Программа установки обнаружила ошибку при выполнении задания updateresult код ошибки 0x876e0003

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  • Good Day

    I am trying to install SQL 2012.

    during the installation process it halts and I receive the following message:

    TITLE: SQL Server Setup failure.

    SQL Server Setup has encountered the following error:

    Setup encountered a failure while running job UpdateResult.

    Error code 0x876E0003.

    I have spent hours looking through help blogs and other resources trying to find answers and help but have not been able to find a solution..!

    Any advise or how to work around this would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you.


  • Hi BrendanDev,

    According to the error message, the issue may occur due to the permission issue with Windows update.

    In this case, If you have the DefaultSetup.ini file in the x86 or x64 folders at the root level of the SQL Server source media, please open the DefaultSetup.ini file, and then add the UpdateEnabled or UpdateSource parameters to the file. If the DefaultSetup.ini
    file does not exist, we can create it and copy it to the x86 and x64 folders at the root level of the SQL Server source media. And then we need to modify the «DefaultSetup.ini» file and set the switch «UpdateEnabled=False» which skips the product updates
    in the installation.

    For the detailed information, please refer to the link below:

    If you need more assistance, please feel free to let me know. 

    Heidi Duan

    • Proposed as answer by

      Sunday, September 1, 2013 8:02 AM

    • Marked as answer by
      Wednesday, September 18, 2013 6:03 AM

  • Its seems like .NET component issue, Please uninstall the .NET framework and re-install again.

    If issue still there then post text of summary.text which is at ProgramFilesMicrosoft SQL Server110Setup BootstrapLog folder.

    Go through the below link before installation


    • Edited by
      Pradeep Madheshiya Microsoft(MSFT)
      Monday, August 19, 2013 7:41 AM
    • Proposed as answer by
      Ed Price — MSFTMicrosoft employee
      Sunday, September 1, 2013 8:02 AM
    • Marked as answer by
      Wednesday, September 18, 2013 6:03 AM

  • Remove From My Forums
  • Question

  • Good Day

    I am trying to install SQL 2012.

    during the installation process it halts and I receive the following message:

    TITLE: SQL Server Setup failure.

    SQL Server Setup has encountered the following error:

    Setup encountered a failure while running job UpdateResult.

    Error code 0x876E0003.

    I have spent hours looking through help blogs and other resources trying to find answers and help but have not been able to find a solution..!

    Any advise or how to work around this would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you.


  • Hi BrendanDev,

    According to the error message, the issue may occur due to the permission issue with Windows update.

    In this case, If you have the DefaultSetup.ini file in the x86 or x64 folders at the root level of the SQL Server source media, please open the DefaultSetup.ini file, and then add the UpdateEnabled or UpdateSource parameters to the file. If the DefaultSetup.ini
    file does not exist, we can create it and copy it to the x86 and x64 folders at the root level of the SQL Server source media. And then we need to modify the «DefaultSetup.ini» file and set the switch «UpdateEnabled=False» which skips the product updates
    in the installation.

    For the detailed information, please refer to the link below:

    If you need more assistance, please feel free to let me know. 

    Heidi Duan

    • Proposed as answer by

      Sunday, September 1, 2013 8:02 AM

    • Marked as answer by
      Wednesday, September 18, 2013 6:03 AM

  • Its seems like .NET component issue, Please uninstall the .NET framework and re-install again.

    If issue still there then post text of summary.text which is at ProgramFilesMicrosoft SQL Server110Setup BootstrapLog folder.

    Go through the below link before installation


    • Edited by
      Pradeep Madheshiya Microsoft(MSFT)
      Monday, August 19, 2013 7:41 AM
    • Proposed as answer by
      Ed Price — MSFTMicrosoft employee
      Sunday, September 1, 2013 8:02 AM
    • Marked as answer by
      Wednesday, September 18, 2013 6:03 AM

Если вы имеете дело с кодом ошибки 0x000003e3, вы, скорее всего, увидите его при попытке подключения к принтеру или при отправке задания на печать на подключенный принтер. Эта проблема подтверждается в каждой последней версии Windows от Windows 7 до Windows 11.

Ошибка подключения к принтеру 0x000003e3

Эта проблема часто возникает из-за общей согласованности, плохого обновления или стандартного обновления, которое не полностью совместимо с вашим принтером.

Следуйте приведенным ниже методам, чтобы получить серию подтвержденных исправлений, которые помогут вам устранить проблему.

1. Запустите средство устранения неполадок принтера.

Вы должны быть в состоянии решить наиболее распространенные проблемы с подключением (включая ошибку 0x000003e3), запустив средство устранения неполадок принтера и внедрив предложенное исправление — это верно только в том случае, если плохое обновление Windows не вызывает проблему.

Примечание. Приложение «Устранение неполадок принтера» начнет проверять имеющиеся у вас компоненты печати на наличие неполадок, которые оно может выявить, как только оно будет запущено. Программа порекомендует автоматическое исправление, если обнаружена идентифицируемая проблема.

Подробные инструкции о том, как запустить средство устранения неполадок принтера и применить рекомендуемое исправление, см. в следующих шагах:

  1. Нажмите клавишу Windows + R, чтобы увидеть диалоговое окно «Выполнить». Затем, чтобы перейти на вкладку «Устранение неполадок» в приложении «Настройки», введите «ms-settings: устранение неполадок» в текстовое поле и нажмите «Ввод».Доступ к вкладке «Устранение неполадок»
  2. Нажмите «Другие средства устранения неполадок» в меню справа, когда вы окажетесь на вкладке «Устранение неполадок».
  3. Нажмите кнопку «Выполнить принтер» после того, как вы попали в меню «Другие средства устранения неполадок».Откройте вкладку «Другие средства устранения неполадок».
  4. Когда появится начальный экран, дождитесь завершения сканирования. Экран, на котором вы можете выполнить предложенный ремонт, будет показан вам, если будет обнаружена реальная проблема.
  5. Щелкните Применить это исправление, чтобы внедрить любое допустимое рекомендованное исправление, предложенное средством устранения неполадок.Примените это исправление и восстановите компонент печати.

    Примечание. В зависимости от рекомендуемого исправления может потребоваться выполнение задач вручную.

  6. Перезагрузите компьютер и проверьте, снова ли доступен ваш сетевой принтер.

Перейдите к следующему исправлению ниже, если ошибка 0x000003e3 по-прежнему появляется при попытке подключения к принтеру.

Если вы вдруг начали сталкиваться с кодом ошибки 0x000003e3 после установки ожидающего обновления, вам следует сначала проверить Центр обновления Windows, чтобы узнать, доступно ли новое обновление. Если повезет, Microsoft, возможно, уже выпустила исправление, которое автоматически решит проблему.

