Паладинс не запускается ошибка 30004


  1. Код ошибки 30004 rust
  2. [PC] How to Resolve Most Easy Anti-Cheat Errors
  3. Game Security Violation Detected (#0000000D) [LightingService. exe]
  4. Access is Denied
  5. Error Code: 23
  6. Error: Copy Failed With 32
  7. Error Code: 30004 (Unexpected Error. (WaitForSingleObject Failed: 2))
  8. Error Code: 30005 (CreateFile Failed with 32.)
  9. Error Code: 30005 (CreateService Failed with 1072.)
  10. Error Code: 30005 (StartService Failed with 1450.)
  11. (0xC0020015)
  12. Unknown File Version (vermintide. exe)
  13. Untrusted System File
  14. Untrusted System File: C:WindowsSystem32wldap32.dll
  15. Untrusted System File: C:WindowsSystem32nvd3dumx. dll
  16. No Game Executable Entry Was Found in the Catalogue. (Vermintide2.exe)
  17. Ошибка запуска, код ошибки 30007 – как исправить
  18. Причины ошибки запуска (кода ошибки 30007)
  19. Решения по запуску
  20. Запуск игры вместе с EasyAntiCheat
  21. Альтернативные варианты решений
  22. Заключение
  23. Paladins error code 30004

Код ошибки 30004 rust

[PC] How to Resolve Most Easy Anti-Cheat Errors

Easy Anti-Cheat can be installed or repaired using the EasyAntiCheat_Setup executable located in the Vermintide 2 ‘installers’ directory. The path to this directory on your PC will be similar to this:

C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonWarhammer Vermintide 2installersEasyAntiCheat

Game Security Violation Detected (#0000000D) [LightingService. exe]

The LightingService executable belongs to a program called ASUS Aura Sync, which is considered suspicious by Easy Anti-Cheat due to it’s use of an old, exploitable driver. This consequently results in the ‘Game Security Violation Detected (#0000000D) [LightingService. exe]’ error.

We recommend that you disable ASUS Aura Sync via the Windows Task Manager prior to launching Vermintide 2.

Access is Denied

This error has been known to occur when a player has an RGB controller such as ASUS Aura Sync or RGB Fusion running on their PC. These are considered to be suspicious by Easy Anti-Cheat due to their use of old, exploitable drivers and may produce the error above.

We recommend that you disable any RGB controllers via the Windows Task Manager prior to launching Vermintide 2.

Error Code: 23

This error indicates missing dependencies such as DirectX, GPU drivers, Windows updates, Visual C++ Redistributables. We recommend that you run through the solutions listed below:

Error: Copy Failed With 32

This error indicates something on your PC is blocking the Easy Anti-Cheat service from performing one of it’s operations. In most cases, an Anti-Virus or similar program is responsible.

Please ensure the appropriate Anti-Virus and Firewall exceptions are in place for both Vermintide 2 and the Easy Anti-Cheat service.

A ‘Selective Startup’ can also help diagnose whether a background application is resulting in your issue. This can be performed by:

If the error no longer persists after having performed the Selective Startup, you will need to re-enable each of your usual background applications one-by-one until the error reoccurs, to determine which is interfering with Easy Anti-Cheat.

Additionally, please check that the Easy Anti-Cheat service is enabled by:

Error Code: 30004 (Unexpected Error. (WaitForSingleObject Failed: 2))

This error indicates that your current Windows installation is in a corrupted state. We recommend that you run through the solutions listed below:

Error Code: 30005 (CreateFile Failed with 32.)

This error indicates something on your PC is blocking the Easy Anti-Cheat service from performing one of it’s operations. In most cases, an Anti-Virus or similar program is responsible.

Please ensure the appropriate Anti-Virus and Firewall exceptions are in place for both Vermintide 2 and the Easy Anti-Cheat service.

A ‘Selective Startup’ can also help diagnose whether a background application is resulting in your issue. This can be performed by:

If the error no longer persists after having performed the Selective Startup, you will need to re-enable each of your usual background applications one-by-one until the error reoccurs, to determine which is interfering with Easy Anti-Cheat.

Additionally, please check that the Easy Anti-Cheat service is enabled by:

Error Code: 30005 (CreateService Failed with 1072.)

This error indicates something on your PC is blocking the Easy Anti-Cheat service from performing one of it’s operations. In most cases, an Anti-Virus or similar program is responsible.

Please ensure the appropriate Anti-Virus and Firewall exceptions are in place for both Vermintide 2 and the Easy Anti-Cheat service.

A ‘Selective Startup’ can also help diagnose whether a background application is resulting in your issue. This can be performed by:

If the error no longer persists after having performed the Selective Startup, you will need to re-enable each of your usual background applications one-by-one until the error reoccurs, to determine which is interfering with Easy Anti-Cheat.

Additionally, please check that the Easy Anti-Cheat service is enabled by:

Error Code: 30005 (StartService Failed with 1450.)

This error indicates that your version of Windows is not up-to-date. This is most common with Windows 7, but is possible with other versions.

Please ensure you have the latest updates for Windows installed.


This error indicates something on your PC is blocking the Easy Anti-Cheat service from performing one of it’s operations. In most cases, an Anti-Virus or similar program is responsible.

Please ensure the appropriate Anti-Virus and Firewall exceptions are in place for both Vermintide 2 and the Easy Anti-Cheat service.

It should be noted that SpyBot is a common culprit for this error. Disabling or removing SpyBot should immediately resolve this issue.

A ‘Selective Startup’ can also help diagnose whether a background application is resulting in your issue. This can be performed by:

If the error no longer persists after having performed the Selective Startup, you will need to re-enable each of your usual background applications one-by-one until the error reoccurs, to determine which is interfering with Easy Anti-Cheat.

Unknown File Version (vermintide. exe)

This error is usually isolated to those using BullGuard Anti-Virus.

Choosing to add the Vermintide 2 directory as an exception should immediately resolve this issue, and can be done by:

Untrusted System File

Please note: For those with ‘Untrusted System File’ errors referencing the wldap32 or nvd3dumx DLLs, please see the sections underneath instead.

