Растения против зомби ошибка fatal error

Hi, EA’s technical support team has told me to post my problem in the forum so they can help me and in turn investigate a solution to my problem.

What happens to me is that when I want to open the pvz I get an error called «FATAL ERROR» and this opens many windows of the same and never finish loading, and does not open the game just generates several errors together.

I hope you can help me and if someone else has this problem that the solution you give me also help me. Regards


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Обновлено: 30.01.2023

17 фев. 2016 в 13:56
How To Fix Plants Vs Zombies Fatal Error[Windowed Mode]
Go to your Plants Vs Zombies directory then right click PlantsVsZombies exe file go to properties then the Compatibility tab then check the Run the program in Compatibility mode for then select windows 98 / windows me or windows 95 then unfullscreen it then turn the Compatibility thing off then you have fixed it hope this helps :)
19 фев. 2016 в 18:39
Hello, man I’m with a doubt I’m sorry but I am Brazilian and did not quite understand your English, you could explain this better and in a way that I can understand ?, I did what you asked me to go the way comtabilidade and put to the 98 / mE windows, so far I understand, you said something in turn from what I understand, you can explain this better, and will apologetically there my English . a hug.
1 июн. 2019 в 5:39
Hello, man I’m with a doubt I’m sorry but I am Brazilian and did not quite understand your English, you could explain this better and in a way that I can understand ?, I did what you asked me to go the way comtabilidade and put to the 98 / mE windows, so far I understand, you said something in turn from what I understand, you can explain this better, and will apologetically there my English . a hug.

he means that compatibility mode should allow the game to run. After it starts, if you go into the game’s settings and toggle «windowed» mode, you should be able to disable compatibility mode without breaking anything.
«unfullscreen it» was a really informal way of saying «do the usual actions to disable full-screen mode for <it/this application>». Combined with the lack of punctuation, I can understand your confusion :-)

Also it’s worth noting I have no idea whether this solution still works. I’m about to try it for the demo but your issue may be different. Let me know if it helps!

3 июл. 2017 в 11:47

Need help to fix it, i´ve been trying to get in touch with PopCap and seems to be that
there´s no way to do it, it happens when i try to open the game, can anybody help?

Exception: Access Violation (code 0xc0000005) at address 637374AE in thread 3054
Module: igdumdim32.dll
Logical Address: 0001:000A64AE

EAX:00000000 EBX:039A4518 ECX:00000000 EDX:03970340 ESI:00000000 EDI:03971B00
EIP:637374AE ESP:0019F388 EBP:0019F3B8
CS:0023 SS:002B DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B

Windows Ver: NT 6.2 Build 9200
DDraw Ver:
DSound Ver:

Product: PlantsVsZombies
Time Loaded: 00:00:00
Fullscreen: Yes
Primary ThreadId: 3054
Times Played: 0
Build Num: 0
Build Date:

4 июл. 2017 в 9:52
8 июл. 2017 в 17:00
Have you tried opening it in windowed mode? You can set it in the registry, I can give you the instructions if you like?
8 июл. 2017 в 17:17

I figured I’d give the instructions anyway since someone could need it in the future.

Go to start menu, type in «regedit» (without the quotations) into the search bar at the bottom and start up the registry editor.

Once it’s open, go to HKEY_Current_User > Software >SteamPopCap > PlantsVsZombies and a list should be to the right. In that list, find where it says «Screenmode», double click it and change the setting from 1 to 0.

Also, for those of you who can get the game to launch but it’s just a black screen with audio in the background, a quicker way to enable windowed mode is to launch the game, press ALT and Enter (together) and close the game. Relaunch and it should be in windowed mode.

25 авг. 2017 в 9:40

I figured I’d give the instructions anyway since someone could need it in the future.

Go to start menu, type in «regedit» (without the quotations) into the search bar at the bottom and start up the registry editor.