Вот как обновить сборку Windows до последней доступной версии:

  1. Нажмите одновременно клавишу Windows + клавишу R, чтобы открыть диалоговое окно «Выполнить».
  2. На следующем шаге введите «ms-settings:windowsupdate» в текстовое поле и нажмите Enter, чтобы открыть вкладку «Центр обновления Windows» в программе «Настройки»:Доступ к экрану Центра обновления Windows

    Примечание. Даже если вы не изменили настройки UAC по умолчанию, на этом этапе вас могут попросить ввести запрос на управление учетной записью. Чтобы разрешить доступ администратора в этом случае, выберите Да.

  3. Затем перейдите в область справа и выберите параметр «Проверить наличие обновлений».Проверка обновлений
  4. Если доступно новое обновление, нажмите кнопку «Загрузить и установить все», чтобы начать локальную установку обновления после завершения его локальной загрузки.Загрузите и установите ожидающие обновления
  5. Перезагрузите компьютер и проверьте, сохраняется ли проблема после всего остального.

Если вы по-прежнему сталкиваетесь с тем же кодом ошибки 0x000003e3 при попытке подключения к принтеру, перейдите к следующему способу ниже.

3. Удалите последнее проблемное обновление.

Если вы следовали описанному выше методу и нет нового обновления для исправления проблемы, которая начала появляться после установки ожидающего обновления, следующим шагом будет попытка удалить плохое обновление.

Для этого откройте меню «Program Files» и удалите последнее обновление на панели «Просмотр установленных обновлений».

Примечание. Подтверждено, что это исправление работает как в Windows 10, так и в Windows 11.

Следуйте приведенным ниже инструкциям, чтобы удалить последнее проблемное обновление:

  1. Нажмите клавишу Windows + R, чтобы открыть диалоговое окно «Выполнить».
  2. После этого введите «appwiz.cpl» в текстовое поле и нажмите Ctrl + Shift + Enter, чтобы открыть меню «Программы и компоненты». Откройте меню «Программы и компоненты».
  3. Выберите «Просмотр установленных обновлений» в вертикальном меню слева после выбора «Программы и компоненты».
    Доступ к меню просмотра установленных обновлений
  4. Найдите самое последнее обновление на экране «Установленные обновления» и щелкните его правой кнопкой мыши. В контекстном меню выберите Удалить.Удалить последнее обновление
  5. Нажмите «Да», когда появится запрос на ваше согласие на удаление обновления. При появлении запроса подтвердите, чтобы завершить процедуру удаления.
  6. Не рекомендуется перезагружать компьютер после удаления обновления. Посетить официальная страница загрузки средства устранения неполадок Microsoft Show или Hide вместо.
    Примечание. Если вы перезагрузитесь до завершения этой процедуры, ваша ОС, скорее всего, переустановит только что удаленное плохое обновление.
  7. Средство устранения неполадок, которое мы будем использовать, должно начать загружаться немедленно. Когда процесс завершится, откройте . diagcab и выберите «Дополнительно».
  8. Установив флажок рядом с «Автоматически применять исправления», нажмите «Далее».Настройте Показать и скрыть средство устранения неполадок
  9. Приложение проверит ваш компьютер на наличие неустановленных обновлений, которые все еще находятся на рассмотрении. Выберите «Скрыть обновления» в меню параметров на следующем экране, чтобы скрыть обновления.
  10. Установите флажок рядом с самым последним обновлением Windows и нажмите «Далее» на следующем экране.
  11. Перезагрузите компьютер и снова попытайтесь подключиться к принтеру.

Если вы снова сталкиваетесь с той же ошибкой 0x000003e3, перейдите к следующему способу ниже.

4. Установите драйвер конкретного производителя

Если вы использовали описанные выше методы, чтобы убедиться, что эта ошибка не возникает из-за плохого обновления Windows, вам следует сосредоточиться на драйвере принтера.

Если вы не следовали руководству производителя и не устанавливали рекомендуемые драйверы, вы, вероятно, используете набор универсальных драйверов принтера, которые Microsoft предоставляет по умолчанию в Windows 10 и Windows 11.

Это будет работать с большинством современных принтеров, но если вы используете более старую модель принтера, которая была изготовлена ​​до запуска Windows 10, есть вероятность, что вы можете столкнуться с несоответствиями при попытке установить начальное соединение.

В этом случае советуем скачать официальный драйвер принтера с сайта производителя.

Вот общий драйвер, который должен помочь вам выполнять эту работу независимо от производителя вашего принтера:

  1. Откройте браузер по умолчанию и выполните поиск в Интернете по запросу «*Производитель принтера* + *Модель принтера* + *Загрузка драйвера*».Найдите официальную страницу драйвера

    Примечание. Имейте в виду, что производитель принтера и модель принтера — это два заполнителя, которые вам необходимо заменить фактической моделью принтера. В нашем случае поисковым запросом было «загрузка драйвера HP DeskJet 3700».

  2. Убедитесь, что вы всегда нажимаете на официальную ссылку поддержки из списка результатов. В подавляющем большинстве случаев первым результатом является официальный сайт.
  3. На странице результатов проверьте, рекомендует ли ваш производитель какое-либо официальное средство для автоматического обновления драйвера принтера. HP делает это через свое приложение HP Smart. Загрузка и установка приложения HP Smart

    Примечание. Если у производителя вашего принтера нет проприетарного приложения, которое обновляет драйвер принтера до последней версии OEM, просмотрите страницу загрузки и загрузите последнюю версию вашего драйвера. Обязательно загрузите онлайн-версию, если ваш принтер подключен к сети.

    Загрузите драйвер принтера

  4. Независимо от того, загрузили ли вы проприетарное приложение или автономный драйвер, следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы установить одно из них в своей системе и перезагрузить компьютер.
    Примечание. Если вы загрузили проприетарное приложение, откройте его и запустите сканирование системы. Он найдет и установит последнюю версию драйвера OEM и заменит стандартный драйвер принтера (если он у вас есть).
  5. При следующем запуске попробуйте еще раз подключиться к драйверу принтера и посмотреть, устранена ли проблема.

5. Обновите или удалите TrendMicro (если применимо)

Если в вашей сети установлен TrendMicro, скорее всего, он конфликтует со службой диспетчера очереди печати. Это хорошо известная проблема, затрагивающая программное обеспечение для обеспечения безопасности конечных точек.

К счастью, TrendMicro предоставила исправление, которое полностью устранило проблему. Сборка, ответственная за этот тип конфликта, — 12.0.4440. Просто обновите свою сборку безопасности поверх этой версии, и вы должны быть готовы.