This error occurs when a DLL on your PC has become corrupted and is consequently considered to be «untrusted» by Easy Anti-Cheat. We recommend that you run through the solutions below:

Untrusted System File: C:WindowsSystem32wldap32.dll

This error occurs when the wldap32 DLL on your PC has become corrupted and is consequently considered to be «untrusted» by Easy Anti-Cheat. We recommend that you run through the solutions below:

Untrusted System File: C:WindowsSystem32nvd3dumx. dll

This error occurs for Windows 7 users with NVIDIA GPUs specifically, and would have appeared after the most recent NVIDIA driver update.

This error is due to changes in how Microsoft handles drivers, and means the Windows 7 updates below must be installed to ensure compatibility:

No Game Executable Entry Was Found in the Catalogue. (Vermintide2.exe)

This error is usually isolated to those using BullGuard Anti-Virus.

Choosing to add the Vermintide 2 directory as an exception should immediately resolve this issue, and can be done by:

Ошибка запуска, код ошибки 30007 – как исправить

Современные игры, все больше переходя в онлайн режимы. Но игроками часто из-за отказа в доступе к серверу приходится сталкиваться с ошибкой 30007. Этот код может еще сопровождаться следующим текстом: «easy anticheat cannot run if drivers signature enforcement has been disabled». Как следствие полный отказ от подключения к игре. Сервера при этом могут работать в штатном режиме без видимых проблем. Давайте разберемся почему появляется ошибка 30007, а ниже дадим советы по исправлению этого бага.

Ошибка запуска, код ошибки 30007 – как исправить

Причины ошибки запуска (кода ошибки 30007)

Многие игры могут получить данную ошибку при запуске игр: «Crossout», «Fortnite», «Paladins», «Dead by Daylight». Хотя из ее описания становится понятны причины – EasyAntiCheat не запущен. Все знают, что без Античита зайти на сервера нельзя – это защита от читеров, обязательное условие для создания сети с другими игроками, поэтому решение будет сводиться к включению EasyAntiCheat.

Решения по запуску


Все манипуляции с ПК вы проводите на свой страх и риск, не всем данный способ поможет. Но может вызвать необходимость подтверждения при загрузке ПК(нажать 2 раза на ENTER). Так же у пользователей включался тестовый режим работы с ПК.

Каждая ОС имеет режим TESTSIGNING. Он предназначен для проверки новых программ без необходимости подтверждения их лицензии. Установленные драйвера и другой софт тестируются в безопасном режиме. Недостатком его становится блокировка со стороны EasyAntiCheat – ему необходимо удостовериться в лицензии устанавливаемого софта. Выходом из ситуации становится отключение TESTSIGNING.

Вторая часть решения будет уже касаться запуска Античита.

Запуск игры вместе с EasyAntiCheat

К сожалению, игроку надо лично добавить свою игру в EasyAntiCheat. Для этого на диске C находите ее корневую папку (игры). Среди множества подпапок находите, где будет четко написано «EasyAntiCheat». Тут располагается ваша система Античит.

Запускаете ее через ярлык Setup. В единственном окне с выпадающими вариантами находите вашу игру. Вне зависимости от реального положения дел, кроме «установить», все равно сначала удаляем нынешнюю версию (соответствующая категория будет слева внизу окна). Когда останется один правильный вариант «Установить», то выполняете инсталляцию. Так необходимая игра будет подключена к Античиту.

Альтернативные варианты решений

* Удалите «пиратские» патчи блокирующие доступ Античита к их правам.

* Просканируйте систему на нахождение вирусов, которые вмешиваются в работу ПК на сервере.

Лучше поставить чистую версию игры без всяких аддонов, дополнений и патчей – чистая сборка важный момент при запуске игр, тем более если это “пиратские” сборки, которые зачастую бывают кривыми.

Напоследок помните про техподдержку. Команда создателей EasyAntiCheat постоянно модернизируют работу своего детища, поэтому ошибки обычное явление. Опишите суть своей проблемы в письме к разработчикам. Они в кратчайшие сроки найдут правильное решение из вашей ситуации.
Вот новый способ исправить ошибку:


Надеюсь вы разобрались что предпринять когда появляется сообщение “Ошибка запуска” и код ошибки 30007 и знаете как устранить проблему, если у вас остались вопросы – просмотрите видео инструкцию снизу, а так же задавайте вопросы в форме комментариев или нашу группу в контакте.

Евгений Загорский

IT специалист. Автор информационных статей на тему Андроид смартфонов и IOS смартфонов. Эксперт в области решения проблем с компьютерами и программами: установка, настройка, обзоры, советы по безопасности ваших устройств. В свободное время занимается дизайном и разработкой сайтов.


Paladins error code 30004

I can’t play Paladins because of an easy anti cheat error. After clicking the PLAY button on the launcher, an easyanticheat notification error pops up:

Launch Error (30005)

Error code: 30005 (CreateFile failed(5):

I have tried basically every solution the internet offers to this problem (I have even formatted the disk where it’s installed on) but had no success so far; hence me trying to ask this question myself hoping there is actually a fix to this. It’s been very frustrating and I would greatly appreciate the help.

Try this, I solved it, but the next day it stopped working again, maybe you’ll be able to repair this permanently .

Select the Windows icon and search for ‘cmd’. Run cmd as an administrator (right-click on ‘cmd’ and select ‘Run as Administrator’). Once the command prompt opens, please run the following two commands:

bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING OFF

Then, restart your computer.

There are a few fixes for this, depending on which operating system you are using (Windows as folks know has various changes to the different versions nowadays
So here’s a thread for you:

Disable Windows Defender
Uninstall Squad
Restart computer
Install Squad

I can’t play Paladins because of an easy anti cheat error. After clicking the PLAY button on the launcher, an easyanticheat notification error pops up:

Launch Error (30005)

Error code: 30005 (CreateFile failed(5):

I have tried basically every solution the internet offers to this problem (I have even formatted the disk where it’s installed on) but had no success so far; hence me trying to ask this question myself hoping there is actually a fix to this. It’s been very frustrating and I would greatly appreciate the help.

did you ever find a solution? I am having this problem and I have not found anyone with a method that actually works.


