов), соответственно, 1 раз: в месяц, в два месяца и в три месяца.

Диагностика – одно из самых необходимых мероприятий для поддержания техники в рабочем состоянии

Она состоит из следующих этапов:

— режимов работы (загрузка, разгрузка, ожидание, холостой ход);

— клапанов (впускного, маслозапорного, обратного, термостатического, клапана минимального давления, дренажного);

— тока и напряжения в разных режимах работы;

— состояния шлангов и соединений (нет ли утечек);

— состояния приводных ремней и муфт;

— уровня масла, замер его расхода;

— вибрации подшипников винтового элемента и электродвигателя;

— системы сброса конденсата;

— состояния воздушных фильтров, при необходимости их очистка или замена.

  • Продувки теплообменника (радиатора) – если это необходимо.
  • Составления акта, где фиксируют рекомендации по плановым ремонтным работам.

Сотрудники нашей организации ежедневно видят разные ситуации, при которых компрессор выходит из строя. Время от времени инженеры нашей компании проходят обучающие курсы – с практическими занятиями. Мы детально исследуем любую аварийную ситуацию – наша база содержит огромное количество статистических данных по наработке и отказам узлов популярных компрессорных моделей. Наши мастера обладают специальным оборудованием и инструментами, благодаря которым выявляют и устраняют все возможные неполадки. Еще у нас имеются на складе все самые ходовые запчасти и расходники. Чтобы грамотно выявить, почему вышел из строя компрессор, советуем своевременно воспользоваться диагностикой устройства.

Вибродиагностика метод диагностирования технических систем и оборудования. Берут в расчет параметры вибрации, издаваемой исследуемым компрессором. Если замерять этот показатель время от времени, можно оперативно увидеть изношенные детали. Так же вибродиагностика рекомендована после произведенного ремонта для оценки качества работ и правильности монтажа узлов оборудования.

Полноценный отчет о том, в каком состоянии находится Ваше устройство, нужно ли его ремонтировать, и во сколько обойдутся запчасти, Вы получите после диагностики. Как правило, речь идет о двух-трех днях!

Вероятные технические неполадки

Приведем краткий перечень неисправностей и причины их появления, на которые следует обратить внимание при диагностике промышленной компрессорной техники:


— Компрессор начинает работать, но не переходит в режим загрузки.

— Неисправен электромагнит, залипло впускное устройство, порван шланг пневмоуправления, неисправен клапан минимального давления.


— Не переходит в режим разгрузки, срабатывает предохранитель.

— Неисправен соленоид (электромагнит), не закрывается разгрузочный (впускной) устройство.


— Выдает большое количество воды в сжатом воздухе.

— Сломан конденсатоотводчик, забит сливной шланг, не правильные условия эксплуатации компрессора.


— Производительность или давление ниже нормы.

— Повреждено устройство разгрузки, загрязнен воздушный фильтр, поврежден соленоид, засорен маслоотделитель (маслосепаратор), разрушен винтовой блок, порван шланг пневматический, производительность компрессора ниже потребления воздуха.


— Повышенное потребление масла / унос масла со сжатым воздухом в систему.

-Высокий уровень масла, неправильный тип масла, неисправен маслоотделитель или клапан минимального давления (работает при давлении менее 3,5 бар).


— Температура сжатого воздуха на выходе из винтового элемента выше нормы

— Низкий уровень масла, засорен маслоотделитель, поврежден термостат, засорен радиатор охлаждения (воздухоохладитель), не работает вентилятор охлаждения, недостаточная подача притока воздуха в компрессорную, слишком высокая температура в компрессорной, неисправен винтовой элемент.

ВНИМАНИЕ! Если Вы заметили один, или несколько из этих признаков, немедленно обратитесь к специалистам!

  • компрессор плохо включается или не перезапускается;
  • отсутствие сжатого воздуха в выходном отверстии компрессора;
  • низкая производительность;
  • чрезмерный расход и утечка масла;
  • непроизвольное открытие предохранительного клапана;
  • отключение компрессора термостатом;
  • повышенное давление;
  • срабатывание прерывателя цепи.

По результатам диагностики наша компания может предложить следующие услуги

1. Техническое обслуживание, ремонт или замену:
— впускного (разгрузочного) клапана,
— маслозапорного клапана,
— обратного клапана,
— термостатического клапана,
— клапана минимального давления,
— дренажного клапана,
— винтового блока (элемент сжатия),
— электродвигателя,
— вентилятора,
— воздухоохладителя,
— блока управления,
— электрического щита и его компонентов,
— датчиков — давления, температуры, включения.
2. ТО компрессора согласно его наработке и состояния.
3. Провести выше обозначенные работы с системами подготавливающими сжатый воздух.
4. Пневмоаудит.

Это только основные услуги, при необходимости возможно оказание и дополнительных услуг, по договоренности с заказчиком.

Выезжаем в любой район Москвы и Московской области

Компания БВА Сервис предлагает качественную диагностику компрессоров в Москве и Московской области .

Мы производим диагностику как в нашем сервисном центре, так и на месте поломки, куда выезжает специалист сервисного центра.

Причины выбрать нас

Принимая решение о выборе исполнителя, важно проанализировать не только стоимость работ, но и спектр предоставляемых им услуг и отзывы клиентов!


Коды ошибок генератора atlas copco

Qc1002 новый контроллер, способный запускать генератор дистанционно и заменяет Qc1001 (кроме QIX).

Qc1002 по конструкции и используемому ПО очень близок к стандартному контроллеру производства DEIF, тогда как Qc1001 был разработан в соответствии со спецификацией Atlas Copco.

Ввод параметров через соответствующий пункт меню, вместо одновременного нажатия кнопок «Вверх» и «Вниз» в течении 3 сек..
Новая цветовая гамма (серая) лицевой панели.

Вариант без Canbus (AC Partnr 1604 9382 00)
Вариант с Canbus (AC Partnr 1604 9418 00)

Вариант с Canbus легко опознать по наличию кнопок СТАРТ / СТОП / АВТО.
Каталожный номер AC на обратной стороне контроллера.

Дистанционное управление

Кнопка для дистанционного управления (только для Qc1002 с Can)

Qc1002 без Can : имеется дополнительный переключатель для перевода в дистанционное управление.

Когда Qc1002 находится в дистанционном управлении, загорается зеленый светодиод рядом с кнопкой дистанционного управления.

В Ручном режиме : используем

В Дистанционном режиме : машина будет запускаться и останавливаться (с охлаждением) через внешний переключатель.

Пусковая кнопка для ручного режима.

Как только Qc1002 получает сигнал о том, что машина запустилась (через входной сигнал W/L, через число оборотов с Canbus, либо через частоту), загорается зеленый светодиод рядом с кнопкой ПУСК и счетчик моточасов начинает отсчет (точка в разделе моточасов будет мигать).

Кнопка остановки (без режима охлаждения) для ручного управления.

При дистанционном управлении Qc1002 с ее помощью можно перейти в ручной режим и остановить генератор.

Дополнительно ‘Extended Stop Time’ (Увеличенное время остановки) появляется на дисплее (только при дистанционном управлении). Пока эта надпись горит на дисплее, генератор не запустится.

Посредством навигационных кнопок можно проматывать различные данные, содержащиеся в контроллере.

В разделе LOG List хранятся 30 последних событий.

  • аварийные остановки;
  • сброс сервисного таймера;
  • загрузка нового ПО (загрузка нового ПО сотрет все предыдущие события).

Вы можете проматывать события нажатием кнопок ВВЕРХ и ВНИЗ.

Для выхода из LOG List, нажмите кнопку НАЗАД.

4 типа аварийных сигналов:

  • Предупреждение (Warning): красный светодиод горит + на дисплее написана причина + аварийное реле замыкается (если это реле сконфигурировано);
  • Размыкание GB (Trip GB): Появляется предупреждение + размыкание контактора генератора;
  • Размыкание и остановка (Trip And Stop): размыкается контактор + генератор останавливается после отработки режима охлаждения двигателя;
  • Аварийная остановка (Shutdown): размыкается контактор + немедленная остановка генератора (без охлаждения).
Изменяется тип машины (см. далее).
Тип электроники двигателя для связи с Qc1002 через Canbus.
Выбор языка. ( Символы, English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian). Информация в Parameter List всегда по-английски.
Метрическая или британская единицы измерения давлений и температур.
С помощью этого раздела, можно подать напряжение на контроллер двигателя без его запуска. Если этот параметр установить на ‘On’, то на контроллер двигателя будет подано напряжение с задержкой в 30 секунд. Генератор не сможет запуститься, пока этот параметр будет ‘On’.
Сбрасываются оба сервисных таймера
Если сигнал о наступлении времени сервиса появляется, и он опознается, то тогда сервисный таймер также сбрасывается (reset).
Изменение моточасов. Возможно их изменение только в сторону увеличения.
Здесь можно установить задержку, как долго будет замкнуто аварийное реле (если оно есть). Если настроить 0.0s, то реле будет замкнуто постоянно.

В зависимости от типа оборудования в Parameter List можно увидеть дополнительную информацию (повышенное/пониженное напряжение/частота, . )

Для изменения параметров необходимо сделать следующее:

Выбрать параметр, который нужно изменить

Ввести правильный пароль ( ‘2003’) используя кнопки ВВЕРХ / ВНИЗ (продолжительное нажатие увеличит скорость прокрутки) и нажать кнопку ВВОД.
Теперь действующее значение может быть изменено на новое, в пределах между верхним и нижним значением, посредством нажатия кнопок ВВЕРХ и ВНИЗ. Нажмите кнопку ВВОД для подтверждения.
Теперь настройка данного параметра изменена.

Ниже приведены наиболее часто встречающиеся сообщения на английском языке и в виде символов:

При использовании Qc1002 не нужно загружать дополнительно файлы данных.
При выборе правильного «типа оборудования» (Unit Type) Qc1002 сам установит необходимые настройки
Для обновления ПО ( ASW ) : также, как для Qc1001 ( см. ‘Инструкция по перепрограммированию Qc’)

Qc1002 Qc1002 CAN
Unit type 1 QAS Box 14 — 20 ( box A )
QAS Box 14 — 18
QAS 168 — 338 DDEC
2 QAS Box 30 — 100 ( Box B&C )
QAS Box 28 — 138
QAS Box 150 — 300 Volvo
QAS 325 Volvo EMS2
3 QAS USA QIX Frame 50 — 165 Deutz EMR
QIX 15 — 44
QIX Frame 220 — 540 Deutz EMR
5 QIX 50 — 165 QIX Frame 220 — 540 Deutz EMR + FLS
6 QIX 220 — 540 QAS 125 — 330 John Deere JDEC
7 QIX 220 — 540 + FLS QAS 125 – 150 Volvo EDC4
8 QAS 168 — 338 Detroit QAS Volvo EDC3

Через QcUSW возможно сконфигурировать двоичные входы/выходы:

6 входов и 6 релейных выходов
Свободные входы/выходы в зависимости от типа генератора.

С помощью QcUSW возможно сконфигурировать двоичные входы для выполнения одного из следующих действий:

  • Inhibit El Alarms: Если на этот вход подать сигнал, то все (подавление предупреждений EI) предупреждения, приходящие с двигателя по canbus будут игнорироваться.
  • D+: Данный вход может быть использован для получения сигнала обратной связи о пуске двигателя и приходит с зарядного генератора двигателя (W/L). Для этой цели можно использовать только вход 3 (разъем 15).
  • Remote Start/Stop: Если на этот вход подать сигнал (и контроллер (дистанционный пуск/стоп) работает в режиме Auto), то машина начнет запускаться. Если значение меняется на минимальное, то машина начнет останавливаться (после охлаждения).
  • Fire Pump: Если на этот вход подать сигнал, то все (пожарный насос) аварийные сигналы (кроме кнопки аварийной остановки и повышенной скорости) будут игнорироваться.
  • Mode Shift: Если на этот вход подать сигнал, то контроллер (смена режима) переключится с ручного режима на дистанционный.
  • Access Lock: Если на этот вход подать сигнал, то единственное, что (запрет доступа) мы сможем сделать – лишь просматривать Alarm & Log Lists.
  • Start Enable: Машина сможет стартовать только при наличии сигнала (старт разрешен) на этом входе.
  • Alarm Acknowledge: Подача на этот вход сигнала приведет к опознанию всех (опознание сигналов) активных (в данный момент) сигналов (alarms).
  • Цифровые входы 1. 6: Данные входы будут использоваться как обычные двоичные входы (без каких-либо специфических функций) и могут быть сконфигурированы через USW.
  • Anti Theft: Здесь двоичный вход используется как связующий с охранным устройством.

Все эти входы по умолчанию не используются / не соединены

Кроме этого есть дополнительные возможности в Qc1002. Они описаны в руководстве Deif.

Через QcUSW можно сконфигурировать выходные реле для выполнения некоторых функций:

  • Prepare: Используется для управления предпусковым прогревом двигателя.
  • Starter: Используется для управления стартером двигателя.
  • Run Coil: Используется для управления топливным соленоидом двигателя.
  • Engine Running: Замыкается, как только Qc1002 получает сигнал обратной связи о том, что генератор работает (т.е. Генератор работает и одновременно с этим горит зеленый светодиод рядом с пусковой кнопкой).
  • External Heater: Замыкается при падении темп-ры охл. жидкости ниже определенного значения (работает только через VDO-вход).
  • Horn: Замыкается при появлении какого-либо предупреждения или аварии. Разомкнется через определенное время (заложенное программой).
  • Alarm/Limit: Используется тогда, когда выходное реле должно замыкаться при наступлении определенных условиях.
  • Not Used: Для неиспользуемых выходных реле.
  • Anti Theft: Здесь релейный выход используется как связующий с охранным устройством.

Все эти входы по умолчанию не используются / не соединены

Кроме этого есть дополнительные возможности в Qc1002. Они описаны в руководстве Deif.


Реклама на портале


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не исправности xas186 работает 15 минут и глохнет

Не подскажете что за не исправности компрессор xas186 работает 15 минут и глохнет,срабатывает лампочка давления масла,датчик проверенный рабочий.давление тоже проверено давит 4 .в чем причина?

Сообщений: 1
Зарегистрирован: 19 июн 2015, 08:14

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Re: не исправности xas186 работает 15 минут и глохнет

Сообщение ilya85 » 21 июн 2015, 22:40

С чего бы начал я.
1 проверить все соединения, возможно плохой контакт.
2 поставить другой датчик, заведомо рабочий.
3 возможно эта неисправность с чем то за параллельна, например с перегревом компрессора.
4 ну и так колхозный метод, если он пиковый(да да нет нет), обойти датчик и смотреть вылезет или нет неисправность(если вы уверены в давлении) и пойметё куда копать дальше.
5 вызвать того кто понимает.

Сообщений: 87
Зарегистрирован: 08 ноя 2013, 12:20

  • Ответить с цитатой

Re: не исправности xas186 работает 15 минут и глохнет

Сообщение Batalt » 21 июн 2015, 23:24

Если лампа низкого давления загорается, то значит свитч сработал по давлению, он отдельно на контроллер заведен. Он нормально разомкнутый, при нормальном давлении замыкается. Раз 15 минут работает, то на холодную давление в норме, потом падает. Я бы для начала контакты посмотрел и фильтр масляный поменял. Дальше все танцы при условии измерения реального давления в системе смазки, во избежание demage motor.
И особо примажусь к совету №5 от предыдущего оратора ;-)

Знаток форума
Сообщений: 537
Зарегистрирован: 26 ноя 2014, 18:09
Откуда (город): Горький

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Re: не исправности xas186 работает 15 минут и глохнет

Сообщение pelot99 » 24 июн 2015, 05:31

Извиняюсь что не в тему, специально для Batalt , не получается с вами связаться (писал администрации форума чтобы помогли с вами связаться, тишина ) а помощь ваша очень нужна


Сообщений: 3
Зарегистрирован: 20 июн 2015, 13:24

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Re: не исправности xas186 работает 15 минут и глохнет

Сообщение муфтий » 24 июн 2015, 13:27

Что-то подобное было на дизель-электростанции. Залили в двигатель неизвестно что или вообще не проводили ТО неизвестно, забивало маслоприемник неизвестными лохмотьями. Запуск уверенный, через некоторое время, остановка по давлению масла. Сняли поддон, промыли. Проблема исчезла.

Сообщений: 8
Зарегистрирован: 21 окт 2013, 14:41
Откуда: Екатеринбург

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Re: не исправности xas186 работает 15 минут и глохнет

Сообщение Pyany » 25 дек 2020, 17:43

Та же самая ситуация с АС XAHS 186 с ДВС BF4M.
Датчик и линию поменять? Он прямо под фильтром находится?
Можно в пихло масло Лукойл Авангард Ультра залить, при условии замены его через 250 моточасов?

Сообщений: 27
Зарегистрирован: 22 ноя 2020, 12:55
Откуда (город): Kazan

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Page 1: Atlas Copco XAHS186 Instruction Manual

XAHS 146 Dd — XAHS 300 DD6XATS 156 Dd — XATS 350 DD6 Engine DeutzXA(S) 186 Dd — XA(S) 375 DD6 TCDXAVS 166 Dd — XAVS 350 DD6XAHS 186 Dd — XAHS 375 DD6

XATS 156 Dd — XATS 350 DD6XA(S) 186 Dd — XA(S) 375 DD6

Instruction Manualfor Portable CompressorsEnglish

Engine DeutzBF4M

Page 2: Atlas Copco XAHS186 Instruction Manual

Page 3: Atlas Copco XAHS186 Instruction Manual


Original instructions

Printed matter N°2954 2230 03


Instruction Manualfor Portable Compressors

XAHS 146 DdXATS 156 DdXA(S) 186 DdXAVS 166 DdXAHS 186 Dd

Page 4: Atlas Copco XAHS186 Instruction Manual


Warranty and Liability LimitationUse only authorized parts.Any damage or malfunction caused by the use of unauthorized parts is not covered by Warranty or ProductLiability.The manufacturer does not accept any liability for a ny damage arising for modifications, additions orconversions made wit hout the manufacturer’s approval in writing.While every effort has been made to ensure that the informatio n in this manual is corr ect, Atlas Copco does noassume responsibility for possible errors.