Если вы не можете обновиться, единственный жизнеспособный вариант — удалить пакет безопасности. Следуйте этому пошаговому руководству, чтобы сделать это, не оставляя остатков файлов.

Обновите приложение TrendMicro

Если проблема все еще не устранена, перейдите к следующему способу ниже.

6. Удалите все ключи принтера и перезапустите службу диспетчера очереди печати.

Вы можете увидеть эту ошибку из-за несовместимости ключа с поставщиками печати для рендеринга на стороне клиента, которые в настоящее время используются для вашего сетевого принтера.

Если этот сценарий применим, вы сможете решить его, удалив значение Providers в инструменте редактора реестра, перезапустив службу диспетчера очереди печати и еще раз добавив принтер.

Если вы еще не использовали это исправление, разверните его, выполнив подробные действия, описанные ниже.

ВАЖНО: Не торопитесь и создайте резервную копию данных реестра перед началом этого процесса.

  1. Чтобы открыть диалоговое окно «Выполнить», нажмите клавишу Windows + R. Чтобы запустить редактор реестра с правами администратора, введите «regedit» в текстовое поле и нажмите Ctrl + Shift + Enter. Откройте редактор реестра
  2. Нажмите «Да», чтобы предоставить доступ администратора, когда система контроля учетных записей предложит вам это сделать.
  3. Используя левое меню, перейдите в следующее место в редакторе реестра: HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionPrintProvider

    Примечание. Вы можете перейти к этому месту вручную или мгновенно, вставив полный путь в поле навигации.

  4. После того, как вы нашли подходящее место, используйте контекстное меню, которое только что появилось, чтобы выбрать «Удалить», щелкнув правой кнопкой мыши ключ «Провайдеры».Удалить ключ провайдеров
  5. После удаления ключа Providers закройте окно regedit.
  6. Чтобы запустить новое окно «Выполнить», нажмите клавишу Windows + R. Откройте страницу «Службы», введя «services.msc» и нажав Enter. Откройте экран «Службы».

    Примечание. Если контроль учетных записей предложит вам, выберите «Да», чтобы разрешить администратору.

  7. После входа на панель «Службы» определите службу «Диспетчер очереди печати», прокрутив список служб вниз.
  8. Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши службу и выберите «Перезапустить» только что появившееся контекстное меню. Перезапустите службу диспетчера очереди печати.
  9. После закрытия окна служб добавьте принтер еще раз и посмотрите, исправлена ​​ли ошибка 0x000003e3.

Пока идет обновление Windows 10, в этом процессе участвует ряд компонентов. Есть сеть, процессор, диск и даже больше. Таким образом, это делает процесс обновления Windows 10 интенсивным. Однако, если в процессе обновления есть препятствие, вы можете в итоге увидеть код ошибки 0x800701E3 . Это происходит главным образом из-за того, что диск ’ является частью всего этого процесса. Это вызвано конфликтом с хранилищем компьютера.

Windows не может установить необходимые файлы. Убедитесь, что все файлы, необходимые для установки, доступны, и перезапустите установку. Код ошибки: 0x800701e3.

Сегодня мы обсудим, как исправить ошибку 0x800701E3 во время установки Windows 10.

Код ошибки 0x800701E3 во время установки Windows

Чтобы устранить эту ошибку с кодом 0x800701E3, мы будем выполнять следующие исправления:

  1. Удалить системные файлы, связанные с обоими компонентами.
  2. Используйте средство проверки системных файлов и DISM.
  3. Используйте CHKDSK.

Выйдите из процесса установки и загрузитесь в Windows.

1] Удалить системные файлы, связанные с обоими компонентами

Некоторые остаточные ненужные системные файлы, такие как файлы кэша и остатки драйвера, могут блокировать обновление. Поэтому я бы порекомендовал вам запустить очистку диска, чтобы удалить файлы и данные, которые можно безопасно удалить с вашего компьютера. Основными файлами, которые необходимо удалить, должны быть Предыдущие установки Windows.

Вы также можете использовать стороннее программное обеспечение, такое как CCleaner, для очистки системы и реестра, которые могут вызвать конфликт.

2] Используйте средство проверки системных файлов и DISM

Запустите CMD от имени администратора и затем выполните следующую команду для запуска средства проверки системных файлов:


Перезагрузите систему после завершения сканирования.

Вы также можете использовать нашу бесплатную программу FixWin для запуска утилиты проверки системных файлов одним щелчком мыши.

Теперь, чтобы исправить файлы Центра обновления Windows с помощью DISM, откройте Командная строка (Admin) и введите следующие три команды последовательно и одну за другой и нажмите Enter:

Dism/Онлайн/Очистка изображения/ScanHealth

Дайте этим командам DISM запуститься и после этого перезагрузите компьютер и попробуйте снова.

3] Используйте CHKDSK

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  • Good Day

    I am trying to install SQL 2012.

    during the installation process it halts and I receive the following message:

    TITLE: SQL Server Setup failure.

    SQL Server Setup has encountered the following error:

    Setup encountered a failure while running job UpdateResult.

    Error code 0x876E0003.

    I have spent hours looking through help blogs and other resources trying to find answers and help but have not been able to find a solution..!

    Any advise or how to work around this would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you.


  • Hi BrendanDev,

    According to the error message, the issue may occur due to the permission issue with Windows update.

    In this case, If you have the DefaultSetup.ini file in the x86 or x64 folders at the root level of the SQL Server source media, please open the DefaultSetup.ini file, and then add the UpdateEnabled or UpdateSource parameters to the file. If the DefaultSetup.ini
    file does not exist, we can create it and copy it to the x86 and x64 folders at the root level of the SQL Server source media. And then we need to modify the «DefaultSetup.ini» file and set the switch «UpdateEnabled=False» which skips the product updates
    in the installation.

    For the detailed information, please refer to the link below:

    If you need more assistance, please feel free to let me know. 

    Heidi Duan

    • Proposed as answer by

      Sunday, September 1, 2013 8:02 AM

    • Marked as answer by
      Wednesday, September 18, 2013 6:03 AM
  • Its seems like .NET component issue, Please uninstall the .NET framework and re-install again.

    If issue still there then post text of summary.text which is at ProgramFilesMicrosoft SQL Server110Setup BootstrapLog folder.

