В одном небольшом лесу из мультфильма «Три фу Том» вот уже много лет стоит старое и удивительное дерево, которое скрывает в себе волшебный мир под названием Тритополис. Его обитателями стали разнообразные необычные существа – бабочки, пауки, мокрицы, муравьи, жуки и прочие насекомые, а также желуди, мухоморы и много других. Этот мир тщательно скрывался от любопытных людских глаз и оставался для них тайной. Но однажды утром маленький любопытный мальчик по имени Том прогуливался по этому лесу и случайно наткнулся на то самое дерево. Обойдя вокруг него, он заметил то, что не должен был видеть ни один человек.
Это удивительное открытие полностью изменило жизнь Тома, который вдобавок к увиденному получил уникальный предмет – волшебный пояс, способный уменьшать его до размеров насекомого и наделяющий удивительной силой. Теперь мальчик мог проникнуть в Тритополис и поближе познакомиться с его жителями. Для них он стал не просто другом, а настоящим героем и защитником их мира, где иногда случаются непредвиденные ситуации и возникают сложные проблемы, решить которые самостоятельно они не могут. Поэтому Том стал всегда приходить им на помощь. Так он спас обитателей Тритополиса от жуткого деревотрясения, остановил разрушительную ягодную лавину и усмирил свирепый листопад. Но эта заслуга не его одного, ведь без помощи своих верных друзей он вряд ли бы справился.
Рецензии к фильму
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Расписание сериала
Сезон 1
Эпизодов: 26
( 2012 — 2012 )
Сезон 1 | ||||
1 x 26 | Потерянный энергокамень | The Lost Stone | Просмотрен | ? |
1 x 25 | Том лилипут | Tiny Tom | Просмотрен | ? |
1 x 24 | На вкус и цвет | Weather Brother | Просмотрен | ? |
1 x 23 | Спасение Рикети | Rickety Rescue | Просмотрен | ? |
1 x 22 | Прожорливая напасть | Grubble Trouble | Просмотрен | ? |
1 x 21 | День живицы | Sappy day | Просмотрен | ? |
1 x 20 | Ошибка Тома | Tom’s Big Mess | Просмотрен | ? |
1 x 19 | Охота за сокровищами | Treasure Hunt | Просмотрен | ? |
1 x 18 | Парящие жуки | Hovering Humblebugs | Просмотрен | ? |
1 x 17 | Не так быстро! | Not So Fast | Просмотрен | ? |
1 x 16 | Потрясающее приключение | The Great Journey | Просмотрен | ? |
1 x 15 | Том и трюфели | Treefle Tom | Просмотрен | ? |
1 x 14 | Один за всех | One for All! | Просмотрен | ? |
1 x 13 | Большие скачки на ранчо | The Big Ranch Rodeo | Просмотрен | ? |
1 x 12 | Грязные игры | Fungus Among Us | Просмотрен | ? |
1 x 11 | Кристальная катастрофа | Crystal Catastrophe | Просмотрен | ? |
1 x 10 | Окрылённость | Winging It | Просмотрен | ? |
1 x 09 | Стоит дружить с теми, кто жужжит | Buzzworthy | Просмотрен | ? |
1 x 08 | С такими друзьями! | With Friends Like These | Просмотрен | ? |
1 x 07 | Робот Зигзу | Zigzoo’s Robot | Просмотрен | ? |
1 x 06 | Всё, что захотите | Wishful Thinking | Просмотрен | ? |
1 x 05 | Прятки со спасением | Hide and Squeak | Просмотрен | ? |
1 x 04 | Пока, новички! | So Long Greenhorns! | Просмотрен | ? |
1 x 03 | Зигзу ноль | Zigzoo the Zero | Просмотрен | ? |
1 x 02 | Поиски Сквизла | Squizzle Quest | Просмотрен | ? |
1 x 01 | Победу лучшей ягоде! | May The Best Berry Win | Просмотрен | ? |
- Комментарии
Три-Фу Том
Tree Fu Tom
- Год:
2012 - Режиссер:
Адам Шоу, Китти Тейлор, Дермот Кентербери - Актеры:
Тим Уайтнэлл, Софи Алдред, Саманта Дэкин, Дэвид Теннант, Люсьен Додж, Шэрон Д. Кларк, Адам Хендерсон - Статус:
1 сезон 25 серия - Жанр:
Зарубежные мультсериалы / Для мальчиков / Для девочек
Плеер может воспроизводить видео на телефонах и планшетах с поддержкой андроид (Android) и IOS (iPhone, iPad).