Once it’s open, go to HKEY_Current_User > Software >SteamPopCap > PlantsVsZombies and a list should be to the right. In that list, find where it says «Screenmode», double click it and change the setting from 1 to 0.

Also, for those of you who can get the game to launch but it’s just a black screen with audio in the background, a quicker way to enable windowed mode is to launch the game, press ALT and Enter (together) and close the game. Relaunch and it should be in windowed mode.

followed the steps but there is not «Screenmode», what should i do then?

25 авг. 2017 в 12:40
26 авг. 2017 в 4:37
nope, it only shows predetermined, InProgress, LastGameExecuted, LasGamePID, RegExData, TimesExecuted and TimesPlayed, i did click on PlantsVsZombies, what now? :(
26 авг. 2017 в 7:10

If that doesn’t work I would try troubleshooting the following:

1. Verify integrity of game files

2. Uninstall, reinstall

3. Run in compatibility mode for earlier versions of Windows (XP service pack 2 is probably your best bet but no harm in playing around with other versions).

It’s probably something to do with the resolution though, some of these older games have trouble displaying or even running at all — I have to play PvZ in windowed or it won’t work.

30 окт. 2017 в 6:29

I figured I’d give the instructions anyway since someone could need it in the future.

Go to start menu, type in «regedit» (without the quotations) into the search bar at the bottom and start up the registry editor.

Once it’s open, go to HKEY_Current_User > Software >SteamPopCap > PlantsVsZombies and a list should be to the right. In that list, find where it says «Screenmode», double click it and change the setting from 1 to 0.

Also, for those of you who can get the game to launch but it’s just a black screen with audio in the background, a quicker way to enable windowed mode is to launch the game, press ALT and Enter (together) and close the game. Relaunch and it should be in windowed mode.

Глючит или не запускается Plants vs. Zombies? Решение есть! Постоянные лаги и зависания — не проблема! После установки мода Plants vs. Zombies начала глючить или НПС не реагируют на завершение задания? И на этот вопрос найдется ответ! На этой странице вы сможете найти решение для любых известных проблем с игрой и обсудить их на форуме.

Игра не запускается

Тут собраны ответы на самые распространённые ошибки. В случае если вы не нашли ничего подходящего для решения вашей проблемы — рекомендуем перейти на форум, где более детально можно ознакомиться с любой ошибкой встречающийся в Plants vs. Zombies .

Игра вылетает на рабочий стол без ошибок.
О: Скорее всего проблема в поврежденных файлах игры. В подобном случае рекомендуется переустановить игру, предварительно скопировав все сохранения. В случае если игра загружалась из официального магазина за сохранность прогресса можно не переживать.

Plants vs. Zombies не работает на консоли.
О: Обновите ПО до актуальной версии, а так же проверьте стабильность подключения к интернету. Если полное обновление прошивки консоли и самой игры не решило проблему, то стоит заново загрузить игру, предварительно удалив с диска.

Ошибка 0xc000007b.

О: Есть два пути решения.
Первый — полная переустановка игры. В ряде случаев это устраняет проблему.
Второй состоит из двух этапов:

Ошибка 0xc0000142.

О: Чаще всего данная ошибка возникает из-за наличия кириллицы (русских букв) в одном из путей, по которым игра хранит свои файлы. Это может быть имя пользователя или сама папка в которой находится игра. Решением будет установка игры в другую папку, название которой написано английскими буквами или смена имени пользователя.

Ошибка 0xc0000906.

О: Данная ошибка связана с блокировкой одного или нескольких файлов игры антивирусом или “Защитником Windows”. Для её устранения необходимо добавить всю папку игры в исключени. Для каждого антивируса эта процедура индивидуально и следует обратиться к его справочной системе. Стоит отметить, что вы делаете это на свой страх и риск. Все мы любим репаки, но если вас часто мучает данная ошибка — стоит задуматься о покупке игр. Пусть даже и по скидкам, о которых можно узнать из новостей на нашем сайте.