    Go through the below link before installation


    • Edited by
      Pradeep Madheshiya Microsoft(MSFT)
      Monday, August 19, 2013 7:41 AM
    • Proposed as answer by
      Ed Price — MSFTMicrosoft employee
      Sunday, September 1, 2013 8:02 AM
    • Marked as answer by
      Wednesday, September 18, 2013 6:03 AM
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Installation error with SQL Express 2014 — Setup encountered a failure while running job UpdateResult

  • Вопрос

  • I am trying to do a command line install of SQL Express, using the command:


    where {{ sa_password }} gets the password substituted in at run time by Ansible.  When I run this command at the command line, it works.  When I run under Ansible, I get the following error:

    <style type=»text/css»>p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 11.0px Menlo; color: #c33720} span.s1 {font-variant-ligatures: no-common-ligatures} </style>

    «The following error occurred:rnSetup encountered a failure while running job UpdateResult.rnrnError result: -2022834173rnResult facility code: 1902rnResult error code: 3rnrnPlease review the summary.txt log for further detailsrnMicrosoft
    (R) SQL Server 2014 12.00.2000.08rrnCopyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.rrnrn», «stdout_lines»: [«The following error occurred:», «Setup encountered a failure while running job UpdateResult.»,
    «», «Error result: -2022834173», «Result facility code: 1902», «Result error code: 3», «», «Please review the summary.txt log for further details»

    The summary.txt file has no error messages in it.  Google has no references to this message.  Does anyone know what is happening here?



  • I found an answer through using the following code to surround the install command.  The values inside the braces are substituted by Ansible at runtime 

    $username = ‘administrator’

    $password = ‘{{admin_password}}’

    $securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -Force

    $credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $username, $securePassword

    /TCPENABLED=1 /UPDATEENABLED=»False»‘ -NoNewWindow -Credential $credential

    • Помечено в качестве ответа

      8 июня 2017 г. 15:54

    • Изменено
      Andrew Brunette
      8 июня 2017 г. 15:54

I am facing an error while trying to install SQL Server 2012 EXPRESS ADVANCED EDITION(32bit) on Windows Server 2008 Enterprise(64bit).

After passing Rule Check, at install updates section, error occurs about update could not be downloaded. On clicking next, following error in dialog box occurs.

SQL Server Setup has encountered the following error:

Setup encountered a failure while running job UpdateResult.

Error code 0x876E0003.

How can I solve this?

asked Jan 7, 2016 at 3:57

Hemal's user avatar


Please include the option «UpdateEnabled=False» in the defaultsetup.ini file which can be found in Media**X64defaultsetup.ini**.
This works like a charm. Please let us know how this goes.

answered Aug 3, 2019 at 5:23

Naveen's user avatar


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  • Good Day

    I am trying to install SQL 2012.

    during the installation process it halts and I receive the following message:

    TITLE: SQL Server Setup failure.

    SQL Server Setup has encountered the following error:

    Setup encountered a failure while running job UpdateResult.

    Error code 0x876E0003.

    I have spent hours looking through help blogs and other resources trying to find answers and help but have not been able to find a solution..!

    Any advise or how to work around this would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you.


  • Hi BrendanDev,

    According to the error message, the issue may occur due to the permission issue with Windows update.

    In this case, If you have the DefaultSetup.ini file in the x86 or x64 folders at the root level of the SQL Server source media, please open the DefaultSetup.ini file, and then add the UpdateEnabled or UpdateSource parameters to the file. If the DefaultSetup.ini
    file does not exist, we can create it and copy it to the x86 and x64 folders at the root level of the SQL Server source media. And then we need to modify the «DefaultSetup.ini» file and set the switch «UpdateEnabled=False» which skips the product updates
    in the installation.

    For the detailed information, please refer to the link below:

    If you need more assistance, please feel free to let me know. 

    Heidi Duan

    • Proposed as answer by

      Sunday, September 1, 2013 8:02 AM

    • Marked as answer by
      Wednesday, September 18, 2013 6:03 AM
  • Its seems like .NET component issue, Please uninstall the .NET framework and re-install again.

    If issue still there then post text of summary.text which is at ProgramFilesMicrosoft SQL Server110Setup BootstrapLog folder.

    Go through the below link before installation


    • Edited by
      Pradeep Madheshiya Microsoft(MSFT)
      Monday, August 19, 2013 7:41 AM
    • Proposed as answer by
      Ed Price — MSFTMicrosoft employee
      Sunday, September 1, 2013 8:02 AM
    • Marked as answer by
      Wednesday, September 18, 2013 6:03 AM
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Installation error with SQL Express 2014 — Setup encountered a failure while running job UpdateResult

  • Вопрос

  • I am trying to do a command line install of SQL Express, using the command:


    where {{ sa_password }} gets the password substituted in at run time by Ansible.  When I run this command at the command line, it works.  When I run under Ansible, I get the following error:

    <style type=»text/css»>p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 11.0px Menlo; color: #c33720} span.s1 {font-variant-ligatures: no-common-ligatures} </style>

    «The following error occurred:rnSetup encountered a failure while running job UpdateResult.rnrnError result: -2022834173rnResult facility code: 1902rnResult error code: 3rnrnPlease review the summary.txt log for further detailsrnMicrosoft
    (R) SQL Server 2014 12.00.2000.08rrnCopyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.rrnrn», «stdout_lines»: [«The following error occurred:», «Setup encountered a failure while running job UpdateResult.»,
    «», «Error result: -2022834173», «Result facility code: 1902», «Result error code: 3», «», «Please review the summary.txt log for further details»

    The summary.txt file has no error messages in it.  Google has no references to this message.  Does anyone know what is happening here?



  • I found an answer through using the following code to surround the install command.  The values inside the braces are substituted by Ansible at runtime 

    $username = ‘administrator’

    $password = ‘{{admin_password}}’

    $securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -Force

    $credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $username, $securePassword

    /TCPENABLED=1 /UPDATEENABLED=»False»‘ -NoNewWindow -Credential $credential

    • Помечено в качестве ответа

      8 июня 2017 г. 15:54

    • Изменено
      Andrew Brunette
      8 июня 2017 г. 15:54

I am facing an error while trying to install SQL Server 2012 EXPRESS ADVANCED EDITION(32bit) on Windows Server 2008 Enterprise(64bit).

After passing Rule Check, at install updates section, error occurs about update could not be downloaded. On clicking next, following error in dialog box occurs.

SQL Server Setup has encountered the following error:

Setup encountered a failure while running job UpdateResult.

Error code 0x876E0003.

How can I solve this?

asked Jan 7, 2016 at 3:28

Hemal's user avatar


3,6621 gold badge22 silver badges52 bronze badges

I was also facing this issue while installing sql server management studio, what i did was unchecked the option of «Include Sql Update in this feature» while installing the first time and i got this error.