Это значит, что вы можете смотреть Три-Фу Том онлайн на телефоне и планшете бесплатно в хорошем качестве.
Описание мультфильма
Многосерийный мультфильм «Три Фу Том» (или «Лес Фу Том») стартовал на британском детском канале с 2012 года.
Обычная прогулка по лесу приводит восьмилетнего мальчика Тома к старому дереву, внутри которого он случайно обнаруживает целый волшебный мир! При помощи волшебства Том уменьшается, попадает в город Триполис, где знакомится с его обитателями — бабочками, жуками, гусеницами, разными растениями, которые, оказывается, тоже умеют ходить и разговаривать!
Для жителей Триполиса Том становится супергероем, который всегда придет им на помощь. А мальчик, в свою очередь, учится противостоять злу, справляться с трудностями, ценить настоящую дружбу. Он узнает много волшебных секретов, познакомится с самыми невероятными существами и станет незаменимым жителем сказочного города.
Серии длятся по 20 минут, что не утомляет детей, и они с интересом наблюдают за приключениями главного героя.
Кроме того, при просмотре мультфильма у детей есть возможность «помочь» Тому, повторяя за ним магические движения руками и ногами. Таким образом, развивается координация движений. А наблюдение и слежка за определенными героями являются упражнениями на концентрацию внимания и наблюдательность.
Tree Fu Tom is a British live-action/CGI children’s television program which has been shown on BBC and CBeebies in the UK and Universal Kids and NBC in the USA. It is set in a miniature magical countryside and village area (Treetopolis) on the top of a part of a trunk of a big tree in a British-type woodland, where the trunk turns horizontal and then vertical again. Its characters are mostly anthropomorphized arthropods (which are not to size scale with each other as in reality). The programme is aimed at 2-6 year olds.
In it, some species of insects are raised and controlled like cattle on a ranch: aphids, ladybirds, a rhinoceros beetle.
- «Tree Fu Tom is about the amazing adventures of a young boy called Tom who, with the power of ‘movement magic’ called ‘Tree Fu’, can transform into a tiny but mighty magical super hero and travel to a wondrous enchanted kingdom called Treetopolis that exists in a tree in his back garden.» (link)
What Kids Learn About
- «Action, Movement» (link)
- Tom (Thomas), the main character, and a host. He uses a magical belt to transport into Treetopolis and cast spells with help from the ‘big world’. Though he is usually the best at spells, he is a modest character and often has to turn to his friends for advice when things go wrong. One of his catchphrases are «Tree Fu Go!» and ‘Yes, we did it! Thanks for your help!’ where he shows his viewers how to do the ‘big world’ magic spell segment. He Is 8 years old. Voiced by Lucien Dodge, live actor Adam Henderson.
- Twigs, a silly and energetic Scottish Acorn Sprite who is Tom’s sidekick and best friend, and frenemy of Chezz, who usually encounters conflict. his catchphrases are «I Am A Genius» and «We’re Doomed!» and «Wowzers!» voiced by David Tennant in the first two series (2012–2013), and Mark Bonnar in the other three (2014–2016).
- Zigzoo, an eccentric tree frog who is the local inventor at Treetopolis, though not all of his inventions work out quite as well as he (or others) hope. Though it has never officially been confessed, certain episodes seem to suggest he may have a crush on Ariela. One of his catchphrases is «Oh Ribbety Roo» voiced by Tim Whitnall 2012–2015 David Holt 2016–xxxx.
- Squirmtum, a pill woodlouse who is a miner of sap in the caverns and general-purpose workman, and not the most intelligent of creatures. He can curl into a ball, and in that form he can roll fast. He wears a miner’s helmet with a firefly called Flicker as his helmet light. Voiced by Tim Whitnall 2012–2015 Duncan Wisbey 2016–xxxx.
- Ariela, the alpha female character, a beautiful but feisty butterfly in charge of the Branch Ranch at Treetopolis, generally does not accept help from others, and likes to get her own way; but she is always there when her friends need her. She is highly competitive and rather impatient. She appears to have the closest relationship with Zigzoo — who invents many gadgets for her ranch throughout the episodes. voiced by Samantha Dakin.
- Rickety McGlum, an elderly spider of Treetopolis; he used to be thought of as scary, but is now a close friend to Tom and his friends. He is also a Squizzle expert and trainer, and leader of the Tree Fu Rangers. He is also the grandfather of Racquette. Voiced by Tim Whitnall 2012–2015 Duncan Wisbey 2016–xxxx.