Copyright 2009, Atlas Copco Airpower n.v., Antwerp, Belgium.Any unauthorized use or copying of the contents or any part thereof is prohibited.This applies in particular to trademarks, mo del denominations, part numbers and drawings.

Neglecting maintenance or making changes to the setup of the machine can result in majorhazards, including fire risk

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Page 5: Atlas Copco XAHS186 Instruction Manual

PrefacePlease read the following instructions carefullybefore starting to use your machine. Follow theinstructions in this booklet and we guarantee youyears of troublefree operation.Always keep the manual available near the machine.In all correspondence always mention thecompressor type and serial number, shown on thedata plate.The company reserves the right to make changeswithout prior notice.

Table of contents1 Safety precautions

for portable compressors ……………………… 71.1 Introduction ………………………………………….. 71.2 General safety precautions ……………………… 81.3 Safety during transport and installation ……. 91.4 Safety during use and operation………………. 91.5 Safety during maintenance and repair…….. 111.6 Tool applications safety ……………………….. 121.7 Specific safety precautions……………………. 13

2 Leading particulars ……………………………. 142.1 Description of safety pictograms

used in this manual………………………………. 142.2 General description ……………………………… 14

3 Main Parts…………………………………………. 163.1 Compressor regulating system ………………. 203.1.1 Overview (Load condition)………………. 203.1.2 Air flow………………………………………….. 213.1.3 Oil system ………………………………………. 213.1.4 Continuous regulating system……………. 223.2 Electrical system …………………………………. 243.2.1 Dip switches for XAHS 146 Dd,

XATS 156 Dd and XA(S) 186 Dd……… 253.2.2 Dip switches for

XAVS 166 Dd and XAHS 186 Dd …….. 253.3 Markings and information labels …………… 26

4 Operating instructions ……………………….. 274.1 Parking, towing and lifting instructions ….. 274.1.1 Parking instructions …………………………. 27

4.1.2 Towing instructions …………………………. 284.1.3 Height adjustment ……………………………. 294.1.4 Instructions ball coupling (option)……… 304.1.5 Lifting instructions…………………………… 304.2 Starting/Stopping ………………………………… 314.2.1 Before starting ………………………………… 314.2.2 Control panel ………………………………….. 314.2.3 During operation ……………………………… 32

5 Maintenance ……………………………………… 335.1 Use of service paks ……………………………… 335.2 Preventive maintenance schedule

for the compressor……………………………….. 335.3 Fuel……………………………………………………. 365.4 Lubrication oils …………………………………… 365.5 Oil level check ……………………………………. 385.5.1 Check engine oil level ……………………… 385.5.2 Check compressor oil level……………….. 385.6 Oil and oil filter change ……………………….. 395.6.1 Engine oil and oil filter change………….. 395.6.2 Compressor oil and oil filter change…… 395.7 Coolant specifications ………………………….. 405.7.1 PARCOOL EG ……………………………….. 405.7.2 Handling PARCOOL EG …………………. 415.8 Coolant check……………………………………… 415.9 Topping up/replacing coolant ……………….. 415.9.1 Topping up without draining from

the cooling system …………………………… 425.9.2 Topping up after limited quantity

draining from the cooling system ………. 435.9.3 Replacing the coolant ………………………. 445.10 Cleaning coolers………………………………….. 445.11 Battery care ………………………………………… 44

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5.11.1 Electrolyte ………………………………………. 455.11.2 Activating a dry-charged battery………… 455.11.3 Recharging a battery ………………………… 455.11.4 Battery maintenance…………………………. 455.12 Storage……………………………………………….. 455.13 Service paks………………………………………… 455.14 Service kits …………………………………………. 455.15 Compressor element overhaul ……………….. 455.16 Liability ……………………………………………… 45

6 Adjustments and servicing procedures .. 466.1 Adjustment of the continuous

regulating system…………………………………. 466.2 Air filter engine/compressor………………….. 486.2.1 Cleaning the dust trap ………………………. 486.2.2 Recommendations ……………………………. 486.2.3 Replacing the air filter element ………….. 486.3 Air receiver…………………………………………. 486.4 Safety valve ………………………………………… 486.5 Fuel system…………………………………………. 496.6 Brake (= option) adjustment………………….. 496.7 Brake shoe adjustment………………………….. 496.7.1 Test procedure of brake cable

adjustment ………………………………………. 506.7.2 Brake cable adjustment …………………….. 516.8 Wheels ……………………………………………….. 526.8.1 Wheel check ……………………………………. 526.8.2 Lubrication ……………………………………… 526.8.3 Wheel bolts check ……………………………. 536.8.4 Wheel bearing adjustment…………………. 546.9 Towbar and overrun brake ……………………. 556.9.1 Towbar and overrun brake check……….. 556.9.2 Lubrication ……………………………………… 56

7 Problem solving …………………………………. 58

8 Available options ……………………………….. 61

9 Technical specifications ……………………… 629.1 Torque values ……………………………………… 629.1.1 For general applications……………………. 629.1.2 For important assemblies ………………….. 629.2 Settings of shutdown switches

and safety valves …………………………………. 639.3 Compressor/Engine/Generator

specifications………………………………………. 649.3.1 Reference conditions………………………… 649.3.2 Limitations ……………………………………… 659.3.3 Performance data …………………………….. 669.3.4 Design data……………………………………… 69

10 Data plate ………………………………………….. 71

11 Disposal …………………………………………….. 7211.1 General ………………………………………………. 7211.2 Disposal of materials……………………………. 72

12 Maintenance Log ……………………………….. 73

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Page 7: Atlas Copco XAHS186 Instruction Manual

Safety precautions for portable compressors


The policy of Atlas Copco is to provide the users oftheir equipment with safe, reliable and efficientproducts. Factors taken into account are amongothers:- the intended and predictable future use of the

products, and the environments in which they areexpected to operate,

— applicable rules, codes and regulations,- the expected useful product life, assuming proper

service and maintenance,- providing the manual with up-to-date

information.Before handling any product, take time to read therelevant instruction manual. Besides giving detailedoperating instructions, it also gives specificinformation about safety, preventive maintenance,etc.Keep the manual always at the unit location, easyaccessible to the operating personnel.See also the safety precautions of the engine andpossible other equipment, which are separately sentalong or are mentioned on the equipment or parts ofthe unit.These safety precautions are general and somestatements will therefore not always apply to aparticular unit.Only people that have the right skills should beallowed to operate, adjust, perform maintenance orrepair on Atlas Copco equipment.

It is the responsibility of management to appointoperators with the appropriate training and skill foreach category of job.Skill level 1: OperatorAn operator is trained in all aspects of operating theunit with the push-buttons, and is trained to know thesafety aspects.Skill level 2: Mechanical technicianA mechanical technician is trained to operate the unitthe same as the operator. In addition, the mechanicaltechnician is also trained to perform maintenance andrepair, as described in the instruction manual, and isallowed to change settings of the control and safetysystem. A mechanical technician does not work onlive electrical components.Skill level 3: Electrical technicianAn electrical technician is trained and has the samequalifications as both the operator and the mechanicaltechnician. In addition, the electrical technician maycarry out electrical repairs within the variousenclosures of the unit. This includes work on liveelectrical components.Skill level 4: Specialist from the manufacturerThis is a skilled specialist sent by the manufacturer orits agent to perform complex repairs or modificationsto the equipment.In general it is recommended that not more than twopeople operate the unit, more operators could lead tounsafe operating conditions.

Take necessary steps to keep unauthorized personsaway from the unit and eliminate all possible sourcesof danger at the unit.When handling, operating, overhauling and/orperforming maintenance or repair on Atlas Copcoequipment, the mechanics are expected to use safeengineering practices and to observe all relevant localsafety requirements and ordinances. The followinglist is a reminder of special safety directives andprecautions mainly applicable to Atlas Copcoequipment.These safety precautions apply to machineryprocessing or consuming air. Processing of any othergas requires additional safety precautions typical tothe application and are not included herein.Neglecting the safety precautions may endangerpeople as well as environment and machinery:- endanger people due to electrical, mechanical or

chemical influences,- endanger the environment due to leakage of oil,

solvents or other substances,- endanger the machinery due to function failures.All responsibility for any damage or injury resultingfrom neglecting these precautions or by non-observance of ordinary caution and due care requiredin handling, operating, maintenance or repair, also ifnot expressly mentioned in this instruction manual, isdisclaimed by Atlas Copco.

To be read attentively and acted accordingly before towing, lifting, operating, performingmaintenance or repairing the compressor.

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Page 8: Atlas Copco XAHS186 Instruction Manual

The manufacturer does not accept any liability for anydamage arising from the use of non-original parts andfor modifications, additions or conversions madewithout the manufacturer’s approval in writing.If any statement in this manual does not comply withlocal legislation, the stricter of the two shall beapplied.Statements in these safety precautions should not beinterpreted as suggestions, recommendations orinducements that it should be used in violation of anyapplicable laws or regulations.


1 The owner is responsible for maintaining the unitin a safe operating condition. Unit parts andaccessories must be replaced if missing orunsuitable for safe operation.

2 The supervisor, or the responsible person, shall atall times make sure that all instructions regardingmachinery and equipment operation andmaintenance are strictly followed and that themachines with all accessories and safety devices,as well as the consuming devices, are in goodrepair, free of abnormal wear or abuse, and arenot tampered with.

3 Whenever there is an indication or any suspicionthat an internal part of a machine is overheated,the machine shall be stopped but no inspectioncovers shall be opened before sufficient coolingtime has elapsed; this to avoid the risk ofspontaneous ignition of oil vapour when air isadmitted.

4 Normal ratings (pressures, temperatures, speeds,etc.) shall be durably marked.

5 Operate the unit only for the intended purpose andwithin its rated limits (pressure, temperature,speeds, etc.).

6 The machinery and equipment shall be kept clean,i.e. as free as possible from oil, dust or otherdeposits.

7 To prevent an increase in working temperature,inspect and clean heat transfer surfaces (coolerfins, intercoolers, water jackets, etc.) regularly.See the Preventive maintenance schedule forthe compressor.

8 All regulating and safety devices shall bemaintained with due care to ensure that theyfunction properly. They may not be put out ofaction.

9 Care shall be taken to avoid damage to safetyvalves and other pressure-relief devices,especially to avoid plugging by paint, oil coke ordirt accumulation, which could interfere with thefunctioning of the device.

10 Pressure and temperature gauges shall be checkedregularly with regard to their accuracy. They shallbe replaced whenever outside acceptabletolerances.

11 Safety devices shall be tested as described in themaintenance schedule of the instruction manualto determine that they are in good operatingcondition. See the Preventive maintenanceschedule for the compressor.

12 Mind the markings and information labels on theunit.

13 In the event the safety labels are damaged ordestroyed, they must be replaced to ensureoperator safety.

14 Keep the work area neet. Lack of order willincrease the risk of accidents.

15 When working on the unit, wear safety clothing.Depending on the kind of activities these are:safety glasses, ear protection, safety helmet(including visor), safety gloves, protectiveclothing, safety shoes. Do not wear the hair longand loose (protect long hair with a hairnet), orwear loose clothing or jewelry.

16 Take precautions against fire. Handle fuel, oil andanti-freeze with care because they areinflammable substances. Do not smoke orapproach with naked flame when handling suchsubstances. Keep a fire-extinguisher in thevicinity.

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To lift a unit, all loose or pivoting parts, e.g. doors andtowbar, shall first be securely fastened.Do not attach cables, chains or ropes directly to thelifting eye; apply a crane hook or lifting shacklemeeting local safety regulations. Never allow sharpbends in lifting cables, chains or ropes.Helicopter lifting is not allowed. It is strictly forbidden to dwell or stay in the risk zoneunder a lifted load. Never lift the unit over people orresidential areas. Lifting acceleration and retardationshall be kept within safe limits.1 Before towing the unit:

— ascertain that the pressure vessel(s) is (are)depressurized,

— check the towbar, the brake system and thetowing eye. Also check the coupling of thetowing vehicle,

— check the towing and brake capability of thetowing vehicle,

— check that the towbar, jockey wheel or standleg is safely locked in the raised position,

— ascertain that the towing eye can swivel freelyon the hook,

— check that the wheels are secure and that thetyres are in good condition and inflatedcorrectly,

— connect the signalisation cable, check all lightsand connect the pneumatic brake couplers,

— attach the safety break-away cable or safetychain to the towing vehicle,

— remove wheel chocks, if applied, anddisengage the parking brake.

2 To tow a unit use a towing vehicle of amplecapacity. Refer to the documentation of thetowing vehicle.

3 If the unit is to be backed up by the towingvehicle, disengage the overrun brake mechanism(if it is not an automatic mechanism).

4 Never exceed the maximum towing speed of theunit (mind the local regulations).

5 Place the unit on level ground and apply theparking brake before disconnecting the unit fromthe towing vehicle. Unclip the safety break-awaycable or safety chain. If the unit has no parkingbrake or jockey wheel, immobilize the unit byplacing chocks in front of and/or behind thewheels. When the towbar can be positionedvertically, the locking device must be applied andkept in good order.

6 To lift heavy parts, a hoist of ample capacity,tested and approved according to local safetyregulations, shall be used.

7 Lifting hooks, eyes, shackles, etc., shall never bebent and shall only have stress in line with theirdesign load axis. The capacity of a lifting devicediminishes when the lifting force is applied at anangle to its load axis.

8 For maximum safety and efficiency of the liftingapparatus all lifting members shall be applied asnear to perpendicular as possible. If required, alifting beam shall be applied between hoist andload.

9 Never leave a load hanging on a hoist.10 A hoist has to be installed in such a way that the

object will be lifted perpendicular. If that is notpossible, the necessary precautions must be takento prevent load-swinging, e.g. by using twohoists, each at approximately the same angle notexceeding 30° from the vertical.

11 Locate the unit away from walls. Take allprecautions to ensure that hot air exhausted fromthe engine and driven machine cooling systemscannot be recirculated. If such hot air is taken inby the engine or driven machine cooling fan, thismay cause overheating of the unit; if taken in forcombustion, the engine power will be reduced.


1 When the unit has to operate in a fire-hazardousenvironment, each engine exhaust has to beprovided with a spark arrestor to trap incendiarysparks.

2 The exhaust contains carbon monoxide which is alethal gas. When the unit is used in a confinedspace, conduct the engine exhaust to the outsideatmosphere by a pipe of sufficient diameter; dothis in such a way that no extra back pressure iscreated for the engine. If necessary, install anextractor. Observe any existing local regulations.Make sure that the unit has sufficient air intakefor operation. If necessary, install extra air intakeducts.

3 When operating in a dust-laden atmosphere, placethe unit so that dust is not carried towards it by thewind. Operation in clean surroundingsconsiderably extends the intervals for cleaningthe air intake filters and the cores of the coolers.

4 Close the compressor air outlet valve beforeconnecting or disconnecting a hose. Ascertainthat a hose is fully depressurized beforedisconnecting it. Before blowing compressed airthrough a hose or air line, ensure that the open endis held securely, so that it cannot whip and causeinjury.

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5 The air line end connected to the outlet valvemust be safeguarded with a safety cable, attachednext to the valve.

6 No external force may be exerted on the air outletvalves, e.g. by pulling on hoses or by installingauxiliary equipment directly to a valve, e.g. awater separator, a lubricator, etc. Do not step onthe air outlet valves.

7 Never move a unit when external lines or hosesare connected to the outlet valves, to avoiddamage to valves, manifold and hoses.

8 Do not use compressed air from any type ofcompressor, without taking extra measures, forbreathing purposes as this may result in injury ordeath. For breathing air quality, the compressedair must be adequately purified according to locallegislation and standards. Breathing air mustalways be supplied at stable, suitable pressure.

9 Distribution pipework and air hoses must be ofcorrect diameter and suitable for the workingpressure. Never use frayed, damaged ordeteriorated hoses. Replace hoses and flexiblesbefore the lifetime expires. Use only the correcttype and size of hose end fittings and connections.

10 If the compressor is to be used for sand-blastingor will be connected to a common compressed-airsystem, fit an appropriate non-return valve (checkvalve) between compressor outlet and theconnected sand-blasting or compressed-airsystem. Observe the right mounting position/direction.

11 Before removing the oil filler plug, ensure that thepressure is released by opening an air outletvalve.

12 Never remove a filler cap of the cooling watersystem of a hot engine. Wait until the engine hassufficiently cooled down.

13 Never refill fuel while the unit is running, unlessotherwise stated in the Atlas Copco InstructionBook. Keep fuel away from hot parts such as airoutlet pipes or the engine exhaust. Do not smokewhen fuelling. When fuelling from an automaticpump, an earthing cable should be connected tothe unit to discharge static electricity. Never spillnor leave oil, fuel, coolant or cleansing agent in oraround the unit.

14 All doors shall be shut during operation so as notto disturb the cooling air flow inside thebodywork and/or render the silencing lesseffective. A door should be kept open for a shortperiod only e.g. for inspection or adjustment.

15 Periodically carry out maintenance worksaccording to the maintenance schedule.

16 Stationary housing guards are provided on allrotating or reciprocating parts not otherwiseprotected and which may be hazardous topersonnel. Machinery shall never be put intooperation, when such guards have been removed,before the guards are securely reinstalled.