So next time i let it remain checked and disconnected the internet for few seconds(i was connected to internet if you are not then no need) till i got the error as «Could not check for updates…» after that closed the error popup window.
I was able to install, hope this helps.

This was the cause of the error i was facing and as described i solved this.

answered Nov 23, 2016 at 10:41

Nishant Kumar's user avatar

Nishant KumarNishant Kumar

4532 gold badges9 silver badges18 bronze badges


  • Remove From My Forums
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  • Good Day

    I am trying to install SQL 2012.

    during the installation process it halts and I receive the following message:

    TITLE: SQL Server Setup failure.

    SQL Server Setup has encountered the following error:

    Setup encountered a failure while running job UpdateResult.

    Error code 0x876E0003.

    I have spent hours looking through help blogs and other resources trying to find answers and help but have not been able to find a solution..!

    Any advise or how to work around this would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you.


  • Hi BrendanDev,

    According to the error message, the issue may occur due to the permission issue with Windows update.

    In this case, If you have the DefaultSetup.ini file in the x86 or x64 folders at the root level of the SQL Server source media, please open the DefaultSetup.ini file, and then add the UpdateEnabled or UpdateSource parameters to the file. If the DefaultSetup.ini
    file does not exist, we can create it and copy it to the x86 and x64 folders at the root level of the SQL Server source media. And then we need to modify the «DefaultSetup.ini» file and set the switch «UpdateEnabled=False» which skips the product updates
    in the installation.

    For the detailed information, please refer to the link below:

    If you need more assistance, please feel free to let me know. 

    Heidi Duan

    • Proposed as answer by

      Sunday, September 1, 2013 8:02 AM

    • Marked as answer by
      Wednesday, September 18, 2013 6:03 AM
  • Its seems like .NET component issue, Please uninstall the .NET framework and re-install again.

    If issue still there then post text of summary.text which is at ProgramFilesMicrosoft SQL Server110Setup BootstrapLog folder.

    Go through the below link before installation


    • Edited by
      Pradeep Madheshiya Microsoft(MSFT)
      Monday, August 19, 2013 7:41 AM
    • Proposed as answer by
      Ed Price — MSFTMicrosoft employee
      Sunday, September 1, 2013 8:02 AM
    • Marked as answer by
      Wednesday, September 18, 2013 6:03 AM
  • Remove From My Forums
  • Question

  • Good Day

    I am trying to install SQL 2012.

    during the installation process it halts and I receive the following message:

    TITLE: SQL Server Setup failure.

    SQL Server Setup has encountered the following error:

    Setup encountered a failure while running job UpdateResult.

    Error code 0x876E0003.

    I have spent hours looking through help blogs and other resources trying to find answers and help but have not been able to find a solution..!

    Any advise or how to work around this would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you.


  • Hi BrendanDev,

    According to the error message, the issue may occur due to the permission issue with Windows update.

    In this case, If you have the DefaultSetup.ini file in the x86 or x64 folders at the root level of the SQL Server source media, please open the DefaultSetup.ini file, and then add the UpdateEnabled or UpdateSource parameters to the file. If the DefaultSetup.ini
    file does not exist, we can create it and copy it to the x86 and x64 folders at the root level of the SQL Server source media. And then we need to modify the «DefaultSetup.ini» file and set the switch «UpdateEnabled=False» which skips the product updates
    in the installation.

    For the detailed information, please refer to the link below:

    If you need more assistance, please feel free to let me know. 

    Heidi Duan

    • Proposed as answer by

      Sunday, September 1, 2013 8:02 AM

    • Marked as answer by
      Wednesday, September 18, 2013 6:03 AM
  • Its seems like .NET component issue, Please uninstall the .NET framework and re-install again.

    If issue still there then post text of summary.text which is at ProgramFilesMicrosoft SQL Server110Setup BootstrapLog folder.

    Go through the below link before installation


    • Edited by
      Pradeep Madheshiya Microsoft(MSFT)
      Monday, August 19, 2013 7:41 AM
    • Proposed as answer by
      Ed Price — MSFTMicrosoft employee
      Sunday, September 1, 2013 8:02 AM
    • Marked as answer by
      Wednesday, September 18, 2013 6:03 AM

Initially, I installed SQL Server Express 2005 for some accounting software that was going to be installed on a Windows Server 2012R2 box. This was a migration and that was what was on the older server. Looking at the software requirements, it stated SQL Server 2008R2 was the minimum. I uninstalled 2005 and downloaded and attempted to install SQL Server Express 2016. Installation failed. I tried SQL Server Expres 2012, Installation failed. I tried 2008R2, installation was successful, however, I had trouble installing the account software and the accounting software support team told me 2008R2 would lose support later this year and recommended I move to 2014. So I downloaded and attempted to install 2014, installation failed. For every version that failed, I got the same msg. It states, «SQL Server Setup has encountered the following error: Setup encountered a failure while running job UpdateResult. Error Code 0x876E0003.» During the installation, it gives me  warning that «SQL Server Setup could not search for updates through the Windows Update service. You can either check again or click Next to continue…» This is strange because I did not check the box to «Use Microsoft Update to check for updates (recommended).» When I click Next after the warning msg is when the installation fails and I get the error msg. The only real errors I see in Event Viewer is from 2 weeks ago that says «Windows update could not be installed because of error 2147942405 «Access is denied».» FYI, I am logged in and running the SQL installation as a domain admin.

SoftwareWindows OSWindows Server 2012Microsoft SQL Server

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Page 6 of 7

  1. hi, how did u do it. i believe i ran into the same issue like you. setting up autocount on parallels.

  2. Following this thread every day as I would love to buy a new Mac Studio, but am currently using SQL Server 2017 + Visual Studio 2019 and will wait until it’ll be possible to run them on an M1.
    BTW: any news if SQL Server 2022 will be arm-compatible or not?

  3. SQL Server 2022 is not going to support ARM64, based on what I asked from Microsoft SQL Server 2022 guys.

  4. Thanks, this is not good news unfortunately. As a VS2019 .net 4.7 + Sql Server 2019 developer, I was really looking forward to upgrading my current iMac 27″ 2016, but it looks like a long way to go atm.

  5. Amigo aun tienes el archivo que me puedas ayudar enviando, mediante wetransfer?

  6. Hello, I am trying to setup SQL Server 2019 Setup on
    OS — Windows11_InsiderPreview_Client_ARM64_en-us_22579
    From the links mentioned in the threads, I have tried downloading every Cumulative Update Package (10, 12, 14, 15) for SQL Server 2019, but none of them work.

  7. Hello MarcosW, Please refer to the knowledge base https://kb.parallels.com/9058 article to generate a technical report Id. Thanks.