Easy Anti-Cheat can be installed or repaired using the EasyAntiCheat_Setup executable located in the Vermintide 2 ‘installers’ directory. The path to this directory on your PC will be similar to this:

C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonWarhammer Vermintide 2installersEasyAntiCheat

Game Security Violation Detected (#0000000D) [LightingService. exe]

The LightingService executable belongs to a program called ASUS Aura Sync, which is considered suspicious by Easy Anti-Cheat due to it’s use of an old, exploitable driver. This consequently results in the ‘Game Security Violation Detected (#0000000D) [LightingService. exe]’ error.

We recommend that you disable ASUS Aura Sync via the Windows Task Manager prior to launching Vermintide 2.

Access is Denied

This error has been known to occur when a player has an RGB controller such as ASUS Aura Sync or RGB Fusion running on their PC. These are considered to be suspicious by Easy Anti-Cheat due to their use of old, exploitable drivers and may produce the error above.

We recommend that you disable any RGB controllers via the Windows Task Manager prior to launching Vermintide 2.

Error Code: 23

This error indicates missing dependencies such as DirectX, GPU drivers, Windows updates, Visual C++ Redistributables. We recommend that you run through the solutions listed below:

Error: Copy Failed With 32

This error indicates something on your PC is blocking the Easy Anti-Cheat service from performing one of it’s operations. In most cases, an Anti-Virus or similar program is responsible.

Please ensure the appropriate Anti-Virus and Firewall exceptions are in place for both Vermintide 2 and the Easy Anti-Cheat service.

A ‘Selective Startup’ can also help diagnose whether a background application is resulting in your issue. This can be performed by:

If the error no longer persists after having performed the Selective Startup, you will need to re-enable each of your usual background applications one-by-one until the error reoccurs, to determine which is interfering with Easy Anti-Cheat.

Additionally, please check that the Easy Anti-Cheat service is enabled by:

Error Code: 30004 (Unexpected Error. (WaitForSingleObject Failed: 2))

This error indicates that your current Windows installation is in a corrupted state. We recommend that you run through the solutions listed below:

Error Code: 30005 (CreateFile Failed with 32.)

This error indicates something on your PC is blocking the Easy Anti-Cheat service from performing one of it’s operations. In most cases, an Anti-Virus or similar program is responsible.

Please ensure the appropriate Anti-Virus and Firewall exceptions are in place for both Vermintide 2 and the Easy Anti-Cheat service.

A ‘Selective Startup’ can also help diagnose whether a background application is resulting in your issue. This can be performed by:

If the error no longer persists after having performed the Selective Startup, you will need to re-enable each of your usual background applications one-by-one until the error reoccurs, to determine which is interfering with Easy Anti-Cheat.

Additionally, please check that the Easy Anti-Cheat service is enabled by:

Error Code: 30005 (CreateService Failed with 1072.)

This error indicates something on your PC is blocking the Easy Anti-Cheat service from performing one of it’s operations. In most cases, an Anti-Virus or similar program is responsible.

Please ensure the appropriate Anti-Virus and Firewall exceptions are in place for both Vermintide 2 and the Easy Anti-Cheat service.

A ‘Selective Startup’ can also help diagnose whether a background application is resulting in your issue. This can be performed by:

If the error no longer persists after having performed the Selective Startup, you will need to re-enable each of your usual background applications one-by-one until the error reoccurs, to determine which is interfering with Easy Anti-Cheat.

Additionally, please check that the Easy Anti-Cheat service is enabled by:

Error Code: 30005 (StartService Failed with 1450.)

This error indicates that your version of Windows is not up-to-date. This is most common with Windows 7, but is possible with other versions.

Please ensure you have the latest updates for Windows installed.


This error indicates something on your PC is blocking the Easy Anti-Cheat service from performing one of it’s operations. In most cases, an Anti-Virus or similar program is responsible.

Please ensure the appropriate Anti-Virus and Firewall exceptions are in place for both Vermintide 2 and the Easy Anti-Cheat service.

It should be noted that SpyBot is a common culprit for this error. Disabling or removing SpyBot should immediately resolve this issue.

A ‘Selective Startup’ can also help diagnose whether a background application is resulting in your issue. This can be performed by:

If the error no longer persists after having performed the Selective Startup, you will need to re-enable each of your usual background applications one-by-one until the error reoccurs, to determine which is interfering with Easy Anti-Cheat.

Unknown File Version (vermintide. exe)

This error is usually isolated to those using BullGuard Anti-Virus.

Choosing to add the Vermintide 2 directory as an exception should immediately resolve this issue, and can be done by:

Untrusted System File

Please note: For those with ‘Untrusted System File’ errors referencing the wldap32 or nvd3dumx DLLs, please see the sections underneath instead.

This error occurs when a DLL on your PC has become corrupted and is consequently considered to be «untrusted» by Easy Anti-Cheat. We recommend that you run through the solutions below:

Untrusted System File: C:WindowsSystem32wldap32.dll

This error occurs when the wldap32 DLL on your PC has become corrupted and is consequently considered to be «untrusted» by Easy Anti-Cheat. We recommend that you run through the solutions below:

Untrusted System File: C:WindowsSystem32nvd3dumx. dll

This error occurs for Windows 7 users with NVIDIA GPUs specifically, and would have appeared after the most recent NVIDIA driver update.

This error is due to changes in how Microsoft handles drivers, and means the Windows 7 updates below must be installed to ensure compatibility:

No Game Executable Entry Was Found in the Catalogue. (Vermintide2.exe)

This error is usually isolated to those using BullGuard Anti-Virus.

Choosing to add the Vermintide 2 directory as an exception should immediately resolve this issue, and can be done by:

Ошибка запуска, код ошибки 30007 – как исправить

Современные игры, все больше переходя в онлайн режимы. Но игроками часто из-за отказа в доступе к серверу приходится сталкиваться с ошибкой 30007. Этот код может еще сопровождаться следующим текстом: «easy anticheat cannot run if drivers signature enforcement has been disabled». Как следствие полный отказ от подключения к игре. Сервера при этом могут работать в штатном режиме без видимых проблем. Давайте разберемся почему появляется ошибка 30007, а ниже дадим советы по исправлению этого бага.