- Treetog the Tree Spirit, the plump friendly leader of Treetopolis. She also acts as the schoolteacher, teaching the young sprite creatures and Tom traditional tree fu spells. Voiced by Sharon D. Clarke.
- The Mushas (Puffy and Stink), sister and brother respectively, forever arguing, and the main antagonists, two naughty animated toadstool-type fungi who cause trouble, though occasionally, Puffy seems to be the true antagonist. voiced by Sophie Aldred and Tim Whitnall 2012–2015 Duncan Wisbey 2016–xxxx.
- Sprites including Chezz, Bertie, Hazel, Lavender, Sweetpea and Goose throughout the first series, these were only background characters, but they began to make more frequent appearances in the latter series. Chezz In particular is a very arrogant, badge-obsessed conker sprite with rhoticism, who likes to show off. Despite having mild respect for Tom, Chezz is usually arguing or attempting to compete with Twigs — often teasing him over his smaller size.
- Muru, enigmatic, Spanish, praying mantis introduced as part of the new 2016 cast, red magic teacher and friend of Tom. Has a magical stick that is able to rewind and fast forwards time. He uses an extension of tree fu magic (red magic) that allows the user to take on attributes of a big-world animal such as the speed of a cheetah or strength of an elephant. He uses a magic spell stone which has all the animal spells upon it. Voiced by David Holt.
- Racquette Troublesome female spiderling with a strong northern accent, and the granddaughter of Rickety. Although she loves and respects her granddad, she wishes he would allow her to adventure, believing him to be dull and overly cautious. She can be quite headstrong, though she usually realises when she makes a mistake. When bored or upset, she begins to spin webs in her hands. Spider’s appear to have a web spinning method similar to Spider-Man, from whereby it comes from their wrists. Voiced by Sophie Aldred
- Rootle and Shade, shy brother and sister dark sprites that live in the deep root caverns. Were afraid the light would turn them to jelly. Unlike the normal sprites, they lack wings and have snail shells upon their heads. Their ears and eyes are much larger than the other sprites. Rootle has an odd impediment where he switches the first letters of characters names around (Twom and Tigs, Pink and Stuffy, though he does not do this with Shade)
- Magic Build-a-Wall
- Tower Climber
- Ladybug Lasso
History on Sprout
The show joined Sprout on April 22nd, 2013 (Earth Day) with a marathon block, Sprout’s Dig Into Earth Day with Tree Fu Tom. The block aired from noon to 3PM ET. Afterwards, it aired at 2:30 ET.
The show stopped airing on September 26th, 2016, along with LazyTown, Earth to Luna, Poppy Cat, and Boj. However, a fan remembers both Tree Fu Tom and LazyTown aired well into June 16th, 2017.
See Tree Fu Tom/Gallery
Sprout — Tree Fu Tom Remix
Super Lifto Move with Chica the Chicken and Tree Fu Tom-1
Tree Fu Tom is a British live-action/CGI children’s television program which has been shown on BBC and CBeebies in the UK and Universal Kids and NBC in the USA. It is set in a miniature magical countryside and village area (Treetopolis) on the top of a part of a trunk of a big tree in a British-type woodland, where the trunk turns horizontal and then vertical again. Its characters are mostly anthropomorphized arthropods (which are not to size scale with each other as in reality). The programme is aimed at 2-6 year olds.
In it, some species of insects are raised and controlled like cattle on a ranch: aphids, ladybirds, a rhinoceros beetle.
- «Tree Fu Tom is about the amazing adventures of a young boy called Tom who, with the power of ‘movement magic’ called ‘Tree Fu’, can transform into a tiny but mighty magical super hero and travel to a wondrous enchanted kingdom called Treetopolis that exists in a tree in his back garden.» (link)
What Kids Learn About
- «Action, Movement» (link)
- Tom (Thomas), the main character, and a host. He uses a magical belt to transport into Treetopolis and cast spells with help from the ‘big world’. Though he is usually the best at spells, he is a modest character and often has to turn to his friends for advice when things go wrong. One of his catchphrases are «Tree Fu Go!» and ‘Yes, we did it! Thanks for your help!’ where he shows his viewers how to do the ‘big world’ magic spell segment. He Is 8 years old. Voiced by Lucien Dodge, live actor Adam Henderson.