  8. Thanks for that, with 2014 32-bit works for me.

  9. >>> Message has been deleted by the user <<<

  10. Hola estoy tratando de instalar el SQL Server express 2019 en mi mac m1 con parallels en windows 10 qu elos descargue de aqui, por si alguien lo necesita: Windows 10 ARM Insider Preview VHDX File [Solved] : windowsinsiders (reddit.com), pero no me ha funcionado, cual de las tres opciones de sql server tengo que instalar, despues de instalar el Update?. Saludos.

  11. The non-existent support from Parallels. I expect active help until the problem is solved. This is what I pay for. But nothing happens. I have cancelled my subscription and all other customers should do the same. Parallels Desktop has become useless to me on the M1.

  12. I’m also in this situation but I realise that this is no fault of Parallels! You should turn your anger towards Microsoft for not supporting this newer version of SQL-server on Windows for ARM. Unfortunately it’s futile to complain to MS and the only thing we can do is wait. I myself are looking for an Intel Mac to solve the problem temporarily.

  13. Mirror above posters with similar significant issue.

  14. I think I would be ok with Sql Server LocalDB working correctly for development. I seem to be able to connect to localdb from within SSMS and also Visual Studio server explorer, but EF Core Migrations can’t seem to find the server when running update-database. Anyone else encounter this?

  15. I have an M1 Mac with windows 11 installed. I tried following the instructions but the install fails:

    TITLE: SQL Server Setup failure.

    SQL Server Setup has encountered the following error:

    Setup encountered a failure while running job UpdateResult.

    Error code 0x876E0003.

    For help, click: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?Lin…l&EvtID=50000&EvtType=0x448E4A06%400x96D07230



    Any pointers on how to get it installed? Is it even possible?

  16. For those still struggling to install MS SQL 2019 on Windows 11 I’ve found a way with a combinationa of things posted on this forum.

    1. Obtain Windows 10 build 21354 following instructions on this link (thanks MarcosH2) https://www.reddit.com/r/windowsins…dows_10_arm_insider_preview_vhdx_file_solved/
    This step is very important as no other builds worked for me.

    2. Install Windows 10. Important — select to configure VM before installing and remove ‘TPM Chip’ from Hardware as it’s not compatible with Windows 10.

    3. Follow instructions on installing and updating SQL 2019 from the very first post on this thread (thanks Mundford) — I first installed SQL 2019 developers edition (free) which failed as usual, then updated with both links provided, then installed SQL 2019 again and it worked!

    4. Update to Windows 11. Windows updates didn’t work for me, so I first updated to latest Windows 10 build available (21390) using ISO image.
    Important — you have to add TPM Chip back or Windows 11 won’t install. Again I couldn’t update to Windows 11 from updates, so I got Windows 11 build 22000 ISO and updated without problems.

    5. After upgrading to Windows 11 updates are working fine again so updating to very latest build right now. SQL Management Studio still works no issues.

    Hopefully this will help someone as well.

  17. OK, some bad news. While I was able to install SQL 2019 as per above, SQL Server Network Configuration node is missing from Configuration Manager so can’t connect from my apps.

    Couldn’t find any solutions on internet either :(

  18. Has anyone already tried Parallels 18 and SQL-Server 2019 on M1??
    They mention SQL-Server under «lightning fast»

    Attached Files:

    • 69220505-7C9A-4B50-9A7F-893440F5BD35.png

  19. What a great timing re Parallels 18, hopefully SQL 2019 installs without issues.

  20. I have tried and the installation failed (SQL 2019 Developer Edition)

Page 6 of 7

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Hi guys,

I’ve exhausted my  ideas on this one, and no amount of Googling seems to add the matter. I’m having problems installing SSDT 2015/2017 on Windows 10 at the office. Every attempt just ends in failure, however, having the software is a a significant requirement, which means, at the moment, the DBA team can’t update their PCs.

The problem is occurring on both PCs i’ve got at the moment, so this very much points to the problem being Windows 10. I’ve included the logs below:
[2D10:122C][2018-03-27T15:05:55]i000: MainViewModel.OnPackageActionProgress: Percent completed: 50, Overall progress: 3
[2D10:122C][2018-03-27T15:05:55]i000: MainViewModel.OnPackageActionProgress: Percent completed: 50, Overall progress: 3
...This repeats every 2 seconds until..
[2D10:122C][2018-03-27T15:17:05]i000: MainViewModel.OnPackageActionProgress: Percent completed: 50, Overall progress: 3
[2D10:122C][2018-03-27T15:17:05]i000: MainViewModel.OnPackageActionProgress: Percent completed: 50, Overall progress: 3
[31E0:2870][2018-03-27T15:17:06]e000: Error 0x80070001: Process returned error: 0x1[31E0:2870][2018-03-27T15:17:06]e000: Error 0x80070001: Failed to execute EXE package.
[2D10:122C][2018-03-27T15:17:06]e000: Error 0x80070001: Failed to configure per-machine EXE package.
[2D10:122C][2018-03-27T15:17:06]i000: MainViewModel.OnPackageAction: Install Completed for package Update Visual Studio Installer (id: VS_SQL_UpdateInstaller)
[2D10:122C][2018-03-27T15:17:06]i319: Applied execute package: VS_SQL_UpdateInstaller, result: 0x80070001, restart: None
[2D10:122C][2018-03-27T15:17:06]e000: Error 0x80070001: Failed to execute EXE package.
[31E0:2870][2018-03-27T15:17:06]i351: Removing cached package: VS_SQL_UpdateInstaller, from path: C:ProgramDataPackage CacheABC974F92D030AEA79AEF11D079AA4BBD5EE6FE2

On SSDT 2017 I’ve tried copying the file SSDT-Setup.ENU.exe to it’s own directory in C: and running it, to no avail. I also then used powershell and ran C:SSDTSSDT-Setup.ENU.exe /layout then ran the file redistNDP461-KB3102438-Web.exe (which did not install anything as the requisites were met), and then the file payloadvsta_setup.exe. Then tried the installer again. Same error.

Visual Studio 2015 Professional is installed and running, so that’s not an issue either. I’ve also tried running the install as adminstrator, and also logged in as the local administrator and run it. Same problems.

Really don’t know what else to do at this stage… Anyone else faced this issue and/or resolved it?


Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.


SSC Guru

Points: 90860

Thom A — Tuesday, March 27, 2018 9:24 AM

Hi guys,

I’ve exhausted my  ideas on this one, and no amount of Googling seems to add the matter. I’m having problems installing SSDT 2015/2017 on Windows 10 at the office. Every attempt just ends in failure, however, having the software is a a significant requirement, which means, at the moment, the DBA team can’t update their PCs.