Отсутствует msvcp 140.dll/msvcp 120.dll/msvcp 110.dll/msvcp 100.dll

О: Ошибка возникает в случае отсутствия на компьютере корректной версии пакета Microsoft Visual C++, в который и входит msvcp 140.dll (и подобные ему). Решением будет установка нужной версии пакета.

  • Нажимаем на Windows + R;
  • Вводим команду“regsvrЗ2 msvcp140.dll”(без кавычек);
  • Нажимаем “ОК”;
  • Перезагружаем компьютер.

Ошибка 0xc0000009a/0xc0000009b/0xc0000009f и другие
О: Все ошибки начинающиеся с индекса 0xc0000009 (например 0xc0000009a, где на месте “а” может находиться любая буква или цифра) можно отнести к одному семейству. Подобные ошибки являются следствием проблем с оперативной памятью или файлом подкачки.

Перед началом выполнения следующих действий настоятельно рекомендуем отключить часть фоновых процессов и сторонних программ, после чего повторно попробовать запустить Plants vs. Zombies .
Увеличиваем размер файла подкачки:

  • Клик правой кнопкой на значку компьютера, а далее: «Дополнительные параметры системы» — «Дополнительно» — «Быстродействие» — «Дополнительно» — «Виртуальная память» — «Изменить».
  • Выбираем один диск, задаем одинаковый размер.
  • Перезагружаемся.

Размер файла подкачки должен быть кратен 1024. Объём зависит от свободного места на выбранном локальном диске. Рекомендуем установить его равным объему ОЗУ.
Если ошибка 0xc0000009а сохранилась, необходимо проверить вашу оперативную память. Для этого нужно воспользоваться функциями таких программ как MemTest86, Acronis, Everest.

Ошибки загрузки/обновления

Проверьте стабильность подключения к интернету, а также скорость загрузки. При слишком высоком пинге или низкой пропускной способности обновление может выдавать ошибки.

Если магазин или лончер Plants vs. Zombies не завершает обновления или выдает ошибки, то переустановите саму программу. При этом все скачанные вами игры сохранятся.

Запустите проверку целостности данных игры.

Проверьте наличие свободного места на том диске, на котором установлена игра, а также на диске с операционной системой. И в том и в другом случае должно быть свободно места не меньше, чем занимает игра на текущий момент. В идеале всегда иметь запас около 100Гб.

О специфических ошибках связанных с последними обновлениями можно узнать на форуме игры.

Проблемы с модами

Вопросы по прохождению

Ответы на все вопросы касающиеся прохождения Plants vs. Zombies можно найти в соответствующих разделах Wiki, а также на нашем форуме. Не стесняйтесь задавать вопросы и делиться своими советами и решениями.

При завершении установки вылезает таблица с надписью «DirtctX Setup Error: An internal error occurred». Помогите, что делать?

зайди в паку с игрой и найди там папку с directx и удали все ффайлы кроме выделенных и запускай установку

Игра тормозит и лагает

Скорее всего данная проблема носит аппаратный характер. Проверьте системные требования игры и установите корректные настройки качества графики. Подробнее об оптимизации игры можно почитать на форуме. Также загляните в раздел файлов, где найдутся программы для оптимизации Plants vs. Zombies для работы на слабых ПК. Ниже рассмотрены исключительные случаи.

Читайте также:

  • Как включить пнв в гта 5 онлайн
  • Как установить бателфилд 1
  • Как поменять статус в доте
  • Как поменять иконку world of tanks
  • Программа rage mp не предназначена для выполнения в windows или содержит ошибку

Click here follow the steps to fix Plants Vs Zombies Fatal Error Unable To Open Properties Partner.xml and related errors.



To Fix (Plants Vs Zombies Fatal Error Unable To Open Properties Partner.xml) error you need to
follow the steps below:

Step 1:

(Plants Vs Zombies Fatal Error Unable To Open Properties Partner.xml) Repair Tool

Step 2:

Click the «Scan» button

Step 3:

Click ‘Fix All‘ and you’re done!