- Twigs, a silly and energetic Scottish Acorn Sprite who is Tom’s sidekick and best friend, and frenemy of Chezz, who usually encounters conflict. his catchphrases are «I Am A Genius» and «We’re Doomed!» and «Wowzers!» voiced by David Tennant in the first two series (2012–2013), and Mark Bonnar in the other three (2014–2016).
- Zigzoo, an eccentric tree frog who is the local inventor at Treetopolis, though not all of his inventions work out quite as well as he (or others) hope. Though it has never officially been confessed, certain episodes seem to suggest he may have a crush on Ariela. One of his catchphrases is «Oh Ribbety Roo» voiced by Tim Whitnall 2012–2015 David Holt 2016–xxxx.
- Squirmtum, a pill woodlouse who is a miner of sap in the caverns and general-purpose workman, and not the most intelligent of creatures. He can curl into a ball, and in that form he can roll fast. He wears a miner’s helmet with a firefly called Flicker as his helmet light. Voiced by Tim Whitnall 2012–2015 Duncan Wisbey 2016–xxxx.
- Ariela, the alpha female character, a beautiful but feisty butterfly in charge of the Branch Ranch at Treetopolis, generally does not accept help from others, and likes to get her own way; but she is always there when her friends need her. She is highly competitive and rather impatient. She appears to have the closest relationship with Zigzoo — who invents many gadgets for her ranch throughout the episodes. voiced by Samantha Dakin.
- Rickety McGlum, an elderly spider of Treetopolis; he used to be thought of as scary, but is now a close friend to Tom and his friends. He is also a Squizzle expert and trainer, and leader of the Tree Fu Rangers. He is also the grandfather of Racquette. Voiced by Tim Whitnall 2012–2015 Duncan Wisbey 2016–xxxx.
- Treetog the Tree Spirit, the plump friendly leader of Treetopolis. She also acts as the schoolteacher, teaching the young sprite creatures and Tom traditional tree fu spells. Voiced by Sharon D. Clarke.
- The Mushas (Puffy and Stink), sister and brother respectively, forever arguing, and the main antagonists, two naughty animated toadstool-type fungi who cause trouble, though occasionally, Puffy seems to be the true antagonist. voiced by Sophie Aldred and Tim Whitnall 2012–2015 Duncan Wisbey 2016–xxxx.
- Sprites including Chezz, Bertie, Hazel, Lavender, Sweetpea and Goose throughout the first series, these were only background characters, but they began to make more frequent appearances in the latter series. Chezz In particular is a very arrogant, badge-obsessed conker sprite with rhoticism, who likes to show off. Despite having mild respect for Tom, Chezz is usually arguing or attempting to compete with Twigs — often teasing him over his smaller size.
- Muru, enigmatic, Spanish, praying mantis introduced as part of the new 2016 cast, red magic teacher and friend of Tom. Has a magical stick that is able to rewind and fast forwards time. He uses an extension of tree fu magic (red magic) that allows the user to take on attributes of a big-world animal such as the speed of a cheetah or strength of an elephant. He uses a magic spell stone which has all the animal spells upon it. Voiced by David Holt.
- Racquette Troublesome female spiderling with a strong northern accent, and the granddaughter of Rickety. Although she loves and respects her granddad, she wishes he would allow her to adventure, believing him to be dull and overly cautious. She can be quite headstrong, though she usually realises when she makes a mistake. When bored or upset, she begins to spin webs in her hands. Spider’s appear to have a web spinning method similar to Spider-Man, from whereby it comes from their wrists. Voiced by Sophie Aldred
- Rootle and Shade, shy brother and sister dark sprites that live in the deep root caverns. Were afraid the light would turn them to jelly. Unlike the normal sprites, they lack wings and have snail shells upon their heads. Their ears and eyes are much larger than the other sprites. Rootle has an odd impediment where he switches the first letters of characters names around (Twom and Tigs, Pink and Stuffy, though he does not do this with Shade)
- Magic Build-a-Wall
- Tower Climber
- Ladybug Lasso
History on Sprout
The show joined Sprout on April 22nd, 2013 (Earth Day) with a marathon block, Sprout’s Dig Into Earth Day with Tree Fu Tom. The block aired from noon to 3PM ET. Afterwards, it aired at 2:30 ET.
The show stopped airing on September 26th, 2016, along with LazyTown, Earth to Luna, Poppy Cat, and Boj. However, a fan remembers both Tree Fu Tom and LazyTown aired well into June 16th, 2017.