17 Noise, even at reasonable levels, can causeirritation and disturbance which, over a longperiod of time, may cause severe injuries to thenervous system of human beings. When the soundpressure level, at any point where personnelnormally has to attend, is:- below 70 dB(A): no action needs to be taken,- above 70 dB(A): noise-protective devices

should be provided for people continuouslybeing present in the room,

— below 85 dB(A): no action needs to be takenfor occasional visitors staying a limited timeonly,

— above 85 dB(A): room to be classified as anoise-hazardous area and an obvious warningshall be placed permanently at each entranceto alert people entering the room, for evenrelatively short times, about the need to wearear protectors,

— above 95 dB(A): the warning(s) at theentrance(s) shall be completed with therecommendation that also occasional visitorsshall wear ear protectors,

— above 105 dB(A): special ear protectors thatare adequate for this noise level and thespectral composition of the noise shall beprovided and a special warning to that effectshall be placed at each entrance.

18 Insulation or safety guards of parts thetemperature of which can be in excess of 80 °C(175 °F) and which may be accidentally touchedby personnel shall not be removed before theparts have cooled to room temperature.

19 Never operate the unit in surroundings wherethere is a possibility of taking in flammable ortoxic fumes.

20 If the working process produces fumes, dust orvibration hazards, etc., take the necessary steps toeliminate the risk of personnel injury.

21 When using compressed air or inert gas to cleandown equipment, do so with caution and use theappropriate protection, at least safety glasses, forthe operator as well as for any bystander. Do notapply compressed air or inert gas to your skin ordirect an air or gas stream at people. Never use itto clean dirt from your clothes.

22 When washing parts in or with a cleaning solvent,provide the required ventilation and useappropriate protection such as a breathing filter,safety glasses, rubber apron and gloves, etc.

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23 Safety shoes should be compulsory in anyworkshop and if there is a risk, however small, offalling objects, wearing of a safety helmet shouldbe included.

24 If there is a risk of inhaling hazardous gases,fumes or dust, the respiratory organs must beprotected and depending on the nature of thehazard, so must the eyes and skin.

25 Remember that where there is visible dust, thefiner, invisible particles will almost certainly bepresent too; but the fact that no dust can be seenis not a reliable indication that dangerous,invisible dust is not present in the air.

26 Never operate the unit at pressures or speedsbelow or in excess of its limits as indicated in thetechnical specifications.


Maintenance, overhaul and repair work shall only becarried out by adequately trained personnel; ifrequired, under supervision of someone qualified forthe job.1 Use only the correct tools for maintenance and

repair work, and only tools which are in goodcondition.

2 Parts shall only be replaced by genuine AtlasCopco replacement parts.

3 All maintenance work, other than routineattention, shall only be undertaken when the unitis stopped. Steps shall be taken to preventinadvertent starting. In addition, a warning signbearing a legend such as ”work in progress; donot start” shall be attached to the startingequipment. On engine-driven units the battery shall bedisconnected and removed or the terminalscovered by insulating caps. On electrically driven units the main switch shallbe locked in open position and the fuses shall betaken out. A warning sign bearing a legend suchas ”work in progress; do not supply voltage” shallbe attached to the fuse box or main switch.

4 Before dismantling any pressurized component,the compressor or equipment shall be effectivelyisolated from all sources of pressure and the entiresystem shall be relieved of pressure. Do not relyon non-return valves (check valves) to isolatepressure systems. In addition, a warning signbearing a legend such as ”work in progress; donot open” shall be attached to each of the outletvalves.

5 Prior to stripping an engine or other machine orundertaking major overhaul on it, prevent allmovable parts from rolling over or moving.

6 Make sure that no tools, loose parts or rags are leftin or on the machine. Never leave rags or looseclothing near the engine air intake.

7 Never use flammable solvents for cleaning (fire-risk).

8 Take safety precautions against toxic vapours ofcleaning liquids.

9 Never use machine parts as a climbing aid.10 Observe scrupulous cleanliness during

maintenance and repair. Keep away dirt, coverthe parts and exposed openings with a clean cloth,paper or tape.

11 Never weld on or perform any operationinvolving heat near the fuel or oil systems. Fueland oil tanks must be completely purged, e.g. bysteam-cleaning, before carrying out suchoperations. Never weld on, or in any way modify,pressure vessels. Disconnect the alternator cablesduring arc welding on the unit.

12 Support the towbar and the axle(s) securely ifworking underneath the unit or when removing awheel. Do not rely on jacks.

13 Do not remove any of, or tamper with, the sound-damping material. Keep the material free of dirtand liquids such as fuel, oil and cleansing agents.If any sound-damping material is damaged,replace it to prevent the sound pressure level fromincreasing.

14 Use only lubricating oils and greasesrecommended or approved by Atlas Copco or themachine manufacturer. Ascertain that theselected lubricants comply with all applicablesafety regulations, especially with regard toexplosion or fire-risk and the possibility ofdecomposition or generation of hazardous gases.Never mix synthetic with mineral oil.

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15 Protect the engine, alternator, air intake filter,electrical and regulating components, etc., toprevent moisture ingress, e.g. when steam-cleaning.

16 When performing any operation involving heat,flames or sparks on a machine, the surroundingcomponents shall first be screened with non-flammable material.

17 Never use a light source with open flame forinspecting the interior of a machine.

18 When repair has been completed, the machineshall be barred over at least one revolution forreciprocating machines, several revolutions forrotary ones to ensure that there is no mechanicalinterference within the machine or driver. Checkthe direction of rotation of electric motors whenstarting up the machine initially and after anyalteration to the electrical connection(s) or switchgear, to check that the oil pump and the fanfunction properly.

19 Maintenance and repair work should be recordedin an operator’s logbook for all machinery.Frequency and nature of repairs can reveal unsafeconditions.

20 When hot parts have to be handled, e.g. shrinkfitting, special heat-resistant gloves shall be usedand, if required, other body protection shall beapplied.

21 When using cartridge type breathing filterequipment, ascertain that the correct type ofcartridge is used and that its useful service life isnot surpassed.

22 Make sure that oil, solvents and other substanceslikely to pollute the environment are properlydisposed of.

23 Before clearing the unit for use after maintenanceor overhaul, check that operating pressures,temperatures and speeds are correct and that thecontrol and shutdown devices function correctly.


Apply the proper tool for each job. With theknowledge of correct tool use and knowing thelimitations of tools, along with some common sense,many accidents can be prevented.Special service tools are available for specific jobsand should be used when recommended. The use ofthese tools will save time and prevent damage toparts.

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BatteriesWhen servicing batteries, always wear protectingclothing and glasses.1 The electrolyte in batteries is a sulphuric acid

solution which is fatal if it hits your eyes, andwhich can cause burns if it contacts your skin.Therefore, be careful when handling batteries,e.g. when checking the charge condition.

2 Install a sign prohibiting fire, open flame andsmoking at the post where batteries are beingcharged.

3 When batteries are being charged, an explosivegas mixture forms in the cells and might escapethrough the vent holes in the plugs. Thus anexplosive atmosphere may form around thebattery if ventilation is poor, and can remain inand around the battery for several hours after ithas been charged. Therefore:- never smoke near batteries being, or having

recently been, charged,- never break live circuits at battery terminals,

because a spark usually occurs.4 When connecting an auxiliary battery (AB) in

parallel to the unit battery (CB) with boostercables: connect the + pole of AB to the + pole ofCB, then connect the — pole of CB to the mass ofthe unit. Disconnect in the reverse order.

Pressure vessels(according to directive 87/404/EEC annex II § 2)Maintenance/installation requirements:1 The vessel can be used as pressure vessel or as

separator and is designed to hold compressed airfor the following application:- pressure vessel for compressor,- medium AIR/OIL,and operates as detailed on the data plate of thevessel:- the maximum working pressure ps in bar (psi),- the maximum working temperature Tmax in

°C (°F),- the minimum working temperature Tmin in °C

(°F),- the capacity of the vessel V in l (US gal, Imp

gal, cu.ft).2 The pressure vessel is only to be used for the

applications as specified above and in accordancewith the technical specifications. Safety reasonsprohibit any other applications.

3 National legislation requirements with respect tore-inspection must be complied with.

4 No welding or heat treatment of any kind ispermitted to those vessel walls which are exposedto pressure.

5 The vessel is provided and may only be used withthe required safety equipment such asmanometer, overpressure control devices, safetyvalve, etc.

6 Draining of condensate shall be performedregularly when vessel is in use.

7 Installation, design and connections should not bechanged.

8 Bolts of cover and flanges may not be used forextra fixation.

Safety valvesAll adjustments or repairs are to be done by anauthorized representative of the valve supplier (seealso Preventive maintenance schedule for thecompressor).

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The compressors type XAHS 146 Dd, XATS 156 Dd,XA(S) 186 Dd, XAVS 166 Dd and XAHS 186 Dd aresilenced, single-stage, oil-injected screwcompressors, built for a nominal effective workingpressure, ranging from 7 bar (102 psi) up to 12 bar(175 psi) (see chapter Technical specifications).

EngineThe compressors are driven by a liquid-cooled dieselengine.The engine’s power is transmitted to the compressorthrough a heavy-duty coupling.

CompressorThe compressor casing houses two screw-type rotors,mounted on ball and roller bearings. The male rotor,driven by the engine, drives the female rotor. Theelement delivers pulsation-free air.Injected oil is used for sealing, cooling andlubricating purposes.

Compressor oil systemThe oil is boosted by air pressure. The system has nooil pump.The oil is removed from the air, in the air/oil vessel atfirst by centrifugal force, secondly by the oil separatorelement.The vessel is provided with an oil level indicator.

RegulationThe compressor is provided with a continuousregulating system and a blow-down valve which isintegrated in the unloader assembly. The valve isclosed during operation by air receiver pressure andopens by air receiver pressure via the compressorelement when the compressor is stopped.When the air consumption increases, the air receiverpressure will decrease and vice versa.This receiver pressure variation is sensed by theregulating valve which, by means of control air to theunloader and engine speed regulator, matches the airoutput to the air consumption. The air receiverpressure is maintained between the pre-selectedworking pressure and the corresponding unloadingpressure.

This symbol draws your attention todangerous situations. The operationconcerned may endanger persons andcause injuries.

This symbol is followed bysupplementary information.

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Cooling systemThe engine is equipped with a liquid cooler andintercooler. All compressors are equipped with an oilcooler. The cooling air is generated by a fan, driven by theengine.

Safety devicesA thermal shut-down switch protects the compressoragainst overheating. The air receiver is provided witha safety valve.The engine is equipped with low oil pressure and highoil temperature shut-down switches.

Frame and axleThe compressor/engine unit is supported by rubberbuffers in the frame.The standard unit has a non-adjustable towbar with atowing eye.As an option the unit can be equipped with anadjustable towbar, an overrun and parking brake andtowing eyes type DIN, ball, ITA, GB, NATO, AC(France), (see chapter Available options).The braking system consists of an integrated parkingbrake and overrunbrake. When driving backwards theoverrunbrake is not engaged automatically.

BodyworkThe bodywork has openings at the shaped front andrear end for the intake and outlet of cooling air andhinged door for maintenance and service operations.The bodywork is internally lined with sound-absorbing material.

Lifting eyeA lifting eye is accessible when the small door at thetop of the unit is unlocked.

Control panelThe control panel grouping the air pressure gauge,control switch etc., is placed in the center at the rearend.

Data plateThe compressor is furnished with a data plateshowing the product code, the unit number and theworking pressure (see chapter Data plate).

Serial numberThe serial number is located on the right-hand sidetowards the front on the upper edge of the frame andalso on the data plate.

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Main Parts

0 0 0 0


(CE) (CP)


(TB) (AR)
































XAHS 146 Dd, XATS 156 Dd and XA(S) 186 Dd with some options

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Reference NameA AlternatorAFce Air Filter (compressor element)AFe Air Filter (engine)AOV Air Outlet ValvesAR Air ReceiverBH Brake HandleCC Coolant CoolerCE Compressor ElementCLS Coolant Level SwitchCP Control PanelCT Coolant TankDPoc Drain Plug Oil CoolerDSe Engine Oil Level DipstickE EngineEP Exhaust PipeF FanFCeo Filler Cap (engine oil)FCft Filler Cap (fuel tank)FCc Filler Cap (coolant)FF Fuel FilterFFfp Fuel PrefilterFLG Fuel Level GaugeFPco Filler Plug (compressor oil)FT Fuel Tank

Reference NameIC IntercoolerMPV Minimum Pressure ValveOC Oil CoolerOFce Oil Filter (compressor element)OFe Oil Filter (engine)OLG Oil Level Gauge (compressor

element)RV Regulating ValveS Starting MotorSL Support LegSN Serial NumberSV Safety ValveTB TowbarVIce Vacuum Indicator (compressor

element)VIe Vacuum Indicator (engine)VV Vacuator Valve

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XAVS 166 Dd and XAHS 186 Dd with some options

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Reference NameA AlternatorAFce Air Filter (compressor element)AFe Air Filter (engine)AOV Air Outlet ValvesAR Air ReceiverBH Brake HandleCC Coolant CoolerCE Compressor ElementCLS Coolant Level SwitchCP Control PanelCT Coolant TankDPoc Drain Plug Oil CoolerDSe Engine Oil Level DipstickE EngineEP Exhaust PipeF FanFCeo Filler Cap (engine oil)FCft Filler Cap (fuel tank)FCc Filler Cap (coolant)FF Fuel FilterFFfp Fuel PrefilterFLG Fuel Level GaugeFPco Filler Plug (compressor oil)FT Fuel Tank

Reference NameIC IntercoolerMPV Minimum Pressure ValveOC Oil CoolerOFce Oil Filter (compressor element)OFe Oil Filter (engine)OLG Oil Level Gauge (compressor

element)RV Regulating ValveS Starting MotorSL Support LegSN Serial NumberSV Safety ValveTB TowbarVIce Vacuum Indicator (compressor

element)VIe Vacuum Indicator (engine)VV Vacuator Valve

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Reference NameAFce Air Filter (compressor element)AFe Air Filter (engine)AOV Air Outlet ValvesAR Air ReceiverBDV Blow Down ValveBOV Blow Off ValveCE Compressor ElementCH Coupling HousingCV Check ValveDP Drain PlugE EngineF FanFP Filler PlugFR Flow RestrictorLV Loading ValveMPV Minimum Pressure ValveNRV Non Return ValveOCce Oil Cooler (compressor element)OF Oil FilterOLG Oil Level GaugeOS Oil Separator

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The system comprises:AF Air filterAR/OS Air receiver/oil separatorCE Compressor elementUA/UV Unloader assembly with unloader valveBDV Blow-down valveLV Loading valve

Air drawn through the airfilter (AFce) into thecompressor element (CE) is compressed. At theelement outlet, compressed air and oil pass into the airreceiver/oil separator (AR/OS).The check valve (CV) prevents blow-back ofcompressed air when the compressor is stopped. Inthe air receiver/oil separator (AR/OS), most of the oilis removed from the air/oil mixture; the remaining oilis removed by the separator element.The oil collects in the receiver and on the bottom ofthe separator element.The air leaves the receiver via a minimum pressurevalve (MPV) which prevents the receiver pressurefrom dropping below the minimum working pressure(specified in section Limitations), even when the airoutlet valves are open. This ensures adequate oilinjection and prevents oil consumption.A temperature switch (TS) and a working pressuregauge (WPG) are comprised in the system.A blow-down valve (BDV) is fitted in the unloaderassembly to automatically depressurise the airreceiver (AR) when the compressor is stopped.


The system comprises:AR/OS Air receiver/oil separatorOC Oil coolerOF Oil filter

The lower part of the air receiver (AR) serves as oiltank.Air pressure forces the oil from the air receiver/oilseparator (AR/OS) through the oil cooler (OCce) andoil filter (OF) to the compressor element (CE).The compressor element has an oil gallery in thebottom of its casing. The oil for rotor lubrication,cooling and sealing is injected through holes in thegallery.Lubrication of the bearings is ensured by oil injectedinto the bearing housings.The injected oil, mixed with the compressed air,leaves the compressor element and re-enters the airreceiver, where it is separated from the air asdescribed in section Air flow. The oil that collects inthe bottom of the oil separator element is returned tothe system through scavenging line (SL), which isprovided with a flow restrictor (FR).The oil filter by-pass valve opens when the pressuredrop over the filter is above normal because of aclogged filter. The oil then by-passes the filterwithout being filtered. For this reason, the oil filtermust be replaced at regular intervals (see sectionPreventive maintenance schedule for thecompressor).

Reference NamePG Pressure GaugeRV Regulating ValveSC Safety Cartridge (option)SL Scavenge LineSR Speed RegulatorSV Safety ValveTS Temperature SwitchUA Unloader AssemblyUV Unloader ValveVH Vent HoleVI Vacuum IndicatorVV Vacuator Valve

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The system comprises:RV Regulating valveUA Unloader assemblySR Speed regulator

The compressor is provided with a continuousregulating system. This system is provided with ablow-down valve which is integrated in the unloaderassembly (UA). The valve is closed during operationby air receiver pressure and opens by air receiverpressure via the compressor element when thecompressor is stopped.When the air consumption increases, the air receiverpressure will decrease and vice versa. This receiverpressure variation is sensed by the regulating valvewhich, by means of control air to the unloader,matches the air output to the air consumption. The airreceiver pressure is maintained between the pre-selected working pressure and the correspondingunloading pressure.When starting the compressor, the unloader valve(UV) is kept open by spring force, the engine runs atmaximum speed. The compressor element (CE) takesin air and pressure builds up in the receiver (AR).

The air output is controlled from maximum output(100%) to no output (0%) by:1. Speed control of the engine between maximum

load speed and unloading speed (the output of a screw compressor is proportional to the rotating speed).