The problem is occurring on both PCs i’ve got at the moment, so this very much points to the problem being Windows 10. I’ve included the logs below:
[2D10:122C][2018-03-27T15:05:55]i000: MainViewModel.OnPackageActionProgress: Percent completed: 50, Overall progress: 3
[2D10:122C][2018-03-27T15:05:55]i000: MainViewModel.OnPackageActionProgress: Percent completed: 50, Overall progress: 3
...This repeats every 2 seconds until..
[2D10:122C][2018-03-27T15:17:05]i000: MainViewModel.OnPackageActionProgress: Percent completed: 50, Overall progress: 3
[2D10:122C][2018-03-27T15:17:05]i000: MainViewModel.OnPackageActionProgress: Percent completed: 50, Overall progress: 3
[31E0:2870][2018-03-27T15:17:06]e000: Error 0x80070001: Process returned error: 0x1[31E0:2870][2018-03-27T15:17:06]e000: Error 0x80070001: Failed to execute EXE package.
[2D10:122C][2018-03-27T15:17:06]e000: Error 0x80070001: Failed to configure per-machine EXE package.
[2D10:122C][2018-03-27T15:17:06]i000: MainViewModel.OnPackageAction: Install Completed for package Update Visual Studio Installer (id: VS_SQL_UpdateInstaller)
[2D10:122C][2018-03-27T15:17:06]i319: Applied execute package: VS_SQL_UpdateInstaller, result: 0x80070001, restart: None
[2D10:122C][2018-03-27T15:17:06]e000: Error 0x80070001: Failed to execute EXE package.
[31E0:2870][2018-03-27T15:17:06]i351: Removing cached package: VS_SQL_UpdateInstaller, from path: C:ProgramDataPackage CacheABC974F92D030AEA79AEF11D079AA4BBD5EE6FE2

On SSDT 2017 I’ve tried copying the file SSDT-Setup.ENU.exe to it’s own directory in C: and running it, to no avail. I also then used powershell and ran C:SSDTSSDT-Setup.ENU.exe /layout then ran the file redistNDP461-KB3102438-Web.exe (which did not install anything as the requisites were met), and then the file payloadvsta_setup.exe. Then tried the installer again. Same error.

Visual Studio 2015 Professional is installed and running, so that’s not an issue either. I’ve also tried running the install as adminstrator, and also logged in as the local administrator and run it. Same problems.

Really don’t know what else to do at this stage… Anyone else faced this issue and/or resolved it?

Did you ever figure this out? I hit the same error many version before so I was curious about this. I had to uninstall and reinstall VS. It worked but I have no idea why.
I was just searching on it and believe I found your other post maybe — followed by some obnoxious person who said they would do whatever they want with posts. Wow….that person is a total <will only get deleted if I say what I think>. Pretty sure that was you — sorry that happened.  Sorrier that I don’t have an answer. 


Thom A

SSC Guru

Points: 99038

Sue_H — Wednesday, March 28, 2018 4:07 PM

Did you ever figure this out? I hit the same error many version before so I was curious about this. I had to uninstall and reinstall VS. It worked but I have no idea why.
I was just searching on it and believe I found your other post maybe — followed by some obnoxious person who said they would do whatever they want with posts. Wow….that person is a total <will only get deleted if I say what I think>. Pretty sure that was you — sorry that happened.  Sorrier that I don’t have an answer. 


Hi Sue,

Yes, in the end. The PC’s are new, so I ended up resetting them both and starting afresh. I installed VS2017 shell first that time, and then added SSDT to that and it seemed much happier. The shell woulnd’t even install on the last one. That, however, isn’t much of an answer to others; in all honesty. «Reset your PC and try again» isn’t going to be great if you’re already cemented using that PC.


Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.


SSC Guru

Points: 90860

Thom A — Thursday, March 29, 2018 2:27 AM

Sue_H — Wednesday, March 28, 2018 4:07 PM

Did you ever figure this out? I hit the same error many version before so I was curious about this. I had to uninstall and reinstall VS. It worked but I have no idea why.
I was just searching on it and believe I found your other post maybe — followed by some obnoxious person who said they would do whatever they want with posts. Wow….that person is a total <will only get deleted if I say what I think>. Pretty sure that was you — sorry that happened.  Sorrier that I don’t have an answer. 


Hi Sue,

Yes, in the end. The PC’s are new, so I ended up resetting them both and starting afresh. I installed VS2017 shell first that time, and then added SSDT to that and it seemed much happier. The shell woulnd’t even install on the last one. That, however, isn’t much of an answer to others; in all honesty. «Reset your PC and try again» isn’t going to be great if you’re already cemented using that PC.

That’s pretty much the same as what I ran into before. I wish I knew what the issue is with this. I haven’t seen a good answer on it anywhere. 🙁



SSC Journeyman

Points: 83

I know this is an old post but thought I’d post what I found today whilst encountering the exact same issue in case it helps someone else

Error 0x80070001: Process returned error: 0x1
Error 0x80070001: Failed to execute EXE package.
Error 0x80070001: Failed to configure per-machine EXE package.
MainViewModel.OnPackageAction: Install Completed for package Update Visual Studio Installer (id: VS_SQL_UpdateInstaller)
Applied execute package: VS_SQL_UpdateInstaller, result: 0x80070001, restart: None
Error 0x80070001: Failed to execute EXE package.

The installer log file doesnt really give any information of what is wrong however there is another log file for the VS_SQL_UpdateInstaller package which outlined the issue (TLS).

The other log file shows the following
VSSqlBootstrapper.exe Information: 0 : Try to download vs_sql.exe from https://aka.ms/vs/15/release/vs_sql.exe. Retry count: 0
VSSqlBootstrapper.exe Error: 0 : Download failed with exception System.Net.WebException: The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive. —> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The client and server cannot communicate, because they do not possess a common algorithm

The log file is located in C:UsersxxxxxxAppDataLocalTempSsdtSetup and is in the format «SSDT-Setup-ENU_nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn_nnn_VS_SQL_UpdateInstaller.log»

To resolve the issue I did the following
1. Manually downloaded and installed vs_sql.exe from https://aka.ms/vs/15/release/vs_sql.exe
2. Launch SSDT-Setup-ENU.exe de-select SSAS, RS and IS (only database services)
3. Uninstall/Change (Control Panel) — «Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools — Visual Studio 2017»
4. Modify
5. Select required components AS/RS/IS
6. Install

Hope that helps

andybrown22 wrote:

I know this is an old post but thought I’d post what I found today whilst encountering the exact same issue in case it helps someone else

Error 0x80070001: Process returned error: 0x1

Error 0x80070001: Failed to execute EXE package.