See Tree Fu Tom/Gallery
Sprout — Tree Fu Tom Remix
Super Lifto Move with Chica the Chicken and Tree Fu Tom-1
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Подборка: Мульт. три фу том. полицейская академия,
01 авг 2019
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Umid Anvarov
хороший мултфилм
В одном небольшом лесу из мультфильма «Три фу Том» вот уже много лет стоит старое и удивительное дерево, которое скрывает в себе волшебный мир под названием Тритополис. Его обитателями стали разнообразные необычные существа – бабочки, пауки, мокрицы, муравьи, жуки и прочие насекомые, а также желуди, мухоморы и много других. Этот мир тщательно скрывался от любопытных людских глаз и оставался для них тайной. Но однажды утром маленький любопытный мальчик по имени Том прогуливался по этому лесу и случайно наткнулся на то самое дерево. Обойдя вокруг него, он заметил то, что не должен был видеть ни один человек.
Это удивительное открытие полностью изменило жизнь Тома, который вдобавок к увиденному получил уникальный предмет – волшебный пояс, способный уменьшать его до размеров насекомого и наделяющий удивительной силой. Теперь мальчик мог проникнуть в Тритополис и поближе познакомиться с его жителями. Для них он стал не просто другом, а настоящим героем и защитником их мира, где иногда случаются непредвиденные ситуации и возникают сложные проблемы, решить которые самостоятельно они не могут. Поэтому Том стал всегда приходить им на помощь. Так он спас обитателей Тритополиса от жуткого деревотрясения, остановил разрушительную ягодную лавину и усмирил свирепый листопад. Но эта заслуга не его одного, ведь без помощи своих верных друзей он вряд ли бы справился.
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У нас Вы можете мультсериал Три-Фу Том 1 сезон скачать через торрент бесплатно в хорошем качестве. Здесь можно дать оценку мультику, либо высказать свою точу зрения по поводу торрента в комментариях.
Tree Fu Tom
- Год: 2012
- Жанр: фэнтези
- Студия: Blue-Zoo Productions, CBeebies, Fremantle Media Ltd.
- Страна: Великобритания
- Режиссёр: Адам Шоу, Китти Тейлор, Дермот Кентербери
- Продюсер: Джеки Эдвардс, Daniel Bays, Barry Quinn
- Композитор: Майкл Ричард Плауман
- Художник: Крис Раис, Пол Роуэн
- В ролях: Тим Уайтнэлл, Саманта Дэкин, Софи Алдред, Дэвид Теннант, Люсьен Додж, Луиза Гуирейро, Эден Гамлиэль, Адам Хендерсон, Шэрон Д. Кларк
Поиск торрент раздач, пожалуйста подождите!
Сюжет мультфильма
Восьмилетний Том сделал ошеломляющее открытие! Оказывается, внутри ствола одного из деревьев, что растёт недалеко от его дома в лесу, разместился целый мир. Том получает возможность оказаться в этом магическом мире и познакомиться с его жителями — диковинными маленькими существами из леса. Этот волшебный мир превращает простого мальчишку в супергероя! Маленькие зрители непременно подружатся с Томом и вместе с ним отправятся в увлекательное приключение в заколдованное царство, населённое удивительными жителями.
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Голосов 211
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Отзывы к мультфильму Три-Фу Том 1 сезон 0
Tree Fu Tom is a British live-action/CGI children’s television programme/program which has been shown on BBC and CBeebies in the UK and Universal Kids and NBC in the USA. It is set in a miniature magical countryside and village area (Treetopolis) on the top of a part of a trunk of a big tree in a British-type woodland, where the trunk turns horizontal and then vertical again. Its characters are mostly anthropomorphized arthropods (which are not to size scale with each other as in reality). The programme is aimed at 2-6 year olds.
In it, some species of insects are raised and controlled like cattle on a ranch: aphids, ladybirds, a rhinoceros beetle.
Show Link[]
Tree Fu Tom combines its innovative elements of heroic action, fantasy and magic, coupled with unique interactive physical activity. All of the Tree Fu movements are developed from therapeutic techniques used to help children with movement disorders, and they are also designed to enhance the development of all children at a crucial time in their growth.
- Tom (Thomas), the main character, and a host. He uses a magical belt to transport into Treetopolis and cast spells with help from the ‘big world’. Though he is usually the best at spells, he is a modest character and often has to turn to his friends for advice when things go wrong. One of his catchphrases are «Tree Fu Go!» and ‘Yes, we did it! Thanks for your help!’ where he shows his viewers how to do the ‘big world’ magic spell segment. He Is 11 years old. Voiced by Sophie Aldred, Lucien Dodge (US), live actor Adam Henderson.