Windows 7, 8, Vista, XP
Download Size: 6MB
Requirements: 300 MHz Processor, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD

This download is a free evaluation version. To unlock all features and tools, a purchase is required.

Plants Vs Zombies Fatal Error Unable To Open Properties Partner.xml Error Codes are caused in one way or another by misconfigured system files
in your windows operating system.

If you have Plants Vs Zombies Fatal Error Unable To Open Properties Partner.xml errors then we strongly recommend that you

Download (Plants Vs Zombies Fatal Error Unable To Open Properties Partner.xml) Repair Tool.

This article contains information that shows you how to fix
Plants Vs Zombies Fatal Error Unable To Open Properties Partner.xml
(manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Plants Vs Zombies Fatal Error Unable To Open Properties Partner.xml error code that you may receive.

This article was updated on 2023-01-25 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794


  •   1. What is Plants Vs Zombies Fatal Error Unable To Open Properties Partner.xml error?
  •   2. What causes Plants Vs Zombies Fatal Error Unable To Open Properties Partner.xml error?
  •   3. How to easily fix Plants Vs Zombies Fatal Error Unable To Open Properties Partner.xml errors

What is Plants Vs Zombies Fatal Error Unable To Open Properties Partner.xml error?

The Plants Vs Zombies Fatal Error Unable To Open Properties Partner.xml error is the Hexadecimal format of the error caused. This is common error code format used by windows and other windows compatible software and driver vendors.

This code is used by the vendor to identify the error caused. This Plants Vs Zombies Fatal Error Unable To Open Properties Partner.xml error code has a numeric error number and a technical description. In some cases the error may have more parameters in Plants Vs Zombies Fatal Error Unable To Open Properties Partner.xml format .This additional hexadecimal code are the address of the memory locations where the instruction(s) was loaded at the time of the error.

What causes Plants Vs Zombies Fatal Error Unable To Open Properties Partner.xml error?

The Plants Vs Zombies Fatal Error Unable To Open Properties Partner.xml error may be caused by windows system files damage. The corrupted system files entries can be a real threat to the well being of your computer.

There can be many events which may have resulted in the system files errors. An incomplete installation, an incomplete uninstall, improper deletion of applications or hardware. It can also be caused if your computer is recovered from a virus or adware/spyware
attack or by an improper shutdown of the computer. All the above actives
may result in the deletion or corruption of the entries in the windows
system files. This corrupted system file will lead to the missing and wrongly
linked information and files needed for the proper working of the

How to easily fix Plants Vs Zombies Fatal Error Unable To Open Properties Partner.xml error?

There are two (2) ways to fix Plants Vs Zombies Fatal Error Unable To Open Properties Partner.xml Error:

Advanced Computer User Solution (manual update):

1) Start your computer and log on as an administrator.

2) Click the Start button then select All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and then click System Restore.

3) In the new window, select «Restore my computer to an earlier time» option and then click Next.

4) Select the most recent system restore point from the «On this list, click a restore point» list, and then click Next.

5) Click Next on the confirmation window.

6) Restarts the computer when the restoration is finished.

Novice Computer User Solution (completely automated):

1) Download (Plants Vs Zombies Fatal Error Unable To Open Properties Partner.xml) repair utility.

2) Install program and click Scan button.

3) Click the Fix Errors button when scan is completed.

4) Restart your computer.

How does it work?

This tool will scan and diagnose, then repairs, your PC with patent
pending technology that fix your windows operating system registry
basic features: (repairs system freezing and rebooting issues , start-up customization , browser helper object management , program removal management , live updates , windows structure repair.)

Major premise: Please keep the game path in English, do not show Chinese symbols or words

Solution 1:

1. Open Notepad

2. Copy and paste the following code:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



3. Change the txt suffix of the notepad to reg and save

4. Double-click the file-run

Let’s take a look at what has changed:

Before running:

After running:

You can see that this operation actually adds a variable named ScreenMode to this directory,

Then we open «Plants vs. Zombies» to see the effect:

At this point, the problem should be solved. If the fatal error is still reported, it may be a problem with your graphics card settings.