Ошибка запуска, код ошибки 30007 – как исправить

Причины ошибки запуска (кода ошибки 30007)

Многие игры могут получить данную ошибку при запуске игр: «Crossout», «Fortnite», «Paladins», «Dead by Daylight». Хотя из ее описания становится понятны причины – EasyAntiCheat не запущен. Все знают, что без Античита зайти на сервера нельзя – это защита от читеров, обязательное условие для создания сети с другими игроками, поэтому решение будет сводиться к включению EasyAntiCheat.

Решения по запуску


Все манипуляции с ПК вы проводите на свой страх и риск, не всем данный способ поможет. Но может вызвать необходимость подтверждения при загрузке ПК(нажать 2 раза на ENTER). Так же у пользователей включался тестовый режим работы с ПК.

Каждая ОС имеет режим TESTSIGNING. Он предназначен для проверки новых программ без необходимости подтверждения их лицензии. Установленные драйвера и другой софт тестируются в безопасном режиме. Недостатком его становится блокировка со стороны EasyAntiCheat – ему необходимо удостовериться в лицензии устанавливаемого софта. Выходом из ситуации становится отключение TESTSIGNING.

Вторая часть решения будет уже касаться запуска Античита.

Запуск игры вместе с EasyAntiCheat

К сожалению, игроку надо лично добавить свою игру в EasyAntiCheat. Для этого на диске C находите ее корневую папку (игры). Среди множества подпапок находите, где будет четко написано «EasyAntiCheat». Тут располагается ваша система Античит.

Запускаете ее через ярлык Setup. В единственном окне с выпадающими вариантами находите вашу игру. Вне зависимости от реального положения дел, кроме «установить», все равно сначала удаляем нынешнюю версию (соответствующая категория будет слева внизу окна). Когда останется один правильный вариант «Установить», то выполняете инсталляцию. Так необходимая игра будет подключена к Античиту.

Альтернативные варианты решений

* Удалите «пиратские» патчи блокирующие доступ Античита к их правам.

* Просканируйте систему на нахождение вирусов, которые вмешиваются в работу ПК на сервере.

Лучше поставить чистую версию игры без всяких аддонов, дополнений и патчей – чистая сборка важный момент при запуске игр, тем более если это “пиратские” сборки, которые зачастую бывают кривыми.

Напоследок помните про техподдержку. Команда создателей EasyAntiCheat постоянно модернизируют работу своего детища, поэтому ошибки обычное явление. Опишите суть своей проблемы в письме к разработчикам. Они в кратчайшие сроки найдут правильное решение из вашей ситуации.
Вот новый способ исправить ошибку:


Надеюсь вы разобрались что предпринять когда появляется сообщение “Ошибка запуска” и код ошибки 30007 и знаете как устранить проблему, если у вас остались вопросы – просмотрите видео инструкцию снизу, а так же задавайте вопросы в форме комментариев или нашу группу в контакте.

Евгений Загорский

Евгений Загорский

IT специалист. Автор информационных статей на тему Андроид смартфонов и IOS смартфонов. Эксперт в области решения проблем с компьютерами и программами: установка, настройка, обзоры, советы по безопасности ваших устройств. В свободное время занимается дизайном и разработкой сайтов.


https://support. fatshark. se/hc/en-us/articles/360007853137—PC-How-to-Resolve-Most-Easy-Anti-Cheat-Errors

https://itpen. ru/oshibka-zapuska-kod-oshibki-30007-kak-ispravit/


  1. Рассмотрено Ошибка 30004 при запуске античита.
  2. Pan_Jigulov
  3. Shane Diesel
  4. Как исправить ошибку 30004 (mciUnsupportedFunction)
  5. Ошибки MciUnsupportedFunction
  6. Источник ошибок MciUnsupportedFunction

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Shane Diesel

Следящий за Тех. Разделом

Вот все известные варианты решения проблем с EAC:

Убедитесь, что Ваша Windows 10, 11 обновлена до актуальной версии — 21Н1 и выше, при этом не является пиратской «сборкой»

Удалите (если не поможет заморозка, исключения) стороннее антивирусное ПО (Касперский, Аваст и т.п.), сторонние файрволы, Adguard, Wallpaper engine, MSI Afterburner, MSI Mystic light и аналогичные, для управления подсветкой и блокировки рекламы. Добавьте папки с GTAV и RAGEMP в исключения защитника Windows. Отключите защиту в реальном времени. Отключите, либо удалите ПО от Razer если установлено. Также Process Lasso и Park Control, Memreduct, Advanced system care и подобные. Также отключите Xbox game bar и его оверлей, повтор xbox, оверлей дискорд, удалите betterdiscord, отключите оверлей стим и прочие оверлеи, кроме geforce experience/AMD Relive

Убедитесь, что наш лаунчер и мультиплеер RAGE установлены адекватно, например в c:GamesRAGEMP, а не в папку с игрой, документы, onedrive, на рабочий стол и т.п. При этом в настройках нашего лаунчера, не должен быть указан путь до GTA V.

Удалите, затем снова установите Rockstar games launcher на диск С: по стандартному пути установки (Должно получиться C:Program FilesRockstar GamesLauncher), сделайте полную проверку файлов GTA V. Если использовали модификаций (Redux, reshade, ENB, «замененки», проверка файлов может не помочь)

Завершите процессы античитов других игр, либо удалите данные игры.

Скачайте данный файл и закиньте его в папку RAGEMP/EasyAntiCheat, после чего запустите его.
https://dropmefiles.com/BqHtV Пароль указан на сайте, при загрузке.

В папке RAGEMP, удалите ragemp_v, config.xml, multiplayer.dll, multiplayerL.dll, запустите updater.exe от имени администратора, EACLauncher.exe от имени администратора, дождитесь полного запуска, затем кликайте на нужный сервер.

GTA V, разумеется, должна быть чистой, без модификаций, не иметь файла commandline в папке с игрой.

Убедитесь, что при запуске игры, Вы запускаете только updater.exe от имени администратора, при этом все остальные лаунчеры закрыты, и не имеют в свойствах ярлыков запуск от имени администратора.