Error 0x80070001: Failed to configure per-machine EXE package.

MainViewModel.OnPackageAction: Install Completed for package Update Visual Studio Installer (id: VS_SQL_UpdateInstaller)

Applied execute package: VS_SQL_UpdateInstaller, result: 0x80070001, restart: None

Error 0x80070001: Failed to execute EXE package.

The installer log file doesnt really give any information of what is wrong however there is another log file for the VS_SQL_UpdateInstaller package which outlined the issue (TLS).

The other log file shows the following

VSSqlBootstrapper.exe Information: 0 : Try to download vs_sql.exe from https://aka.ms/vs/15/release/vs_sql.exe. Retry count: 0

VSSqlBootstrapper.exe Error: 0 : Download failed with exception System.Net.WebException: The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive. —> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The client and server cannot communicate, because they do not possess a common algorithm

The log file is located in C:UsersxxxxxxAppDataLocalTempSsdtSetup and is in the format «SSDT-Setup-ENU_nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn_nnn_VS_SQL_UpdateInstaller.log»

To resolve the issue I did the following

1. Manually downloaded and installed vs_sql.exe from https://aka.ms/vs/15/release/vs_sql.exe

2. Launch SSDT-Setup-ENU.exe de-select SSAS, RS and IS (only database services)

3. Uninstall/Change (Control Panel) — «Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools — Visual Studio 2017»

4. Modify

5. Select required components AS/RS/IS

6. Install

Hope that helps

Had to create an account just for this. Thank you so much. Even though it’s posted 2 years back, it’s still relevant till today. Your solution fixed my troubles.

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  • Question

  • Good Day

    I am trying to install SQL 2012.

    during the installation process it halts and I receive the following message:

    TITLE: SQL Server Setup failure.

    SQL Server Setup has encountered the following error:

    Setup encountered a failure while running job UpdateResult.

    Error code 0x876E0003.

    I have spent hours looking through help blogs and other resources trying to find answers and help but have not been able to find a solution..!

    Any advise or how to work around this would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you.


  • Hi BrendanDev,

    According to the error message, the issue may occur due to the permission issue with Windows update.

    In this case, If you have the DefaultSetup.ini file in the x86 or x64 folders at the root level of the SQL Server source media, please open the DefaultSetup.ini file, and then add the UpdateEnabled or UpdateSource parameters to the file. If the DefaultSetup.ini
    file does not exist, we can create it and copy it to the x86 and x64 folders at the root level of the SQL Server source media. And then we need to modify the «DefaultSetup.ini» file and set the switch «UpdateEnabled=False» which skips the product updates
    in the installation.

    For the detailed information, please refer to the link below:

    If you need more assistance, please feel free to let me know. 

    Heidi Duan

    • Proposed as answer by

      Sunday, September 1, 2013 8:02 AM

    • Marked as answer by
      Wednesday, September 18, 2013 6:03 AM
  • Its seems like .NET component issue, Please uninstall the .NET framework and re-install again.

    If issue still there then post text of summary.text which is at ProgramFilesMicrosoft SQL Server110Setup BootstrapLog folder.

    Go through the below link before installation


    • Edited by
      Pradeep Madheshiya Microsoft(MSFT)
      Monday, August 19, 2013 7:41 AM
    • Proposed as answer by
      Ed Price — MSFTMicrosoft employee
      Sunday, September 1, 2013 8:02 AM
    • Marked as answer by
      Wednesday, September 18, 2013 6:03 AM

I am facing an error while trying to install SQL Server 2012 EXPRESS ADVANCED EDITION(32bit) on Windows Server 2008 Enterprise(64bit).

After passing Rule Check, at install updates section, error occurs about update could not be downloaded. On clicking next, following error in dialog box occurs.

SQL Server Setup has encountered the following error:

Setup encountered a failure while running job UpdateResult.

Error code 0x876E0003.

How can I solve this?

asked Jan 7, 2016 at 3:28

Hemal's user avatar


3,6521 gold badge22 silver badges53 bronze badges

I was also facing this issue while installing sql server management studio, what i did was unchecked the option of «Include Sql Update in this feature» while installing the first time and i got this error.

So next time i let it remain checked and disconnected the internet for few seconds(i was connected to internet if you are not then no need) till i got the error as «Could not check for updates…» after that closed the error popup window.
I was able to install, hope this helps.

This was the cause of the error i was facing and as described i solved this.

answered Nov 23, 2016 at 10:41

Nishant Kumar's user avatar

Nishant KumarNishant Kumar

4532 gold badges9 silver badges18 bronze badges


Initially, I installed SQL Server Express 2005 for some accounting software that was going to be installed on a Windows Server 2012R2 box. This was a migration and that was what was on the older server. Looking at the software requirements, it stated SQL Server 2008R2 was the minimum. I uninstalled 2005 and downloaded and attempted to install SQL Server Express 2016. Installation failed. I tried SQL Server Expres 2012, Installation failed. I tried 2008R2, installation was successful, however, I had trouble installing the account software and the accounting software support team told me 2008R2 would lose support later this year and recommended I move to 2014. So I downloaded and attempted to install 2014, installation failed. For every version that failed, I got the same msg. It states, «SQL Server Setup has encountered the following error: Setup encountered a failure while running job UpdateResult. Error Code 0x876E0003.» During the installation, it gives me  warning that «SQL Server Setup could not search for updates through the Windows Update service. You can either check again or click Next to continue…» This is strange because I did not check the box to «Use Microsoft Update to check for updates (recommended).» When I click Next after the warning msg is when the installation fails and I get the error msg. The only real errors I see in Event Viewer is from 2 weeks ago that says «Windows update could not be installed because of error 2147942405 «Access is denied».» FYI, I am logged in and running the SQL installation as a domain admin.

I am facing an error while trying to install SQL Server 2012 EXPRESS ADVANCED EDITION(32bit) on Windows Server 2008 Enterprise(64bit).

After passing Rule Check, at install updates section, error occurs about update could not be downloaded. On clicking next, following error in dialog box occurs.

SQL Server Setup has encountered the following error:

Setup encountered a failure while running job UpdateResult.

Error code 0x876E0003.

How can I solve this?

asked Jan 7, 2016 at 3:57

Hemal's user avatar


Please include the option «UpdateEnabled=False» in the defaultsetup.ini file which can be found in Media**X64defaultsetup.ini**.
This works like a charm. Please let us know how this goes.

answered Aug 3, 2019 at 5:23

Naveen's user avatar


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