Solution 2:

1. Open the device manager

2. As shown in the figure above, if you also have dual graphics cards, please disable one graphics card. Here I choose to disable the GTX1060 with independent display.

3. Open the game again to check the effect

Solution 3: (mostly this is the case)

Chinese input method is the culprit!

Because of the Chinese input method, a very long error was reported:

If it is still fatal error, please check if the input method is Chinese,

If yes, please switch toAmerican keyboard


  1. File Too Short Error — Plants vs. Zombies
  2. Как исправить ошибку «error reading user file» при запуске игры?
  3. Plants VS Zombies Game of the year edition Windows 10 Error reading user file !
  4. Original Post
  5. Plants vs Zombies won’t load
  6. Original Post
  7. Plants vs Zombies won’t load
  8. File is too short Plants vs Zombies
  9. Re: Plants vs. Zombies Erro
  10. Re: Plants vs. Zombies Erro
  11. Re: Plants vs. Zombies Erro
  12. Re: File is too short Plants vs Zombies
  13. error reading user file — too short
  14. Re: error reading user file — too short
  15. Re: error reading user file — too short

File Too Short Error — Plants vs. Zombies

Why am I getting an «Error Reading User File: File Too Short» message when starting Plants vs. Zombies?

This error is often related to a problem with the Plants vs. Zombies user files, such as your player profile and saved game information.

It may have occurred because the game did not have a chance to close properly, causing the user files to become corrupt.

To fix this error, the corrupt files have to be removed. This will allow the game to start normally and create new user files.

The process for removing these files varies depending on your version of Windows.

Please tap your operating system below:

Windows XP Users

If you’re using Windows XP, simply uninstalling and reinstalling the game will delete the user files.

  1. Open the Start menu.
  2. Select Control Panel.
  3. Double-click Add/Remove Programs.
  4. Select Plants vs. Zombies from the list and click the Change/Remove button.
  5. To reinstall the game, go to your Purchase History and click Install Now next to Plants vs. Zombies.

Windows 7 / Vista Users

Uninstalling and reinstalling the game will not remove the user files if you are using Windows 7 or Vista. To remove the user file, it is necessary to manually locate and delete the files.

Finding and deleting your Plants vs. Zombies user files

  1. Open the Start menu (Windows pearl).
  2. At the bottom of the Start menu, type Folder Options into the Start Search box and press the Enter key.
  3. Click on the View tab and check Show hidden files and folders.

  • Now, return to the Start menu and select Computer then Local Disk (C:).
  • Open the ProgramData folder.

    Please note: This folder’s icon should appear faded, indicating that it is a hidden folder. If you don’t see the ProgramData folder, please make sure the option to Show hidden files and folders is enabled as described in steps 1 — 3.

  • From the ProgramData folder, open the Big Fish Games folder, then the PlantsVsZombies folder.
  • From the PlantsVsZombies folder, right click on the userdata folder and select Delete. If prompted, select Yes to confirm the deletion.
  • After following these steps and deleting the userdata folder, try launching the game again. Once the game has loaded, it should prompt you to create a new user and allow you to play.

    Uninstalling and reinstalling the game will not remove the user files if you are using Windows 8 or 8.1. To remove the user file, it is necessary to manually locate and delete the files.

    1. Press the Home(Windows symbol) and x buttons on your keyboard, or hover over the bottom left corner of the screen and right-click.
    2. In the menu that appears, select File Explorer.
    3. At the top of the window, select the View
    4. Check the box for Hidden Items.
    5. Open the ProgramData

    Please note: This folder’s icon should appear faded, indicating that it is a hidden folder. If you don’t see the ProgramData folder, please make sure the option Show hidden files and folders is enabled as described in steps 1 – 3.