Переустановите драйверы видеокарты начисто, удалив их через утилиту DDU в безопасном режиме — Display Driver Uninstaller Download version (guru3d.com)
Далее установите с сайта Nvidia, либо AMD, Driver booster и подобное ПО использовать нельзя.

Выполните восстановление целостности Вашей Windows 10 (Для Windows 11 аналогично), с помощью DISM — DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth, как указано в данной теме — https://forum.gta5rp.com/threads/faq-proverka-celostnosti-windows-10.248742/
Не забудьте перезагрузить ПК. Проверьте обновления системы, актуальная версия — 21Н1 и выше. Если результата нет, остается радикальный метод — переустановка Windows, используя образ с сайта Microsoft. Использовать пиратские сборки, корпоративную версию Windows не следует.

Дополнительных вариантов предложить не сможем.


Как исправить ошибку 30004 (mciUnsupportedFunction)

Номер ошибки: Ошибка 30004
Название ошибки: mciUnsupportedFunction
Описание ошибки: Unsupported function.
Разработчик: Microsoft Corporation
Программное обеспечение: Windows Operating System
Относится к: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11

Чаще всего проблемы 30004, связанные с mciUnsupportedFunction, возникают из-за повреждённого или отсутствующего элемента управления связыванием и встраиванием объектов, также более известного как элемента управления ActiveX. Обычно, установка новой версии файла Windows 10 позволяет устранить проблему, из-за которой возникает ошибка. В качестве последней меры мы рекомендуем использовать очиститель реестра для исправления всех недопустимых mciUnsupportedFunction, расширений файлов Windows 10 и других ссылок на пути к файлам, по причине которых может возникать сообщение об ошибке.

Ошибки MciUnsupportedFunction

Многие ошибки mciUnsupportedFunction, вызванные отсутствием или повреждением mciUnsupportedFunction. Ниже перечислены девять основных ошибок mciUnsupportedFunction в Windows:

  • «Файл отсутствует или недопустим: компонент MciUnsupportedFunction неправильно зарегистрирован. «
  • «Ошибка регистрации MciUnsupportedFunction: указанный модуль не найден. «
  • «Не найдено: MciUnsupportedFunction. «
  • «Файл MciUnsupportedFunction не найден.»
  • «mciUnsupportedFunction удален, отсутствует или перемещен. «
  • «Ошибка 339 во время выполнения: mciUnsupportedFunction. «
  • «Ссылка на файл mciUnsupportedFunction отсутствует или сломана. «
  • «Не удалось загрузить модуль для mciUnsupportedFunction: указанный модуль не найден. «
  • «ActiveX не может правильно отображать страницу — элемент управления mciUnsupportedFunction заблокирован. «
  • «mciUnsupportedFunction больше не включен, но требуется программой. «

Проблемы OCX, связанные с mciUnsupportedFunction, иногда связанные с 30004, возникают во время запуска/завершения работы, во время запуска программы, связанной с mciUnsupportedFunction, или редко во время процесса установки Windows.

Источник ошибок MciUnsupportedFunction

Сломанные разделы реестра, вызванные отсутствием MciUnsupportedFunction, перемещенным MciUnsupportedFunction или ошибочной ссылкой на путь к файлу из неудачной установки (или удаления) 30004 создают эти проблемы.

Использование внешних ресурсов, таких как mciUnsupportedFunction, создает идеальные возможности для ошибок. Повреждение mciUnsupportedFunction, зараженный вредоносными программами 30004 и ненормальное завершение работы ПК могут привести к ошибкам ActiveX. Поврежденные файлы mciUnsupportedFunction предотвращают правильную загрузку, что приводит к сообщениям об ошибках mciUnsupportedFunction.

Кроме того проблемы с mciUnsupportedFunction могут быть вызваны плохими ссылками, связанными с 30004s, в реестре Windows. Поврежденные ссылки на путь к файлу mciUnsupportedFunction на 30004 предотвращают правильную загрузку файлов, создавая ошибки mciUnsupportedFunction. Перемещение mciUnsupportedFunction, отсутствующие файлы mciUnsupportedFunction или неправильная и оставшаяся ссылка на файл из неправильной установки/удаления 30004 приводят к их нарушению.

В частности, проблемы mciUnsupportedFunction, созданные:

  • Поврежденная или недопустимая запись реестра mciUnsupportedFunction.
  • Вирус или вредоносное ПО, повредившее файл mciUnsupportedFunction.
  • Не удалось (или связанное с ним) оборудование Microsoft Corporation, повредив mciUnsupportedFunction.
  • Другая программа изменила требуемую версию mciUnsupportedFunction.
  • Другая программа (не связанная с 30004) удалила mciUnsupportedFunction злонамеренно или по ошибке.
  • Вредоносное удаление (или ошибка) mciUnsupportedFunction другим программным обеспечением.

Совместима с Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 и 11


PC How to Resolve Most Easy Anti-Cheat Errors; Fatshark

[PC] How to Resolve Most Easy Anti-Cheat Errors

Easy Anti-Cheat can be installed or repaired using the EasyAntiCheat_Setup executable located in the Vermintide 2 ‘installers’ directory. The path to this directory on your PC will be similar to this:

C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonWarhammer Vermintide 2installersEasyAntiCheat

Game Security Violation Detected (#0000000D) [LightingService. exe]

The LightingService executable belongs to a program called ASUS Aura Sync, which is considered suspicious by Easy Anti-Cheat due to it’s use of an old, exploitable driver. This consequently results in the ‘Game Security Violation Detected (#0000000D) [LightingService. exe]’ error.

We recommend that you disable ASUS Aura Sync via the Windows Task Manager prior to launching Vermintide 2.

Access is Denied

This error has been known to occur when a player has an RGB controller such as ASUS Aura Sync or RGB Fusion running on their PC. These are considered to be suspicious by Easy Anti-Cheat due to their use of old, exploitable drivers and may produce the error above.

We recommend that you disable any RGB controllers via the Windows Task Manager prior to launching Vermintide 2.

Error Code: 23

This error indicates missing dependencies such as DirectX, GPU drivers, Windows updates, Visual C++ Redistributables. We recommend that you run through the solutions listed below:

Error: Copy Failed With 32

This error indicates something on your PC is blocking the Easy Anti-Cheat service from performing one of it’s operations. In most cases, an Anti-Virus or similar program is responsible.