- Twigs, a silly and energetic Scottish Acorn Sprite who is Tom’s sidekick and best friend, and frenemy of Chezz, who usually encounters conflict. his catchphrases are «I Am A Genius» and «We’re Doomed!» and «Wowzers!» voiced by David Tennant in the first two series (2012–2013), and Mark Bonnar in the other three (2014–2016).
- Zigzoo, an eccentric tree frog who is the local inventor at Treetopolis, though not all of his inventions work out quite as well as he (or others) hope. Though it has never officially been confessed, certain episodes seem to suggest he may have a crush on Ariela. One of his catchphrases is «Oh Ribbety Roo» voiced by Tim Whitnall 2012–2015 David Holt 2016–xxxx.
- Squirmtum, a pill woodlouse who is a miner of sap in the caverns and general-purpose workman, and not the most intelligent of creatures. He can curl into a ball, and in that form he can roll fast. He wears a miner’s helmet with a firefly called Flicker as his helmet light. Voiced by Tim Whitnall 2012–2015 Duncan Wisbey 2016–xxxx.
- Ariela, the alpha female character, a beautiful but feisty butterfly in charge of the Branch Ranch at Treetopolis, generally does not accept help from others, and likes to get her own way; but she is always there when her friends need her. She is highly competitive and rather impatient. She appears to have the closest relationship with Zigzoo — who invents many gadgets for her ranch throughout the episodes. voiced by Samantha Dakin.
- The Mushas (Puffy and Stink), sister and brother respectively, forever arguing, and the main antagonists, two naughty animated toadstool-type fungi who cause trouble, though occasionally, Puffy seems to be the true antagonist. voiced by Sophie Aldred and Tim Whitnall 2012–2015 Duncan Wisbey 2016–xxxx.
- Rickety McGlum, an elderly spider of Treetopolis; he used to be thought of as scary, but is now a close friend to Tom and his friends. He is also a Squizzle expert and trainer, and leader of the Tree Fu Rangers. He is also the grandfather of Racquette. Voiced by Tim Whitnall 2012–2015 Duncan Wisbey 2016–xxxx.
- Treetog the Tree Spirit, the plump friendly leader of Treetopolis. She also acts as the schoolteacher, teaching the young sprite creatures and Tom traditional tree fu spells. Voiced by Sharon D. Clarke.
- Sprites including Chezz, Bertie, Hazel, Lavender, Sweetpea and Goose throughout the first series, these were only background characters, but they began to make more frequent appearances in the latter series. Chezz In particular is a very arrogant, badge-obsessed conker sprite with rhoticism, who likes to show off. Despite having mild respect for Tom, Chezz is usually arguing or attempting to compete with Twigs — often teasing him over his smaller size.
- Muru, enigmatic, Spanish, praying mantis introduced as part of the new 2016 cast, red magic teacher and friend of Tom. Has a magical stick that is able to rewind and fast forwards time. He uses an extension of tree fu magic (red magic) that allows the user to take on attributes of a big-world animal such as the speed of a cheetah or strength of an elephant. He uses a magic spell stone which has all the animal spells upon it. Voiced by David Holt.
- Racquette Troublesome female spiderling with a strong northern accent, and the granddaughter of Rickety. Although she loves and respects her granddad, she wishes he would allow her to adventure, believing him to be dull and overly cautious. She can be quite headstrong, though she usually realises when she makes a mistake. When bored or upset, she begins to spin webs in her hands. Spider’s appear to have a web spinning method similar to Spider-Man, from whereby it comes from their wrists. Voiced by Sophie Aldred
- Rootle and Shade, shy brother and sister dark sprites that live in the deep root caverns. Were afraid the light would turn them to jelly. Unlike the normal sprites, they lack wings and have snail shells upon their heads. Their ears and eyes are much larger than the other sprites. Rootle has an odd impediment where he switches the first letters of characters names around (Twom and Tigs, Pink and Stuffy, though he does not do this with Shade)
- The Nurdles including Billy, Lilly and Milky are the toothpastes.
History on CBeebies.[]
The show joined CBeebies in 2012, as one of the few series to celebrate the channel’s 10th anniversary.
- A video about Zigzoo from the show became the first video on CBeebies’ YouTube channel.