  • From the Program Data folder, open the Big Fish Games folder, then the PlantsVsZombies
  • From the PlantsVsZombies folder, right click on the userdata folder and select Delete. If prompted select Yes to confirm the deletion.
  • Uninstalling and reinstalling the game will not remove the user files if you are using Windows 10. To remove the user file, it is necessary to manually locate and delete the files.

    1. Open the Start
    2. Select File Explorer.
    3. At the top of the window, select the View
    4. Check the box for Hidden Items.
    5. Open the ProgramData

    Please note: This folder’s icon should appear faded, indicating that it is a hidden folder. If you don’t see the ProgramData folder, please make sure the option Show hidden files and folders is enabled as described in steps 1 – 3.

  • From the Program Data folder, open the Big Fish Games folder, then the PlantsVsZombies
  • From the PlantsVsZombies folder, right click on the userdata folder and select Delete. If prompted select Yes to confirm the deletion.
  • Источник

    Как исправить ошибку «error reading user file» при запуске игры?

    Часто играла в игру «plants vs zombies» и через какое-то время она перестала запускаться. Выскакивает вот такое окно.

    Удаление и установка игры заново не помогает. В чем причина и что делать?

    Действительно, если зайти в папку, где содержится игра и удалить папку userdata, то игра начнет запускаться без проблем. Я конечно сначала вырезала папку и сохранила на рабочем столе, но затем удалила ее бесповоротно, так как проблем с игрой больше не возникало.

    Я не уверен, но есть смысл попробовать удалить файл сохранения, а затем попробовать зайти в игру

    Мне помог запуск от имени администратора.

    Фундаментальная потребность человека -быть правым! Иначе он не сможет жить,просто потеряет смысл! Как альтернатива признанию своих ошибок,для твердолобых -подойдет вариант «я не отступаю,это я развернулась -и прямо вперед. «

    Самая распространенная их ошибка — это навязчивость. Как правило, в основной своей массе, при общении такие люди будут постоянно настаивать на своих интересах и пытаться убедить потенциального покупателя в том, что ему это необходимо. На деле, потенциального клиента очень мало волнует, что там ему пытаются «впарить», он преследует только свои интересы и сам хочет решать, на что ему тратить собственные денежки. Располагают к себе люди, способные переключиться со своих на потребности другого человека, даже, если они не могут решить проблему, занимающую мысли человека в данную минуту, но дадут полезный совет или проявят искреннее участие, человек будет благодарен и может сделать «ответный жест», проявив интерес к бизнесу.

    Ученики очень ответственно относятся к государственному экзамену ЕГЭ и конечно же очень много нервничают и могут допустить ошибку, заполняя экзаменационный бланк.

    В этом случае организаторы обязаны заменить индивидуальный пакет с записью в протоколе. В том случае, если ошибка была допущена в написании фамилии то пакет не заменяют.

    В том случае, если ошибка была допущена в самом экзамене, то ученик после сдачи экзамена должен подать апелляцию на рассмотрение комиссии ГЭК.

    А лучше не совершать ошибок и внимательно отнестись к сдаче экзамена, чтоб такие мелочи как заполнение бланка не отвлекали от экзамена.

    Все оказалось сильно просто. Эта функция AVZGuard не работает в автономном режиме и в windows 8. В windows 7 еще запускается, а в 8 не подключается. Разработчикам только предстоит ее адаптировать для windows 8.

    Эта хрень только сегодня появилась и то — совсем недавно, с утра не было. У меня он ещё и не открывается ничем, но я сильно и не стремлюсь его открыть, раз он весит 0.

    Просто сразу удаляю на всякий пожарный — на фига мне всякие непонятки.

    Думаю, это какая-то техническая заморочка на сайте и администрация в скором времени разберётся с этим недоразумением.


    Plants VS Zombies Game of the year edition Windows 10 Error reading user file !

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    June 2020 — last edited June 2020

    Invalid file version.