Please ensure the appropriate Anti-Virus and Firewall exceptions are in place for both Vermintide 2 and the Easy Anti-Cheat service.

A ‘Selective Startup’ can also help diagnose whether a background application is resulting in your issue. This can be performed by:

If the error no longer persists after having performed the Selective Startup, you will need to re-enable each of your usual background applications one-by-one until the error reoccurs, to determine which is interfering with Easy Anti-Cheat.

Additionally, please check that the Easy Anti-Cheat service is enabled by:

Error Code: 30004 (Unexpected Error. (WaitForSingleObject Failed: 2))

This error indicates that your current Windows installation is in a corrupted state. We recommend that you run through the solutions listed below:

Error Code: 30005 (CreateFile Failed with 32.)

This error indicates something on your PC is blocking the Easy Anti-Cheat service from performing one of it’s operations. In most cases, an Anti-Virus or similar program is responsible.

Please ensure the appropriate Anti-Virus and Firewall exceptions are in place for both Vermintide 2 and the Easy Anti-Cheat service.

A ‘Selective Startup’ can also help diagnose whether a background application is resulting in your issue. This can be performed by:

If the error no longer persists after having performed the Selective Startup, you will need to re-enable each of your usual background applications one-by-one until the error reoccurs, to determine which is interfering with Easy Anti-Cheat.

Additionally, please check that the Easy Anti-Cheat service is enabled by:

Error Code: 30005 (CreateService Failed with 1072.)

This error indicates something on your PC is blocking the Easy Anti-Cheat service from performing one of it’s operations. In most cases, an Anti-Virus or similar program is responsible.

Please ensure the appropriate Anti-Virus and Firewall exceptions are in place for both Vermintide 2 and the Easy Anti-Cheat service.

A ‘Selective Startup’ can also help diagnose whether a background application is resulting in your issue. This can be performed by:

If the error no longer persists after having performed the Selective Startup, you will need to re-enable each of your usual background applications one-by-one until the error reoccurs, to determine which is interfering with Easy Anti-Cheat.

Additionally, please check that the Easy Anti-Cheat service is enabled by:

Error Code: 30005 (StartService Failed with 1450.)

This error indicates that your version of Windows is not up-to-date. This is most common with Windows 7, but is possible with other versions.

Please ensure you have the latest updates for Windows installed.


This error indicates something on your PC is blocking the Easy Anti-Cheat service from performing one of it’s operations. In most cases, an Anti-Virus or similar program is responsible.

Please ensure the appropriate Anti-Virus and Firewall exceptions are in place for both Vermintide 2 and the Easy Anti-Cheat service.

It should be noted that SpyBot is a common culprit for this error. Disabling or removing SpyBot should immediately resolve this issue.

A ‘Selective Startup’ can also help diagnose whether a background application is resulting in your issue. This can be performed by:

If the error no longer persists after having performed the Selective Startup, you will need to re-enable each of your usual background applications one-by-one until the error reoccurs, to determine which is interfering with Easy Anti-Cheat.

Unknown File Version (vermintide. exe)

This error is usually isolated to those using BullGuard Anti-Virus.

Choosing to add the Vermintide 2 directory as an exception should immediately resolve this issue, and can be done by:

Untrusted System File

Please note: For those with ‘Untrusted System File’ errors referencing the wldap32 or nvd3dumx DLLs, please see the sections underneath instead.

This error occurs when a DLL on your PC has become corrupted and is consequently considered to be «untrusted» by Easy Anti-Cheat. We recommend that you run through the solutions below:

Untrusted System File: C:WindowsSystem32wldap32.dll

This error occurs when the wldap32 DLL on your PC has become corrupted and is consequently considered to be «untrusted» by Easy Anti-Cheat. We recommend that you run through the solutions below:

Untrusted System File: C:WindowsSystem32nvd3dumx. dll

This error occurs for Windows 7 users with NVIDIA GPUs specifically, and would have appeared after the most recent NVIDIA driver update.

This error is due to changes in how Microsoft handles drivers, and means the Windows 7 updates below must be installed to ensure compatibility:

No Game Executable Entry Was Found in the Catalogue. (Vermintide2.exe)

This error is usually isolated to those using BullGuard Anti-Virus.

Choosing to add the Vermintide 2 directory as an exception should immediately resolve this issue, and can be done by:

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May 11, 2020 · Apex Legends is already a year old, but that doesn’t mean

That it doesn’t have its flaws every once in a while. In fact, there are still a lot of Apex Legends

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Nov 28, 2020 · ANTI-CHEAT ERROR CODE 10022 and 0xC0030004 Will not let me

In the game.. My Computer software is up 2 date along with my HARDWARE Ive already ran all my clean-up programs, UN-INSTALLED the game. RE-INSTALLED the game 3 times. along with going to the ANTI-CHEAT website and doing the websites che.

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Did some things and now dont have this problem, the thing now is that the an

Ti cheat closes and the game doesnt open afterwards. go to the page it tells to access and do everything it says in there, then reboot. it should fix the issue.

Error code 30004 apex legends can offer you many choices to save money thank

S to 21 active results. You can get the best discount of up to 55% off. The new discount codes are constantly updated on …

Hi, When I install Apex Legends I get the error: Error: A redistributable pa

Ckage (EasyAntiCheat_Setup. exe) was not installed successfully. Setup can not continue. (4) (attached) Reinstallation of orinigin and / or apex does not solve the problem I can start Apex (appears as …

Error disconnect: persistencereadcomplete for data storage «respawn» failed,

Error code 30005.Solved.

Mar 01, 2019 · How to Repair Apex Legends Launch Error (30005). We are so

Rry, we had a problem starting your game. Error Code: 30005 (CreateFile failed with 32).This Apex L.

Feb 10, 2019 · In this video, I show you how to fix the Apex Legends erro

R code 30005. As always, if this video helped you feel free to leave a like on the video and subscr.

Easy Anti-Cheat

Request tech support. Support is only available in English. Please write us

In English whenever possible. The general response time may vary from 3 to 14 days.