2. Air inlet throttling.3. Blow off valve (BOV).If the air consumption is equal to or exceeds themaximum air output, the engine speed is held atmaximum load speed and the unloading valve is fullyopen.If the air consumption is less than the maximum airoutput, the regulating valve supplies control air tounloader valve (UV) to reduce the air output andholds air receiver pressure between the normalworking pressure and the corresponding unloadingpressure of approx. 1.5 bar (22 psi) above the normalworking pressure.When the air consumption is resumed, the blow offvalve (BOV) closes and the unloader valve (UV)gradually opens the air intake and the speed regulator(SR) increases the engine speed.

The construction of the regulating valve (RV) is suchthat any increase (decrease) of the air receiverpressure above the pre-set valve opening pressureresults in a proportional increase (decrease) of thecontrol pressure to the unloading valve and the speedregulator.Part of the control air is vented to atmosphere, andany condensate discharged, through the vent holes(VH).

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All compressors are equipped with a negative earthed system.

(9822 0893 12)

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Standard (no coldstart) With coldstart option


Standard (no coldstart) With coldstart option

Reference Name1 To be used with Cold Start Option.2 To be used with Refinery

Equipment.3 Position of DIP-switches.

B6 Fuel Level SensorF1 Circuit BreakerG1 Battery 12VG2 Charging AlternatorK0 Starter SolenoidK5 Auxiliary Starter RelayK6 Cold Start RelayK9 Overspeed RelayM1 Starter MotorN4 Control ModuleN5 Overspeed Control ModuleP1 HourmeterP2 GlowplugP3 Fuel Level GaugeS3 Compressor Temperature SwitchS4 Engine Temperature Switch

Reference NameS5 Engine Low Oil Pressure SwitchS7 Overspeed Control Test SwitchS8 Push ButtonS9 Coolant Level SwitchX1 Module ConnectorY1 Fuel Stop SolenoidY2 Excess Fuel ProviderY3 Overspeed Solenoid

For correct functioning of the module,the dip switches at the back of themodule should be positioned as follows.

Not usedPreheat-Coldstart

Low fuel levelLow coolant level

Not usedPreheat-Coldstart

Low fuel levelLow coolant level

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Compressor outlet temperature too high.

Compressor outlet temperature.

Compressor outlet pressure.

Dangerous outlet gases.

Danger, heat flat.

Electrocution hazard.

Atlas Copco mineral compressor oil.

Atlas Copco synthetic compressor oil.

Atlas Copco mineral engine oil.


Read the instruction manual before working on the battery.

Reset fuse.

On / off button.

Hours, time.

Prohibition to open air valves without connected hoses.

Compressor loaded.



Compressor temperature too high.

Rotation direction.



Compressor oil drain.

Read the instruction manual before starting.

Service every 24 hours.

Warning! Part under pressure.

Do not stand on outlet valves.

Start-Stop indication of switch.

Do not run the compressor with open doors.

Lifting permitted.

Use diesel fuel only.

4.75 bar(69 psi) Tyre pressure.

Sound power level in accordance with Directive 2000/14/EC (expressed in dB (A)).

Sound power level in accordance with Directive 2000/14/EC (expressed in dB (A)).

Sound power level in accordance with Directive 2000/14/EC (expressed in dB (A)).

Horizontal towbar position required in case of coupling.

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Safety precautions



Non-adjustable towbar with standard support leg withoutbrakes

Adjustable towbar with jockey wheel and brakes

Parking position of jockey wheel

When parking a compressor, secure support leg (1) orjockey wheel (2) to support the compressor in a levelposition. Be sure that the jockey wheel (2) is blockedby the blocking pin (4).Apply parking brake by pulling parking brake handle(3) upwards. Place the compressor as level aspossible; however, it can be operated temporarily inan out-of-level position not exceeding 15°. If thecompressor is parked on sloping ground, immobilizethe compressor by placing wheel chocks (available asoption) in front of or behind the wheels.

Never load the vehicles in excess of thepermissible total weight.Never overstress the coupling orsuspension system due to reckless oraggressive driving or mishandling.Avoid subjecting the axles to anyimpacts or jolting. Adapt your drivingspeed at all times to the road conditions.Ensure that wheels and tyres are notmisaligned or out-of-balance.Only use the jacking points indicated byAtlas Copco.The operator is expected to apply allrelevant safety precautions, includingthose mentioned on the pages 7 — 13 ofthis book.

Before putting the compressor in to use,check the brake system as described insection Brake (= option) adjustment.After the first 100 km travel — Yearly orevery 5000 km:Check and retighten the wheel nuts andtowbar bolts to the specified torque. Seesection Height adjustment and sectionTorque values.Check the brake adjustment. See sectionBrake (= option) adjustment.





It must be noted that, with the parkingbrake activated, the vehicle can roll backabout 30 cm until the braking force takesfull effect.


(4) (4)


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Locate the rear-end of the compressor upwind, awayfrom contaminated wind-streams and walls. Avoidrecirculation of exhaust air from the engine. Thiscauses overheating and engine power decrease.


Label on towbar

Inspections, prior to each run• Check tyre pressure and tyre condition• Check wheel fixation• Check screwed joints on firm seating.• Check functioning of lighting and braking

systems (option)• The jockey wheel must be parallel to the direction

of travel at all times.• Inspect the coupling. The ball joint must fully

enclose the ball and be locked.• At height adjustable towing facility (option),

check the joint connection for a tight fit.



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For both non-adjustable — and adjustable towbar, thetowbar should be as level as possible and thecompressor and towing eye end in a level position.Push the hand brake lever (1) completely downwardsand connect breakaway cable (2) to the vehicle.Secure jockey wheel (3) or support leg in the highestpossible position (see figure). The jockey wheel isprevented from turning.

HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT(with adjustable towbar)

• Remove spring pin (1).• Release locking nut (2) with support tools

(Extension tube 3).• Adjust required height of the towbar.• Tighten locking nut (2) by hand first.• Secondly tighten locking nut (2) with a tightening

torque corresponding to table. With an extension tube (3) (”A” corresponding to table 1) and handforce (”B” corresponding to table 1) easy tightening is possible.

• Fix locking nut (2) with spring pin (1).

• Height adjustment should be undertaken on levelled ground and in coupled condition.

• When readjusting, make sure that the front point of the towbar is horizontal to the coupling point.

• Before starting a trip, ensure that the adjustment shaft is secure, so that the stability and safety is guaranteed while driving. If necessary tighten the locking nut (2) corresponding to table.

Before towing the compressor, ensurethat the towing equipment of the vehiclematches the towing eye or ball connectorand ensure that the service doors areclosed and locked properly.

Before towing the compressor, makesure that the joints of the towbar aresecured with maximum strength withoutdamaging the towbar. Be sure that thereis no clearance between the teeth of thejoints.








For specific instruction see below!

Type M [Nm/lbf.ft.] ”A” [mm/in] ”B” [N/lbf]ZV 2000 250 — 300 / 184.5 — 221.4 600 / 23.4 420 — 500 / 94.5 — 112.5ZV 2500 350 — 400 / 258.3 — 295.2 600 / 23.4 580 — 660 / 130.5 — 148.5


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The coupling (ball coupling) on the tow bar is typeapproved. The maximum load at the coupling may notbe exceeded. When coupling lower the jockey wheel to the ground.Reverse the car up to the compressor or, in the case ofa small compressor, manoeuvre the compressor up tothe car’s trailer coupling.

Coupling:Open coupling jaw by pulling the lever vigorouslyupwards in the direction of the arrow. Lower theopened coupling onto the ball of the vehicle couplingand the lever will automatically be lowered. Closingand locking are carried out automatically. Check the»+» (see figure) position!Connect the breakaway cable and electrical plug(option) to the towing vehicle. Raise the jockey wheelup fully and secure by firmly clamping it. Releaseparking brake before setting off.Visual check: the ball should no longer be visiblein coupled condition.

Uncoupling:Lower the jockey wheel. Disconnect breakaway cableand electrical plug. Pull the lever vigorously upwardsin the direction of the arrow and hold. Wind downjockey wheel (option) and lift the compressor off theball of the towing vehicle.Secure the compressor by means of a wheel chockand/or by applying the parking brake.


When lifting the compressor, the hoist has to beplaced in such a way that the compressor, which mustbe placed level, will be lifted vertically. Keep liftingacceleration and retardation within safe limits.Preferably use the lifting eye (1) herefore open thesmall door (2).

The handle of the ball coupling and thehandbrake lever may never be used as amanoeuvring aid; internal componentsmay get damaged!

Lifting acceleration and retardationmust be kept within safe limits (max. 2g).Helicopter lifting is not allowed.Lifting is not allowed when the unit isrunning.



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1. Before initial start-up, prepare battery for operation if not already done. See section Battery care.

2. With the compressor standing level, check the level of the engine oil. Add oil, if necessary, to the upper mark on dipstick. Consult the Engine Operation Manual for the type and viscosity grade of the engine oil.

3. Check the level of the compressor oil. See section Compressor regulating system. The pointer of oil level gauge (OLG) should register in the green range. Add oil if necessary. See section Lubrication oils for the oil to be used.

4. Check that the fuel tank contains sufficient fuel. Top up, if necessary. Consult the Engine Operation Manual for the type of fuel.

5. Drain any water and sediment from the fuel filter until clean fuel flows from the drain cock.

6. Press vacuator valves (VV) of the air filters to remove dust.

7. Check the air filter vacuum indicators (VI). If the yellow piston reaches the red marked service range, replace the filter element. Reset the indicator by pushing the reset button.

8. Open air outlet valve to allow air flow to the atmosphere.

Before removing oil filler plug (FP),ensure that the pressure is released byopening an air outlet valve.


P1 HourmeterF1 Circuit Breaker ButtonPG Working pressure gaugeLV Loading ValveN4 Control ModuleS Start/Stop ButtonH1 LED (green) Fuel ONH2 LED (green) Preheat (option)H3 LED (red) Charge IndicationH4 LED (red) Compressor Outlet TemperatureH5 LED (red) Engine Oil TemperatureH6 LED (red) Engine Oil PressureH7 LED (red) Low CoolantH8 LED (red) Low Fuel

(PG)(LV) (H5) (H6) (H7) (S)

(F1)0 0 0 0

(H1) (H2) (H3) (H4) (N4)(P1)


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Make sure the fuel tank is filled up.Before starting, first operate the circuit breaker button(F1) at the right side of the control panel (open right-hand service door first).To start, the start/stop button (S) is switched toposition ”I”, the green fuel ON lamp (H1), the redcharge indication lamp (H3) and preheat lamp (H2)go on (preheat lamp only, if ”cold start” option isinstalled). After preheating, the preheat lamp goesout. Push the start/stop button in position ” ”. 20sec. (60 sec. for XAHS 186 Dd) cranking, 1 min. rest(= a cycle). Max. 3 cycles are allowed. The startermotor will set the engine in motion. Lamps H1 andH3 will go out as soon as the engine has been started.After the start/stop button is released, it automaticallysprings back to position ”I”.Run the engine a few minutes at no-load to warm up.When the engine is running smoothly, press loadingvalve (LV) and release as soon as pressure starts tobuild up.Shutting down is simply done by pushing the startbutton in the ”0” position.The control panel in addition indicates receiverpressure (PG) and accumulated operating hours (P1).

Fault situations and protective devices (Also referto chapter Problem solving):• The starter motor is protected against prolonged

starting.(max. cranking time: 20 sec. (60 sec. for XAHS 186 Dd)).

• A fault which occurs with the engine, either alternator voltage (too low), coolant temperature too high, oil pressure too low or fuel level too low will always and immediately cause the engine to cut out and one of the control lamps H3, H5, H6, H7 or H8 to light up.

• When the outlet temperature of the element becomes too high, a thermocontact will also switch off the unit immediately. Control lamp H4 will light up.

• The control lamps will remain on untill the unit has been reset (start button switched to position ”0”).


Regularly carry out following checks:1. That regulating valve (see section Main Parts,

RV) is correctly adjusted, i.e. starts decreasing the engine speed when reaching the preset working pressure in the receiver.

2. Check the air filter vacuum indicators (see section Main Parts, VI). If the yellow piston reaches the red marked service range, replace the filter element. Reset the indicators by pushing the reset button.

Never push the start button when theengine is running.

When the engine is running, the airoutlet valves (ball valves) must always beput in a fully opened or fully closedposition.

The doors must be closed duringoperation and may be opened for shortperiods only.

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Service Paks include all genuine parts needed fornormal maintenance of both compressor and engine.Service Paks minimize downtime and keep yourmaintenance budget low.Order Service Paks at your local Atlas Copco dealer.

The schedule contains a summary of the maintenanceinstructions. Read the respective section before takingmaintenance measures.When servicing, replace all disengaged packings, e.g.gaskets, O-rings, washers.For engine maintenance refer to Engine OperationManual.

The maintenance schedule has to be seen as aguideline for units operating in a dusty environmenttypical to compressor applications. Maintenanceschedule can be adapted depending on applicationenvironment and quality of maintenance.


Maintenance schedule Daily 50 hours after initial start-up

Every 500 hours Every 1000 hours

Service PaksXAHS 146 Dd — XAHS 300 DD6 Deutz TCD 2912 4499 05 2912 4501 06XATS 156 Dd — XATS 350 DD6 Deutz TCDXA(S) 186 Dd — XA(S) 375 DD6 Deutz TCD

2912 4499 05 2912 4502 06

XATS 156 Dd — XATS 350 DD6 Deutz BF4MXA(S) 186 Dd — XA(S) 375 DD6 Deutz BF4M

2912 4306 05 2912 4337 06

XAVS 166 Dd — XAVS 350 DD6 Deutz TCDXAHS 186 Dd — XAHS 375 DD6 Deutz TCD

2912 4500 05 2912 4503 06

Oil Separator Kit 2911 0075 00Engine oil level CheckCompressor oil level CheckCoolant level (3) CheckCoolant (7) Analysis AnalysisAir filter vacuator valves EmptyFuel filter water drain Drain(to be continued on page 34)

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Maintenance schedule(continuation of page 33)

Daily 50 hours after initial start-up

Every 500 hours Every 1000 hours

Air intake vacuum indicators CheckElectrolyte level and terminals of battery Check Check CheckLeaks in air-, oil- or fuel system Check Check CheckCoolers (Oil, Coolant, Inter-) Clean CleanEngine minimum and maximum speeds Check Check CheckSafety valve TestDoor hinges Grease GreaseShutdown switches CheckPressure drop over separator element (2) Measure Replace (6)Fan V-belts (3) Adjust AdjustFuel tank Clean CleanCompressor oil ChangeCompressor oil filter ReplaceAir filter elements (1) ReplaceSafety cartridges (1) (option) ReplaceEngine oil (3) (4) Change ChangeEngine oil filter (3) Replace ReplaceFuel filter (3) (5) Replace ReplaceFuel prefilter (3) Replace ReplaceEngine inlet and outlet valves (3) AdjustPD/QD filter (option) Replace

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1. More frequently when operating in a dusty environment.

2. Replace the element when the pressure drop exceeds 0.8 bar (11.6 psi).

3. Every 1500 hours. Refer to the Deutz operation manual.

4. 500 hours is only valid when using PAROIL 15W40.

5. In case of poor fuel quality, replace fuel filter more frequently.

6. Clean retainer when replacing element.7. The following part numbers can be

ordered from Atlas Copco to check on inhibitors and freezing point:• 2913 0028 00 refractometer• 2913 0029 00 pH meter.

Keep the bolts of the housing, the liftingbeam, tow bar and axles securelytightened. For torque values see sectionTechnical specifications.

Maintenance schedule Initially IntervalWheelsTyre pressure Before each runCheck wheel bolts for firm seating Before first runCheck hub caps for firm seating 2,500km/annuallyCheck tyres for uneven wear 2,500km/annuallyCheck lateral play of bearings After 500 km 2,500km/annuallyCheck brake lining wear 5,000km/annually

TowbarCheck coupling head for wear, operation and fastening Before first run 5,000km/annuallyCheck brake play After first run 2,500km/annuallyCheck height adjustment facility Before each run,

during first 500 km5,000km/annually

Check reversing lever for ease of motion 2,500 km 5,000km/annuallyCheck safety cable and bowden cable for damage 5,000km/annuallyCheck/ adjust brake system (if installed) Before first run 2,500km/annually

LubricationCoupling head and all its moving parts/shaft Before first run 2,500km/annuallyOverrun brake Before first run 5,000km/annuallyReversing lever Before first run 5,000km/annuallyOverrun coupling Before first run 5,000km/annuallyJoints of height adjustable towbar 5,000km/annuallyBearings (conventional bearings only) 5,000km/annually

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For fuel specifications, please contact your AtlasCopco Customer Center.


High-quality, mineral, hydraulic or synthesized hydrocarbon oil with rust and oxidation inhibitors and anti-foamand anti-wear properties is recommended. The viscosity grade should correspond to the ambient temperature andISO 3448, as follows:

PAROIL from Atlas Copco is the ONLY oil testedand approved for use in all engines built into AtlasCopco compressors and generators.Extensive laboratory and field endurance tests onAtlas Copco equipment have proven PAROIL tomatch all lubrication demands in varied conditions. Itmeets stringent quality control specifications toensure your equipment will run smoothly andreliably.The quality lubricant additives in PAROIL allow forextended oil change intervals without any loss inperformance or longevity.PAROIL provides wear protection under extremeconditions. Powerful oxidation resistance, highchemical stability and rust- inhibiting additives helpreduce corrosion, even within engines left idle forextended periods.PAROIL contains high quality anti-oxidants tocontrol deposits, sludge and contaminants that tend tobuild up under very high temperatures.PAROIL’s detergent additives keep sludge formingparticles in a fine suspension instead of allowing themto clog your filter and accumulate in the valve/rockercover area.