    This happened to me today as I was playing the game, Well actually tending to the garden, Feeding my 725 foot tree and buying fertilizer, A STORM rolled through knocked out power during the purchasing of the fertilizer and when the power came back ON I restarted the computer and went to finish my fertilizer purchase and grow the tree some more since I had $980,000 some odd dollars in the game and you can only go to 999,999 so you need to buy something.

    ANYWAY upon re opening the game I got the

    Error reading user file

    ! exclamation in triangle

    Invalid file version.

    I have tried EVERYTHING listed on other peoples supposed solutions.

    Turned off Cloud that did nothing turned it back on nothing,

    Deleted the files in the computer and or uninstalled it and re installed it many times still doesn’t work!

    Others said this would fix it but you would lose your saved game or achievements and have to start over but I can’t even get that far I still get the error.

    I have BEATEN the full game of the year edition 13 times I believe. 249 hours played $980,000 plus plant dollars. 725 plus foot tall tree of wisdom!

    And all the other goals etc.

    Now just because of a simple power outage I cannot get the game to start anymore?

    This is terrible.

    Purchased through EA and or Origin.

    Even tried safe mode but the error still exists.

    No one elses posts seem to help me and to be honest sound like gibberish.

    Just once it would be nice if someone would post an option that actually WORKS!!

    Update: I noticed that the game keeps telling me to do the windows and G for x box game bar so I thought since that this game was the only thing that has ever utilized xbox anything i would delete the xbox files and then I found an EA folder deleted that and then uninstalled origin and plants vs zombies and emptied everything and then restarted and re installed those from origin online. Now at first it still did the file error but I tried the cloud data check thing again and it asked if I wanted to switch to the local save or the like meaning the computer,Once I DID THAT


    Plants vs Zombies won’t load

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    Plants vs. Zombies Erro. File too Short. of Play.

    when I’ll play. the following error appears. File too short.
    What seia this, my daughter can no longer play.

    Plants vs Zombies won’t load

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    small error window says «error reading user file» at top of window, then «invalid file version» and click «ok»

    game will not load. attempted to delete user files, but Origin folders aren’t set up the same as what i found in google. live chat help says it’s an hour wait — useless. hope to find a solution

    File is too short Plants vs Zombies

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    I’ve been playing this game for over a year now and when I tried clicking play the other day it tries to load but then I get this small box in the middle of my screen saying «Error reading user file» and under that says «File too short». Then it backs out to my origin window again. Why am I getting this message?

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    Re: Plants vs. Zombies Erro

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    We have the exact same problem. I’ve tried uninstalling and re-installing the game. I’ve tried right clicking on the game image in origin to repair game and nothing has helped. I get a little gray box that pops up and says «Error reading user file» «File too short»

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    Try renaming this folder:

    C:Users DocumentsPVZ Garden Warfare

    to — » PVZ Garden Warfare BACKUP»

    Then relaunch the game. Same error message?

    Re: File is too short Plants vs Zombies

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    Any restore method not work.

    I have this problem after fresh Windows 7 + Origin + PvsZ installation!

    error reading user file — too short

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    This is the message I get when trying to launch Plants VS Zombies (for Win10 PC). How can I fix this? I don’t understand as the game worked yesterday with no problem.

    Re: error reading user file — too short

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    Best regards,
    If the answer is helpful: Grant XP/ Accept as Solution

    Re: error reading user file — too short

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    I did not have the folder » Big Fish Games» in the program data folder.

    I have pogoDGC, but nothing about plantvszombies (or inside folder there).


    plants vs zombies fatal error

    A stubborn error associated with Plants vs. Zombies is the “fatal error”, which is typically encountered during startup. To fix this error, we’ll be showing you some workarounds in this tutorial.

    This “fatal error” is especially notorious on Windows, and going by the level of notoriety of this error, many players have been pushed to claim a refund from PopCap (on the purchase of the game).