Feb 08, 2021 · Fix 1: Disable GSync. The first and foremost thing that yo

U could try out is Disable the G-Sync. To do so, follow the below steps: Right-click on the Windows desktop and select NVidia Control Panel. Then head over to the Display section and click on the Set-up …

Mar 10, 2021 · Apex Legends is currently one of the hottest buzzes in the

World of Battle Royale Games. It is developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts that is …

Run as Admin. You will need administrator rights to run Apex Legends on you

R computer and … Repair/Update Game. EA understands that sometimes, files get corrupted and there can be many … Change Language. I know, this is a weird fix but it worked for some users. Maybe it will work for … Disable Fullscreen Optimization. Fullscreen Optimization can cause all sorts of problems like lags … Reinstall. Maybe Origin and Apex Legends got installed incorrectly? Press the Windows key, … Check Firewall and Antivirus Settings. Firewall and antivirus protect us against all sorts of malware, … Malwarebytes and CCleaner. While we are not big fans of CCleaner, we do recommend … New Account. If you are a new user and haven’t played Apex Legends yet, it can’t hurt to create a … See full list on guidingtech. com

Feb 13, 2019 · Apex Legends Errors and Crash Fixes Mega Guide. Respawn En

Tertainment has done an exceptional job with the game if we are to compare it with the likes of PUBG and other BR games that were a complete shamble when it came to performance upon release. Going by that yardstick, Apex Legends, a free to play game mind you, is a far superior game which for the most part is quite stable.

I just got disconnected from a match. This time, instead of code:leaf, it wa

S code:wheel. The game lagged out, however no connection indicators appeared. I was spectating at the time, and what happened was the person just sort of froze. 8 comments. 76% Upvoted.

Origin and EA Desktop payment and coupon error codes

The coupon code you’re trying to use doesn’t match any current or past val

Id code. Make sure you entered your code correctly, then give it another try. This promo code is no longer valid or has already been used. The coupon code you’re trying to use has either been used already or expired. Make sure your coupon code is still valid.

36 votes, 10 comments. 1.5m members in the apexlegends community. The commun

Ity-run, developer supported subreddit dedicated to Apex Legends made by …

Feb 08, 2019 · There is so much content and excitement for players to enj

Oy right now surrounding Apex Legends such as checking out the tier list for the best characters as well as finding out what the best weapons are. Unfortunately, some players aren’t even able to make use of those guides, though.

May 04, 2021 · No room at the inn. The post Apex Legends “No Servers Fo

Und” error explained appeared first on Gamepur.

Jul 10, 2019 · One issue in particular that has been troubling players is

The Apex Legends code leaf error, which is preventing many gamers from playing it.

Feb 15, 2019 · The Apex Legends Code 100 error is an error that many play

Ers are facing right now. We let you know what to do about this problem.

Download Apex Legends on PC Download on PC This game includes optional in-ga

LAUNCH ERROR (30007) :: Paladins Help & Support

Dec 13, 2016 · Note If this method does not resolve the issue, go to Meth

Od 2. Method 2. Click Start, and then type cmd in the Search box. Under Programs, right-click cmd. exe, and then click Run as administrator. At the command prompt, type the following commands, and …

Mar 11, 2020 · The Apex Legends code leaf error, stylized as code:leaf, i

S a problem of server connectivity. Specifically, code leaf appears when the game gets …

May 13, 2021 · Type ncpa. cpl. Once Network Connections is shown, right-cl

Ick on your internet connection. Click on Properties. Double click on Internet Protocol version 4 …

Apr 15, 2020 · That said, a temporary fix, which has been a success for a

Number of users, revolves around editing the DNS (Domain Name System) settings to that of a public DNS with its own numbered code, although it is altogether unreliable. You can try changing your DNS settings for primary connection to, and for the secondary.

Feb 11, 2019 · Are you unable to play the game because of an Apex Legends

Launch Error? Here is how you can solve this problem. Tech. Tech. Betinia Bet, Gambling & Co: Why Casino Streaming is becoming more and more popular!

EasyAntiCheat troubleshooting – Gaijin Support

1. Check that the used antivirus is compatible with the EasyAntiCheat protec

Tion system and add the folder with the protection system to the exceptions list of your antivirus. You can find more detailed information on compatibility, as well as guidance on making the security system an antivirus exception, here: https://www. easy. ac/en-us/support/game/guides/antivirus/ For War Thunder: 1. Add EAC to your antivirus exceptions. 2. Uncheck the EAC in War Thunder, restart the client and check the box again. 2…

Jul 15, 2019 · If you’ve been playing Apex Legends in the last few week

Ware for Esportsportal. I love gaming, travelling, books, and music.

Jan 21, 2020 · Sometimes, a damaged or missing game file can make Apex Le

Gends crash. To stop Apex Legends from crashing, you should repair the game files. The process below will show you how to repair: Open the Origin app. Now choose Apex Legends from the Game library. There is a gear icon placed to the right of the Play button. Click on the gear icon.

Jun 04, 2020 · Apex Legends is the latest entry in the Battle Royale game

Market, that has seen Fortnight and PUBG claiming top spots. Apex Legends has been developed by Electronic Arts (EA) and boasts exciting gameplay, engaging graphics, and hours of entertainment. As of today, Apex Legends has officially broken Fortnite’s record of 10 million downloads in the first week by surpassing 25 million …

Apr 27, 2020 · First, go to your network settings. To do that, Navigate t

O Settings. Choose “Network”. Choose “Set up Internet connection”. Choose the type of connection you will use (the steps to change the DNS are the same for each) Select “custom”. After that, you will adjust the settings as follows. Set the IP address to “Automatic”.