PAROIL releases excess heat efficiently, whilstmaintaining excellent bore-polish protection to limitoil consumption.PAROIL has an excellent Total Base Number (TBN)retention and more alkalinity to control acidformation.PAROIL prevents Soot build-upPAROIL is optimized for the latest low emissionEURO -3 & -2, EPA TIER II & III engines running onlow sulphur diesel for lower oil and fuel consumption.PAROIL 5W40 is a Synthetic ultra high performancediesel engine oil with a high viscosity- index. AtlasCopco PAROIL 5W40 is designed to provideexcellent lubrication from start-up in temperatures aslow as -25°C (-13°F).PAROIL 15W40 is a mineral based high performancediesel engine oil with a high viscosity- index. AtlasCopco PAROIL 15W40 is designed to provide a highlevel of performance and protection in ‘standard’ambient conditions as from -15°C (5°F).

Type of lubricant Compressor** Engine*between -25°C (-13°F) and +40°C (104°F) PAROIL Sbetween -10°C (14°F) and +40°C (104°F) PAROIL M PAROIL 15W40

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*If you want to use another brand of oil,consult the Engine Operation Manual.

**It is strongly recommended to use AtlasCopco branded lubrication oils for bothcompressor and engine. If you want touse another brand of oil, consult AtlasCopco.

Never mix synthetic with mineral oil.Remark: When changing from mineral tosynthetic oil (or the other way around),you will need to do an extra rinse:After doing the complete changeprocedure to synthetic oil, run the unitfor a few minutes to allow good andcomplete circulation of the synthetic oil.Then drain the synthetic oil again andfill again with new synthetic oil. To setcorrect oil levels, proceed as in normalinstruction.

Mineral compressor oil PAROIL M

Synthetic compressor oil PAROIL S

Mineral engine oil PAROIL 15W40

Synthetic engine oil PAROIL 5W40

Liter US gal Order numbercan 5 1.3 1615 5947 00can 20 5.3 1615 5948 00barrel 210 55.2 1615 5949 00

Liter US gal Order numbercan 5 1.3 1615 5950 01can 20 5.3 1615 5951 01barrel 210 55.2 1615 5952 01container 1000 265 1604 7422 00

Liter US gal Order numbercan 5 1.3 1615 5953 00can 20 5.3 1615 5954 00barrel 210 55.2 1615 5955 00

Liter US gal Order numbercan 5 1.3 1604 6060 01can 20 5.3 1604 6059 01

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Consult also the Engine Operation Manual for the oilspecifications, viscosity recommendations and oilchange intervals.For intervals, see Preventive maintenance schedulefor the compressor.Check engine oil level according to the instructions inthe Engine Operation Manual and top up with oil ifnecessary.


With the unit standing level, check the level of thecompressor oil. The pointer of the oil level gauge (1)must register in the upper extremity of the greenrange. Add oil if necessary.

Never mix oils of different brands ortypes.Use only non-toxic oils where there is arisk of inhaling delivered air.

Before removing oil filler plug (2),ensure that the pressure is released byopening an air outlet valve.




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See section Preventive maintenance schedule forthe compressor.


The quality and the temperature of the oil determinethe oil change interval.The prescribed interval is based on normal operatingconditions and an oil temperature of up to 100 °C(212 °F) (see section Preventive maintenanceschedule for the compressor).When operating in high ambient temperatures, in verydusty or high humidity conditions, it is recommendedto change the oil more frequently.

1. Run the compressor until warm. Close the outlet valve(s) (1) and stop the compressor. Wait until the pressure is released through the automatic blow-down valve. Unscrew the oil filler plug (2) one turn. This uncovers a vent hole, which permits any pressure in the system to escape.

2. Drain the compressor oil by removing all relevant drain plugs. Drain plugs are located at the air receiver (DPar), compressor element (DPcv, DPosv) and compressor oil cooler (DPoc). Catch the oil in a drain pan. Screw out the filler plug (2) to speed up draining. After draining, place and tighten the drain plugs.

3. Remove the oil filters (3), e.g. by means of a special tool. Catch the oil in a drain pan.

4. Clean the filter seat on the manifold, taking care that no dirt drops into the system. Oil the gasket of the new filter element. Screw it into place until the gasket contacts its seat, then tighten one half turn only.

5. Fill the air receiver until the pointer of the oil level gauge is in the upper part of the green area. Be sure that no dirt gets into the system. Reinstall and tighten the filler plug (2).

6. Start the compressor and let it run unloaded for a few minutes.

7. Stop the compressor, wait a few minutes and top up with oil until the pointer of the oil level gauge is in the upper part of the green area.In this case, contact Atlas Copco.

0 0 0 0


(5)(3) (1)

Never add more oil. Overfilling results inoil consumption.

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The use of the correct coolant is important for goodheat transfer and protection of liquid-cooled engines.Coolants used in these engines must be mixtures ofgood quality water (distilled or de-ionised), specialcoolant additives and if necessary freeze protection.Coolant that is not to manufacturer’s specification willresult in mechanical damage of the engine.The freezing point of the coolant must be lower thanthe freezing point that can occur in the area. Thedifference must be at least 5°C (9°F). If the coolantfreezes, it may crack the cylinder block, radiator orcoolant pump.Consult the engine’s operation manual and follow themanufacturer’s directions.

Never remove the cooling system fillercap while coolant is hot.The system may be under pressure.Remove the cap slowly and only whencoolant is at ambient temperature. Asudden release of pressure from a heatedcooling system can result in personalinjury from the splash of hot coolant.

It is strongly recommended to use AtlasCopco branded coolant.

Never mix different coolants and mix thecoolant components outside the coolingsystem.


PARCOOL EG is the only coolant that has beentested and approved by all engine manufacturerscurrently in use in Atlas Copco compressors andgenerators.Atlas Copco’s PARCOOL EG extended life coolant isthe new range of organic coolants purpose designedto meet the needs of modern engines. PARCOOL EGcan help prevent leaks caused by corrosion.PARCOOL EG is also fully compatible with allsealants and gasket types developed to join differentmaterials used within an engine.PARCOOL EG is a ready to use Ethylene Glycolbased coolant, premixed in an optimum 50/50dilution ratio, for antifreeze protection guaranteed to-40°C (-40°F).

Because PARCOOL EG inhibits corrosion, depositformation is minimized. This effectively eliminatesthe problem of restricted flow through the enginecoolant ducts and the radiator, minimizing the risk forengine overheating and possible failure.It reduces water pump seal wear and has excellentstability when subjected to sustained high operatingtemperatures.PARCOOL EG is free of nitride and amines to protectyour health and the environment. Longer service lifereduces the amount of coolant produced and needingdisposal to minimise environmental impact.


To ensure protection against corrosion, cavitation and formation of deposits, the concentration of the additivesin the coolant must be kept between certain limits, as stated by the manufacturer’s guidelines. Topping up thecoolant with water only, changes the concentration and is therefore not allowed.Liquid-cooled engines are factory-filled with this type of coolant mixture.

PARCOOL EG Concentrate

Liter US gal Order numbercan 5 1.3 1604 5308 00can 20 5.3 1604 5307 01barrel 210 55.2 1604 5306 00

Liter US gal Order numbercan 5 1.3 1604 8159 00

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PARCOOL EG should be stored at ambienttemperatures, while periods of exposure totemperatures above 35°C (95°F) should beminimized. PARCOOL EG can be stored for aminimum of 5 years in unopened containers withoutany effect on the product quality of performance.PARCOOL EG is compatible with most othercoolants based on ethylene glycol, but you only getthe benefits of 5 years protection when its used on itsown. Exclusive use of PARCOOL EG isrecommended for optimum corrosion protection andsludge control.For simple density-measuring of Ethylene Glycol andPropylene Glycol in general the standard available‘density’ measuring devices are used to measure theconcentration of EG. In case a device is used tomeasure EG, no PG can be measured afterwards as aresult of the difference in the density. More specificmeasurements can be done by the use of arefractometer. This device can measure both EG andPG. A mix of both products will be show unreliableresults!Mixed EG coolants with identical glycol type can bemeasured by use of a refractometer as well as the‘density’ system. The mixed coolants will beconsidered as one product.The use of distilled water is recommended. If youhave exceptionally soft water it would be acceptable,as well. Basically, the engine metals are going tocorrode to some extent no matter what water you use,and hard water will encourage the resulting metalsalts to precipitate.PARCOOL EG comes as a pre-mixed coolant tosafeguard the quality of the complete product.It is recommended that topping up of the coolingsystem is always done with PARCOOL EG.


In order to guarantee the lifetime and quality of theproduct, thus to optimise engine protection, regularcoolant-condition-analysis is advisable.The quality of the product can be determined by threeparameters:

Visual check• Verify the outlook of the coolant regarding colour

and make sure that no loose particles are floating around.

pH measurement• Check the pH value of the coolant using a pH-

measuring device.• The pH-meter can be ordered from Atlas Copco

with part number 2913 0029 00.• Typical value for EG = 8.6.• If the pH-level is below 7 or above 9.5, the coolant

should be replaced.

Glycol concentration measurement• To optimise the unique engine protection features

of the PARCOOL EG the concentration of the Glycol in the water should be always above 33 vol.%.

• Mixtures with more than 68 vol.% mix ratio in water are not recommended, as this will lead to high engine operating temperatures.

• A refractometer can be ordered from Atlas Copco with part number 2913 0028 00.


• Verify if the engine cooling system is in a good condition (no leaks, clean,…).

• Check the condition of the coolant.• If the condition of the coolant is outside the limits,

the complete coolant should be replaced (see section Replacing the coolant).

• Always top-up with PARCOOL EG Concentrate / PARCOOL EG.

• Topping up the coolant with water only, changes the concentration of additives and is therefore not allowed.

Never remove the cooling system fillercap while coolant is hot.The system may be under pressure.Remove the cap slowly and only whencoolant is at ambient temperature. Asudden release of pressure from a heatedcooling system can result in personalinjury from the splash of hot coolant.

In case of a mix of different coolantproducts this type of measurementmight provide incorrect values.

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The quantity of PARCOOL EG Concentrate to be topped up can be estimated with the following formula and/or graph:

Corrections concentrate in measured system towards 50% volume by using PARCOOL EG Concentrate



33 17 14 50 4,850- = =* /














5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16






Example:Total volume coolant =Measured concentration =

In case of expansion tank at low level, this quantity is tobe filled without draining from the cooling system.

1 Refractometer indication -20° C (-4° F) (33%)2 Refractometer indication -22° C (-7.6° F)3 Refractometer indication -25° C (-13° F)4 Refractometer indication -30° C (-22° F)5 Refractometer indication -36° C (-32.8° F)

Engine coolant capacity (liter)

Top-up volume PARCOOL EG Concentrate without drainage







PN: 1604 8159 00Liter

Vol %

Liter PARCOOL EG Concentrate

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The quantity of PARCOOL EG Concentrate to be topped up after draining a calculated volume from the cooling system, can be estimated with the following formula and/or graph:Corrections concentrate in measured system towards 50% volume by using PARCOOL EG Concentrate







80 67 2050-


= =* /


Example:Total volume coolant =Measured concentration =

In case of expansion tank at normal level, this quantity is tobe drained from the cooling system.

1 Refractometer indication -20° C (-4° F) (33%)2 Refractometer indication -22° C (-7.6° F)3 Refractometer indication -25° C (-13° F)4 Refractometer indication -30° C (-22° F)5 Refractometer indication -36° C (-32.8° F)


Vol %

Liter PARCOOL EG Concentrate

PN: 1604 8159 00

4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 840,0
















Engine coolant capacity (liter)

Top-up volume PARCOOL EG Concentrate with drainage







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Drain• Completely drain the entire cooling system.• Used coolant must be disposed or recycled in

accordance with laws and local regulations.

Flush• Flush twice with clean water. Used coolant must

be disposed or recycled in accordance with laws and local regulations.

• From the Atlas Copco Instruction book, determine the amount of PARCOOL EG required and pour into the radiator top tank.

• It should be clearly understood that the risk for contamination is reduced in case of proper cleaning.

• In case a certain content of ‘other’ coolant remains in the system, the coolant with the lowest properties influences the quality of the ‘mixed’ coolant.

Fill• To assure proper operation and the release of

trapped air, run the engine until normal engine operation temperature is reached. Turn off the engine and allow to cool.

• Recheck coolant level and add coolant mixture if necessary.


Keep the coolers clean to maintain the coolingefficiency.

Then clean by air jet in reverse direction of normalflow. Steam cleaning in combination with a cleansing agentmay be applied.

Close the service door(s).


If the battery is still dry, it must be activated asdescribed in section Activating a dry-chargedbattery.The battery must be in operation within 2 monthsfrom being activated; if not, it needs to be rechargedfirst.

In case of a mix of different coolantproducts this type of measurementmight provide incorrect values.

Remove any dirt from the coolers with afibre brush. Never use a wire brush ormetal objects.

To avoid damaging the coolers, anglebetween jet and coolers should beapprox. 90 °.(do not use jet at max. power)



(3)Protect the electrical and controllingequipment, air filters, etc. againstpenetration of moisture.

Never leave spilled liquids such as fuel,oil, water and cleansing agents in oraround the compressor.

Caution: do not top off when the engineis hot.

Before handling batteries, read therelevant safety precautions and actaccordingly.

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Electrolyte in batteries is a sulphuric acid solution indistilled water.The solution must be made up before beingintroduced into the battery.


• Take out the battery.• Battery and electrolyte must be at equal

temperature above 10°C (50°F).• Remove cover and/or plug from each cell.• Fill each cell with electrolyte until the level

reaches 10 mm (0.4 in) to 15 mm (0.6 in) above the plates, or to the level marked on the battery.

• Rock the battery a few times so that possible air bubbles can escape; wait 10 minutes and check the level in each cell once more; if required, add electrolyte.

• Refit plugs and/or cover.• Place the battery in the compressor.


Before and after charging a battery, always check theelectrolyte level in each cell; if required, top up withdistilled water only. When charging batteries, eachcell must be open, i.e. plugs and/or cover removed.

Apply with preference the slow charging method andadjust the charge current according to the followingrule of thumb:battery capacity in Ah divided by 20 gives safecharging current in Amp.


• Keep the battery clean and dry.• Keep the electrolyte level at 10 mm (0.4 in) to

15 mm (0.6 in) above the plates or at the indicated level; top up with distilled water only.

• Keep the terminals and clamps tight, clean, and lightely covered with petroleum jelly.


Run the compressor regularly, e.g. twice a week, untilwarm.Load and unload the compressor a few times tooperate the unloading and regulating components.Close the air outlet valves after stopping.


A Service Pak is a collection of parts to be used for aspecific maintenance measure.It guarantees that all necessary parts are replaced atthe same time keeping down time to a minimum.The order number of the Service Paks are listed in theAtlas Copco Parts List.


A service kit is a collection of parts to fit a specificrepair or rebuilding task.It guarantees that all necessary parts are replaced atthe same time which improves the uptime of the unit.The order numbers of the Service Kits are listed in theAtlas Copco Parts List.


When a compressor element is due for overhaul, it isrecommended to have it done by Atlas Copco. Thisguarantees the use of genuine parts and correct toolswith care and precision.


The manufacturer does not accept any liability for anydamage arising from the use of non-original parts andfor modifications, additions or conversions madewithout the manufacturer’s approval in writing.

Read the safety instructions carefully.

Use a commercial automatic batterycharger according to its manufacturer’sinstructions.

If the compressor is going to be storedwithout running from time to time,protective measures must be taken.

Contact Atlas Copco.

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The working pressure is determined by the tension ofthe spring in the regulating valve (RV). This tensioncan be increased to raise the pressure and decreased tolower it by turning the adjusting wheel clockwise andanti-clockwise respectively.






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To adjust the normal working pressure, proceed asfollows:1. Start and warm up the engine (see section

Starting/Stopping).2. With the outlet valves (AOV) closed, loosen the

regulating valve’s lock nut and adjust the regulating valve (RV) until a pressure of X bar(e) is reached (see table).

3. Check the minimum speed of the engine. Adjust minimum speed stop screw if necessary.

4. Open an outlet valve (AOV) just enough to let the engine (E) run at maximum speed. The working pressure must be Y bar(e); adjust if necessary with regulating valve (RV) (see table).

5. Check the engine maximum speed. Adjust the maximum speed by means of adjusting eccentric nut on top of speed regulator (SR).

6. Close the outlet valves (AOV), check that the pressure is between Z1 and Z2 bar(e) (see table). Lock the regulating valve (RV) by fixing the lock nut.

X Y Z1 – Z2XAHS 146 Dd bar(e) 13.5 12 13.2 – 13.6

psi 196 174 191.5 – 197.5XATS 156 Dd bar(e) 11.8 10.3 11.7 – 12.2

psi 171 149 167 – 173XA(S) 186 Dd bar(e) 8.3 7 8.1 – 8.5

psi 120.5 101.5 117.5 – 123.5XAVS 166 Dd bar(e) 15.5 14 15.3 – 15.7

psi 225 203 219 – 227XAHS 186 Dd bar(e) 13.5 12 13.3 – 13.7

psi 196 174 191.5 – 197.5

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Remove dust daily.To remove dust from the dust trap pinch the vacuatorvalve (6) several times.


New elements must also be inspected for tears orpunctures before installation.Discard the element (4) when damaged.In heavy duty applications it is recommended toinstall a safety cartridge which can be ordered withpart no.: 2914 9311 00A dirty safety cartridge (3) is an indication of a mal-functioning air filter element. Replace the elementand the safety cartridge in this case.The safety cartridge cannot be cleaned.


1. Release the snap clips (1) and remove the dust trap (2). Clean the trap.

2. Remove the element (4) and the safety cartridge.3. Reassemble in reverse order of dismantling. Make

sure the vacuator valve (6) points down.4. Inspect and tighten all air intake connections.5. Reset the vacuum indicator by pressing the reset

button (5).


The air receiver (1) is tested according to officialstandards. Regularly have inspections carried out inconformity with local regulations.