    If you’re encountering this, you don’t have to claim a refund; this article will show you how to fix the error.

    This error has been attributed to a bug on the PC version of the game, as it’s practically nonexistent on the Mac and mobile versions.

    In any case, below are some proven fixes:

    Fix 1: Play in Windowed Mode

    The main cause of this error has been attributed to a bug, which is activated once the game is set to fullscreen mode on PC. Hence, to fix this, disable the fullscreen mode, and set the game to “windowed” mode.

    To do this, follow the steps below:

    • Click on the Windows + R keys to open “Run” dialog box.
    • Input “regedit” and click Enter.
    • In the Registry Editor, locate and double-click on
    • On the displayed list, locate ScreenMode and double-click it.
    • Set its value from “1” to “0”.
    • Save changes and exit Registry Editor.
    • Restart PC.

    Relaunch the game and see if the fatal error is fixed.

    Note: If this error is encountered after launch, you can easily click the Alt + Enter keys to enter “windowed” mode. Then, close the game and relaunch.

    If the error persists, try the next fix.

    Fix 2: Check and Disable G-Sync

    Some players claim they were able to fix this error by disabling the G-Sync feature on their monitor. This fix is, however, only applicable to those who have the feature enabled on their video or graphics card (basically NVIDIA).

    So, if you encounter this error and you have G-Sync enabled, try and disable it, and see if the error is fixed.

    Closing Note

    If neither of the fixes above could fix the “fatal error”, try and verify the integrity of the game’s cache; to check for any faulty or missing installation file. Also, you can remove the whole package (including associated data), and reinstall a fresh package.

    Was this helpful?


    Daniel Segun is a technology writer with over 5 years of experience. He loves to teach and inspire others. When he is not writing, he’s probably busy developing websites. You can reach him here.

    Major premise: Please keep the game path in English, do not show Chinese symbols or words

    Solution 1:

    1. Open Notepad

    2. Copy and paste the following code:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    3. Change the txt suffix of the notepad to reg and save

    4. Double-click the file-run

    Let’s take a look at what has changed:

    Before running:

    After running:

    You can see that this operation actually adds a variable named ScreenMode to this directory,

    Then we open «Plants vs. Zombies» to see the effect:

    At this point, the problem should be solved. If the fatal error is still reported, it may be a problem with your graphics card settings.

    Solution 2:

    1. Open the device manager

    2. As shown in the figure above, if you also have dual graphics cards, please disable one graphics card. Here I choose to disable the GTX1060 with independent display.

    3. Open the game again to check the effect

    Solution 3: (mostly this is the case)

    Chinese input method is the culprit!

    Because of the Chinese input method, a very long error was reported:

    If it is still fatal error, please check if the input method is Chinese,

    If yes, please switch toAmerican keyboard

    Fatal error PvZ steam pc version

    PvZ boots up fine but when I click play it pops up a fatal error. I have tried so many different things and it has not worked. If you have any idea of what is going on with my game leave a comment please I’m about to give up.

    Posted this on steam too

    Exception: Access Violation (code 0xc0000005) at address 00534B2C in thread 3990
    Module: popcapgame1.exe
    Logical Address: 0001:00133B2C

    0019F804 00534B2C 0001:00133B2C popcapgame1.exe
    Params: 444E4000 41C80000 3F800000 3F800000

    EAX:00000002 EBX:0019F588 ECX:000000C7 EDX:0019F594 ESI:00725580 EDI:1C2560EC
    EIP:00534B2C ESP:0019F530 EBP:0019F804
    CS:0023 SS:002B DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B

    Windows Ver: NT 6.2 Build 9200
    DDraw Ver: 10.0.19041.1
    DSound Ver: 10.0.19041.1

    Product: PlantsVsZombies
    Time Loaded: 00:00:06
    Fullscreen: No
    Primary ThreadId: 3990
    Times Played: 0
    Build Num: 0
    Build Date:

  • Растения против зомби invalid file version ошибка
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