Apex Legends Crash without an Error. This is one of the most common issues

Faced after installing … Apex Legends PS4 Version Crash Error CE-34878-0. The Apex Legends users are encountering … Apex Legends Can’t Download/Install Issue. Many users are unable to download and install Apex … Apex Legends Error: A redistributable package (DirectX) was not installed successfully. Users are … Apex Legends Low FPS. Since after the release the gamers are experiencing the performance … Apex Legends Infinite Loading Screen Issue. Well, this is a very pesky bug in Apex Legends, the … Apex Legends Anti-Cheat Error. Apex Legends anti-cheat error is another irritating error that … Apex Legends Unable to Connect to EA Servers. This is a common error since after downloading … Apex Legends Party Not Ready Error. The payers on the platform like Xbox One, PlayStation 4, … Apex Legends Lag and Connection Error. Many users are struggling with lag and connection issues … See full list on pcerror-fix. com

Feb 06, 2019 · Make sure you completely close Apex Legends before you upd

Ate your card, by the way. Once the drivers are updated, relaunch the game and try to …

Oct 31, 2019 · If you’ve been running into the Code 103 problem with Ap

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Oct 14, 2020 · Select Custom > Automatic – IP Address Settings. Choose

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Oct 07, 2020 · If this scenario is applicable, the only thing you can do

Feb 05, 2019 · Related Topics: Apex Legends, Apex Legends Wiki, EA Access

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Why is Apex Legends not working on PS4?

Essentially, the game is having issues that aren’t your fault at all. First and foremost, we recommend closing the game and restarting it. This can fix the Apex Legends Code 100 error for some players but not all. If it doesn’t fix the issue for you then you are likely on PS4.

Is there a way to fix code 100 on Apex Legends?

If that doesn’t fix it either, some users are reporting that connecting your PSN ID to your EA account will fix the Apex Legends Code 100 error. We’ve even also heard that rebooting your PS4 in safe mode will fix this.

Why do I get the error code 30004 when I start apex?

Reinstallation of orinigin and / or apex does not solve the problem I can start Apex (appears as installed) and get the error code: 30004 (attached) When I run the EasyAntiCheat_Setup. exe and try to fix the installation I get the error 1072 I have and never had an anti-virus installed that could cause problems Thank you in advance for the help.

Are there any issues with Apex Legends Battle Royale?

Apex Legends is one of the most popular battle royale games around, but like any other game, it is not without issues. One issue in particular that has been troubling players is the Apex Legends code leaf error, which is preventing many gamers from playing the game.

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Https://support. fatshark. se/hc/en-us/articles/360007853137—PC-How-to-Resolve-Most-Easy-Anti-Cheat-Errors

Https://iscoupon. com/error-code-30004-apex-legends

Are you currently experiencing problems with Paladins? One of the most common error messages in Paladins is error ‘30004’, a game-breaking error that consistently plagues players.

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On this page, you will find more information about the most common causes and most relevant solutions for the Paladins error ‘30004’. Do you need help straight away? Visit our support page.

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How to solve Paladins error 30004

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Easyanticheat — это античит, использованный во многих популярных играх, таких как Fortnite, Apex Legends, Rust и других. Он предотвращает использование читов и помогает защитить игровой процесс от мошенников.

Но что делать, если вы столкнулись с проблемами Easyanticheat и не можете запустить игру? В этой статье мы рассмотрим три наиболее распространенные ошибки Easyanticheat и способы их исправления.

Ошибка 30007: Не удалось загрузить драйвер Easyanticheat

Ошибка 30007 связана с драйвером Easyanticheat. Она может возникнуть, если драйвер не установлен или установлен неправильно.

Чтобы исправить эту ошибку, следуйте этим простым шагам:

  1. Перезапустите компьютер. Иногда это помогает.
  2. Проверьте, установлен ли Easyanticheat. Если нет, установите его заново.
  3. Если у вас все еще остается ошибка, удалите драйвер Easyanticheat и установите его заново.

Если эти шаги не помогли, возможно, проблема связана с антивирусным ПО или настройками безопасности. Попробуйте временно выключить антивирусное ПО и/или изменить настройки безопасности.

Ошибка 14: Ошибка Easyanticheat: прерывание

Ошибка 14 связана с работой Easyanticheat во время запуска игры. Она может возникнуть, если у вас некоторые программы или процессы влияют на работу Easyanticheat.

Чтобы исправить эту ошибку, вы можете сделать следующее:

  1. Перезагрузите компьютер и проверьте, работает ли Easyanticheat.
  2. Временно отключите все программы, которые могут повлиять на работу Easyanticheat (например, антивирусное ПО, файрволы, программы-игроки).
  3. Если эти шаги не помогают, попробуйте установить Easyanticheat заново.

Ошибка 30004: Не удалось инициализировать Easyanticheat

Ошибка 30004 связана с Easyanticheat и обычно возникает, когда у вас установлена устаревшая версия Easyanticheat.

Чтобы исправить эту ошибку, вам нужно выполнить следующие действия:

  1. Перезагрузите компьютер и протестируйте работу Easyanticheat.
  2. Удалите старую версию Easyanticheat и установите новую.
  3. Если у вас все еще остается ошибка, проверьте настройки вашего антивирусного ПО или дополнительных программ безопасности. Попробуйте временно выключить антивирусное ПО или изменить настройки безопасности.


Easyanticheat — это важный инструмент, который помогает защитить игры от мошенников и читеров. Ошибки, связанные с Easyanticheat, могут быть раздражающими, но в большинстве случаев они легко исправляются.

В этой статье мы рассмотрели три наиболее распространенные ошибки Easyanticheat и способы их исправления. Если вы столкнулись с другой ошибкой Easyanticheat, убедитесь, что вы обратились за помощью на официальные форумы игр или связались с технической поддержкой игры.

Easy Anti Cheat error 30004 WaitForSingleObject Failed: 2

Hello, I’ve had this problem for over a year I think. EAC seems to not be able to load properly or have some problems running in general and always has that error that says «WaitForSingleObject failed: 2» This has been the case for EVERY game I tried to run with EAC. Dirty Bomb, Dead by Daylight, Paladins, Far Cry 5, etc. I’ve followed the advice of what I could find online including a fresh reinstall of windows and even reformatting the drive the games are on but nothing has worked. Anyone know anything about this? Also, after the initial launch of the game and error following it, if I try to relaunch the game it will fail but have a different issue in that it says «An application using Easy Anti Cheat is already running! (STOP_PENDING).» I went into the services tab in windows and tried forcing it to stop but it’s just stuck on «stopping» and I can’t even force end/remove it.

16GB RAM, AMD Ryzen 7 1700 CPU, AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT GPU, Windows 10

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