Following checks must be carried out on the safetyvalve (2):• a check of the opening of the lifting gear, twice a

year. This can be done by screwing the cap of the valve anti-clockwise.

• a check of the set pressure once a year according to the local regulations. This check cannot be done on the machine and must be carried out on a proper test bench.

1. Snap clips 6. Vacuator valve2. Dust trap cover 7. Vacuum indicator3. Safety cartridge

(option)8. Reset button

4. Filter element 9. Yellow indicator5. Filter housing


(6)(2) (3)(4) (5)(7)(9)


The Atlas Copco air filters are speciallydesigned for the application. The use ofnon-genuine air filters may lead tosevere damage of engine and/orcompressor element.Never run the compressor without airfilter element.

All adjustments or repairs are to be doneby an authorized representative of thevalve supplier.

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Replacing the filter element1. Unscrew the filter element (1) from the adapter

head.2. Clean the adapter head sealing surface. Lightly oil

the gasket of the new element and screw the latter onto the header until the gasket is properly seated, then tighten with both hands.

3. Check for fuel leaks once the engine has been restarted.



Check the thickness of the brake lining. Remove bothblack plastic plugs (5), one on each wheel. When thebrake lining has been worn to a thickness of 1 mm(0.039 in) or less, the brake shoes have to be replaced.After inspection and/or replacement re-insert bothplugs.Brake shoe adjustment re-establishes the brakelining-to-drum clearance and compensates for liningwear.Lift and support the compressor. Make sure that allbrakes are off (overrunbrake and hand brake lever).The brake cables must be free from tension. Lock theswivel cams of the wheel brake from the outside bymeans of a pin ∅ 4 mm (4) through the hole as shownin the Figure.Turn the adjusting bolt (1) clockwise with a wrenchtill the wheel locks up. Center the brake shoes byactuating the parking brake several times.Turn the adjusting bolt anti-clockwise until the wheelis running free in direction of travel (approx. 1 fullturn of the adjusting bolt).

Check the position of the equalizer (see sectionBrake cable adjustment, 6) with the parking brakeactuated.Perpendicular position of equalizer = identicalclearance of wheel brakes.Re-adjust the brake shoes, if necessary.To test, slightly apply the parking brake and checkidentical brake torque on left and right side.Remove locking pin (4). Remove clearance frombrake cables. Check all lock nuts (Brake cable adjustment, 2).


Before jacking up the compressor,connect it to a towing vehicle or attach aweight of minimum 50 kg (110 lb) to thetowbar.

1. Adjusting bolt 4. Pin ∅ 4 mm2. Axle 5. Plug3. Brake cable

(1)(5) (3) (2)


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Correct and wrong position of markings1. Check if the towing eye rod of the overrun brake

mechanism is in the outmost position.2. Check if the adjustable towbar (= option) is in the

actual towing position.3. Apply the hand brake lever.4. Push the compressor a few centimeters backwards

so that the brake lever is automatically pulled further up.

5. Check the position of the arrow marking ”1” at the catch lock in combination with the arrow marking ”2” at the toothed sector, according to A,B,C,D.



B. Acceptable

C. Too loose; adjust brake cables (Section Brake cable adjustment)

D. Too tight; adjust brake cables (Section Brake cable adjustment)

A. Adjusted correctly

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1. With the towing eye pulled out in the outmost position and the hand brake lever in the downward position (see Figure), loosen the lock nuts (2). Turn adjusting nuts and brake cable nuts (4) clockwise until there is no slack in the brake mechanism.The equalizer (6) must remain perpendicular to main brake cable (5).

2. Apply the hand brake lever several times and repeat the adjustment. Tighten the nuts with their lock nuts (2). Remove the jack and the blocks.

3. Road test the compressor and brake several times. Check brake shoe and brake cable adjustment and if necessary adjust.

Hand brake lever downward — brake not operated1. Brake cable 4. Brake cable nut2. Lock nut 5. Main brake cable3. Adjusting nut 6. Equalizer

(4) (2)(1) (6)

(1) (3) (4) (2)(2) (5)

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• Check wheel bolts for firm seating (initially)• Check hub caps for firm seating (every 2,500 km

or anually)• Check tyres for uneven wear (every 2,500 km or

anually)• Check lateral play of wheel bearing. If necessary,

readjust.Compact bearings (every 2 years)Conventional bearings (after 500 km, every 2,500 km or anually)


Tapered type hub cap

Taper roller bearings and deep groove ballbearingAxles fitted with taper roller bearings arerecognizable by a tapered type hub cap, see Figure.Remove wheels and wheel hubs.Mark dismounted wheel hubs and bearing races sothat their identity is not mistaken during reassembly.Clean wheel hubs thoroughly inside and outside.Remove old grease totally.Clean taper roller bearings and seals (using diesel oil)and check for reuseability.Work BPW special longlife grease ECO_Li 91 intothe cavities between the taper roller and cage. Smeargrease into the hub’s outer bearing race.

Greasing bearing race

Fill the hub caps to 3/4 full with grease.Fit wheel hubs, adjust the bearing play and fit the hubcaps.

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Cylindrical hub cap shape

Compact bearingsCompact bearings are recognizable by cylindrical hubcap shape, see Figure.Compact bearings are maintenance-free due topermanent lubrication and are designed for highmileages.Therefore, there is no grease change or regreasingnecessary.


Wheel bolts tightening

Tighten wheel bolts crosswise using a torque wrenchto the tightening torque in compliance with the table.

Tightening torques of wheel bolts

After the first run, likewise after eachwheel change.

Spannerwidth (mm)

Thread Tighteningtorque

17 (19) M 12×1.5 80 100 Nm

19 M 14×1.5 110 120 Nm

24 M 18×1.5 270 280 Nm

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Bearing play

Jack up the compressor, release brakes.Turn wheels manually and rock. If any bearing play is perceivable, adjust the bearings.

Conventional taper roller bearingsTaper roller bearings are recognisable by the conicalprofile of the hub cap.• Lever off hub cap. Remove split pin from axle nut

and tighten so that rotation of the wheel is slightly braked.

• Turn back the axle nut to the next possible split pin hole, by a maximum of 30 degrees.

• Insert split pin and bend ends slightly outwards.• Check wheel rotation, fit hub cap.

Important:The grease in the hub cap and bearing must not becontaminated with dirt during this job!

Compact bearingsCompact bearings are recognizable by theircylindrical hub cap shape.

If noticeable bearing play is felt, thecompact bearings should be replaced.

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Check coupling head

Check coupling head for wear and correct operation.Check the wear indicator (use within the «+» rangeonly). Check the coupling head fastenings (see arrows,Figure) at regular intervals for firm seating.

Check the coupling head fastenings

Check height adjustment facility

After every adjustment the clamping nuts must bescrewed up tight and secured with the springelements.Tightening torque:M 24 = 250 — 350 NmM 32 = 350 — 400 NmCheck tight fit of the clamping nuts and correctpositioning of the adjustment facility.

Brake play check

Brake play check

The check is carried out visually on the stroke (x) ofthe overrun coupling.As soon as this is more than 50 mm when the brakesare applied, adjust the wheel brakes.Check towbar, handbrake lever, spring actuator,reversing lever, linkage and all movable parts for easeof movement.

Initially, then every 5,000 kilometres orannually.

Initially, before every journey, after 500kilometres, then every 5,000 kilometresor annually.

After the first run, then every 2,000 -3,000 kilometres.


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Check safety cable (1) for damage; every 5,000kilometres or annually.Check Bowden cable (2) on height-adjustableconnection devices for damage; every 5,000kilometres or annually.


Lubrication coupling head

Lubricate the coupling head

Oil ball coupling at regular intervals at the specifiedlocations and moving parts.Grease the contact surface of the ball of the towingvehicle.

Greasing towbar

Towbar bushes on the housing of theoverrun coupling

Apply general purpose grease via the grease nipplesuntil fresh grease can be seen emerging from thebushes.

Initially, then every 5,000 kilometres orannually.


At regular intervals. Initially, after 2,000 — 3,000 kilometres,every 5,000 kilometres.

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Reversing lever

Reversing lever

Check reversing lever (1) for ease of motion.If fitted, apply general purpose grease via the greasenipple until fresh grease can be seen emerging fromthe bush.If grease nipples are not fitted, then apply oil to thereversing lever bush.

Lubrication points

Lubricate all moving parts and pivot pins atthe overrun coupling

All moving parts of drawbar, handbrake lever, springactuator, reversing lever, linkages etc. to be oiled orgreased as required.

Heigth adjusting device

Grease sliding locations on the height-adjusting device

Oil threaded parts and grease toothed parts.

Initially, after 2,000 — 3,000 kilometres,every 5,000 kilometres.


Initially, after 2,000 — 3,000 kilometres,every 5,000 kilometres.

For the first time after 2,000 — 3,000kilometres travelled, then every 5,000kilometres.

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Problem solvingIt is assumed that the engine is in good condition andthat there is adequate fuel flow to the filter andinjection equipment.

Make sure that the wires are not damaged and thatthey are clamped tight to their terminals.

An electrical fault must be traced by anelectrician.

For position of dip switches refer tosection Electrical system.

Problem Possible faults Corrective actions

1. Starter motor does not crank engine after switching startbutton (S) to ” ”.

a. Low battery output. a. Check electrolyte level and charge battery. If no cells are shorted and battery is discharged, trace cause and correct.

2. Starter motor cranks engine when switching start button (S) to ” ”, but engine does not fire.

a. Low battery output. a. See corrective action 1.

3. Engine fires, but engine stops when releasing start button (S).

a. Alternator drive belt broken or slipping.b. Alternator/regulator defective.

a. Check and correct if necessary.b. Have assembly repaired.

4. Hourmeter (P1) does not count running time.

a. Hourmeter (P1) defective. a. Replace.

5. Engine is running, but shuts down immediately after start button (S) has been released.

a. Start button (S) released too soon.

b. Insufficient engine oil pressure.c. Fuel tank contains insufficient fuel.

a. Release button after engine oil pressure has built up above the minimum allowed level.

b. Stop at once, consult the engine instruction manual.c. Fill fuel tank.

6. Compressor is loaded automatically to full capacity after starting.

a. Loading valve stuck in loading position.

b. Air intake throttle valve stuck in opened position.c. Air leaks in regulating system.

a. Remove and dismantle loading valve. Correct if necessary.

b. Check and, if necessary consult Atlas Copco.c. Check hoses and their fittings. Stop leaks; replace

leaking hoses.

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7. Unit does not load after pressing the loading button.

a. Regulating valve defective. a. Check and if necessary consult Atlas Copco.

8. Engine does not speed up immediately after compressor loading valve button has been pressed and compressor does not deliver air.

a. Regulating valve defective.b. Air intake throttle valve stuck in closed position.

a. Check and, if necessary consult Atlas Copco.b. Check and, if necessary consult Atlas Copco.

9. Excessive compressor oil consumption. Oil mist being discharged from air outlet valves.

a. Compressor oil level too high. a. Check oil level. Release pressure and drain oil to correct level.

10. Compressor capacity or pressure below normal.

a. Air consumption exceeds capacity of compressor.b. Choked air filter elements.c. Unloading valve not completely open.

a. Check equipment connected.b. Remove and inspect elements.c. Check and, if necessary consult Atlas Copco.

11. Compressor does not unload and engine keeps running at max. speed when closing the air outlet valves, safety valve blows.

a. Regulating valve incorrectly set or defective.b. Air leaks in regulating system.

c. Unloading valve stuck.

a. Check and, if necessary consult Atlas Copco.b. Check hoses and their fittings. Stop leaks and, if

necessary consult Atlas Copco.c. Check and, if necessary consult Atlas Copco.

12. Working pressure rises during operation and causes safety valve to blow.

a. Regulating valve incorrectly set or defective.b. Air leaks in regulating system.

c. Unloading valve stuck.d. Safety valve defective.

a. Check and, if necessary consult Atlas Copco.b. Check hoses and their fittings. Stop leaks and, if

necessary consult Atlas Copco.c. Check and, if necessary consult Atlas Copco.d. Check safety valve; consult Atlas Copco.

13. After working some time, the unit stops through a shutdown switch.

a. Fuel tank contains insufficient fuel.b. Air in fuel system, or insufficient fuel supply.c. Engine oil pressure too low.d. Engine temperature too high.e. Compressor temperature too high.f. Low coolant level.

a. Fill fuel tank.b. Check filters and hoses for leaks, dirt and bends.c. Refer to the engine instruction manual.d. See corrective actions 15.e. See corrective actions 16.f. Top up cooling system.

Problem Possible faults Corrective actions

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Alternator precautions1. Never reverse the polarity of the battery or the

alternator.2. Never break any alternator or battery connections

while the engine is running.3. When recharging the battery, disconnect it from

the alternator. Before using booster cables to start the engine, be sure of the polarity and connect the batteries correctly.

4. Never operate the engine without the main or voltage sensing cables connected in the circuit.

14. Air and oil mist expelles from air filters immediately after stopping.

a. Unloader valve jammed.b. Wrong oil type (without foam-retarding additives).

a. Check and, if necessary consult Atlas Copco.b. Consult Atlas Copco.

15. Engine overheating. a. Insufficient engine cooling.b. Engine oil cooler clogged externally.

a. Relocate compressor.b. Clean engine oil cooler. Refer to section Cleaning


16. Compressor overheating. a. Insufficient compressor cooling.

b. Oil cooler clogged externally.c. Oil level too low.

a. Locate compressor away from walls; when banked with other compressors, leave space between them.

b. Clean oil cooler. Refer to section Cleaning coolers.c. Check oil level. Top up with recommended oil.

17. After working for some time, the unit stops for no apparent reason.

a. Air in fuel system, or insufficient fuel supply. a. Check filters and hoses for leaks, dirt and bends.

Problem Possible faults Corrective actions

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Available options

A. These units meet your local safety regulations and are available with overrun and parking brakes.

B. Reflectors and lights for safety on the road.C. Quality air through the aftercooler, reheater and fine filters.

Vessel type: EUROASME

Towbar: Adjustable with brakes (A)Fixed with brakes (A)Fixed without brakes

Without towbar: Support (without undercarriage)Towing eyes: Atlas Copco

DINBallItalianGBNATOAC (France)

Towbar support: Support legJockey wheel

Road signalisation: Full (B)Safety: Wheel chocks

Safety cartridgeRefinery equipment: Spark arrestor

Inlet shut down valve

Air quality equipment: Aftercooler + water separatorAftercooler + water separator + fine filter PDAftercooler + water separator + fine filter PD + QDAftercooler + water separator + fine filter PD + reheater (C)Aftercooler + water separator + fine filter PD + QD + reheater (C)Aftercooler + water separator + reheaterLubricator on 7 bar units

Safety: Wheel chocksSafety cartridge

Refinery equipment: Spark arrestor Inlet shut down valve

Cold start: -20 °C (-4 °F)Customer colour: Single


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Technical specificationsTORQUE VALUES


The following tables list the recommended torques applied for general applicationsat assembly of the compressor.

For hexagon screws and nuts with strength grade 8.8

For hexagon screws and nuts with strength grade 12.9


Thread size Torque value (Nm / lbf.ft) M6 9 (6.64)M8 23 (16.97)M10 46 (34.69M12 80 (59.04)M14 125 (92.25)M16 205 (151.29)

Thread size Torque value (Nm / lbf.ft) M6 15 (11.07)M8 39 (28.78)M10 78 (57.56)M12 135 (99.63)M14 210 (154.98)M16 345 (254.61)

Assemblies Torque value (Nm / lbf.ft)Wheel nuts 120 (88.56) +/- 15Bolts, axle/beams 205 (151.29) +/- 20Bolts, towbar/axle 80 (59.04) +/- 10Bolts, towbar/bottom 205 (151.29) +/- 20Bolts, towing eye/towbar 80 (59.04) +/- 10Bolts, lifting eye/flywheel housing 80 (59.04) +/- 10Bolts, engine/drive housing (M12) 80 (59.04) +/- 10Bolts, engine/drive housing (M14) 125 (92.25) +/- 10Bolts, compressor element/drive housing

80 (59.04) +/- 5

Safety switches 35 (25.83) +/- 5Joints adjustable towbar (M24) 275 (202.95) +/- 25Joints adjustable towbar (M32) 375 (276.75) +/- 25

Secure the drain cock and tank cap of the fuel tank handtight.

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Designation XAHS 146 DdXAHS 300 DD6

XATS 156 DdXATS 350 DD6

XA(S) 186 DdXA(S) 375 DD6

XAVS 166 DdXAVS 350 DD6

XAHS 186 DdXAHS 375 DD6

XATS 156 DdXATS 350 DD6

XA(S) 186 DdXA(S) 375 DD6


Engine oil pressure bar(e) 2 2 2 2 2 — -psi 29 29 29 29 29 — —

Engine oil temperature °C 113 113 113 113 113 — -°F 235 235 235 235 235 — —

Compressor temperature °C 120 120 120 120 120 — -°F 248 248 248 248 248 — —

Safety valve opening pressure- EC type bar(e) 15 13.5 10 17 17 13.5 10- ASME type psi 218 200 150 250 250 200 150

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The inlet conditions are specified at the air inlet grating outside the canopy.

Designation XAHS 146 DdXAHS 300 DD6

XATS 156 DdXATS 350 DD6

XA(S) 186 DdXA(S) 375 DD6

XAVS 166 DdXAVS 350 DD6

XAHS 186 DdXAHS 375 DD6

XATS 156 DdXATS 350 DD6

XA(S) 186 DdXA(S) 375 DD6


Absolute inlet pressure bar(e) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1psi 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.5

Relative air humidity % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Air inlet temperature °C 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

°F 68 68 68 68 68 68 68Nominal effective working pressure bar(e) 12 10.5 7 14 12 10.3 7

psi 174 152 102 203 174 149 102

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Designation XAHS 146 DdXAHS 300 DD6

XATS 156 DdXATS 350 DD6

XA(S) 186 DdXA(S) 375 DD6

XAVS 166 DdXAVS 350 DD6

XAHS 186 DdXAHS 375 DD6

XATS 156 DdXATS 350 DD6

XA(S) 186 DdXA(S) 375 DD6


Minimum effective receiver pressure bar(e) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4psi 58 58 58 58 58 58 58

Maximum effective receiver pressure, compressor unloaded

bar(e) 13.5 11.8 8.5 15.5 13.5 11.8 8.5psi 196 171 123 225 196 171 123

Maximum ambient temperature at sealevel

no aftercooler

°C 50 50 50 45 45 50 50°F 122 122 122 113 113 122 122

with aftercooler

°C 49 47 47 40 40 — -°F 114 114 114 104 104 — —

Minimum starting temperature

no aftercooler

°C -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10°F 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

with aftercooler

°C -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20 -20°F -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4

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At reference conditions, if applicable, and at normal shaft speed, unless otherwise stated.

1) Free Air Delivery (volume flow rate) is measured according to ISO 1217 ed.3 1996 annex DTolerance:• +/- 5% 25 l/s (53 cfm) < FAD < 250 l/s (530 cfm)• +/- 4% 250 l/s (530 cfm) < FADThe international standard ISO 1217 corresponds to following national standards:• British BSI 1571 part 1• German DIN 1945 Part 1• Swedish SS-ISO 1217• American ANSI PTC9

Designation XAHS 146 DdXAHS 300 DD6

XATS 156 DdXATS 350 DD6

XA(S) 186 DdXA(S) 375 DD6

XAVS 166 DdXAVS 350 DD6

XAHS 186 DdXAHS 375 DD6

XATS 156 DdXATS 350 DD6

XA(S) 186 DdXA(S) 375 DD6


Engine shaft speed, normal and maximum r/min 2300 2300 2300 2200 2200 2300 2300Engine shaft speed, compressor unloaded r/min 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700Free air delivery 1) standard l/s 151 161 185 158 173 166 185

cfm 320 341 392 335 367 352 392with aftercooler

l/s 147 157 181 154 169 — -cfm 311 333 384 326 358 — —

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Fuel consumption

Designation XAHS 146 DdXAHS 300 DD6

XATS 156 DdXATS 350 DD6

XA(S) 186 DdXA(S) 375 DD6

XAVS 166 DdXAVS 350 DD6

XAHS 186 DdXAHS 375 DD6

XATS 156 DdXATS 350 DD6

XA(S) 186 DdXA(S) 375 DD6


at 100% FAD kg/h 18.1 18 17.4 21.2 21 18.3 17.4lb/h 39.9 39.7 38.4 46.7 46.3 40.34 38.36

at unload kg/h — — — — — 9.6 8.5lb/h — — — — — 21.17 18.74

Specific fuel consumptionat 100% FAD standard g/m3 33.1 30.6 26.1 35.8 33.5 30.3 26

lb/103 cu.ft 2.07 1.91 1.63 2.24 2.09 1.88 1.62

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Designation XAHS 146 DdXAHS 300 DD6

XATS 156 DdXATS 350 DD6

XA(S) 186 DdXA(S) 375 DD6

XAVS 166 DdXAVS 350 DD6

XAHS 186 DdXAHS 375 DD6

XATS 156 DdXATS 350 DD6

XA(S) 186 DdXA(S) 375 DD6


Typical oil content of compressed air mg/m3 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5oz/103 cft < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005 < 0.005

Engine oil consumption (maximum) g/h 18.2 17.8 17.4 20.8 20.9 14 14oz/h 0.64 0.63 0.61 0.73 0.74 0.49 0.49

Compressed air temperature at outlet valves

standard °C 90 90 90 95 95 90 90°F 194 194 194 203 203 194 194

with aftercooler

°C ambient + 9 ambient + 9 ambient + 9 ambient + 9 ambient + 9 — -°F ambient + 16 ambient + 16 ambient + 16 ambient + 16 ambient + 16 — —

Sound pressure level (LP), measured according to ISO 2151 under free field conditions at 7 m distance

dB(A) 71 71 71 71 71 72 71

Sound power level (Lw) complies with 2000/14/EC

dB(A) 99 99 99 99 99 100 99

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1) With filter change.

DesignationNumber of compression stages 1

Designation XAHS 146 DdXAHS 300 DD6

XATS 156 DdXATS 350 DD6

XA(S) 186 DdXA(S) 375 DD6

XAVS 166 DdXAVS 350 DD6

XAHS 186 DdXAHS 375 DD6

XATS 156 DdXATS 350 DD6

XA(S) 186 DdXA(S) 375 DD6


Make Deutz Deutz Deutz Deutz Deutz Deutz DeutzType TCD2012LO4 TCD2012LO4 TCD2012LO4 TCD2013LO4 TCD2013LO4 BF4M2012C BF4M2012C

Coolant Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid LiquidNumber of cylinders 4 4 4 4 4 4 4Bore mm 101 101 101 108 108 101 101

in 3.98 3.98 3.98 4.25 4.25 3.98 3.98Stroke mm 126 126 126 130 130 126 126

in 4.96 4.96 4.96 5.12 5.12 4.96 4.96Swept volume l 4.038 4.038 4.038 4.764 4.764 4.038 4.038

cu.in 246.4 246.4 246.4 251.2 251.2 246.4 246.4Output according to SAE J1995 at normal shaft speed

kW 83 83 83 104 104 90 90BHP 113 113 113 141 141 122 122

— Load factor % 65 65 65 65 65 70 70Capacity of oil sump:- Initial fill l 9 9 9 12 12 8.5 8.5

US gal 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.9 2.9 2.0 2.0- Refill (max.) 1) l 8.5 8.5 8.5 11.5 11.5 8 8

US gal 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.8 2.8 1.9 1.9Capacity of cooling system l 14 14 14 16 16 14 14

US gal 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.9 3.9 3.4 3.4

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1) Air required for engine and compressor cooling, for combustion and forcompression.

Unit dimensions

Designation XAHS 146 Dd — XAHS 300 DD6XATS 156 Dd — XATS 350 DD6XA(S) 186 Dd — XA(S) 375 DD6XAVS 166 Dd — XAVS 350 DD6XAHS 186 Dd — XAHS 375 DD6XATS 156 Dd — XATS 350 DD6XA(S) 186 Dd — XA(S) 375 DD6

Capacity of compressor oil system

l 24US gal 5.9

Net capacity of air receiver l 42US gal 10.3

Capacity of fuel tank l 175US gal 43

Air volume at inlet grating (approx.) 1

m3/s 3.9cfm 8300

with brakes towbarfixed adjustable

Length mm 3941 4356in 155.2 171.5

Width mm 1716 1716in 67.6 67.6

Height mm 1661 1661in 65.4 65.4

Weight (ready-to-operate) kg 1800 1825lb 3970 4025

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Data plate1 Company code2 Product code3 Unit serial number4 Name of the manufacturer5 EEC or national type approval number6 Vehicle identification number7 A Maximum permitted laden weight of the

vehicleB Maximum permitted road weight of the

vehicleC Maximum permitted laden weight of the

towing eye8 Model9 Working pressure10 Speed11 Engine power12 Manufacturing year13 CE mark in accordance with Machine Directive

89/392 EC14 Register number or number of notified body

(1) (2) (3)







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When developing products and services, Atlas Copcotries to understand, address, and minimize thenegative environmental effects that the products andservices may have, when being manufactured,distributed, and used, as well as at their disposal.Recycling and disposal policy are part of thedevelopment of all Atlas Copco products. AtlasCopco company standards determine strictrequirements.Selecting materials the substantial recyclability, thedisassembly possibilities and the separability ofmaterials and assemblies are considered as well as theenvironmental perils and dangers to health during therecycling and disposal of the unavoidable rates of notrecyclable materials.Your Atlas Copco compressor consists for the mostpart of metallic materials, that can be remelted insteelworks and smelting works and that is thereforealmost infinite recyclable. The plastic used islabelled; sorting and fractioning of the materials forrecycling in the future is forseen.


Dispose contaminated substances and materialseparately, according to local applicableenvironmental legislations.Before dismantling a machine at the end of itsoperating lifetime drain all fluids and dispose ofaccording the applicable local disposal regulations. Remove the batteries. Do not throw batteries into thefire (explosion risk) or into the residual waste.Separate the machine into metal, electronics, wiring,hoses, insulation and plastic parts. Dispose all components according to the applicabledisposal regulations.Remove spilled fluid mechanically; pick up the restwith absorbing agent (for example sand, sawdust) anddispose it according the applicable local disposalregulations. Do not drain into the sewage system orsurface water.

This concept can only succeed with yourhelp. Support us by disposingprofessionally. By assuring a correctdisposal of the product you help toprevent possible negative consequencesfor environment and health, that canoccur with an inappropriate wastehandling.Recycling and re-usage of material helpsto preserve natural resources.

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Page 73: Atlas Copco XAHS186 Instruction Manual

Maintenance Log

Compressor ……………………………………………………………………………… Customer …………………………………………………………………………………..

Serial number……………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Service hours Maintenance action Date By initials

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Page 74: Atlas Copco XAHS186 Instruction Manual


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Page 75: Atlas Copco XAHS186 Instruction Manual

Page 76: Atlas Copco XAHS186 Instruction Manual







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Following documents are provided with this unit:

– Test Certificate– EC Declaration of Conformity:

1 EC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY2 We, Atlas Copco Airpower n.v., declare under our sole responsibility, that the product3 Machine name : Compressor (< 350 kW)4 Machine type :5 Serial number :

Which falls under the provisions of article 12.2 of the EC Directive 2006/42/EC on the approximation of thelaws of the Member States relating to machinery, is in conformity with the relevant Essential Health and Safety Requirements of this directive.

The machinery complies also with the requirements of the following directives and their amendments asindicated.

Directive on the approximation of laws of theMember States relating to

Harmonized and/or TechnicalStandards used


a. Pressure equipment 97/23/EC

b. Machinery safety 2006/42/EC

EN ISO 12100-1EN ISO 12100-2

EN 1012-1EN 294 EN 349 EN 418 EN 563 EN 842 EN 953

EN 1037 EN 1050 EN 13478

c. Simple pressure vessel 87/404/EEC

d. Electromagnetic compatibility 2004/108/EC EN 61000-6-2EN 61000-6-4

e. Low voltage equipment 2006/95/ECEN 60034

EN 60204-1EN 60439

f. Outdoor noise emission 2000/14/EC ISO 3744



Atlas Copco Airpower n.v. is authorized to compile the technical file8 The harmonized and the technical standards used are identified in the attachments hereafter


10 Conformity of the specification to theDirectives

Conformity of the product to the specification and by implication to t




Issued by Product engineering Manufacturing

14 Name15 Signature

16 Date

Atlas Copco Airpower n.v. A company within the Atlas Copco Group

Postal address Visitors address Phone: +32 (0)3 870 21 11 Com. Reg. Antwerp 44651P.O. Box 100 Boomsesteenweg 957 Fax: +32 (0)3 870 24 43 V.A.T. 403.992.231B-2610 Wilrijk-Antwerp B-2610 Wilrijk-Antwerp Belgium Belgium For info, please contact your local Atlas Copco representativewww.atlascopco.com





0 00

ed. 0

7, 2




Page 77: Atlas Copco XAHS186 Instruction Manual

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Page 78: Atlas Copco XAHS186 Instruction Manual

  • XAHS 146 DdXATS 156 DdXA(S) 186 DdXAVS 166 DdXAHS 186 Dd

    — Russian

  • Printed matter N2954 2231 42


    XAHS 146 DdXATS 156 DdXA(S) 186 DdXAVS 166 DdXAHS 186 DdATLAS
    COPCO — PORTABLE AIR DIVISIONwww.atlascopco.com

  • XAHS 146 Dd — XATS 156 Dd — XA(S) 186 Dd — XAVS 166 Dd — XAHS
    186 Dd4

    . . , , , .

    Copyright 2006, Atlas Copco Airpower n.v., , .

    . , , .

  • . .


    , .


    1 ………………………………………..71.1





    ……………..162.8 …………………………172.8.1 XAHS
    146 Dd,

    XATS 156 Dd XA(S) 186 Dd…………………………..172.8.2
    XAVS 166 Dd

    XAHS 186 Dd

    3 ……………………………………193.1 ,


    ( ) ……………….203.1.4
    …………………………………………………..203.3 /

    3.4 ………………………………………………22

  • XAHS 146 Dd — XATS 156 Dd — XA(S) 186 Dd — XAVS 166 Dd — XAHS
    186 Dd

    4 ………………………………………. 224.1 …

    ………………………. 224.3
    ……………………………………………. 244.4
    ………………………………… 244.4.1 ………………
    244.4.2 …………. 254.5 ………………….. 254.5.1 ….

    254.6 …………………………………. 264.6.1

    264.6.2 PARCOOL EG
    ………………………………………………… 264.6.3
    PARCOOL EG ……………….. 264.6.4 ………………….
    274.6.5 / …… 274.6.6



    4.6.8 ………………………. 304.7
    ………………………………………… 304.8
    ………….. 314.8.1

    314.8.3 ………………. 314.8.4 ……………… 314.9
    314.10 …………………………. 314.11
    ………………………………. 314.12
    ……………………………. 314.13
    ……………………………………………… 31

    5 ……………………. 325.1

    ………………………………………………… 325.2
    / ………. 335.2.1 …………………………………….
    335.2.2 ……………………………………… 335.2.3
    …………………………………………………. 335.2.4
    ……………… 335.3
    ………………………………………… 335.4
    …………………………….. 335.5
    ………………………………………….. 345.6 (= )
    ………………………. 345.6.1 ………………………

    …………………………………………….. 355.6.3
    ………………………… 35

    6 …………………………………………………..


    7 ……………………………………………………..

    8 ………………………………………………….
    408.1 …………………………… 408.1.1
    ………………………………….. 408.1.2
    …………………….. 408.2

    ………………………….. 408.3 / …………….


    9 …………………………………. 426

  • 1. , , , .

    1.1 Atlas Copco , . , : —

    , , — , ,-

    , — . , , . , , .. , . , . , . , , Atlas Copco , . , . 1 : , . 2
    : — , . , — , , . — . 3 : — — , -. , — . . 4 : , . , , . . , ,
    Atlas Copco . , AtlasCopco. , . , , . , :- ,


    Atlas Copco , , ,, , . , , , . — , . , , — .


    1 . .

    2 , , , .

    3 — , , . .

    4 ( ,, ..) .

    5 (, , ..).

    6 , , .

    7 (, , ..). .

    8 , . .

    9 , , , , .

    10 . .

    11 , , .

    12 .

    13 , .

    14 . .

    15 . : , , ( ), 7

    , ,-


    , , . , .

  • XAHS 146 Dd — XATS 156 Dd — XA(S) 186 Dd — XAVS 166 Dd — XAHS
    186 Dd

    16 . , , . . .


    , . , , , , . . . . . 1 :

    — , ( ) ,

    — , . ,

    — .

    — , , ,

    — , ,

    — , , ,

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    — ,

    — , , .

    2 . .

    3 , ( ).

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    5 , , . . , , . , , .

    6 , .

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    9 .10 ,

    . ,

    11 . , . , , , .


    1 , .

    2 , . , . , . . . , . .

    3 , . .

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    5 , , , .

    6 , , — , , .. .

    7 , , .

    8 . . , , . .

    9 . , . . .

    10 , ( ) . .

    11 , , , .

    12 . , . 8

    , , , , 30 .

  • 13 , , Atlas Copco. , . . ,, .

    14 , . , , .

    15 , .

    16 , — , . . , .

    17 . . :- 70 dB(A): ,

    — 70 dB(A):, , ,

    — 85 dB(A): , ,

    — 85 dB(A): , , , .

    — 95 dB(A): ,

    — 105 dB(A): , , .

    18 , 80 C(175 F), , .

    19 , .

    20 , , .

    21 , , , , . . .

    22 , , , ..

    23 , , , .

    24 , , , , .

    25 , , . , , .


    , , , , , . 1

    , .

    2 Atlas Copco.

    3 , , . . , , , , , . , . , . , , .

    4 , , , . , () . , , , .

    5 , , .

    6 , , . .

    7 ( ).

    8 .

    9 .10

    . , , .

    11 , , . , , . — . .

    12 . .

    13 . , , , . , .

    14 , Atlas Copco . , , — , . .

    15 , , , , , ..

    16 — , , , .

    17 .9

    26 , , .

  • XAHS 146 Dd — XATS 156 Dd — XA(S) 186 Dd — XAVS 166 Dd — XAHS
    186 Dd

    18 , . , — , .

    19 . .

    20 , , , .

    21 ,, , .

    22 , , .

    23 , , .


    . , , . , . .


    . 1

    , . , .

    2 , , .

    3 , . , , . :- , ,

    — , .

    4 (AB) (CB) : + AB + CB, — CB . .

    ( 87/404/EEC II 2) :1 ,

    , :- ,- /, , :- ps (psi),- Tmax C (F),- Tmin C (F),- V ( , . ,

    2 . — .

    3 .

    4 , .

    5 , , , .., .

    6 .

    7 , .

    8 .

    . ( 4.2).10

  • 2. 2.1


    . 2.1 XAVS 166 Dd


    XAHS 146 Dd, XATS 156 Dd, XA(S) 186 Dd, XAVS 166 Dd XAHS 186 Dd
    , . 7 14 (. 8., ).

    . .

    , . , , . . , .

    . .

    , . , . . , , . .

    . . , .

    . . , .

    — . . , , AC, DIN, , ITA, GB, NATO ( 7.). . .

    . .


    , , .., .

    , , ( 9.).

    . .


    , , . .

    , , , .

  • XAHS 146 Dd — XATS 156 Dd — XA(S) 186 Dd — XAVS 166 Dd — XAHS
    186 Dd






    , .


    Atlas Copco.

    Atlas Copco.

    Atlas Copco.


    , .



    , .











    24 .

    ! .


    — .





    2000/14/EC ( dB (A)).

    2000/14/EC ( dB (A)).

    2000/14/EC ( dB (A)).


    4,75 / 69 psi12

  • 2.4

    A AFCE (



    E EP F FC1 (

    )FC2 ( )FC3 (

    )FF1 FF2 FLG FP1 (

    )FT IC

    OC OFCE (

    )OFE ()OLG (


    )VIE ()

    . 2.2 XAHS 146 Dd, XATS 156 Dd XA(S) 186 Dd

    0 00 0



    (CE) (CP)


    (TB) (AR)




























    MPV VV

  • XAHS 146 Dd — XATS 156 Dd — XA(S) 186 Dd — XAVS 166 Dd — XAHS
    186 Dd

    . 2.3 XAVS 166 Dd XAHS 186 Dd

    A AFCE (



    E EP F FC1 (

    )FC2 ( )FC3 (

    )FF1 FF2 FLG FP1 (

    )FT IC MPV

    OC OFCE (

    )OFE ()OLG (


    )VIE ()VV



















    (SL) (CC)













  • ( )

    2.5 ( . 2.4)


    AF AR/OS /CE UA/UV c

    BDV LV

    (AFCE) (CE). / (AR/OS).

    / (AR/OS) — , .


    (MPV), ( 8.3) . .

    (TS) (PG).

    . 2.4

    AFCE ( )

    AFE ()




    ( )


    ()SL SR SV


    UA UV VH

    VI VV




    (DP)(MPV) (NRV)


















    (TS) (F)





    (CV) .

    (BDV) (AR) .

  • XAHS 146 Dd — XATS 156 Dd — XA(S) 186 Dd — XAVS 166 Dd — XAHS
    186 Dd

    2.6 ( . 2.4)



    (AR) .

    / (AR/OS) (OCCE) (OF) (CE).

    . , .


    , , , , 2.5. (SL), (FR).

    — , . . ( 4.2).

    2.7 ( . 2.4)


    RV UA SR

    . , (UA). , .

    . , , . .

    (UV) , . (CE) , (AR) .

    (100%) (0%) :

    1. ( ).


    3. (BOV).

    , , .

    , (UV), , , 1,5 .

    , (BOV) , (UV) , (SR) .

    (RV) , () () .

    (VH) . 16

  • 2.8

    2.8.1 XAHS 146 Dd, XATS 156 Dd XA(S) 186 Dd


    . 2.5 (No. 9822 0893 12)

    1 2 3 DIP-

    B6 F1 G1 12VG2 K0 K5 K6 K9

    M1 N4


    P1 P2 P3 S3




    S8 S9

    X1 Y1



    : dip-

    ( )


    . 2.6 Dip-

  • XAHS 146 Dd — XATS 156 Dd — XA(S) 186 Dd — XAVS 166 Dd — XAHS
    186 Dd

    2.8.2 XAVS 166 Dd XAHS 186 Dd


    . 2.7 (No. 9822 0893 12)

    1 2 3 DIP-

    B6 F1 G1 12VG2 K0 K5 K6 K9

    M1 N4


    P1 P2 P3 S3




    S8 S9

    X1 Y1



    : dip-

    ( )


    . 2.8 Dip-

  • 3. 3.1 ,



    5.6. 100 —

    5000 :

    . 3.1.3 8.1.

    . 5.6.


    . 3.1

    . 3.2

    (1) (2). , (2) (6).

    , (3). , , 15. , ( ), .

    . .

    . 3.3

    . 3.4


    . 3.5 ,

    , , , , .

    (3) (5) . (2) (1) . .

    , , 7 — 10 .





    (5) (2)(6)


    , , .






    , ( . 3.4) . . 3.6

  • XAHS 146 Dd — XATS 156 Dd — XA(S) 186 Dd — XAVS 166 Dd — XAHS
    186 Dd

    3.1.3 ( )


    . 3.7

    (1). (2)

    ( 3). . (2) . (2)

    1 (. 3.8). (3) (A 1) (B 1).

    (2) (1).


    , .

    , , . (2) 1 (. 3.8).


    . 3.8

    , , , . . (1), (2).


    1. , . 4.8.

    2. . . .

    3. . (. 2.4, OLG) . . 4.3 .

    4. , . . .

    5. , .

    6. (. 2.4, VV) , .

    7. (. 2.4, VI). , . ,

    , , . , .

    X X X MA [] A [] B []

    ZV 2000 250 — 300 600 420 — 500

    ZV 2500 350 — 400 600 580 — 660






    (. 2g). . .

    , (. 2.4, FP), , .



    .8. ,


  • 3.3 /

    , .

    (F1) ( ).

    / (S) «I», (H1), (3) (2) ( — ). . / . 20 (60 XAHS 186 Dd) , 1 (
    ). — 3. . H1 H3. / «I».


    , (LV) .


    (. 6. » «):

    .(. : 20 (60 XAHS 186 Dd)).

    , , , , , H3, 5, 6, H7 8.

    , . 4.

    , ( 0).

    (PG)(LV) (H5) (H6) (H7) (S)

    (F1)0 0 0 0

    (H1) (H2) (H3) (H4) (N4)(P1)


    P1 F1 PG LV N4 S /H1 LED ()

    H2 LED () ()H3 LED () H4 LED () H5 LED () H6 LED () H7 LED () H8
    LED ()

    . 3.9


    (PG) (P1).

  • XAHS 146 Dd — XATS 156 Dd — XA(S) 186 Dd — XAVS 166 Dd — XAHS
    186 Dd



    1. (. 2.2 — . 2.3, RV), , , .

    2. (. 2.2 — . 2.3, VI). , . , .

    4. 4.1

    , .


    Atlas Copco.


    . .

    , , , .


    , , . , .

    , ( ) .

    , .22

  • (1) .

    (2) , 0,8 .(3) 1500 .

    Deutz.(4) 500 PAROIL SAE 15 W 40.(5)


    (6) .(7) Atlas Copco

    : 2913 0028 00 () 2913 0029 00




    XAHS 146 Dd 2912 4473 05 2912 4475 06 2912 4473 05XATS 156 Dd —
    XA(S) 186 Dd 2912 4473 05 2912 4476 06 2912 4473 05XAVS 166 Dd —
    XAHS 186 Dd 2912 4474 05 2912 4477 06 2912 4474 05

    (3) (7)


    (, , )

    ( ) //



    (2) (6) (3) (1) (1) () (3) (4) (3) (3) (5) (3) (3) (3) PD / QD

    , , . 8. 3.1.3 .23

  • XAHS 146 Dd — XATS 156 Dd — XA(S) 186 Dd — XAVS 166 Dd — XAHS
    186 Dd


    , , , . ISO 3448, :

    , , Atlas Copco, PAROIL Atlas Copco. Atlas Copco , PAROIL . , .
    PAROIL .

    PAROIL . , , .

    PAROIL , , . PAROIL , / .


    PAROIL .


    PAROIL 5W30 . Atlas Copco PAROIL 5W30 -25C.

    PAROIL 15W40 . Atlas Copco PAROIL 15W40 -15C.

    PAROIL M:- 5 : 1615 5947 00- 20 : 1615 5948 00- 210 : 1615 5949

    PAROIL 15W40:- 5 : 1615 5953 00- 20 : 1615 5954 00- 210 : 1615
    5955 00

    PAROIL 5W30:- 5 : 1604 6060 00- 20 : 1604 6059 00

    PAROIL S:- 5 : 1615 5950 01- 20 : 1615 5951 01- 210 : 1615 5952
    01- 1000 : 1604 7422 00






    ** * -25C +40C PAROIL S -10C +40C PAROIL M PAROIL 15W40

    * , .** Atlas Copco. , Atlas Copco.


    : ( ), :

    , . . .


    , . 24

  • 4.4.2

    . 4.1

    . (1) . .

    4.5 4.5.1



    ( 4.2) 100 C .

    , .

    1. . () (5) . , . (2). , .

    2. , . , . . . .

    3. (3), . .

    4. . , . . , -.

    5. , (4) . , . .

    6. , , .

    7. , . , (5). (2) , (4) . .

    , (2), , (3).



    0 00 0


    (5)(3) (1)

    Atlas Copco.

    . .25

    . 4.2

    (1), . 4.2.

  • XAHS 146 Dd — XATS 156 Dd — XA(S) 186 Dd — XAVS 166 Dd — XAHS
    186 Dd



    . ( ), , . , , . , , . 5 C (9 F). , , . .

    4.6.2 PARCOOL EGPARCOOL EG , , Atlas Copco. PARCOOL EG Atlas
    Copco , . PARCOOL EG . PARCOOL EG , , .PARCOOL EG , 50/50, -40C
    (-40F). PARCOOL EG , .


    PARCOOL EG , . , , .


    — 5 : 1604 5308 00- 20 : 1604 5307 01- 210 : 1604 5306 00

    , , . , .



    — 5 : 1604 8159 00

    4.6.3 PARCOOL EG

    PARCOOL EG , 35C (95F) . PARCOOL EG 5 .


    . , . . , . !

    , . .

    . . , , , , .



    , .

    . , . .


    , .26

    , .

  • 4.6.4

    , .. , .




    pH , pH.

    pH Atlas Copco, — 2913 0029 00.

    EG = 8,6. pH 7 9,5,


    PARCOOL EG, 33 vol.%.

    68 vol.% .. .

    Atlas Copco, — 2913 0028 00.

    4.6.5 /

    , ( , …).


    , (. 4.6.8 ).



    , .

    . , . .

    , .27

  • XAHS 146 Dd — XATS 156 Dd — XA(S) 186 Dd — XAVS 166 Dd — XAHS
    186 Dd


    PARCOOL EG, , / :

    50% PARCOOL EG

    ( ): 1604 8159 00


    1 -20 C (33%)2 -22 C3 -25 C4 -30 C5 -36 C



    33 17 14 50 4,850- = =* /



    , .
















    5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16









  • 4.6.7

    PARCOOL EG, , / :

    50% PARCOOL EG

    ( ): 1604 8159 00


    1 -20 C (33%)2 -22 C3 -25 C4 -30 C5 -36 C







    80 67 2050-


    = =* /




    , .



    4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80



















  • XAHS 146 Dd — XATS 156 Dd — XA(S) 186 Dd — XAVS 166 Dd — XAHS
    186 Dd




    . .

    Atlas Copco PARCOOL EG, .

    , .

    , .

    , , . .



    . 4.3 (1), (2) (3)

    (1), (2) (3), .

    , .


    ( ).

    , .

    . .

    90 .( . )

    , ..

    , , .

    : , .



  • 4.8

    , , 4.8.2.

    2 , .






    10C. / . 10-15

    . ,

    , 1- , .

    / . .


    , , . , / .


    -, 20, .


    , . 10-15

    , .

    , .


    , , , .

    , . .



    , , .

    Atlas Copco.



    , , .

    Atlas Copco.


    , Atlas Copco. .






    , .

    Atlas Copco.31

    , , .

  • XAHS 146 Dd — XATS 156 Dd — XA(S) 186 Dd — XAVS 166 Dd — XAHS
    186 Dd

    5. 5.1

    (RV). .


    1. ( 3.3).

    2. (AOV) (RV) X (. ).

    3. . .

    4. (AOV) , (E) . Y , (RV) (. ).

    5. . (SR).

    6. (AOV) , Z1 Z2 (. ). (RV) .

    . 5.1




    (DP)(MPV) (NRV)


















    (TS) (F)







    Z1 Z2

    XAHS 146 Dd 13,5 12 13,2 13,6

    XATS 156 Dd 11,8 10,3 11,7 12,2

    XA(S) 186 Dd 8,3 7 8,1 8,5

    XAVS 166 Dd 15,5 14 15,3 15,7

    XAHS 186 Dd 13,5 12 13,3 13,732

  • 5.2 /


    . 5.2

    1 2 3 ()4 5 6






    (4) .

    , : 2914 9311 00

    (3) .


    1. (1) (2). .

    2. (4) (5).

    3. .

    4. .

    5. (. 5.3).

    . 5.3

    7 8 9


    . , .



    , . .

    . , .

    Atlas Copco . .



    (6) (2) (3) (4) (5)







  • XAHS 146 Dd — XATS 156 Dd — XA(S) 186 Dd — XAVS 166 Dd — XAHS
    186 Dd


    . 5.4

    1. (1) .

    2. . , , .

    3. .

    5.6 (= )


    . (5). 1 , . / .

    1 2 3 4 4 5

    . . , ( ). . 4 (4) , . 5.5. (1) , . , . , ( 1 ). (. 5.7, 6) . .
    . . (. 5.5, 4).


    50 .

    . 5.5

    (1) (5) (3) (2)


    . (. 5.7, 2).

  • 5.6.2

    1. , .

    2. , (= ) .

    3. .4. ,

    . 5. 1

    2 , . 5.6 A,B,C,D.


    1 2 3 4 5 6

    1. , (. 5.8), , (. 5.7, 2). (. 5.7, 4) , .

    (. 5.7, 6) (. 5.7, 5).

    2. . (. 5.7, 2). .

    3. . .



    D. ; ( 5.6.3)

    C. ; ( 5.6.3)

    (4) (2)(1) (6)

    (1) (3) (4) (2)(2) (5). 5.7

    . 5.8 35

    . 5.6

  • XAHS 146 Dd — XATS 156 Dd — XA(S) 186 Dd — XAVS 166 Dd — XAHS
    186 Dd

    6. , , .

    , .


    1. .

    2. .

    3. . , .

    4. .


    dip- . 2.8.1 — 2.8.2 .

    1. (S) .

    a. . a. . , , .

    2. (S) , .

    a. . a. . 1.

    3. , (S).

    a. .

    b. /.


    b. .

    4. (P1) .

    . (P1). a. .36

  • 5. , (S).

    . (S) .

    b. .

    c. .

    a. , .

    b. .

    . .

    6. .

    a. .

    b. .

    c. .

    a. . .

    b. , , Atlas Copco.

    c. . , .

    7. .

    . . a. , , Atlas Copco.

    8. , .

    . .

    b. .

    a. , , Atlas Copco.

    b. , , Atlas Copco.

    9. . ( ) .

    a. .

    a. . .

    10. .

    a. .

    b. .c. .

    a. .

    b. .c. , ,

    Atlas Copco.37

  • XAHS 146 Dd — XATS 156 Dd — XA(S) 186 Dd — XAVS 166 Dd — XAHS
    186 Dd

    11. , , .

    a. .

    b. .

    c. .

    a. , , Atlas Copco.

    b. . , , Atlas Copco.

    c. , , Atlas Copco.

    12. , .

    a. .

    b. .

    c. .

    d. .

    a. , , Atlas Copco.

    b. . , , Atlas Copco.

    c. , , Atlas Copco.

    d. , Atlas Copco.

    13. .

    a. .b.

    .c. .

    d. .e. .f. /

    a. .b. ,


    .d. . 15.e. . 16.f.


    14. .

    . .

    b. ( ).

    a. , , Atlas Copco.

    b. Atlas Copco.

    15. . a. .b.


    a. .b.

    . 4.7.

    16. . a. .

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    c. .

    a. .

    b. . 4.7.

    c. . .

    17. .

    a. .

    a. , .38

  • 7.


    : (A) (A)

    : ( )

    : Atlas CopcoDINGBNATOAC (France)


    : (B)

    : +

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    : -20 C (-4 F)


    A. .

    B. .

    C. , .39

  • XAHS 146 Dd — XATS 156 Dd — XA(S) 186 Dd — XAVS 166 Dd — XAHS
    186 Dd

    8. 8.1


    , .

    8,8 M6 M8 M10 M12 M14 M16 9 23 46 80 125 205

    12,9 M6 M8 M10 M12 M14 M16 15 39 78 135 210 345


    120 +/- 15, / 205 +/-20, / 80 +/- 10, / 205 +/-20, / 80 +/- 10,
    / 205 +20, / (12) 80 +/- 10, / (M14) 125 +/- 10, / 80 +/-5 35 +/-

    (M24) 275 +/- 25(M32) 375 +/- 25

    : .


    XAHS XATS XA(S) XAVS XAHS146 Dd 156 Dd 186 Dd 166 Dd 186 Dd

    2 2 2 2 2 C 113 113 113 113 113 C 120 120 120 120 120

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    1) : APC- XII- Tab 17

    2) , , , , .


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  • XAHS 146 Dd — XATS 156 Dd — XA(S) 186 Dd — XAVS 166 Dd — XAHS
    186 Dd

    1) .

    2) , .

    3941 4356 1716 1716 1661 1661 ( ) 1800 1825


    1 = 14,504 /. 1 = 0,035 1 = 2,205 1 / = 0,621 /1 = 1,341 .. (
    )1l = 0,264 1 = 0,220 . ()1 = 0,035 .1 = 3,281 1 = 0,039 1 3/ =
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    C)t C = (t F — 32)/1,8 1 C = 1,8 F


    1. 2. 3. 4. 5. EEC 6. 7. A

    8. 9.

    10. 11. 12. 13.

    89/392 EEC14.

    XAHS 146 Dd XAVS 166 DdXATS 156 Dd XAHS 186 DdXA(S) 186 Dd

    1. 1 1

    1. Deutz Deutz2. TCD2012LO4 TCD2013LO43. 4. 4 45. 101 1086. 126
    1307. 4,038 4,7648.

    SAE J1995 83 104- % 65 65

    9. :- 9 12

    — (.) 1) 8,5 11,510.

    14 16


    24 242.

    42 423. 175 1754.

    () 2) m3/s 3,9 3,9





    (1) (2) (3)42

  • Pri


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    n B


    m 1



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